
Atractylodes macrocephala – bai zhu


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Atractylodes macrocephala is a tonic medicine, which is the dried rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala of the Asteraceae family.
Atractylodes macrocephala is bitter, sweet and warm in nature. It enters the spleen and stomach meridians.
Atractylodes macrocephala is sweet, invigorating and beneficial, bitter, warm and dry, and enters the spleen and stomach meridians. It mainly warms and nourishes the body, and can also eliminate dampness. It is good at replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and promoting diuresis, stopping sweating, and calming the fetus. It treats spleen and stomach qi deficiency, spleen deficiency edema, phlegm and fluid, spontaneous sweating due to superficial deficiency, and restless fetus.
There is a slight difference in the performance of raw and fried use. The fried one has a strong spleen-tonifying effect, and the raw one has a strong dehumidifying effect. It is similar to Astragalus in replenishing qi, consolidating the superficial, and promoting diuresis. Although the effect is slightly slower, it is good at drying dampness and calming the fetus.
This product contains volatile oils such as atractylodesone, atractylodes alcohol, atractylodes ether, juniper brain, atractylodes lactone, lactone compounds such as atractylodes lactone!~IV, di-atractylodes lactone, and contains fructose, inulin, atractylodes polysaccharides, various amino acids, atractylodes triols and vitamin A and other ingredients. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, drying dampness and promoting diuresis, stopping sweating and calming the fetus.

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[Family, Genus and Medicinal Parts] This product is the rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala, a plant in the Asteraceae family.
[Nature, flavor and meridians] Bitter, sweet, warm. Enters the spleen and stomach meridians.
[Efficacy] Replenishing the spleen, drying dampness, diuresis, and antiperspirant.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for symptoms such as weakness of the spleen and stomach, fullness after eating less, fatigue and fatigue, and diarrhea.
Atractylodes has the effect of tonifying the spleen and drying dampness, so it can be used for symptoms such as spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue due to lack of food, spleen deficiency and dampness, abdominal distension and diarrhea. To nourish the spleen and stomach, it can be used in combination with Codonopsis pilosula, licorice, etc.; to eliminate pimples and swelling, it can be used equally with Citrus aurantium; to strengthen the spleen, dry dampness and stop diarrhea, it can be used equally with tangerine peel and Poria cocos.
2. Used for symptoms such as retention of water and dampness, phlegm retention, and edema.
Atractylodes can both remove dampness and diuresis, so it can be used for phlegm due to internal stasis of dampness or edema due to overflow of dampness. The cold-treating drink can be combined with Poria cocos, cinnamon twig, etc.; the edema treatment is often used with Poria cocos peel and Big Belly peel.
3. Used for spontaneous sweating due to superficial deficiency.
This product is used equally with Scutellaria baicalensis and Flos Wheat. It has the effect of fixing the surface and stopping sweating, and can treat spontaneous sweating due to superficial deficiency. In addition, this product can be used to prevent miscarriage and treat swollen feet of pregnancy, fetal gas discomfort and other symptoms. It can be used with Scutellaria baicalensis for those with internal heat; it can be used with Eucommia ulmoides and Loranthia sibiricum for those with backache.
[Prescription name] Raw Atractylodes (used raw, good for drying dampness and diuresis), Stir-fried Atractylodes, Jiao Atractylodes (used in stir-frying with bran to make it yellow, which reduces dryness and is more effective in replenishing the spleen.), prepared Atractylodes (used when steamed) , the dryness is weakened, and it is used to replenish the spleen and replenish qi).
[Dosaggio e utilizzo generale] Da 1 a 3 qian, decotto e assunto.
[Note] 1. Atractylodes macrocephala is a medicine that can only nourish the spleen and stomach. Its effect of replenishing qi is weak, but it is bitter and warm and can dry out dampness and can replenish spleen yang. Because the spleen is responsible for transportation and transformation, it likes dryness and hates dampness. When yang is obtained, it can be transported. If it can rise, it will be healthy. If the spleen yang is weak and the transportation and transformation are not done properly, the internal dampness will not change and the water-dampness will remain, resulting in phlegm, fullness, diarrhea and other symptoms, this product can be used. As for those with insufficient stomach yin, peeling tongue coating, lack of body fluids, dry lips and dry mouth, Atractylodes macrocephala, which has a warm and dry nature, should not be used.
2. In the past, there were three types of Yu Shu, Dong Shu and Baizhu in Shanghai. It was generally believed that Yu Shu and Dong Shu had better effects, but now the Shanghai area has been simplified and no longer distinguished.
[Examples of prescriptions] Shenshu Powder (prescribed prescription): ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, white Poria cocos, amomum villosum, licorice, coix seed, white lotus meat, Liuqu, hawthorn meat, nutmeg, myrobalan, tangerine peel, and costus. Treat spleen deficiency and diarrhea.
[Excerpt from literature] “Herbal Classic”: “It is mainly used for wind, cold and dampness to paralyze dead muscles, spasm and jaundice, relieve sweating, remove heat, and digest food.”
“Bielu”: “Water that eliminates phlegm, removes Feng Shui and swollen skin…warms the stomach, eliminates food cravings.”
“Ming Dynasty Materia Medica”: “It facilitates urination.”
“Pearl Pouch”: “Remove dampness and replenish qi, harmonize and replenish yang, eliminate phlegm and eliminate water, produce body fluids and quench thirst, stop diarrhea and dysentery, eliminate dampness and swelling of feet and shins,… Get Citrus aurantium to eliminate pimples and fill the qi, and use Scutellaria baicalensis to relieve the pain.” It clears away heat from the fetus.”
Where are the main parts of Atractylodes used for medicine?
The medicinal parts of Atractylodes macrocephala: the dried rhizomes of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. In winter, when the lower leaves turn yellow and the upper leaves become brittle, they are dug, the sediment is removed, dried or sun-dried, and then the fibrous roots are removed.
Characteristics of the site of self-medication:
This product is an irregular, thick mass, 3~13cm long and 1.5~7cm in diameter. The surface is gray-yellow or gray-brown, with knob-like protrusions and intermittent longitudinal wrinkles and grooves, as well as fibrous root marks, and residual stem base and bud marks at the top.
The texture is hard and not easy to break. The cross-section is uneven, yellowish white to light brown, with brownish-yellow dot-like oil chambers scattered around; when dried, the cross-section is horny, with a darker color or cracks.
Fragrant, sweet, slightly pungent, slightly sticky when chewed
How is Atractylodes recorded in ancient historical books?
“Herbal Classic”: “It is mainly used for wind-cold-damp paralysis, dead muscle, spasm, jaundice, antiperspirant, heat removal and digestion.”
“Famous Doctors”: “It is mainly used for strong wind on the body, dizziness, headache, tears in the eyes, phlegm-eliminating water, feng shui swelling between the skin, except for heart fullness and cholera with persistent vomiting. It can relieve blood between the waist and navel, and benefit Body fluid, warms the stomach, eliminates grains, and makes people addicted to food.
“New Materia Medica”: “It facilitates urination.
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Atractylodes macrocephala is an important medicine for supporting the spleen and stomach, dispersing dampness and removing paralysis, digesting food and removing irritation. If the spleen is not healthy, the technique can make up for it; if the stomach is insufficient, the technique can help it.”
Funzione ed efficacia
Atractylodes has the functions of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, drying dampness and diuresis, antiperspirant, and preventing miscarriage.
What are the main functions and clinical applications of self-surgery?
Atractylodes is used for spleen deficiency, lack of food, abdominal distension and diarrhea, phlegm and fluid retention, dizziness and palpitations, edema, spontaneous sweating, and fetal movements.
Spleen deficiency syndrome, spleen and stomach qi deficiency, less food and clear stools, soft limbs and mental fatigue, etc.
·Used together with ginseng, poria, and licorice;
·To treat spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, epigastric distension, and inability to eat, it is often taken with Citrus aurantium.
Phlegm, dizziness, palpitations, edema and oliguria
·For the treatment of weak yang in the middle, poor spleen movement, dizziness and heart palpitations due to internal phlegm and fluid retention, it can be used with Guizhi and Poria cocos; ·To treat edema and difficulty in urination due to spleen deficiency and internal water-dampness, it can be used with astragalus, Poria cocos and Polyporus cocos can be used equally.
Spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency
Use together with Astragalus and Fangfeng.
Disforia fetale
It can be used with ginseng, licorice and clove to treat pregnancy obstruction and fetal dysphoria caused by weak spleen.
For the treatment of spleen deficiency, misfortune, pregnancy obstruction caused by dampness and turbidity, vomiting, inability to eat, and heavy limbs, it can be used in the same way as ginseng, poria, and tangerine peel.
What other effects does Atractylodes have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely eaten as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e., edible medicinal substances). According to documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Atractylodes macrocephala can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for Atractylodes macrocephala are as follows:
·Salivation in children
30~60g of raw Atractylodes macrocephala and 50~100g of soft white sugar.
Grind the Atractylodes macrocephala powder through a sieve, then mix with the sugar. 10g each time, add appropriate amount of water to make a paste, steam over water or on a rice cooker before eating, 2 times a day. Note that it is not appropriate for children to have bleeding caused by oral ulcers.
. Tire slide
9g Atractylodes macrocephala, appropriate amount of pumpkin, and a little caramel.
Take the juice from the decoction of Atractylodes macrocephala, mix it into pumpkin porridge, add 1 spoonful of maltose and eat.
What are the compound preparations containing Atractylodes macrocephala?
Polvere di Shenling Baizhu
Replenishes the spleen and stomach, and replenishes lung qi. It is used for weak spleen and stomach, less food and loose stools, shortness of breath and cough, and tired limbs. Zhi Shu Wan
Strengthen the spleen and eliminate food, promote qi and eliminate dampness. It is used for weak spleen and stomach, insufficient food, and full stomach.
Yupingfeng Jiaoxixinfu liquid/tea bag
Replenishing qi, strengthening the surface, and antiperspirant. It is used for those who are weak in appearance, suffer from spontaneous sweating and are prone to wind, have a pale complexion, or are physically weak and susceptible to wind evil. Lizhongwan
It warms the body, dispels cold, and strengthens the stomach. Used for spleen and stomach deficiency, vomiting and diarrhea, chest fullness and abdominal pain, and indigestion. Wulingsan
Warming Yang transforms Qi, diuresis and promotes water circulation. It is used for edema caused by Yang not transforming Qi and internal water-dampness. Symptoms include difficulty urinating, edema, abdominal distension, vomiting and diarrhea, and thirst without wanting to drink.
Four Gentlemen Soup
Replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen. It mainly treats spleen and stomach qi deficiency syndrome. Pale complexion, low voice, shortness of breath and fatigue, less food and stool, pale tongue, and weak pulse.
Lingguishugan Decoction
Warm yang and transform into drinks, invigorate the spleen and remove dampness. Mainly used to treat phlegm due to insufficient Zhongyang. Fullness of chest and hypochondrium, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath and cough.
Pinellia Atractylodes and Tianma Decoction
Resolve phlegm and extinguish wind, invigorate the spleen and remove dampness. It mainly treats wind and phlegm syndrome. Dizziness, headache, chest tightness, nausea and vomiting
Complete with soup
Tonify the spleen and soothe the liver, resolve dampness and stop bandages. It mainly treats spleen deficiency, liver stagnation, and dampness and turbidity. The vaginal discharge is white, as thin as tears, the complexion is pale, and tiredness always causes loose stools.
Modern research progress on Atractylodes macrocephala
This product has various pharmacological effects such as anti-peptic ulcer, promoting gastrointestinal motility, liver protection, choleretic, enhancing the body’s immune function, antioxidant, anti-tumor, hypoglycemic, anticoagulant, antibacterial, etc.
Come usare
Atractylodes has the functions of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, drying dampness and diuresis, antiperspirant, and preventing miscarriage. It can be taken in decoction, boiled water, porridge or soup. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use Atractylodes correctly?
When Atractylodes decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 6~12g.
Atractylodes macrocephala can be processed by different processing methods to produce Atractylodes macrocephala, braised Atractylodes macrocephala, braised Atractylodes macrocephala and other Chinese herbal medicine pieces. Raw Atractylodes is suitable for drying dampness and diluting water, fried Atractylodes is suitable for nourishing Qi and strengthening the spleen, and stir-fried Atractylodes is suitable for strengthening the spleen and relieving diarrhea. Different preparation methods have different effects, but the medication method is the same. Please follow your doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Atractylodes macrocephala is generally taken in decoction and decoction. It can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
In addition, Atractylodes macrocephala can also be used for daily health care. Commonly used methods of consumption are as follows:
·Cooking porridge (Atractylodes lily porridge): Prepare 159 Atractylodes, 20g lily, and 60g rice. Put the prepared ingredients into the pot, add water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 50 minutes. It has the functions of moistening the lungs, strengthening the spleen, and losing weight.
·Making soup (stewing grass carp with Atractylodes macrocephala): Prepare Atractylodes macrocephala 159, grass carp and appropriate seasonings. Grind the Atractylodes macrocephala into powder, clean the grass carp, put the Atractylodes macrocephala powder and grass carp into the pot, add cooking wine, ginger slices, and green onion segments, pour in an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 25 minutes, and finally add an appropriate amount of condiments to taste That’s it. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen, replenishing qi, and preventing miscarriage, and is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.
Note: People with body fluid deficiency, dryness, thirst, and internal heat due to yin deficiency should not take Atractylodes macrocephala.
How to prepare Atractylodes?
Take the raw medicinal materials, remove impurities, moisten them with water, cut into thick slices, and dry. Remove the crumbs.
Stir-fried Atractylodes
First put the soil in a pot, heat it over medium heat, stir-fry until the soil becomes flexible, then add the Atractylodes macrocephala slices. Fry until the surface of Atractylodes macrocephala is evenly coated with soil powder, take it out, sift away the soil powder, and let cool. For every 100kg of Atractylodes tablets, use 25kg of Zaoxintu.
Stir-fried Atractylodes with bran
First heat the pot over medium heat, sprinkle in the wheat bran, when it starts to smoke, add the Atractylodes macrocephala slices, stir-fry until the Atractylodes macrocephala turns yellow-brown, take it out, sieve out the wheat bran and let it cool. For every 100kg of Atractylodes tablets, use 10kg of wheat bran.
Which drugs require special attention when used together with Atractylodes macrocephala?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment.
Se stai assumendo altri farmaci, consulta il tuo medico prima di assumerli e informalo di tutte le condizioni mediche diagnosticate e dei trattamenti che stai ricevendo.
Istruzioni per i farmaci
Atractylodes is bitter and dry and damages yin, so it should not be taken by those with dryness and thirst due to body fluid deficiency and internal heat due to yin deficiency.
What precautions should be taken when using Atractylodes?
Those with yin deficiency, dryness and thirst, stagnation of qi, distension and stuffiness should not take it.
·It tastes sweet and has the function of replenishing qi. Long-term use may cause stagnation of qi. People with qi blockage syndrome should not take single medicine for a long time. Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether you can treat it with traditional Chinese medicine.
·Bambini: la somministrazione di farmaci ai bambini deve essere effettuata sotto la supervisione di un medico e di un adulto.
·Si prega di conservare correttamente i materiali medicinali e di non dare ad altri i materiali medicinali utilizzati.
How to identify the use of Atractylodes?
Atractylodes has a bitter, sweet and warm nature and flavor. Returns to the spleen and stomach meridians. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, drying dampness and diuresis, antiperspirant, and preventing miscarriage. It is used for symptoms such as spleen deficiency, less food, abdominal distension and diarrhea, phlegm and fluid retention, dizziness and palpitations, edema, spontaneous sweating, uneasy fetal movements, etc.
·Atractylodes macrocephala is used raw, mainly for strengthening the spleen and drying dampness, diuresis and reducing swelling. It is used for phlegm, edema, and rheumatic arthralgia. ·Root-fried Atractylodes macrocephala can help the spleen with earth energy, tonify the spleen and stop diarrhea, and is used for spleen deficiency. Symptoms include eating less and having diarrhea.
·Atractylodes stir-fried with bran can alleviate dryness, and can strengthen the spleen-strengthening effect by using bran in the body. It is used for symptoms such as disharmony between the spleen and stomach, abnormal transportation and transformation, fullness after eating less, fatigue and breathlessness, spontaneous sweating due to superficial deficiency, and restless fetal movement.
Domande più frequenti dei pazienti
What is the difference between Atractylodes macrocephala and Atractylodes macrocephala?
Both Atractylodes macrocephala and Atractylodes macrocephala are bitter and warm, which can invigorate the spleen with dampness, and can be used for phlegm, edema, etc. due to spleen deficiency and dampness accumulation, internal water-dampness, etc. However, Atractylodes is good at replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen, and is mainly used to treat spleen deficiency syndrome; it can also relieve sweating, anti-fetus, and diuresis, and can be used for spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency, restless fetal movement due to spleen deficiency, and edema and oliguria. Atractylodes is good for drying dampness and strengthening the spleen, and is mainly used to treat dampness. Obstruction in the focus syndrome. It is also good at dispelling rheumatism, dispelling cold and relieving superficial symptoms, and can improve eyesight. It is suitable for treating wind-cold-dampness syndrome, superficial syndrome of wind-cold and dampness, and night blindness.
Will taking Shenling Atractylodes Powder cause internal heat?
Won’t. Shenling Baizhu Powder has mild medicinal properties and usually does not cause internal heat. Shenling Atractylodes Powder has the effect of nourishing the spleen and lungs, and can be used to treat less food, thin and unformed stools, shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, etc. caused by weak spleen and stomach. Before using this product, it is recommended to consult a pharmacist or physician to determine whether it is suitable for use. Before taking medication, you should read the instructions carefully to understand the usage and dosage, precautions, contraindications, etc.
When taking medication, you should strictly follow the instructions or follow the doctor’s advice. You should stop taking the medication after the disease recovers, and do not use it for a long time without authorization. If the symptoms have not improved after 4 weeks of taking the medication, you should consult a doctor in time to avoid delaying treatment.
The efficacy and function of Shenling Baizhu Powder
Shenling Atractylodes Powder is composed of ginseng, Poria, Atractylodes (fried), yam, white lentils (fried), lotus seeds, coix seed (fried), amomum villosum, platycodon, and licorice.
It has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach and replenishing lung qi. It is used for weak spleen and stomach, less food and stool, shortness of breath and cough, and tiredness and fatigue in the limbs.
The difference between Shenling Baizhu Powder and Ginseng Jianpi Pills
Shenling Atractylodes Powder is composed of ginseng, Poria, Atractylodes (fried), yam, white lentils (fried), lotus seeds, coix seed (fried), amomum villosum, platycodon, and licorice. It has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach and replenishing lung qi. It is used for weak spleen and stomach, less food and loose stools, shortness of breath and cough, and tired limbs. Ginseng Jianpi Pills are composed of ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala (stir-fried with bran), Poria cocos, yam, tangerine peel, costus, amomum villosum, roasted astragalus, angelica, spinous date kernel (stir-fried), and polygala root (prepared). It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, harmonizing the stomach and stopping diarrhea. It is used for inability to digest food, stuffy and noisy epigastrium, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and loose stools, inability to eat, and weakness and fatigue caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.
In addition to the effects of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, soothing the stomach and stopping diarrhea, Ginseng Jianpi Pills can also exert a calming effect and focus on nourishing qi and blood. Shenling Baizhu Pills can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi. It is often used clinically for patients with physical fatigue and poor appetite and loose stools. Generally speaking, in addition to the effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, Shenling Atractylodes can also diuretic and reduce swelling, and focuses on harmonizing and nourishing the stomach.


1kg, 10kg, 100kg, 500kg, 1000kg


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