2. The relationship between fu organs


4/11/20243 min read

2. The relationship between fu organs

Although the physiological functions of the gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, triple burner and six fu organs are different, they are all organs that transform water into grains and circulate body fluids. A series of processes, such as the digestion and absorption of food, the distribution of body fluids, and the excretion of waste, are completed by the six fu organs under the condition of both division and cooperation. The stomach, gallbladder, and small intestine work closely together to complete the digestion and absorption of food, and pass the residue to the large intestine, where it is reabsorbed and excreted from the body. The storage and urination of the bladder is also related to the qi transformation of the triple burner. The functions of the triple burner include its involvement in digestion, absorption and excretion. Therefore, the six fu organs must coordinate with each other to maintain their normal physiological state of "reality but dissatisfaction", rising and falling in and out. Since the six fu organs transmit water and grains, they need to be continuously accepted and emptied, and the empty and the real are replaced, so there is a saying that "the six fu organs are used to communicate".

Why does "the six fu organs function through the communication"? Because after the food is ingested from the mouth, through the joint action of the six fu organs, digestion and absorption to the excretion of residues must be carried out continuously and transmitted from top to bottom. The contents of the six fu organs cannot remain stagnant, so it is said: "The six fu organs are the ones that transform water and grain into fluids" ("Lingshu·Benzang"). From this whole dynamic process, it can be seen that acceptance, The continuous process of digestion, conduction, and excretion is a process of constant replacement of reality and reality. The characteristics of the fu organs are that they are solid but not full. They should be unblocked but not stagnant. If they are full, they will be sick, and if they are stagnant, they will be harmed. Therefore, it is said: "the six fu-organs are used to communicate with each other" or "the six fu-organs are used to communicate with each other".

The six fu organs influence each other pathologically. For example, if there is excessive heat in the stomach and the body fluids are burned, it will inevitably lead to dry stools and unfavorable conduction in the large intestine. Abnormal conduction in the large intestine, dryness of the intestines, and constipation can also cause gastric disharmony, gastric qi ascending, and symptoms such as belching and vomiting. Another example is that gallbladder fire can often invade the stomach, causing vomiting, bitter water, and other symptoms of gastric disharmony. Damp-heat in the spleen and stomach fumigates in the gallbladder, causing bile to overflow, resulting in bitter mouth, jaundice, etc.

Regarding the treatment of diseases of the six fu organs, Chinese medicine also has a saying that "the way to nourish the six fu organs is to unblock them" and "it is best to unblock all the six fu organs". Because diseases of the six fu organs mostly manifest as blockage of transmission and transformation, if the six fu organs are unblocked after treatment, then the functions of the six fu organs will return to normal. Therefore, it is said that "diseases of the fu organs can be replenished by unblocking them." The so-called "toning" here does not refer to the use of tonic drugs to replenish the deficiencies of the internal organs, but the use of cathartic drugs to smooth the flow of the six fu organs. This can be called "toning" for diseases of the internal organs. However, it must be pointed out that not all diseases of the fu organs need to be treated with cathartic drugs to relieve their stagnation. Only when the function of the six fu organs in transmitting water and grains is blocked and manifests as syndrome, can "drugs be used as supplements". Otherwise, if there are symptoms of insufficient stomach yin, you should use sweet and cold yin-nourishing products to nourish stomach yin, so as to restore its physiological function of accepting and ripening.