
Madreselva – jin yin hua


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Honeysuckle [jin yin hua] Chinese herbal medicine, alias: silver flower, double flower, two flowers, two treasure flowers, honeysuckle flower, heron flower English name: Lonicerae Japonicae Flos Main effects: clearing heat and detoxifying, dispersing wind-heat.
Honeysuckle is a heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine, which is the dried buds or flowers with early blooming of the honeysuckle plant of the Caprifoliaceae family.
Honeysuckle is sweet and cold in nature. It enters the lung, stomach, and large intestine meridians.
Honeysuckle is sweet, cold, clearing and dispersing, light and penetrating, clearing and dispersing, and enters the lung, stomach, and large intestine meridians. It is good at clearing and dispersing heat and toxins, and is also good at dispersing wind and heat. The medicine is quite strong and not bitter, and it is a good medicine for dispersing heat and toxins, and it is not bitter and easy to take. It is mainly clearing, clearing the middle and penetrating, and can be used for all heat toxins and wind-heat.
It is suitable for all stages of febrile diseases and is often used in combination with Forsythia suspensa. It can penetrate the surface of the Wei, clear the Qi, penetrate the Ying and transform the Qi, and clear the heat and toxicity of the blood. This product contains organic acids such as chlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid, as well as flavonoids such as luteolin and honeysuckle, in addition to volatile oils, saponins, inositol, oleanolic acid, and carotene.

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Honeysuckle (attached: honeysuckle vine, honeysuckle leaves, honeysuckle seeds, honeysuckle dew)
[Medicinal use] This product is the flower buds of honeysuckle, a plant of the Caprifoliaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Sweet, cold. Enters the lung, stomach, heart, and spleen meridians.
[Effects] Clears heat and detoxifies.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for exogenous wind-heat or early stage of febrile disease.
Honeysuckle is sweet and cold, and can clear heat from the qi and blood, and has a slight dispersing effect in clearing heat, so it can treat exogenous wind-heat or early stage of febrile disease with unresolved superficial symptoms and strong internal heat. When used, it is often used in combination with forsythia, burdock seeds, mint, etc.
2. Used for sores, carbuncles, swelling, and sore throat.
Honeysuckle has a strong heat-clearing and detoxifying effect. It is commonly used in surgery. It is generally used for sores, carbuncles, and swellings with redness, swelling, heat, and pain. It is more suitable for symptoms that belong to “yang syndrome” in terms of syndrome differentiation. It can be taken orally with dandelion, ground clove, forsythia, moutan bark, red peony root, etc., or fresh ones can be mashed and applied externally.
3. Used for diarrhea and bloody stools caused by heat toxins (mucus and blood in the stool)
Heat toxins gather in the intestines and enter the blood, resulting in diarrhea and bloody stools. Honeysuckle can cool blood and detoxify heat, so it can treat bloody diarrhea and bloody stools. In clinical practice, honeysuckle is often fried into charcoal and used together with scutellaria, coptis, white peony, purslane, etc.
[Prescription name] Honeysuckle, double flower, honeysuckle (raw, heat-clearing and detoxifying), honeysuckle charcoal (fried charcoal, treating bloody diarrhea and bloody stools)
[General dosage and usage] Three to five qian, decocted and taken.
[Attached medicine] 1. Honeysuckle vine: medicinal stem. The function is similar to that of Jin Yin Hua, and it can also dredge the meridians and treat rheumatic pain. The general dosage is five to one tael, decocted and taken.
2. Honeysuckle leaves: medicinal leaves. The function is similar to that of Jin Yin Hua. The general dosage is five to one tael, decocted and taken.
3. Honeysuckle seeds: medicinal fruits. Cool in nature. Functional detoxification and diarrhea. Treat heat toxic swelling, ulcers, dysentery, etc. The general dosage is three to four taels, decocted and taken. In the recovery period of measles, if the residual heat is not cleared, nine taels of Jin Yin Hua seeds can be used, dried, ground, mixed with an appropriate amount of white sugar, three taels a day, divided into two doses, and three taels taken continuously.
4. Honeysuckle dew: It is made by distilling Jin Yin Hua with water. It has the effect of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, and can treat children’s heat boils, prickly heat, etc. It can also be used as a summer drink. Honeysuckle leaves can also be distilled into dew, called honeysuckle leaf dew, which has the same function as above, but is slightly inferior to honeysuckle dew and is cheaper.
【Comments】 Honeysuckle is sweet and cold in nature, with a fragrant smell. It can clear and relieve the exterior and relieve heat and toxicity in the blood. It is especially important for treating positive sores. When combined with Forsythia suspensa, Burdock seeds, mint, and Nepeta tenuifolia, it can relieve the exterior and relieve heat; when combined with fresh Rehmannia glutinosa, Scrophularia ningpoensis, Forsythia suspensa, and Bamboo Leaf Heart, it can clear the Ying and relieve heat; when combined with Viola yedoensis, Chrysanthemum indicum, and Taraxacum officinale, it can detoxify and treat sores; when combined with Astragalus, Angelica sinensis, and Licorice, it can relieve toxins and eliminate carbuncles; when combined with Scutellaria baicalensis, White Peony Root, and Licorice, it can clear heat and treat dysentery.
【Example of prescription】 Yinqiao Powder “Treatise on Warm Diseases”: Honeysuckle, Forsythia suspensa, Nepeta tenuifolia, mint, Douchi, Burdock seeds, Bamboo leaves, Platycodon grandiflorum, Licorice, and Phragmites australis. Treats the initial stage of wind-heat.
Where is the main medicinal part of honeysuckle?
Medicinal part of honeysuckle:
Dried buds or flowers with just opened flowers of Lonicera japonica Thund., a plant of the Caprifoliaceae family.
Characteristics of the medicinal part of Jin Yin Hua:
This product is rod-shaped, thick on the top and thin on the bottom, slightly curved. The surface is yellow-white or green-white (the color gradually darkens with long storage), densely covered with short soft hairs. The calyx is green, with 5 lobes at the tip. The open corolla is tubular, with two lips at the tip; there are 5 stamens and 1 pistil. The smell is fresh and the taste is light and slightly bitter.
How is honeysuckle recorded in ancient books?
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It is used to treat heat-toxic bloody diarrhea and watery diarrhea, and it is boiled and taken
“Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”: “It clears heat, relieves various sores, carbuncles, back ulcers, and unknown swellings. “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Honeysuckle is good at detoxification, so it is an important medicine for treating carbuncle, swelling, poison, sore, ringworm, bayberry, rheumatism and other poisons. It can disperse the poison that has not yet formed, and can burst the poison that has formed.
Honeysuckle has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, and dispersing wind and heat.
The main effects and clinical applications of Jin Yin Hua are
Honeysuckle is used for carbuncle, sore, throat paralysis, erysipelas, hot toxic bloody diarrhea, wind-heat cold, and fever caused by febrile diseases.
·Febrile diseases: This product can clear away the evil of warm and hot epidemics, has a good effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, can disperse the wind and heat of the surface, and is suitable for all stages of febrile diseases.
Sores, carbuncle, furuncle: This product is an important medicine for treating hot and toxic carbuncle and sore, and is effective for both internal and external use. It is often used together with forsythia.
Wind-heat exterior syndrome: This product is cold and spicy, has the nature of clearing and dispersing, and is a commonly used wind-heat dispersing medicine in clinical practice.
Heat-toxic sore throat , dysentery: This product clears away heat and detoxifies, and is suitable for other heat-toxic diseases. .
The use of Chinese medicine requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and clinical individualized treatment. Therefore, please consult a professional doctor before taking the medicine, and standardize the use of the medicine under the guidance of the doctor.
What other effects does honeysuckle have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible medicinal substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, honeysuckle can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
The commonly used medicinal diet recipes of Jin Yin Hua are as follows:
For treating sores, lung abscesses, and intestinal abscesses:
50g honeysuckle, 10g licorice. Use 2 bowls of water, decoct half a bowl, then add half a bowl of wine, and decoct briefly into 3 portions. Take 1 portion each morning, noon, and evening, and for severe cases 2 doses per day.
Treat sore throat:
18g honeysuckle and white sugar each, soak in boiling water, drink as tea after cooling, with the effect of clearing heat and preventing heatstroke. “Family Diet Therapy” Honeysuckle Soup.
Treat fever, chills, cough, sore throat, etc. at the beginning of febrile disease:
30g honeysuckle, decoct in water to remove the residue and extract juice, add 50g of polished rice and appropriate amount of water, cook into porridge for consumption.
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing Jin Yin Hua?
Si Miao Yong An Tang: clears heat and detoxifies, promotes blood circulation and relieves pain. Mainly used for gangrene with intense heat and toxicity. .
Yinhua Jiedu Tang: clears heat and detoxifies, purges fire and cools blood. Mainly used for wind, fire, dampness, heat, carbuncle and toxicity.
Honeysuckle Dew: clears heat and detoxifies. Used for summer heat invading the lungs and stomach Heatstroke, prickly heat, furunculosis, symptoms include fever, thirst, sore throat, bright red prickly heat, and furunculosis on the head.
Shuanghuanglian oral liquid: dispel wind and relieve symptoms, clear heat and detoxify. Used for colds caused by exogenous wind-heat, with symptoms of fever, cough, and sore throat. Yinhuang tablets: clear heat and dispel wind, relieve sore throat and detoxify. Used for dry throat, sore throat, swollen laryngeal tubercle, thirst, and fever caused by exogenous wind-heat and excessive heat in the lungs and stomach; acute and chronic tonsillitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis, and upper respiratory tract infections with the above symptoms.
Yinqiao Jiedu tablets: dispel wind and relieve symptoms, clear heat and detoxify. Used for wind-heat colds, with symptoms of fever, headache, cough, dry mouth, and sore throat Qingkailing injection: clear heat and detoxify, resolve phlegm and dredge collaterals, and awaken the mind and open the orifices. Used for fever, coma, hemiplegia due to stroke, and unconsciousness; acute hepatitis, upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, cerebral thrombosis, and cerebral hemorrhage with the above symptoms.
Modern research progress on Jin Yin Hua
This product has antibacterial, antiviral, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, liver-protecting, choleretic, and blood sugar-lowering effects. The organic acids it contains can regulate blood lipids, resist platelet aggregation and thrombus formation.
It has been proven that the antibacterial active ingredients of honeysuckle are mainly chlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid.
Honeysuckle can be taken orally or externally, or made into a decoction (a drug dosage form). But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use honeysuckle correctly?
When honeysuckle decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 6~159.
When honeysuckle is used externally, an appropriate amount of fresh products can be used for pounding and applying, or decoction can be used for gargling.
Selection of different processed honeysuckle products: raw products are used to evacuate wind-heat and clear internal heat; fried charcoal is mostly used for heat-toxic bloody diarrhea; decoction is mostly used for summer heat and thirst. Honeysuckle is generally used in decoctions, decoctions are taken, and can also be made into powders or pills for taking. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, and should not be used at will, let alone listening to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
Common Chinese medicine combinations are as follows:
Honeysuckle with Forsythia: Honeysuckle can clear away heat and detoxify, dissipate wind-heat; Forsythia can clear away heat and detoxify, dissipate wind-heat, and dissipate knots and diuresis. The two medicines are matched, which can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also dissipate wind-heat, and dissipate knots and diuresis. They are used to treat exogenous wind-heat, and are suitable for treating red and swollen throats, heat-toxic carbuncles, and internal carbuncles, whether they are combined with the exterior or not. In addition, Jin Yin Hua can also be used for daily health care, and the common methods of consumption are as follows:
· Make tea: Honeysuckle can be soaked in water and drunk, which has the effect of clearing heat and purging fire. In addition, it can also be paired with flowers, jasmine, etc. · Honeysuckle dew: Honeysuckle can also be distilled to obtain honeysuckle dew, which can clear away heat and relieve summer heat, and is suitable for drinking in summer.
Cook porridge: Add a small amount of honeysuckle when cooking porridge to clear heat and relieve summer heat. .
Note: Honeysuckle should not be taken for a long time to avoid damaging the spleen and stomach. In addition, people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold and qi deficiency with sores and pus should not take honeysuckle.
How to prepare honeysuckle?
Honeysuckle: fresh honeysuckle obtained by sun drying, shade drying and other methods. .
Stir-fried honeysuckle: stir-fry over low heat until dark yellow.
Honeysuckle charcoal: stir-fry over high heat (but the fire should not be too strong), stir-fry the honeysuckle until it is brown or slightly black, and store it for later use. .
Which drugs should be used with honeysuckle at the same time with special attention?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and the combined use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, clinical individualized treatment,
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and treatment plans you are receiving
Instrucciones de uso
Honeysuckle is cold in nature, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold and qi deficiency with sores and pus should not take it.
What precautions should be taken when using honeysuckle?
People with spleen and stomach deficiency and qi deficiency with clear pus and sores should not take honeysuckle
Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
· Children: Children should take medicine under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
· Please properly store the medicinal materials and do not give your own medicinal materials to others.
How to identify and use honeysuckle?
Honeysuckle can be used raw, charcoaled and made into dew
·This product is sweet, cold and fragrant. It is better to use it raw to dispel wind-heat and clear internal heat;
·After charcoaling, the function of penetrating and draining is lost, and it is good to enter the blood, detoxify, cool blood and stop dysentery. It is better to use it for heat-toxic blood dysentery; if honeysuckle dew is made by steam distillation, it has the function of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, and it is used for summer heat and thirst.


1kg, 10kg, 100kg, 500kg, 1000kg


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