
Cyperus rotundus – xiang fu


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Cyperus rotundus – Xiangfu [ xiang fu ], a Chinese herbal medicine, is also known as sedge, thunder god head, three-edged grass, back to green, quetouxiang, sedge root. The main effects are: soothing the liver and relieving depression, regulating qi and relieving fullness, regulating menstruation and relieving pain.
The Chinese herbal medicine Xiangfu is a qi-regulating medicine, which is the dried rhizome of the sedge plant of the sedge family.
Xiangfu is pungent, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, and flat. It enters the liver, spleen, and triple burner meridians.
Xiangfu is pungent and fragrant, slightly bitter and slightly descending, slightly sweet and can be harmonized, and is flat and not biased. It enters the liver and triple burner meridians, is good at soothing the liver and regulating qi and relieving pain, and is praised by Li Shizhen as “the general director of qi diseases and the commander of women’s medicine”. When the liver qi is smooth and the qi and blood are harmonious, the menstruation will be regulated and the pain can be eliminated, so it is also an important medicine for regulating menstruation and relieving pain.
This product contains volatile oils, sugars, glycosides, flavonoids, triterpenes, phenols, alkaloids and other ingredients. It has the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi, regulating menstruation and relieving pain.

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Cyperus rotundus
[Medicinal] The rhizome of the herbaceous plant Cyperus rotundus L. of the Cyperaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Pungent, slightly bitter, sweet, and neutral. It enters the liver and triple burner meridians.
[Effects] Soothe the liver and regulate qi, promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for rib pain, chest and abdominal pain, breast pain, hernia abdominal pain, etc. Cyperus rotundus is pungent, dispersing, bitter, and descending, sweet and slow, and neutral in nature. It is good at soothing the liver and regulating qi, and has analgesic effects. For chest and flank pain caused by liver qi stagnation, it is often used together with Bupleurum, Citrus aurantium, Tangerine peel, and Aucklandia; for hernia abdominal pain, it can be used together with fennel and Linderae odoratum; for breast pain, it can be used together with Bupleurum, Trichosanthes, and Green Citrus Leaves.
2. For irregular menstruation and abdominal pain during menstruation
Cyperus rotundus can both soothe the liver and regulate qi, and activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation. Therefore, it is a commonly used medicine for gynecological diseases. It is suitable for irregular menstruation, abdominal pain during menstruation, and premenstrual breast pain. It can be used together with Bupleurum, Angelica, Tangerine Peel, Green Peel, White Peony Root, etc.
[Prescription Name] Processed Cyperus rotundus (use after steaming with yellow wine, vinegar, etc. It has better liver soothing and pain relief effects), Raw Cyperus rotundus (wash, dry, and chop for use)
[Általános adagolás és felhasználás] 1-3 qian, kifőzve és bevéve.
[Comment] Cyperus rotundus is bitter, sweet, and neutral, and enters the liver and triple burner meridians. It can enter the qi to soothe the liver and regulate qi, and is an important medicine for treating abdominal pain and liver-stomach disharmony; it can also enter the blood to activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation, and is a top-grade medicine for treating irregular menstruation and abdominal pain during menstruation. Therefore, the predecessors praised it as “the general director of qi diseases and the commander of gynecology”, which is true.
[Example of prescription] Qingnang Pills (Han’s Medical Guide): Cyperus rotundus, Evodia rutaecarpa. Treats all kinds of gas pain.
[Literature Excerpt] Compendium of Materia Medica: “The aroma of Cyperus rotundus is flat but not cold, fragrant and can spread, and the taste is pungent and can disperse, slightly bitter and can descend, and slightly sweet and can harmonize. It is the general manager of qi diseases and the chief of women’s medicine.”
Compendium of Materia Medica: “It can treat women’s metrorrhagia, leucorrhea, and irregular menstruation, all of which are caused by descending qi, regulating qi, dispersing knots, and regulating stagnation. Blood does not flow on its own, but follows qi. If qi is reversed and depressed, the blood will also condense and stagnate. If qi is smooth, the blood will also follow it and be smooth. This is why women with metrorrhagia, leucorrhea, and irregular menstruation need it.”
Compendium of Materia Medica: “It has a very strong pungent taste and a strong aroma. It is all about qi, so it is specifically used to treat qi stagnation. …. Although it has a mild flowing effect, the material is hard, so although it is good at moving, it can also stay, not dry or dispersed, all of which are its special properties, so it can be used frequently without any side effects.”
This product is the dried rhizome of Cyperus rotundusL., a plant of the Cyperaceae family. Dig in autumn, burn off the hairs, put in boiling water to cook or steam thoroughly, then dry in the sun, or burn and then dry directly in the sun.
This product is mostly spindle-shaped, some are slightly curved, 2~3.5cm long, 0.5~1cm in diameter. The surface is brown or dark brown, with longitudinal wrinkles, and 6~10 slightly raised segments, with unremoved brown whiskers and root fracture marks on the nodes; the ones with clean hairs are smoother and the segments are not obvious. It is hard, the cross section of the steamed ones is yellow-brown or red-brown, keratinous, and the cross section of the raw sun-dried ones is white and powdery, with obvious endodermal rings, darker central column, and scattered dot-like vascular bundles. It has a fragrant smell and a slightly bitter taste.
(1) This product is light brown in powder. The secretory cells are round, with a diameter of 35~72um, containing light yellow-brown to red-brown secretions, and 5~8 cells around them are arranged in radial rings. Epidermal cells are polygonal, often with hypodermal fibers and thick-walled cells. Hypodermal fibers are bundled, dark brown or reddish brown, 7-22um in diameter, and thick-walled. Thick-walled cells are square, round or irregular in shape, with slightly thick walls and obvious pits. Stone cells are few, square, round or polygonal, with thicker walls.
(2) Take 1g of the powder of this product, add 5ml of ether, leave for 1 hour, shake from time to time, filter, evaporate the filtrate, add 0.5ml of ethyl acetate to the residue to dissolve, and use it as the test solution. Take another α-cyperone reference substance, add ethyl acetate to make a solution containing 1mg per 1ml, and use it as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), take 24l of each of the above two solutions and spot them on the same silica gel GF>54 thin layer plate, use dichloromethane-ethyl acetate-glacial acetic acid (80:1:1) as the developing agent, develop, take out, dry, and examine under ultraviolet light (254nm). In the chromatogram of the test sample, the same dark blue spot appears at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference sample; spray with dinitrophenylhydrazine test solution, leave for a while, the spot gradually turns red.
Water content shall not exceed 13.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 4).
Total ash content shall not exceed 4.0% (General Rule 2302)
Determine by hot leaching method under the method for determination of alcohol-soluble extract (General Rule 2201), using dilute ethanol as solvent, and shall not be less than 15.0%.
[Tartalom meghatározása]
Volatile oil shall be determined according to the method for determination of volatile oil (General Rule 2204).
This product shall contain not less than 1.0% (ml/g) of volatile oil.
Cyperus rotundus Remove hair and impurities, cut into thick slices or crush.
This product is irregular thick slices or granules. The outer skin is brown or dark brown, and sometimes links can be seen. The cut surface is white or yellow-brown, hard, with obvious inner cortical rings. Fragrant, slightly bitter
Same as the medicinal material, not less than 11.5%.
[Inspection][Content determination]
Ugyanaz, mint a gyógyászati anyag.
Vinegar-scented Cyperus rotundus Take Cyperus rotundus slices (granules), fry and dry according to the vinegar roasting method (General Rule 0213),
This product is shaped like Cyperus rotundus slices (granules), with a dark brown surface. Slightly vinegar aroma, slightly bitter taste.
Same as the medicinal material, not less than 13.0%.
[Tartalom meghatározása]
Same as the medicinal material, containing volatile oil not less than 0.8% (ml/g).
Ugyanaz, mint a gyógyászati anyag.
[Természet és íz és meridiánok]
Spicy, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, flat. Enters the liver, spleen, and triple burner meridians.
[Funkciók és jelzések]
Soothes the liver and relieves depression, regulates qi and relieves fullness, regulates menstruation and relieves pain. Used for liver depression and qi stagnation, chest and flank distension and pain, hernia pain, breast distension and pain, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension, distension and pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. [Usage and dosage] 6~10g. [Storage] Store in a cool and dry place to prevent moth. Where is the main origin of Cyperus rotundus? Mainly produced in Shandong, Zhejiang, Hunan and Henan. Other regions also produce it. Among them, those produced in Shandong are called Eastern Cyperus rotundus, and those produced in Zhejiang are called Southern Cyperus rotundus, which have better quality. Where is the main medicinal part of Cyperus rotundus? Medicinal part of Cyperus rotundus: This product is the dried rhizome of Cyperus rotundusL. of Cyperaceae, which is dug in autumn, burnt off the hair, put in boiling water and boiled or steamed thoroughly, then dried, or directly dried. Characteristics of the medicinal part of Cyperus rotundus: This product is mostly spindle-shaped, some are slightly curved, 2~3.5cm long, 0.5~1cm in diameter. The surface is brown or dark brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and 6 to 10 slightly raised segments. There are brown hairs and root cuts on the segments that have not been completely removed; those with completely removed hairs are smoother, with inconspicuous segments, and hard texture. The cross section of the steamed ones is yellow-brown or red-brown, keratinous; the cross section of the sun-dried ones is white and powdery, with obvious rings in the inner cortex, and the middle column is darker in color with scattered vascular bundles in dots. It has a fragrant smell and a slightly bitter taste. How are Cyperus rotundus recorded in historical books? “Famous Doctors’ Records”: “It is used to treat chest heat, fill the skin and hair, and long-term use is beneficial to people, replenishes qi, and grows beards and eyebrows. “Tangye Bencao”: “Cyperus rotundus is a qi medicine for replenishing blood. It is used in the prescription to treat metrorrhagia, which is to replenish qi and stop bleeding. It can also dissolve blood clots, which is to push away the old. “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Xiangfu has a very strong pungent taste and a strong aroma. It is all about qi, so it is specially used to treat diseases caused by qi stagnation.
Xiangfu has the effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression, regulating qi and relieving fullness, regulating menstruation and relieving pain.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Xiangfu?
Xiangfu is used for liver depression and qi stagnation, chest and flank pain, hernia pain, breast pain, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension, fullness and pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea
Liver depression and qi Stagnation syndrome
Treats flank pain and distension caused by liver qi stagnation, often used with Bupleurum, Chuanxiong, Citrus aurantium, etc.
Treats epigastric pain caused by cold stagnation and qi stagnation, and liver cold invading the stomach, often used with Alpinia officinalis.
Treats hernia and abdominal pain caused by cold stagnation in the liver meridian, can be used with Evodia rutaecarpa, Atractylodes macrocephala, Linderae scabra, etc.
Irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and breast pain
Treats irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea caused by liver qi stagnation, can be used alone, or used with Bupleurum, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, etc.
Treats breast Distension or lumps, can be used with Bupleurum, Qingpi, Gualoupi, etc.
Spleen and stomach qi stagnation syndrome
· Treat abdominal distension and pain caused by spleen and stomach qi stagnation, often used with Amomum villosum, Aucklandia lappa, etc.
· Treat stomach discomfort, distension and pain, belching and loss of appetite caused by spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, often used with Astragalus, Codonopsis, Tangerine peel, etc.
What other effects does Cyperus rotundus have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible medicinal substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Cyperus rotundus can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal diet recipes for Cyperus rotundus are as follows:
Used for chest and flank distension and pain, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, breast distension and pain, abdominal pain caused by qi stagnation, etc.
Chest and flank distension, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, breast For bloating and pain in the room, 60g of Cyperus rotundus and 250mL of white wine. Wash and chop the Cyperus rotundus, soak it for 5 days with 250mL of water and 250mL of white wine, and remove the residue to drink. For women with leucorrhea and irregular menstruation, 59g of red peony root, 3g of Cyperus rotundus and 3g of scented tea. Use 250mL of boiling water to brew and drink until the taste is light. The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment. They should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, and should not be used at will. You should not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing Cyperus rotundus?
Xiangfu Pills
Soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen, nourish blood and regulate menstruation. It is used for irregular menstruation caused by liver depression and blood deficiency, spleen dysfunction, various symptoms before and after menstruation, irregular menstruation before and after menstruation, more or less menstrual flow, blood clots, chest tightness before menstruation, irritability, breast pain, and loss of appetite.
Sizhi Xiangfu Pills
Regulate qi and blood, nourish blood and regulate menstruation. It is used for blood deficiency, qi stagnation, menstruation Irregular menstruation, chest and abdominal pain.
Qizhi Xiangfu Pills
Relax the liver and regulate qi, nourish blood and regulate menstruation. Used for dysmenorrhea, scanty menstruation, and amenorrhea caused by qi stagnation and blood deficiency, with symptoms of chest and flank pain, scanty menstruation, abdominal pain during menstruation, breast pain before menstruation, and no menstruation for several months.
Liangfu Pills
Warm the stomach and regulate qi. Used for cold stagnation of qi, abdominal pain and acid vomiting, and chest and abdominal distension.
Yangwei Granules
Nourishes the stomach and strengthens the spleen, regulates qi and harmonizes the middle. Used for stomach problems caused by spleen deficiency and qi stagnation. Pain, symptoms include stomach discomfort, fullness and pain, belching and loss of appetite; chronic atrophic gastritis with the above symptoms.
Chaihu Shugan Pills
Soothe the liver and regulate qi, relieve distension and relieve pain. Used for liver qi discomfort, chest and flank fullness, unclear food stagnation, and vomiting of acid water.
Modern research progress on Cyperus rotundus
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as analgesia, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, liver protection, gallbladder, blood pressure lowering, cardiotonic, antibacterial, and inhibition of uterine and intestinal smooth muscle.
Felhasználási mód
Cyperus rotundus has the effects of soothing liver and relieving depression, regulating qi and relieving fullness, regulating menstruation and relieving pain. Generally, Cyperus rotundus slices are used for both internal and external use.
How to use Cyperus rotundus correctly?
When Cyperus rotundus is decoctioned for internal use, the usual dosage is 6~10g.
When Cyperus rotundus is used externally, take an appropriate amount of ground powder to sprinkle, adjust and apply, or make cakes for hot ironing.
Cyperus rotundus can be produced into Chinese medicinal slices such as Cyperus rotundus, wine Cyperus rotundus, wine Cyperus rotundus and Cyperus rotundus charcoal through different processing methods. After being processed with vinegar, Cyperus rotundus can enhance the effect of soothing the liver and relieving pain. Different processing methods have different effects, but the method of use is the same. Please follow the doctor’s instructions for specific medication. Cyperus rotundus is generally used in decoctions, decocted and taken, and can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it is even more forbidden to listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
How to process Cyperus rotundus?
Cyperus rotundus
Take the original medicinal materials, remove the hair and impurities, grind them into mung bean-sized pieces, or moisten them thoroughly, slice them, and dry them. Remove the broken pieces.
Vinegar Cyperus rotundus
Take the clean Cyperus rotundus pieces or slices, add a certain amount of rice vinegar, mix well, and simmer for a while. After the vinegar is absorbed, put them in a frying container, heat them over a low heat, fry them dry, take them out, and let them cool. Sieve out the debris.
Take clean Cyperus rotundus, add a certain amount of rice vinegar and an equal amount of water to the rice vinegar, cook until the vinegar liquid is basically absorbed, then steam for 5 hours, simmer for a while, take out and let it cool slightly, cut into thin slices, and dry. Sieve out the debris; or take it out, dry it, and grind it into mung bean-sized pieces. For every 100kg of Cyperus rotundus pieces or slices, use 20kg of rice vinegar. Four-process Cyperus rotundus
·Take clean Cyperus rotundus pieces or slices, add a certain amount of ginger juice, rice vinegar, rice wine, and salt water, mix well, and simmer for a while. After the juice is absorbed, put it in a frying container, heat it over a low heat, fry it dry, take it out, and let it cool. Sieve out the debris.
For every 100kg of Cyperus rotundus pieces or slices, use 5kg of ginger (to extract juice), 10kg of rice vinegar and rice wine each, and 2kg of salt (dissolved in water). . Wine Cyperus
Take clean Cyperus rotundus pieces or slices, add a certain amount of rice wine, mix well, and simmer for a while. After the wine is absorbed. Place in a stir-frying container, heat over low heat, stir-fry until dry, and take out.
Take out and let it cool.
Sieve out the debris, cyperus rotundus particles or slices. For every 100kg, use 20kg of yellow wine. .
Cyperus rotundus charcoal
Take clean cyperus rotundus, separate the size, and place in a stir-frying container. Heat over medium heat and stir-fry until the surface is burnt black. When the inside is burnt brown, spray a little water to extinguish the sparks, take out, dry, and cool thoroughly.
Which drugs should be used with cyperus rotundus at the same time?
A kínai orvoslás és a kínai és nyugati orvoslás együttes alkalmazása szindróma-differenciálást és klinikai egyénre szabott kezelést igényel.
Ha más gyógyszert szed, kérjük, konzultáljon orvosával a gyógyszer szedése előtt, és tájékoztassa orvosát minden diagnosztizált betegségéről és kezelési tervéről.
Gyógyszerhasználati utasítások
Although cyperus rotundus is mild, it is ultimately a spicy product, so people with qi deficiency without stagnation and yin deficiency and blood heat should take it with caution.
What precautions should be taken when using cyperus rotundus?
·People with qi deficiency without stagnation, yin deficiency, and blood heat should take it with caution.
·During medication, be careful not to eat cold, raw and cold food, spicy and greasy food, and avoid smoking and drinking. ·Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
·Children: Children’s medication must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision
·Kérjük, a gyógyászati anyagokat megfelelően tárolja, és saját gyógyászati anyagait ne adja át másoknak.
·Avoid using copper or iron utensils to decoct medicine.
How to identify and use Cyperus rotundus?
Aucklandia and Cyperus rotundus
·Both Aucklandia and Cyperus rotundus have the function of regulating qi, relieving pain; both are used to treat spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension and pain.
·However, Aucklandia mainly enters the spleen, stomach, and large intestine, and is good at treating stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension and pain, and heaviness after diarrhea. It is an important medicine for treating gastrointestinal qi stagnation: it also has the function of dredging liver and gallbladder qi stagnation, and treats flank pain, jaundice, hernia pain, etc.
Cyperus rotundus has a mild nature and mainly enters the Liver Meridian. It is good at soothing the liver and relieving depression, regulating menstruation and relieving pain. It is mainly used to treat symptoms such as distension and pain in the ribs and ribs, distension and pain in the breasts, and irregular menstruation caused by liver qi stagnation. It is an important medicine for regulating menstruation in gynecology.


1 kg, 10 kg, 100 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg


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