
Fritillaria thunbergii – Zhe bei mu


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Fritillaria thunbergii, [zhe bei mu], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: big shellfish, elephant shellfish, English name: FRITILLARIAE THUNBERGII BULBUS Main effects: clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, detoxifying, dispersing knots and eliminating carbuncle.
Fritillaria thunbergii is a phlegm-resolving, cough-relieving and asthma-relieving medicine. It is the dried bulb of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq., a plant of the Liliaceae family.
Fritillaria thunbergii is bitter and cold in nature. It enters the lung and heart meridians. This product mainly contains alkaloids: Fritillaria A (Fritillaria A), Fritillaria B (Fritillaria B), Fritillaria ketone, Fritillaria cin, isoflavine, Fritillaria glycoside, Fritillaria C and so on.
Fritillaria thunbergii has the effects of clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, detoxifying, dispersing knots and eliminating carbuncle. It is used for wind-heat cough, phlegm-fire cough, lung abscess, breast abscess, scrofula, and sores.

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[Medicinal use] This product is the bulb of Fritillaria cirrhosa, Fritillaria cirrhosa, and Fritillaria thunbergii of the Liliaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Fritillaria cirrhosa: bitter, sweet, slightly cold. Fritillaria thunbergii: bitter, cold. Enters the heart and lung meridians.
[Effects] Relieve cough and resolve phlegm, clear heat and disperse stagnation.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for chronic cough due to lung deficiency, dry throat with little phlegm, cough due to exogenous wind-heat, cough due to phlegm accumulation due to depression of fire, and yellow and thick sputum.
Both Fritillaria cirrhosa and Fritillaria thunbergii are cold in nature and bitter in taste. They can clear the lungs, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. They can be used for cough due to phlegm heat. However, Chuanbei is cool and sweet, and has the function of moistening the lungs, but its ability to clear heat and disperse nodules is not as good as that of Zhejiang Fritillaria, so it is suitable for lung deficiency, long-term cough, less phlegm and dry throat, etc., and can be used with Adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, Asparagus cochinchinensis and other products; Zhejiang Fritillaria has a stronger bitter and cold nature, and has a stronger purgative power. It is mostly used for cough caused by exogenous wind evil, phlegm and heat in the lungs, and is often used in combination with mulberry leaves, almonds, burdock seeds, and Peucedanum chinense.
2. Used for scrofula, sores, carbuncles, swelling and poison, lung abscess, and breast abscess.
Both clams have the effect of clearing heat and dispersing nodules, and can be used for scrofula, sores, carbuncles, breast abscesses and lung abscesses. However, Zhejiang Fritillaria is more bitter and cold, and is good at clearing heat and dispersing nodules, so it is generally believed that Zhejiang Fritillaria is better. In clinical application, it can be used with Scrophularia and Oyster to treat scrofula; it can be used with Forsythia, Taraxacum, Radix Trichosanthis to treat sores and carbuncle; it can be used with fresh Reed Root, Raw Coix Seed, Wax Gourd Seed, Houttuynia Cordata to treat lung abscess.
[Prescription Name] Fritillaria cirrhosa, Fritillaria chuanxiensis, Fritillaria jingchuanxiensis (all Fritillaria cirrhosa), Fritillaria thunbergii, Fritillaria tzuchongensis (all Fritillaria tzuchongensis)
[General Dosage and Usage] One to three qian, decocted and taken. Fritillaria cirrhosa is more expensive, so it is better to grind it into powder and swallow it, three to five fen each time.
[Comment] Fritillaria and Pinellia ternata can both relieve cough and reduce phlegm. But Fritillaria cirrhosa is bitter and cold, clearing away heat, and is specialized in treating lungs, suitable for hot phlegm and dry phlegm; Pinellia ternata is pungent and warm to dispel cold, and is treated in the lungs and spleen, suitable for cold phlegm and wet phlegm. Therefore, one moisturizes and the other dries, and each has its own strengths.
[Example of prescription] Ermu San “Hejijufang”: Fritillaria cirrhosa, Anemarrhena asphodeloides. Treats fever and cough caused by yin deficiency.
This product is the dried bulb of Fritillaria thunberqii Mig., a plant of the Liliaceae family. , dig it out when the plant is withered in early summer and wash it. Separate the big and small, remove the core buds of the big ones, commonly known as “big shellfish”; the small ones do not remove the core buds, commonly known as “pearl shellfish”. Rub them separately, remove the outer skin, mix with calcined shell powder, absorb the rubbed juice, and dry; or take the bulb, separate the big and small, wash, remove the core buds, cut into thick slices while fresh, wash, and dry, commonly known as “Zhejiang shellfish slices”.
Big shellfish is a single scale leaf on the outer layer of the bulb, slightly crescent-shaped, 1~2cm high, 2~3.5cm in diameter, white to light yellow on the outer surface, white or light brown on the inner surface, covered with white powder. It is hard and brittle and easy to break, with a white to yellowish white cross section and rich powder. Slight smell, slightly bitter taste,
Pearl oyster is a complete bulb, oblate, 1~1.5cm high, 1~2.5cm in diameter. The surface is yellow-brown to yellow-brown with irregular wrinkles; or the surface is off-white to light yellow, relatively smooth or covered with white powder. It is hard and not easy to break. The cross section is light yellow or off-white, slightly horny or powdery; the outer scales have two petals, thick, slightly kidney-shaped, embracing each other, with 2~3 small scales and shrunken residual stems inside.
Zhejiang Fritillary Slices are oval or off-circular slices of varying sizes, 1.5~3.5cm long, 1~2cm wide, and 0.2~0.4cm thick. The outer skin is yellow-brown or gray-brown, slightly wrinkled; or light yellow, relatively smooth. The cut surface is slightly bulging, grayish white; or flat, pinkish white. It is brittle and easy to break. The cross section is pinkish white and rich in powder. [Identification]
(1) The powder of this product is not yellowish white. There are many starch granules, single granules are oval, broadly oval or elliptical, with a diameter of 6~56um and unclear stratification. Epidermal cells are polygonal or rectangular, with thickening of the pericentric wall in a beaded manner; stomata are rare, with 4~5 accessory cells. Calcium oxalate crystals are rare, small, mostly granular, and some are fusiform, square or thin rod-shaped. The ducts are mostly threaded, with a diameter of up to 18um.
(2) Take 5g of the powder of this product, add 2ml of concentrated ammonia test solution and 20ml of chloroform, leave overnight, filter, take 8ml of the filtrate, evaporate to dryness, add 1ml of chloroform to the residue to dissolve it, and use it as the test solution. Take another reference substance of fritillarin A and fritillarin B, add chloroform to make a mixed solution containing 2mg of each per 1ml, and use it as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), 10~20u of the test solution and 10u of the reference solution are respectively applied to the same brick glue G thin layer plate, and ethyl acetate-methanol-concentrated ammonia test solution (17:2:1) is used as the developing agent. After development, the plate is taken out, dried, and sprayed with dilute potassium bismuth iodide test solution. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference sample.
The water content shall not exceed 18.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).

It shall not exceed 6.0% (General Rule 2302). Total ash
According to the hot leaching method under the determination method of alcohol-soluble extract (General Rule 2201), dilute ethanol is used as the solvent, and it shall not be less than 8.0%.
【Determinación del contenido】
Determinar según cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento (Regla General 0512),
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test, using octadecyl alkane bonded glue as filler: acetonitrile-water-diethylamine (70:30:0.03) as mobile phase: evaporative light scattering detector detection. The theoretical plate number calculated based on the peak of fritillariae quina should not be less than 2000.
Preparation of reference solution Take fritillariae quina reference, fritillariae quina B, and reference solution in appropriate amount, accurately weigh, add methanol to make a mixed solution containing 0.2mg fritillariae quina and 0.15mg fritillariae quina per 1ml, and obtain.
Preparation of test solution Take about 2g of the powder of this product (passed through a No. 4 sieve), weigh it accurately, put it in a flask, add 4ml of concentrated ammonia test solution to soak for 1 hour, accurately add 40ml of a mixed solution of chloroform-methanol (4:1), weigh it, mix it, heat it in an 80℃ water bath for 2 hours, cool it, weigh it again, add the above mixed solution to make up the lost weight, and filter it. Accurately measure 10ml of the filtrate, evaporate it to dryness in an evaporating dish, add methanol to dissolve the residue and transfer it to a 2ml volumetric flask, add methanol to the scale, shake it well, and you have it.
Determination method Accurately aspirate 10u and 20u of the reference solution and 5~15u of the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, determine, and use the external standard two-point method logarithmic equation to calculate the content of fritillarin A and fritillarin B, respectively, and you have it.
This product, calculated on a dry basis, contains no less than 0.080% of the total amount of Fritillariae A (C27H45NO,) and Fritillariae B (C27H43NO,).
Piezas de decocción
Remove impurities. For those that have not been sliced, wash, moisten thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry; or break into pieces.
Fritillariae thunbergii is a thick, round-shaped piece or piece, some with heart buds. The outer skin is yellow-brown or gray-brown, slightly wrinkled; or light yellow-white, relatively smooth or covered with white powder. The cut surface is slightly bulging or flat, grayish white or pinkish white, slightly horny or powdery. Most of them are hard and easy to break; or hard, with grayish white or white cross-section, and some are light yellow-brown. Slight smell, bitter taste
[Identification][Inspection][Extract][Content determination]
Lo mismo que los materiales medicinales.
[Properties and meridians]
Bitter, cold. Enters the lung and heart meridians.
【Function and indications】
Clears heat, resolves phlegm and relieves cough, detoxifies, disperses knots and eliminates carbuncle. Used for wind-heat cough, phlegm-fire cough, lung carbuncle, breast carbuncle, scrofula, and sores. 【Usage and dosage】
It should not be used with Chuanwu, processed Chuanwu, Caowu, processed Caowu, and Fuzi.
Put in a dry place to prevent moth.
Where is the main origin of Fritillaria thunbergii?
It is mainly produced in Zhejiang.
Where is the main medicinal part of Fritillaria thunbergii?
Fritillaria thunbergii is the dried bulb of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq., a plant of the Liliaceae family. Dig it up when the plant withers in early summer and wash it. Separate the big and small ones, remove the core buds of the big ones, commonly known as “big shells”; the small ones do not remove the core buds, commonly known as “pearl shells”. Rub them separately, remove the outer skin, mix with calcined shell powder, absorb the rubbed juice, and dry; or take the bulb, separate the size, wash, remove the core bud, cut into thick slices while fresh, wash, and dry, commonly known as “Zhejiang Fritillary Slices”.
Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Zhejiang Fritillary:
The large shell is a single scale leaf on the outer layer of the bulb, slightly crescent-shaped, 1~2cm high, 2~3.5cm in diameter. The outer surface is off-white to light yellow, the inner surface is white or light brown, and covered with white powder. It is hard and brittle, easy to break, and the cross section is white to yellowish white, rich in powder. The smell is slight and the taste is slightly bitter.
The pearl shell is a complete bulb, oblate, 1~1.5cm high, 1~2.5cm in diameter. The surface is yellow-brown to yellow-brown, with irregular wrinkles; or the surface is off-white to light yellow, smoother or covered with white powder. Hard, not easy to break, the cross section is light yellow or off-white, slightly horny or powdery; the outer scales have 2 petals, thick, slightly kidney-shaped, embracing each other, with 2~3 small scales and shrunken residual stems inside
The Zhejiang Fritillary fritillary frit is oval or quasi-circular, of varying sizes, 1.5~3.5cm long, 1~2cm wide, 0.2~0.4cm thick. The outer skin is yellow-brown or gray-brown, slightly wrinkled; or light yellow, relatively smooth. The cut surface is slightly bulging, off-white; or flat, pink-white. It is brittle and easy to break, and the cross section is pink-white and rich in powder.
How is Zhejiang Fritillary fritillary fritillary recorded in ancient books?
“Surgery Complete Collection”: “Specialized in eliminating carbuncle and toxic phlegm.
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “When going, feel wind and heat.
“Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It can detoxify and relieve phlegm, open up the lung qi, and is suitable for those with lung diseases with wind and fire.
Fritillaria thunbergii has the effects of clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, detoxifying, dispersing knots and eliminating carbuncle.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Fritillaria thunbergii?
Fritillaria thunbergii is used for wind-heat cough, phlegm-fire cough, lung carbuncle, breast carbuncle, scrofula, and sores.
·Hot phlegm syndrome: Treat phlegm-heat cough, often with honeysuckle, platycodon, and scutellaria baicalensis. Used together. Treat wind-heat cough, often used with mulberry leaves, burdock seeds, etc. · Treat pain, sores, lung abscess, and breast abscess: Treat scrofula and tuberculosis caused by phlegm and fire, often used with Scrophularia and oyster. Treat goiter, often with seaweed and kelp. Treat sores, breast abscess, often with Forsythia and dandelion, both for internal and external use. Treat lung abscess with cough and vomiting pus and blood, often with Houttuynia cordata, Golden Buckwheat, and Peach Kernel.
What other effects does Zhejiang Fritillaria have?
In traditional Chinese diet In Chinese culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible drug substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Fritillaria thunbergii can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Common medicinal diet recipes for Fritillaria thunbergii are as follows: · Fritillaria thunbergii almond dew: 10 grams of Fritillaria thunbergii, 8 grams of sweet almonds, 15 grams of rock sugar. Wash the Fritillaria thunbergii first; soak the almonds in water for a while, peel and wash the tips; put the Fritillaria thunbergii and almonds in a casserole, add appropriate amount of water and boil; add rock sugar and cook for 30 minutes, remove the residue and keep the juice for cooling before drinking. Xiaoluo Pills: 120g each of Fritillaria thunbergii, Scrophularia ningpoensis, and Oyster. Grind into powder, make pills with honey, take three coins each time, twice a day. Fritillaria thunbergii eggs: 2-3 grams of Fritillaria thunbergii, 1 egg. Grind the Fritillaria thunbergii into fine powder. Take 1 egg , wash the shell and cut a small hole at its tip, put the shell powder into the hole, shake it well and seal the hole with paper, put it in the rice cooker with one end of the hole facing up, and steam it. 1 to 2 times a day, 1 each time, for 5 to 7 days.
What are the compound preparations containing Fritillaria thunbergii?
· Wubei Powder: antacid and analgesic, astringent and hemostatic. It is used for stomach pain, vomiting acid water, and noisy hunger caused by liver and stomach disharmony; patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers with the above symptoms.
Ermu Ansou Pills: clear the lungs and resolve phlegm, stop cough and asthma. It is used for chronic cough due to deficiency, cough, phlegm and asthma, bone steaming and hot flashes, hoarseness, dry mouth and tongue, and phlegm congestion
Jinbei Tankeqing Granules: clear the lungs and relieve cough, resolve phlegm and relieve asthma. It is used for cough, yellow and sticky phlegm, and wheezing caused by phlegm-heat blocking the lungs; patients with acute attacks of chronic bronchitis with the above symptoms.
Neixiao Lulai Tablets: resolve phlegm, soften hard masses, Disperse stagnation. Used for scrofula caused by stagnation of phlegm and dampness, with symptoms of subcutaneous lumps, no heat and no pain.
Runfei Zhisou Pills: moisten the lungs and calm asthma, stop coughing and resolve phlegm. Used for cough and shortness of breath, phlegm congestion, and hoarseness caused by weak lung qi.
Juhong Capsules: clear the lungs, resolve phlegm, and relieve cough. Used for phlegm-heat cough, excessive phlegm, yellow and sticky, chest tightness and dry mouth.
Guilin Xigua Shuang: clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. Used for wind-heat attack, lung and stomach heat The symptoms of pharyngitis, laryngeal paralysis, and oral erosion are sore throat, enlarged laryngeal tuberculosis, oral sores, swollen and painful gums or bleeding; acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, oral ulcers, gingivitis with the above symptoms and mild burns (epidermis is not broken).
Modern research progress on Fritillaria thunbergii
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as antitussive, antiasthmatic, expectorant, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-tumor.
Fritillaria thunbergii has the effects of clearing heat, resolving phlegm, relieving cough, detoxifying, dispersing knots, and eliminating carbuncle. Generally, Fritillaria thunbergii slices are used for oral administration. Please follow the doctor’s instructions for specific usage and dosage.
How to use Fritillaria thunbergii correctly?
When Fritillaria thunbergii is decoctioned for oral administration, the usual dosage is 5~10g.
When Fritillaria thunbergii is used externally, it can be mashed or ground into fine powder for external application to the affected area.
Fritillaria thunbergii is generally used in decoctions, decoctions are taken, and powders or pills can also be taken. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
How to prepare Fritillaria thunbergii?
Pick out impurities, soak in water, remove, moisten thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry them.
What drugs should be used with Fritillaria thunbergii at the same time?
It should not be used with Chuanwu, processed Chuanwu, Caowu, processed Caowu, and Fuzi.
The combined use of Chinese and Western medicines requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment. If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and treatment plans you are receiving.
Medication Instructions
Fritillaria thunbergii is bitter and cold in nature. It belongs to the lung and heart meridians, and has the effects of clearing heat, resolving phlegm, relieving cough, detoxifying, dispersing knots and relieving pain. It is used for dry wind-heat cough, phlegm-fire cough, lung abscess, breast abscess, scrofula, and sores. This product has a slight smell and a slightly bitter taste. The cut surface is white and powdery. Use it raw.
What are the precautions when using Fritillaria thunbergii?
· It should not be used with Chuanwu, processed Chuanwu, Caowu, processed Caowu, and Fuzi.
During the medication period, you should avoid eating cold, raw and cold food, spicy and greasy food, and avoid smoking and drinking.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women: If you are pregnant, planning to be pregnant, or are breastfeeding, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
Children: Children’s medication must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give your own medicinal materials to others.
Evite utilizar utensilios de cobre o hierro para decoctar medicamentos.
How to identify and use Fritillaria thunbergii?
Before the Ming Dynasty’s “Compendium of Materia Medica”, all the herbal medicines of all dynasties were collectively called Fritillaria. It was not until the “Compendium of Materia Medica” that the Fritillaria thunbergii was recorded that “the Sichuan one is the best”, and the Qing Dynasty’s “Xuanqi Jiuzheng Lun” officially named Fritillaria thunbergii.
The functions of Sichuan and Zhejiang Fritillaria are basically the same, but the former is sweet and moistening, suitable for lung heat and dry cough, and cough due to deficiency; the latter is bitter and purgative, suitable for wind-heat invading the lungs or phlegm-heat in the lungs. As for the function of clearing heat and dispersing nodules, both have it, but Zhejiang Fritillaria is better.
In addition, Ping Fritillaria and Yi Fritillaria are also used as Sichuan Fritillaria in some areas to clear heat and moisten the lungs, resolve phlegm and relieve cough, but they do not have the function of dispersing nodules and eliminating carbuncle. The medicinal properties of Hubei Fritillaria are similar to those of Zhejiang Fritillaria. The function of detoxification, dispersing nodules and reducing swelling of Tu Fritillaria is similar to that of Zhejiang Fritillaria, but it does not have the effect of clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.
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How to make Zhejiang Fritillary Almond Juice
10g Zhejiang Fritillary, 8g sweet almonds, 15g rock sugar. Wash the Zhejiang Fritillary first: soak the almonds in water for a while, peel and wash the tips. Put the Zhejiang Fritillary and almonds into a casserole, add appropriate amount of water and boil; add rock sugar and cook for 30 minutes, remove the residue and keep the juice for cooling before drinking.
How to make Fritillary Congee
[Ingredients] 100g polished rice, granulated sugar Appropriate amount, 5-10g of Fritillaria (very fine powder).
[Effects and indications] Moisturize the lungs and nourish the stomach, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. Mainly used for chronic tracheitis, emphysema, cough and asthma in the elderly.
[Usage and dosage] First cook porridge with polished rice and sugar. When the porridge is about to be cooked, add Fritillaria powder and boil it for 2-3 more times. It can be used as a snack in the morning and afternoon, and taken warm.
The difference between Fritillaria thunbergii and Fritillaria chuanxiong
The functions of the two are basically the same, both can clear heat and resolve phlegm, disperse nodules and reduce swelling. However, Fritillaria thunbergii is bitter and cold, and is good at clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm. It is suitable for treating cough and yellow phlegm caused by wind-heat invading the lungs or phlegm-heat stagnation in the lungs; Fritillaria chuanxiong is sweet and cold, and is good at moistening the lungs and relieving cough. It is suitable for treating lung heat and dry cough, and cough caused by asthenia. As for the function of clearing heat and resolving nodules, although both have it, Fritillaria thunbergii is better.


1kg, 10kg, 100kg, 500kg, 1000kg


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