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ফ্যাং ফেং - সাপোশনিকোভিয়া ডিভারিকাটা


+ বিনামূল্যে শিপিং

Fangfeng [fang feng], a Chinese herbal medicine, is also known as Guanfangfeng, Beifangfeng, Pangfangfeng, and its English name is Saposhnikoviae Radix. Its main functions are to dispel wind and relieve exterior symptoms, overcome dampness and relieve pain, and stop spasms.
The Chinese herbal medicine Fangfeng is a herbal medicine for relieving exterior symptoms, and is the dried root of the Umbelliferae plant Fangfeng.
Fangfeng is pungent, sweet, and slightly warm. It enters the bladder, liver, and spleen meridians.
Fangfeng is pungent, slightly warm, and dispersing, and is sweet and slow, not harsh. The properties of raw and charred Fangfeng are different. Raw Fangfeng is pungent, dispersing, sweet, and slow, and is slightly warm and slow. It enters the bladder and spleen meridians, dispersing external wind, overcoming dampness, and relieving pain; it enters the liver meridian, dispersing internal wind and stopping spasms. It is a general medicine for treating wind, which is suitable for dispersing external wind and calming internal wind, and can treat wind-cold, wind-heat, and exterior symptoms with dampness. It is most suitable for treating the three evils of wind, cold, and dampness. Stir-fried charcoal, more astringent and less dispersing, astringent and dispersing, enters the spleen and liver meridians and is good at stopping bleeding and diarrhea, suitable for treating metrorrhagia and diarrhea.
This product contains chromone components, coumarin components, acidic polysaccharides, volatile oils and other components, and has the effects of dispelling wind and relieving exterior symptoms, eliminating dampness and relieving pain, and stopping.

SKU: N/A বিভাগ:

Saposhnikovia divaricata
[Medicinal Use] This product is the root of the Saposhnikovia divaricata plant of the Umbelliferae family.

[Nature and flavor and meridians] Spicy, sweet, slightly warm. Enters the bladder, liver, and spleen meridians.

[Effects] Dispel wind and relieve exterior symptoms, overcome dampness and relieve spasms, stop diarrhea and stop bleeding.

[Clinical Application] 1. Used for colds and wind-cold, fever and chills, headaches, body pains. And colds and wind-heat, fever and chills, red eyes, sore throat and other symptoms.

Saposhnikovia divaricata is good at dispelling wind, which can dispel wind and cold, and can dispel wind and heat. It has similar effects to Schizonepeta tenuifolia, so the two medicines are often used in combination.

2. Used for rheumatism and arthralgia

Saposhnikovia divaricata can dispel rheumatism and relieve pain. It is often used in combination with Qianghuo, Fangji and other drugs to treat rheumatism and arthralgia. 3. Used for tetanus, clenched jaws, opisthotonos Saposhnikovia divaricata treats tetanus and has the effect of dispelling wind and stopping spasms, but it is often used in combination with Tiannanxing, Gastrodia elata, and Baifuzi.

In addition, this product has the effects of stopping bleeding and stopping diarrhea. For example, it is often used in combination with white peony root, white atractylodes, and tangerine peel for abdominal pain and diarrhea; for blood in stool and metrorrhagia, it is generally used in charcoal.

[Prescription name] Fangfeng, green Fangfeng (raw, mainly used to relieve the symptoms, dispel rheumatism, and relieve spasms)

Fried Fangfeng (fried until brown, the diaphoretic effect is mild, used to stop diarrhea)

Fangfeng charcoal (fried until black, used to stop bleeding)

[General dosage and usage] One to three coins, decocted.

[Comments] 1. Fangfeng, as the name suggests, is a medicine for treating wind and relieving pain. It can dispel wind and cold and relieve the symptoms, and dispel rheumatism and relieve pain. Because it is slightly warm and not dry, and the medicinal properties are relatively mild, it can also be used for wind-heat carbuncle, red and swollen eyes, throat discomfort, etc., and can be used with schizonepeta, mint, forsythia, gardenia, and scutellaria. As for the wind-dispelling and spasm-relieving effects, the effect is relatively weak. For example, when used to treat tetanus, this product can only be used as an auxiliary medicine and cannot be used alone.

2. Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia are often used together to dispel wind and relieve exterior symptoms, just like ephedra and cinnamon twigs are used to induce sweating and relieve exterior symptoms, which is also a complementary effect. However, the dispersing power of Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia is not as good as that of ephedra and cinnamon twigs, and the effect is relatively mild. As for the comparison between Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia, Schizonepeta has a stronger sweating effect, while Saposhnikovia has a better effect of dispelling wind and relieving pain.

3. According to clinical experience, the fried use of Saposhnikovia can reduce its wind-dispelling power, but it has the effect of stopping diarrhea and can be used for diarrhea.

4. Saposhnikovia fried charcoal can also be used for those with metrorrhagia and light blood color. Compared with Paojiang, which warms the meridians and stops bleeding, its function is similar but weaker.

[Example of prescription] Saposhnikovia Decoction (Zhengzhi Zhunsheng): Saposhnikovia, Pueraria, Gentiana macrophylla, cinnamon twig, licorice, angelica, apricot kernel, scutellaria, red tuckahoe, ginger. Treat cold and headache.

Yuzhen Powder (Yi Zong Jin Jian): Fangfeng, Angelica dahurica, Gastrodia elata, Qianghuo, Baifuzi, Nanxing. Treat tetanus.

Liangjing Decoction (Yi Zong Jin Jian): Fangfeng, Uncaria rhynchophylla, Indigo naturalis, Coptis chinensis, Bezoar, Ginger. Treat spasms in children.

【Literature Excerpt】《本经》: “It is used to treat dizziness and pain in the head caused by severe wind, aversion to wind evil, blindness, wind spreading throughout the body, and pain in the joints.”

《千金方》: “It can relieve the poison of Aconitum”, “It can relieve the poison of Gentiana scabra”

《珍宝囊》: “It can treat wind evil in the upper part of the body, relieve lung fullness, disperse stagnant qi in the head and eyes, and retain dampness in the meridians.”

《菊人医话》: “When infants are a few months old, they suffer from heat stagnation, weak spleen yang, diarrhea for many days, sunken fontanelles, less milk intake, and extreme fragility. A small dose of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is given, and the cimicifuga is replaced with simmered Saposhnikovia divaricata. The next day, the diarrhea stops and the fontanelle rises.” It also says: “According to Dongyuan’s use of cimicifuga to raise spleen yang, it is often considered excessive; Tianshi uses Saposhnikovia divaricata instead, which is safer.”

Saposhnikovia divaricata
This product is the dried root of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk, a plant of the Umbelliferae family. In spring and autumn, the roots of plants without flowering stems are dug up, the fibrous roots and mud are removed, and the roots are dried in the sun.
This product is oblong-conical or oblong-cylindrical, tapering at the bottom, and some are slightly curved. It is 15-30 cm long and 0.5-2 cm in diameter. The surface is gray-brown or brown-brown, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles, many transverse lenticel-like protrusions, and dot-shaped fine root marks. The root head has obvious dense rings, and some rings have brown-brown hairy leaf bases. The body is light, loose, easy to break, and the cross section is uneven. The cortex is brown to brown with cracks, and the wood is yellow. The smell is specific and the taste is slightly sweet.
(1) Cross-section of this product: The cork layer is 5-30 rows of cells, the inner cork layer is narrow, and there are large oval oil tubes. The phloem is wide, with many quasi-circular oil tubes, surrounded by 4-8 secretory cells, and golden secretions can be seen in the tubes; the rays are mostly curved, and the outer side is often cracked. The cambium is obvious. There are many xylem vessels, which are arranged radially. There is pith at the root head. Stone cells are occasionally seen in the parenchyma, which are pinkish brown. The diameter of the oil tube is 17~60um, filled with golden secretions, and the vascular bundles of the leaf base are often accompanied by fiber bundles. The diameter of the reticular vessels is 14~85um. Stone cells are rare, yellow-green, oblong or rectangular, and have thick walls.
(2) Take 19 grams of the powder of this product, add 20 ml of acetone, ultrasonically treat for 20 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate, and add 1 ml of ethanol to dissolve the residue as the test solution. Take 1g of the reference medicinal material of Fangfeng and prepare the reference medicinal material solution in the same way. Then take the reference substance of cimicifuga glycoside and the reference substance of 5-0-methylvisaminol glycoside, add ethanol to prepare a mixed solution containing 1 mg of each per 1 ml, as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), 104 of each of the above three solutions are taken and spotted on the same silica gel GF>54 thin layer plate, and chloroform-methanol (4:1) is used as the developing agent. Develop, take out, dry, and examine under ultraviolet light (254nm). In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference sample.
The moisture content shall not exceed 10.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
The total ash content shall not exceed 6.5% (General Rule 2302)
The acid-insoluble ash content shall not exceed 1.5% (General Rule 2302)
Determine according to the hot leaching method under the alcohol-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), using ethanol as the solvent, and shall not be less than 13.0%.
[বিষয়বস্তু নির্ধারণ]
Determine according to the high performance liquid chromatography method (General Rule 0512). Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test Octadecylsilane bonded silica gel is used as filler; methanol-water (40:60) is used as mobile phase; detection wavelength is 254nm. The number of theoretical plates calculated based on the peak of cimicifuga glycosides should not be less than 2000.
Preparation of reference solution Take appropriate amount of cimicifuga glycoside reference and 5-0-methylvisaminol glycoside reference, accurately weigh, add methanol to make a solution containing 60ug per 1ml, and obtain
Preparation of test solution Take about 0.25g of fine powder of this product, accurately weigh, put it in a stoppered conical bottle, accurately add 10ml of methanol, weigh the weight, reflux in a water bath for 2 hours, cool, weigh again, make up the lost weight with methanol, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate to obtain.
Determination method Accurately aspirate 3m of reference solution and 2m of test solution respectively, inject into liquid chromatograph, and determine, and obtain.
Calculated on the basis of dry product, the total amount of cimicifuga glycoside (C22H28011) and 5-0-methylvisaminol glycoside (C22H28010) contained in this product shall not be less than 0.24%.
ক্বাথ টুকরা
Remove impurities, wash, moisten thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry.
This product is a round or oval thick slice. The outer skin is gray-brown or brown-brown, with longitudinal wrinkles, some with visible transverse lenticel-like protrusions, dense annular patterns or residual hairy leaf bases. The cut surface of the cortex is brown-yellow to brown with cracks, and the wood is yellow with radial texture. The smell is specific and the taste is slightly sweet.
[Identification] [Inspection] [Extract] [Content determination]
ঔষধি উপকরণ হিসাবে একই.
[প্রকৃতি এবং স্বাদ এবং মেরিডিয়ান]
Spicy, sweet, slightly warm. It enters the bladder, liver, and spleen meridians.
[ফাংশন এবং ইঙ্গিত]
Dispel wind and relieve exterior symptoms, overcome dampness and relieve pain, and stop spasms. Used for colds and headaches, rheumatic pain, urticaria and tetanus.
[Usage and dosage] 5~10g.
[Storage] Store in a cool and dry place to prevent moths.
Where is the main medicinal part of Saposhnikovia divaricate?
Medicinal part of Saposhnikovia divaricate: This product is the dried root of Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz.) Schischk. of the Umbelliferae family. The roots of plants without flower stems are dug in spring and autumn, and the fibrous roots and mud are removed and dried.
Characteristics of the medicinal part of Saposhnikovia divaricate: This product is oblong-conical or oblong-cylindrical, tapering at the bottom, and some are slightly curved, 15~30cm long and 0.5~2cm in diameter. The surface is gray-brown or brownish-brown, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles, many horizontal long lenticel-like protrusions and dot-shaped fine root marks.
There are obvious dense ring patterns on the root head, and some ring patterns have brown-brown hairy leaf bases. It is light, loose, easy to break, with uneven cross section, brown to brown skin with cracks, and yellow wood. It has a unique smell and a slightly sweet taste.
How are Fangfeng recorded in ancient books?
“Shennong’s Herbal Classic”: “It is used to treat strong wind, dizziness, aversion to wind, wind evil, blindness, wind all over the body, pain and numbness in the joints, and fullness.
“Famous Doctors’ Records”: “Pain in the ribs, wind in the head and face, cramps in the limbs, spasms in the breasts and wounds.
“Ben Cao Meng Quan”: “It can cure all pains in the body, and it is also a moisturizer among wind medicines. It is generally used to treat wind and dispel dampness.
Saposhnikovia divaricata has the effects of dispelling wind and relieving exterior symptoms, overcoming dampness and relieving pain, and stopping spasms
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Saposhnikovia divaricata?
Saposhnikovia divaricata is used for colds and headaches, rheumatic arthralgia, urticaria and tetanus.
Exterior symptoms
· Treat the exterior symptoms of wind-cold and dampness, with symptoms such as aversion to cold, fever, no sweating, heavy and painful head, and sore limbs. It can be used with Qianghuo, Baizhi, and Xixin. · Treat wind-heat colds, with symptoms such as headaches and fatigue, fever and aversion to colds, nasal congestion and runny nose, cough and sore throat, etc. It is often used with mint, schizonepeta, and forsythia. · For those with superficial deficiency, loose pores, and easy colds, it can be used with Astragalus and Atractylodes macrocephala. Arthralgia
· Treat wind-cold and dampness arthralgia, often used with Tougucao, Chuanxiong, and Angelica sinensis. · Treat Rheumatism and heat arthralgia, often used with earthworm, coix seed, black-banded snake, etc. Rubella itching
·Use it with schizonepeta.
·Tetanus, see clenched jaws, body rigidity, opisthotonos, etc. Often used with Gastrodia elata, Arisaema, Rhizoma Aconiti Lateralis Preparata, etc.
What are the compound preparations containing saposhnikovia?
Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills
Relieve the exterior and clear the interior, clear away heat and detoxify. Used for external cold and internal heat, both exterior and interior fullness, aversion to cold and high fever, headache and dry throat, short and red urine, constipation, scrofula, urticaria and wet sores at the beginning.
Jiuwei Qianghuo Pills
Dispel wind and relieve the exterior, dispel cold and remove dampness. Used for colds caused by exogenous wind, cold and dampness, symptoms include aversion to cold, fever, no sweating, heavy and painful head, and sore limbs.
Gaoganshu Granules
Dispel wind and clear heat, release the exterior and clear the lungs. Used for wind-heat cold, headache, fatigue, fever, aversion to cold, nasal congestion and runny nose, and cough pain.
Yupingfeng Oral Liquid/Capsules / Granules
Replenishing Qi, strengthening the exterior, and stopping sweating. Used for those with weak exterior, spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, pale complexion, or weak body susceptible to wind evil.
Yuzhen Powder
Extinguish wind, calm spasms, and relieve pain. Used for tetanus caused by wind in metal wounds, with symptoms of stiff tendons and veins, convulsions of hands and feet, and can also be used for external treatment of injuries from falls.
Xiaofeng Powder
Dispels wind and dampness, clears heat and nourishes blood. Mainly treats rubella and eczema. Itchy skin, red rash, or cloud-like spots all over the body, and fluid oozes out after scratching.
Tongue and diarrhea prescription
Tonify the spleen and soften the liver, remove dampness and stop diarrhea. Mainly treat painful diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and liver hyperactivity. Intestinal rumbling and abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal pain after diarrhea, pain relief after diarrhea.
Modern research progress on Saposhnikovia divaricata
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as antipyretic, sedative, analgesic, anti-allergic, immune function regulation, anticoagulant, and anti-tumor.
Usage method
Saposhnikovia divaricata has the effects of dispelling wind and relieving exterior symptoms, overcoming dampness and relieving pain , antispasmodic effect. Fangfeng is generally used as Fangfeng slices, decocted and taken orally.
How to use Fangfeng correctly?
When Fangfeng decoction is taken orally, the common dosage is 5~10g.
When Fangfeng is used externally, take an appropriate amount of Fangfeng, decoct and wash the affected area again.
Through different processing methods, Chinese medicinal slices such as Fangfeng, fried Fangfeng, and Fangfeng carbon can be produced. It should be used raw for postoperative bleeding, and fried carbon is suitable for hemostasis. Different processing methods have different effects, please follow the doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Fangfeng is generally added to decoctions, decocted and taken, and can also be made into powder or pills for consumption. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials must be differentiated and treated, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it is even more forbidden to listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
How to process Fangfeng?
Take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities, wash, moisten, cut thick slices, dry, and sieve out debris. Stir-fried Fangfeng
Take clean Fangfeng slices, place them in a stir-frying container, heat them over medium heat, stir-fry until the surface is dark yellow with slight burnt spots, take them out and let them cool. Sieve away the debris. Fangfeng charcoal
Take clean Fangfeng slices, place them in a stir-frying container, heat them over high heat, stir-fry until the surface is black and the inside is dark brown, spray a little water, extinguish the sparks, take them out and let them dry.
Which drugs should be used with Fangfeng at the same time with special attention?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicine require syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment.
আপনি যদি অন্য ওষুধ ব্যবহার করেন, তাহলে ওষুধ খাওয়ার আগে অনুগ্রহ করে একজন ডাক্তারের সাথে পরামর্শ করুন এবং আপনার নির্ণয় করা সমস্ত রোগ এবং আপনি যে চিকিত্সার পরিকল্পনা গ্রহণ করছেন সে সম্পর্কে ডাক্তারকে জানান।
ব্যবহারের জন্য নির্দেশাবলী
Fangfeng tastes spicy and slightly warm, hurts yin blood and helps fire, so people with blood deficiency and spasm and yin deficiency and fire should be careful when taking it.
What precautions should be taken when using Fangfeng?
People with yin blood deficiency and excessive heat and wind should not use it.
·During the medication period, you should pay attention to avoid eating cold, raw and cold foods, spicy and greasy foods. Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and ask whether Chinese medicine can be used to treat cold.
· শিশু: শিশুদের ওষুধ অবশ্যই ডাক্তারের নির্দেশনা এবং প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদের তত্ত্বাবধানে করা উচিত।
· অনুগ্রহ করে ঔষধ সামগ্রী সঠিকভাবে সংরক্ষণ করুন এবং আপনার নিজের ঔষধি সামগ্রী অন্যকে দেবেন না।
How to identify and use Fangfeng?
·Fangfeng raw products have strong pungent and dispersing power, and are good at dispelling wind, overcoming dampness, and stopping spasms. It is used for exogenous wind-cold, rheumatic pain, joint pain, rubella, eczema, skin itching, and tetanus.
The pungent and dispersing power of fried Fangfeng is weakened, and it has a good antidiarrheal effect (large dose). It is used for diarrhea, or long-term diarrhea. After Fangfeng is fried into charcoal, the pungent and dispersing power is very weak, and it is good at stopping bleeding. It is used for bleeding syndromes such as metrorrhagia, bloody stools, and menorrhagia.
Medication tips
রোগীদের দ্বারা প্রায়শই জিজ্ঞাসিত প্রশ্ন
Does Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills treat urticaria?
Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills can assist in the treatment of urticaria.
It is composed of Saposhnikovia divaricata, Nepeta tenuifolia, Peppermint, Ephedra, Rhubarb, Glauber’s Salt, Gardenia jasminoides, Talc, Platycodon grandiflorum, Gypsum, Chuanxiong, Angelica sinensis, White Peony Root, Scutellaria baicalensis, Forsythia suspensa, Licorice, Atractylodes macrocephala (fried).
It has the effects of dispelling exterior pathogens and clearing away interior pathogens, clearing away heat and detoxifying.
It is used for external cold and internal heat, both exterior and interior solidity, aversion to cold and high fever, headache and dry throat, short and red urine, constipation, initial onset of scrofula, urticaria and wet sores. Oral administration is generally chosen. 6g at a time, twice a day.
During the medication period, do not eat spicy and greasy foods, as well as hair-raising foods, etc., and do not drink alcohol. At the same time, antihistamines can be added to treat urticaria according to the patient’s condition.
What is the difference between Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia?
Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia are both antipyretics, pungent and slightly warm, warm but not dry, good at dispelling wind, and can be used for external symptoms, whether it is wind-cold cold, aversion to cold and fever, headache without sweating, or wind-heat cold, fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, headache, sore throat, etc. At the same time, both can also be used for urticaria and itching. However, Schizonepeta is light and transparent, and its sweating power is stronger than Saposhnikovia. It is often used for wind-cold cold and wind-heat cold; it can also dispel rashes and eliminate sores. Saposhnikovia is loose and moist, and has a stronger wind-dispelling power. It is a “moisturizing agent for wind medicine” and a “general medicine for treating wind”. It can overcome dampness, relieve pain, and stop spasms. It can also be used for external rheumatism, headaches like wrapping, heaviness of the body and pain in the limbs.


1 কেজি, 10 কেজি, 100 কেজি, 500 কেজি, 1000 কেজি


কোন রিভিউ এখনো আছে।

"Fang feng – Saposhnikovia divaricata" পর্যালোচনা করা প্রথম হন

আপনার ই-মেইল এ্যাড্রেস প্রকাশিত হবে না। * চিহ্নিত বিষয়গুলো আবশ্যক।

বাজারের ব্যাগ