
Clematis root – wei ling xian


+ شحن مجاني

Clematis root – wei ling xian,Radix Clematidis,Clematis herb,Clematidis Radix Et Rhizoma,clematis bare root,bare root clematis for sale,clematis rhizome,clematis roots for sale,Clematidis Radix Et Rhizoma, Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Nengxiao, Jiucaojie, English name: Clematidis Radix Et Rhizoma, main effects: dispelling rheumatism, unblocking meridians
The Chinese herbal medicine Clematidis Radix is ​​a rheumatism medicine, which is the dried root and rhizome of the Ranunculaceae plant Clematidis Radix, Clematis radix or Northeast Clematis
The medicinal properties of Clematidis Radix are pungent, salty and warm. It belongs to the bladder meridian.
Clematis Radix is ​​pungent, dispersing, salty, soft, warm and unblocked. It enters the bladder meridian (or the twelve meridians), is good at running around, and has strong and fast effects. It is good at dispelling rheumatism, unblocking meridians, and dispelling phlegm or softening hard masses. It is most suitable for rheumatic pain, cramps, numbness, flexion and extension difficulties and cold, and treats phlegm and fluid accumulation. Ancient people said that it can “soften bones” and is good at treating bone stuck in the throat. It can be boiled and taken with sugar and vinegar.
Clematis contains protooleanolic acid, hederagenin, protoanemonin, palmitic acid and other ingredients. It has the effects of dispelling rheumatism and unblocking meridians.

رمز التخزين التعريفي: لا يوجد فئات:

[Medicinal Use] The roots and rhizomes of the Ranunculaceae plant Clematischinensis Osbeck, C. hexapetala Pall or C. manshurica Rupr.
[Nature, flavor and meridians] pungent, salty, warm. Returns to the bladder meridian.
【Efficacy】Remove rheumatism and treat osteoarthritis.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for rheumatic arthralgia.
Clematis Xinxin Powder is good for walking, has a warm and tonifying nature, has the function of dispelling rheumatism, and has a good effect of unblocking collaterals and relieving pain. It is a commonly used drug for treating rheumatic paralysis. It is used for limb pain and athlete’s foot pain caused by rheumatism. It is often used in combination with Qianghuo, Duhuo, Achyranthes bidentata, Gentianae, etc.
2. Used for all kinds of bone and throat.
This product can also treat various bone and throat problems. You can use 15g of Clematis alone, decoct it in water, or add rice vinegar and decoct it in juice. Hold it in your mouth several times and swallow slowly.
[Prescription name] Clematis (wash, dry and chop into pieces)
[الجرعة العامة والاستخدام] 1 إلى 3 تشيان، يُغلى ويُؤخذ.
[Examples of prescriptions] Lingxian Chushen Drink (“Shen’s Zunsheng”): Clematis, Duhuo, Angelica dahurica, Atractylodes, Schizonepeta, Fangfeng, Red Peony, Angelicae, Chuanxiong, Ephedra, Pueraria, Citrus Aurantium, Platycodon, Licorice . Treat rheumatic arthralgia.
[Excerpt from literature] “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It governs all winds and is the one who promotes wind medicine and is good at walking.”
“Yu Hua Yi”: “Sex is violent and urgent, the lid moves away without guarding, and it unblocks the twelve meridians. It is mainly used to treat wind, dampness, phlegm, and blockage in the meridians, causing gout and pain in the joints, or swelling, or numbness.” ”
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It can be used to relieve thirst, accumulate dampness to stop phlegm, and blood coagulation and qi stagnation. It is suitable for all conditions. The taste is slightly pungent, so it is also called to dispel wind, but it only retains the coagulation of the three qi of wind, cold, and dampness.” Tunnel, joints are not good for various diseases, it is still suitable, and its nature is quite sharp, the meaning of the name can be imagined. ”
This product is the dried roots and rhizomes of Clematis chinensis Osbeck, Clematis hexapetala Pall. or Clematis manshurica Rupr; of the Ranunaceae family. Excavate in autumn, remove sediment and dry in the sun.
The rhizome of Clematis is columnar, 1.5~10cm long and 0.3~1.5cm in diameter; the surface is light brown; the stem base remains at the top; the texture is tough and the cross-section is fibrous; there are many fine roots growing on the lower side. The root is slender and cylindrical, slightly curved, 7~15cm long and 0.1~0.3cm in diameter; the surface is dark brown with fine vertical lines, and some of the bark peels off, exposing the yellowish-white wood; the texture is hard and brittle, easy to break, and the cross section The bark is wider, the wood is light yellow, slightly square, and there are often cracks between the bark and the wood. The smell is slight and the taste is light.
The rhizome of Clematis cotton is short columnar, 1~4cm long and 0.5~1cm in diameter. The root is 4~20cm long and 0.1~0.2cm in diameter; the surface is tan to brown-black; the cross-section of the wood is round. The rhizome of Northeastern Clematis with salty taste is columnar, 1~11cm long and 0.5~2.5cm in diameter. The roots are relatively dense, 5~23cm long, 0.1~0.4cm in diameter; the surface is brown and black; the cross-section of the wood is nearly round. Spicy
(1) Cross section of the root of this product: The outer wall of the epidermal cells of Clematis clematis is thickened and brown-black. The cortex is wide and composed of parenchyma cells. The outer cortex cells are tangentially extended: the endodermis is obvious. There are often fiber bundles and stone cells on the outside of the phloem, with fiber diameters ranging from 18 to 43um. The cambium layer is obvious. The xylem is all lignified. The parietal cells contain starch granules. The outer cortex cells of Clematis cotton are multi-radially elongated, and the 1 to 2 rows of cell walls immediately adjacent to the outer cortex are slightly thickened. There are no fiber bundles and stone cells on the outside of the phloem. In Northeastern Clematis, the outer cortex cells are extended radially, and the old roots are slightly extended tangentially. There are occasional fibers and stone cells on the outside of the phloem.
(2) Take 1g of this product powder, add 50ml of ethanol, heat and reflux for 2 hours, filter, concentrate the filtrate to 20ml, add 3ml of hydrochloric acid, heat and reflux for 1 hour, add 10ml of water, let cool, and add petroleum ether (60~90℃) Extract by shaking for 25 m, evaporate the petroleum to dryness, and dissolve the residue with 10 ml of absolute ethanol to serve as the test solution. Take another oleanolic acid reference substance, add absolute ethanol to make a solution containing 0.45mg per 1m, and use it as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography (General Chapter 0502) test, absorb 3μ of each of the above two solutions and spot them on the same silica gel G thin layer plate. Use toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid (20:3:0.2) as the developing agent. Place the laminate in a development jar to pre-saturate it for 30 minutes, unfold it, take it out, dry it, spray it with 10% sulfuric acid ethanol solution, and heat it at 105°C until the spots are clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test product, spots of the same color appear at the positions corresponding to the chromatogram of the reference substance.
Moisture content must not exceed 15.0% (General Rule 0832 Second Method).
لا يجوز أن يتجاوز إجمالي محتوى الرماد 10.0% (القاعدة العامة 2302).
Acid-insoluble ash shall not exceed 4.0% (General Chapter 2302).
Determine according to the hot soak method under the determination of alcohol-soluble leachables (General Chapter 2201), using ethanol as the solvent, not less than 15.0%.
【تحديد المحتوى】
Determine according to high performance liquid chromatography (General Chapter 0512).
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: Octadecylsilane bonded silica gel is used as the filler; acetonitrile-water (90:10) is used as the mobile phase; the detection wavelength is 205nm. The number of theoretical plates should not be less than 3000 based on the oleanolic acid peak.
Preparation of reference substance solution: Take an appropriate amount of oleanolic acid reference substance, weigh it accurately, add methanol to make a solution containing 1 mg per 1 ml, and you have it.
Preparation of test solution: Take about 4g of this product powder (passed through No. 4 sieve), weigh it accurately, put it in a Soxhlet extractor, add an appropriate amount of ethyl acetate, heat and reflux for 3 hours, discard the ethyl acetate liquid and drug residue. Evaporate the solvent to dryness, transfer it to the Erlenmeyer flask together with the filter paper tube, add 50ml of dilute ethanol accurately, weigh it, heat and reflux for 1 hour, let it cool, weigh it again, make up for the lost weight with dilute ethanol, shake well, and filter Precisely measure 25m of the additional filtrate, place it on a water bath and evaporate to dryness. Add 2 mol of hydrochloric acid solution to the residue (30m) to dissolve, and heat and reflux for 2 hours. Cool immediately, transfer to a separatory funnel, wash the container with 10ml of water in batches, and merge the washing liquid into In the separatory funnel, add ethyl acetate and shake for 3 times, 15ml each time. Combine the ethyl acetate solution and concentrate to almost dryness below 70°C. Add methanol to dissolve. Transfer to a 10ml measuring flask. Add methanol to the mark and shake well. , that’s it.
Determination method: Precisely absorb 10m each of the reference solution and the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and measure.
Calculated as dry product, this product contains no less than 0.30% oleanolic acid (C30H4803).
Remove impurities, wash, moisten, cut into sections, and dry.
This product is in irregular segments. The surface is dark brown, tan or brown-black, with fine vertical lines, and some of the skin falls off, revealing yellow-white wood. The bark on the cut surface is wider, the wood is light yellow, slightly square or nearly round, and there are often cracks between the bark and the wood.
(Except cross section)
【Inspection】】【Leachate】【Content Determination】
Same medicinal materials.
【Nature, flavor and meridian tropism】
Pungent, salty, warm. Returns to the bladder meridian.
[Functions and Indications]
Dispel rheumatism and clear meridians. It is used for rheumatic arthralgia, numbness of the limbs, cramped tendons and veins, and difficulty in flexion and extension.
【الاستخدام والجرعة】
6~10 جرام.
Store in a dry place.
Where are the main origins of Clematis?
Mainly produced in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, and Shandong.
Where are the main medicinal parts of Clematis?
The medicinal parts of Clematis:
They are the dried roots and rhizomes of Clematis chinensis Osbeck, Clematis hexapetala Pall. or Clematis manshurica Rupr. Excavate in autumn, remove sediment and dry in the sun.
Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Clematis:
The rhizome is early columnar, 1.5~10cm long, 0.3~1.5cm in diameter; the surface is light yellow: the stem base remains at the top: the texture is tough, the cross section is fibrous, and many fine roots grow on the lower side.
The root is slender and cylindrical, slightly curved, 7~15cm long and 0.1~0.3cm in diameter; the surface is dark brown with fine vertical lines, and some of the bark peels off, exposing the yellowish-white wood; the texture is hard and brittle, easy to break, and the cross section The bark is wider, the wood is light yellow, slightly square, and there are often cracks between the bark and the wood. The smell is slight and tasteless.
Cotton ball clematis
The rhizome is short columnar, 1~4cm long and 0.5~1cm in diameter. The root is 4~20cm long and 0.1~0.2cm in diameter; the surface is tan to brown-black; the cross-section of the wood is round. It tastes salty.
The rhizome of Northeast Clematis is early columnar, 1~11cm long and 0.5~2.5cm in diameter. The roots are relatively dense, 5~23cm long and 0.1~0.4cm in diameter; the surface is brown and black: the cross section of the wood is nearly round. It tastes spicy.
How are Clematis recorded in ancient historical books?
“Newly Revised Materia Medica”: “All cold diseases in the waist, kidneys, ankles, accumulation, and intestines, which have persisted for many years, are cured by taking this medicine.”
“Kaibao Materia Medica”: “It regulates various winds, unblocks the five Tibetans, removes cold stagnation in the abdomen, long-term accumulation of phlegm and water in the heart and diaphragm, symptoms of fatigue, swelling, gas blockage, bladder prolapse, pus accumulation and bad water, cold pain and fractures in the waist and knees.” hurt.
الوظيفة والفعالية
Clematis has the effect of dispelling rheumatism and unblocking meridians.
What are the main functions and clinical applications of Clematis?
Clematis is used for rheumatic paralysis, numbness of limbs, spasm of muscles and veins, and difficulty in flexion and extension. Bi syndrome
To treat wind-cold-damp paralysis, limb numbness, muscle spasm, and difficulty in flexion and extension, it can be used alone or in combination with Qianghuo, Fangji, and Ligusticum chuanxiong.
What other benefits does Clematis have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely eaten as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e., edible medicinal substances). According to documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Clematis can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for Clematis are as follows:
Expelling wind, removing dampness, unblocking collaterals and relieving pain
·500g Clematis, 1500mL liquor.
Chop the clematis and add white wine. Simmer in a pot with water for half an hour: filter and set aside. .
Take 10~20mL each time, 3~4 times a day. .
The use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used arbitrarily, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
What are the compound preparations containing Clematis?
Bone spurs plain film
Replenishes essence and marrow, strengthens muscles and bones, unblocks collaterals and relieves pain.
Modern research progress on Clematis
This product has various pharmacological effects such as analgesic, antidiuretic, antimalarial, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, choleretic, etc.
كيفية الاستخدام
Clematis has the effect of dispelling rheumatism and unblocking meridians. Clematis decoction pieces are generally used, and can be taken internally or externally.
How to use Clematis correctly?
When Clematis decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 6~10g, and 30g can be used to treat bone worms.
For external use, mash an appropriate amount of Clematis and apply it on the affected area, or decoct it with water, fumigate and wash the affected area.
Note: Fresh Clematis should not be taken internally; Clematis should not be taken excessively or for a long time; external use should not be used for too long.
Through different processing methods, Chinese herbal medicine pieces such as Clematis and Liquor Clematis can be produced. Different preparation methods have different effects, but the medication method is the same. Please follow your doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Clematis is usually taken in decoction or decoction, or it can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
In addition, clematis can also be brewed into wine. Clematis soaked alone in wine has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, unblocking collaterals and relieving pain; it can also be mixed with traditional Chinese medicines such as epimedium, dog’s spine, and Acanthopanax bark to make wine, which has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, dispelling wind, cold and dehumidification.
How to prepare Clematis?
Take the raw medicinal materials, remove impurities, wash, moisten, cut into sections or thick slices, and dry. Sieve to remove crumbs. wine clematis
·Take clean Clematis segments or slices, add a certain amount of rice wine, mix well, and moisten slightly. After the wine is exhausted, place it in a frying container, heat it over a slow fire, stir-fry it dry, take it out, and let it cool. Sieve to remove crumbs.
For every 100kg of Clematis segments or slices, use 10kg of rice wine.
Which drugs require special attention when used together with Clematis?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment. If you are using other medicines, please consult a doctor before taking medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plans you are receiving.
تعليمات الدواء
Clematis has a wandering nature, and taking it for a long time can easily damage your health, so those who are weak should be careful when taking it.
What precautions should be taken when using Clematis?
·This product is pungent and scattered, so people with weak Qi and blood should take it with caution.
During the medication period, you should pay attention to avoid eating cold, raw and cold foods, avoid eating spicy and greasy foods, and avoid smoking and alcohol. Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
·الأطفال: يجب أن يتم وصف الدواء للأطفال تحت إشراف طبيب وإشراف شخص بالغ.
·يرجى حفظ المواد الطبية بطريقة صحيحة وعدم إعطاء المواد الطبية التي تستخدمها للآخرين.
Avoid using copper or iron utensils to cook medicine. .
نصائح حول الدواء
الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعاً من قبل المرضى
What are the effects of clematis bubble wine?
[Composition] 500g of Clematis, 1500ml of white wine.
[Preparation and Usage] Chop the clematis into small pieces, add white wine, simmer in a pot with water for half an hour, filter and set aside. 10~20ml each time, 3~4 times a day. [Efficacy] Expelling wind and dampness, unblocking collaterals and relieving pain. [Indications and Application] Wind-cold-dampness syndrome. It is used for pain, soreness, heaviness, numbness, swelling of joints, and difficulty in flexion and extension in bones, muscles, joints, etc. caused by exogenous wind, cold and dampness, or excessive wind evil. It can assist in the treatment of bone hyperplasia and rheumatoid arthritis. [Caution on use] Clematis is prone to wandering around. Taking it too much may damage the healthy energy. People with weak constitution should use it with caution.
Can Clematis cure gout?
Clematis mainly plays the role of dispelling rheumatism, unblocking collaterals, relieving pain, and eliminating bone stems. It has a certain therapeutic effect on joint pain caused by rheumatism.
For gouty arthritis, it can play a certain therapeutic role, but it needs to be used in combination with traditional Chinese medicine based on disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation.
If acute gouty arthritis attacks, it is still necessary to combine it with western medicine to control the condition.
Pay attention to monitoring the progress of the disease and follow the doctor’s instructions for regular follow-up visits.



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