
Salviae Miltiorrhizae – dan shen


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Danshen is a blood-activating and stasis-removing medicine. It is the dried root and rhizome of Danshen, a plant of the Labiatae family. Danshen is bitter in nature, slightly cold, and enters the heart and liver meridians. Danshen is bitter and can dissipate, slightly cold and can clear, and enters the heart and liver meridians. It can not only activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote menstruation and relieve pain, but also refresh and cool blood and eliminate restlessness and eliminate carbuncle. It is mainly used to treat blood stasis, blood heat, and heat disturbing the mind, and also treats heat toxic sores, carbuncle, swelling and pain. The ancients said that “one Danshen powder has the same effect as Siwu Decoction”, which is actually a product that cools blood and activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis and promotes new blood. This product contains quinone components, protocatechuic aldehyde, protocatechuic acid, lactic acid, vitamin E and other ingredients, which have the functions of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting menstruation and relieving pain, refreshing the heart and eliminating restlessness, cooling blood and eliminating carbuncle.

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[Medicinal] The root and rhizome of the herbaceous plant SalviamiltiorrhizaBge. of the Lamiaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Bitter, slightly cold. It enters the heart, pericardium, and liver meridians.
[Effects] It promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, cools blood and clears the heart, nourishes blood and calms the mind.
[Clinical application] 1. It is used for chest and rib pain, rheumatic pain, mass agglomeration, sores and swelling, pain from falls and injuries, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and postpartum blood stasis and pain.
Danshen has a wide range of blood circulation and blood stasis effects, especially for the treatment of chest and rib pain, mass agglomeration, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. It is often used in combination with Chuanxiong. However, the medicinal property is cold, so it is particularly suitable for blood heat and blood stasis. In the treatment of chest and abdominal pain due to qi stagnation and blood stasis, it is often used in combination with Amomum villosum, sandalwood and other drugs.
2. It is used for fever due to heat entering the blood, macules on the body, coma and irritability.
Danshen is cold in nature. It can cool blood when it enters the blood and clear the heart when it enters the heart meridian. Therefore, it can be used to treat heat entering the blood, rash on the body, and coma and irritability. It is often used with fresh Rehmannia, rhinoceros horn, Scrophularia and other medicines.
3. Used for palpitations, insomnia and other symptoms.
Danshen also has the effect of nourishing blood and calming the mind. It is used for palpitations and insomnia. It is often used in combination with drugs such as Ziziphus jujuba and Platycladus orientalis.
In addition, in recent years, this product has been commonly used in clinical treatment of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hepatosplenomegaly, ectopic pregnancy and other diseases.
[Prescription name] Danshen, purple Danshen (wash, dry, and chop), stir-fried Danshen (stir-fry until slightly burnt), pig heart blood mixed with Danshen (use pig heart blood, mix with yellow wine and dry, enhance the effect of nourishing blood and calming the mind)
[General dosage and usage] Three to five coins, decocted.
[Comments] 1. Danshen tastes bitter and slightly cold in nature. It enters the heart and liver, specifically enters the blood, clears and nourishes. It has a wide range of effects in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and can treat various diseases of blood stasis and blockage; it can enter the camp and cool the blood, and has a significant effect, and can treat fever rashes, heat toxic sores and ulcers. As for the effect of calming the mind, it is used with heart-clearing products for heat entering the pericardium; it is used with tonic products to treat insomnia and palpitations. Recently, it has been clinically used for angina pectoris, vasculitis and hepatosplenomegaly, and has been praised. However, it should not be used by women with menorrhagia and pregnant women.
2. In the past, there was a saying that “one flavor of Danshen has the same effect as the four ingredients.” Checking the recipe of Siwu Decoction (Rehmannia, Peony, Angelica, Chuanxiong), with the flexible changes of the monarch and ministers, the changes of the raw and cooked drugs, the varieties and the medicinal parts, there are differences in blood tonic and blood circulation. However, Danshen has more blood circulation effect than blood tonic, so it is OK to say that the effect of blood circulation and blood stasis removal is the same as the four ingredients, but it is wrong to say that the effect of blood tonic is equal.
[Example of prescription] Danshen Drink (“Yi Zong Jin Jian”): Danshen, Amomum, Sandalwood. Treats qi stagnation and blood stasis, stomach pain.
Ectopic pregnancy prescription (《方藥学》 Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine): Danshen, red peony root, peach kernel, frankincense, myrrh. Treats ectopic pregnancy.
Compound Danshen tablets (《Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China》): Danshen, Panax notoginseng, borneol. Treats chest tightness and angina pectoris.
Where is the main medicinal part of Danshen?
Medicinal part of Danshen:
Dried roots and rhizomes of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge., a plant of the Labiatae family.
Characteristics of medicinal parts of Danshen:
The rhizome of this product is short and thick, and the stem base is sometimes retained at the top. There are several roots, long cylindrical, slightly curved, some branched and with whisker-like fine roots, 10~20cm long and 0.3~1cm in diameter.
The surface is brown-red or dark brown-red, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles. The outer bark of old roots is loose, mostly purple, often flaking off in scales, hard and brittle, with loose cross-sections, cracks or slightly flat and dense, brown-red in the cortex, gray-yellow or purple-brown in the wood, and yellow-white in the duct bundles, arranged radially.
How are Danshen recorded in historical books?
“Ben Jing”: “It treats evil qi in the heart and abdomen, rumbling in the intestines like running water, cold and heat accumulation; it breaks up the evil qi, stops irritability, and replenishes qi.
“Ming Yi Bie Lu”: “It nourishes blood, removes chronic diseases in the heart and abdomen, strengthens the waist and spine, and numbness in the feet; it removes wind evil and heat, and it is beneficial to people if taken for a long time.
“Rihuazi Materia Medica”: “Nourishes the mind and calms the spirit, and clears the meridians. Treats cold and hot fatigue, joint pain, and limb paralysis; discharges pus and relieves pain, regenerates muscles and flesh; breaks up old blood and replenishes new blood; stabilizes the fetus, and aborts the dead fetus; stops bleeding, metrorrhagia, and leukorrhea, regulates uneven menstruation in women, blood evil and upset; malignant sores, scabies, goiters, swelling, toxicity, erysipelas; headaches, red eyes, hot and warm fever and stuffiness.
“Compendium of Materia Medica Volume 12”: “Activates blood circulation and clears the pericardium. Treats hernia pain.
Effects and efficacy
Danshen has the functions of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dredges the menstruation and relieves pain, clears the heart and removes upset, and cools blood and eliminates carbuncle.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Danshen?
Danshen is used for chest pain, heart pain, abdominal pain, accumulation of symptoms and fatigue, pain due to heat, upset and insomnia, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and sores and swelling.
Blood stasis syndrome:
· Treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and abdominal pain caused by postpartum blood stasis, etc. It can be taken alone with the powder and wine, or used together with safflower, peach kernel, motherwort, etc.
· Treat chest pain and heart pain, can be used alone, or used in combination with Panax notoginseng and borneol.
Treat heart and stomach pain caused by blood stasis and qi stagnation, often with sandalwood and Amomum villosum. .
Treat tumor accumulation, often with Trillium, Curcuma, etc. .
Treat traumatic injuries, often with frankincense, myrrh, Chuanxiong, etc. .
· Treat rheumatic heat arthralgia, joint redness, swelling and pain, often with Gentiana macrophylla, honeysuckle vine, mulberry branches, etc.
Fever and restlessness:
Treat restlessness and insomnia caused by heat entering the Yingfen of febrile diseases, often with buffalo horn, Rehmannia glutinosa, Scrophularia ningpoensis, etc.
Ulcers, carbuncles, swelling and poisoning:
Often used with honeysuckle, Forsythia suspensa, etc.
What other effects does Danshen have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible drug substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Danshen can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
The commonly used medicinal diet recipes for Danshen are as follows:
Menstrual blood is less and less, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea
500g of Danshen, dried in the sun, ground into powder, and made into pills with yellow wine. Take 15g each time, with boiled water in the morning.
Irregular menstruation
15g of Danshen, 10g of safflower, 10g of angelica, and 100g of glutinous rice. First decoct all the medicines, remove the residue and take the juice, then add rice to cook porridge. Eat on an empty stomach.
Postpartum abdominal pain, body weakness and edema
1 black chicken, 15g of Danshen, 10g of Panax notoginseng, ginger and seasonings as appropriate. Put Panax notoginseng and Salvia miltiorrhiza into a gauze bag and seal it. Put the bag, ginger and chicken into a casserole, add 600mL of water, and simmer until the meat is tender. Add seasoning and it is done.
Long-term epilepsy, qi and blood deficiency
15g each of Salvia miltiorrhiza, longan meat and fried jujube kernel. Decoction, white honey in appropriate amount.
What are the compound preparations containing Salvia miltiorrhiza?
Salvia miltiorrhiza tablets:
Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Used for chest pain caused by blood stasis, with symptoms of chest pain, fixed pain, and dark purple tongue; patients with coronary heart disease angina pectoris with the above symptoms
Compound Salvia miltiorrhiza pills/pills/granules/capsules:
Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, regulate qi and relieve pain. Used for chest pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, with symptoms of chest tightness and stabbing pain in the precordial area; patients with coronary heart disease angina pectoris with the above symptoms. Guanxin Salvia miltiorrhiza tablets/capsules:
Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, regulate qi and relieve pain. Used for chest pain, chest tightness, stabbing pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis; angina pectoris caused by coronary heart disease with the above symptoms Danshen Yin:
Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote qi and relieve pain. Mainly treat heart and stomach pain caused by blood stasis and qi stagnation.
Huoluo Xiaoling Dan:
Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, dredge meridians and relieve pain. Mainly treat qi and blood stagnation syndrome. Heart and abdominal pain, leg pain and arm pain, bruises and swelling, internal and external sores, and accumulation of symptoms and scars.
Danshen Sanjie Tang:
Activate blood circulation and dredge meridians, soften and disperse nodules. Mainly treat spleen and kidney deficiency, cold and dampness condensation, and meridian obstruction. Qingying Tang:
Clears the camp and detoxifies, penetrates heat and nourishes yin. Mainly treats heat entering the camp. Body heat is worse at night, less restless, sometimes delirium, eyes often like to open or close, spots are faint,
Tianwang Buxin Dan:
Nourishes yin and clears heat, nourishes blood and calms the mind. Mainly treats yin deficiency and blood deficiency, restlessness. Palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, forgetfulness, or nocturnal emission, hot hands and feet, dry stool, sores in the mouth and tongue, red tongue with little coating, and thin pulse.
Modern research progress on Danshen
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as anticoagulation, antithrombosis, improvement of microcirculation, improvement of blood rheology, anti-myocardial ischemia, anti-cerebral ischemia, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis, and cholesterol-lowering.
Danshen is often taken in decoction, or soaked in water, wine, or soup. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use Danshen correctly?
When Danshen decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 10~159.
Grind Danshen into powder and take it with wine, which has a therapeutic effect on irregular menstruation.
Danshen can be produced into Chinese medicinal materials such as Danshen and wine Danshen through different processing methods, and it can be used for blood circulation and wine roasting. Different processing methods have different effects, but the medication method is the same. Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Danshen is usually used in decoctions, decoctions, or powders or pills. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and should not be used at will by Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
In addition, Danshen can also be used for daily health care. Common methods of consumption are as follows:
Boil water (Hawthorn Danshen tea): prepare 6 grams of Danshen, 10 grams of hawthorn, and an appropriate amount of white sugar. Remove the core of the hawthorn, wash and slice it; wash and slice the Danshen. Put hawthorn and Danshen in a stew pot, add 200 ml of water, boil over high heat, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, remove the residue and take the liquid, add white sugar and mix well. It has the effects of cooling blood, removing blood stasis, detoxifying, and removing spots.
Cook porridge (Danshen celery porridge): prepare 15g Danshen, 250g celery, and 150g rice. Put the prepared salvia miltiorrhiza, celery and rice into the pot, add water, boil over high heat first, then turn to low heat and cook for 35 minutes, then add appropriate amount of seasoning and stir well, it has the effect of removing blood stasis and lowering blood pressure. It is suitable for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases.
Soaking in wine: Soak salvia miltiorrhiza, safflower and rose in white wine, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and regulating menstruation.
How to prepare salvia miltiorrhiza?
Salvia miltiorrhiza: Take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities and residual stems, wash, moisten, cut into thick slices, and dry. Remove the broken pieces.
Wine salvia miltiorrhiza: Take salvia miltiorrhiza slices, add a certain amount of rice wine, mix well, and simmer for a while. After the wine is absorbed, put it in a frying container, heat it with a slow fire, fry it dry, take it out and let it cool. Sieve out the debris. For every 100kg of salvia miltiorrhiza slices, use 10kg of rice wine:
What drugs should be used with salvia miltiorrhiza at the same time and pay special attention?
It is not suitable to be used with Veratrum.
The combined use of Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and individualized clinical treatment.
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plan you are receiving.
Istruzioni per l'uso
Danshen promotes blood circulation and menstruation, so those with menorrhagia and pregnant women should take it with caution.
What are the precautions when using Danshen?
Danshen is anti-Veratrum, so it should not be used with Veratrum.
· Take it with caution for menorrhagia and pregnant women.
Some patients may experience stomach pain, decreased appetite, dry mouth and throat, nausea and vomiting, which is related to Danshen’s ability to inhibit the secretion of digestive juices. It is advisable to stop the drug, and take oral drugs such as Wei Shuping and Probenxin. In severe cases, atropine can be injected subcutaneously.
· Danshen can cause allergic reactions, manifested as itchy skin, rash, urticaria, and some are accompanied by chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, and even chills, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, irritability, and then pale face, cold limbs and sweating, blood pressure drops, and even fainting and shock. ·Children: Children should take medicine under the guidance of doctors and adult supervision.
·Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give them to others.
How to identify and use Danshen?
Danshen and wine Danshen
·Danshen is bitter and slightly cold. It belongs to the heart and liver meridians. It has the functions of removing pain, promoting blood circulation and menstruation, clearing the heart and removing troubles. It is used for irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, accumulation of symptoms, chest and abdominal pain, heat arthralgia pain, sores and swelling, restlessness and insomnia, hepatomegaly, and angina pectoris. Danshen is mostly used raw. Raw products have strong blood stasis and pain, clearing the heart and removing troubles, and can clear the blood vessels, and are good at regulating uneven menstruation in women. Because it is cold in nature, it is often used for sores and carbuncles caused by blood heat and stasis, postpartum stasis pain, amenorrhea and abdominal pain, heart and abdomen pain and limb pain. After being made into wine, it alleviates the coldness, enhances the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, regulating menstruation, and can clear the blood vessels, and is good at regulating uneven menstruation in women. It is mostly used for irregular menstruation, blood stasis and amenorrhea, lochia retention, chest pain, scar accumulation and other symptoms.
Danshen and Scrophularia
Both medicines are named after ginseng, both are cold in nature, both have the function of clearing heat, and can be used to treat heat syndrome. However, Danshen is good at promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, cooling blood and eliminating carbuncle, calming the mind, and mainly treats irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea caused by blood stasis, abdominal pain caused by postpartum blood stasis, and blood stasis. Chest and abdominal pain, accumulation of symptoms and fatigue, rheumatism, pain due to falls, sores, carbuncle, fever, restlessness and coma, palpitations and insomnia due to miscellaneous diseases, etc. Scrophularia is good at clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and detoxifying, and mainly treats fever and rashes, body fluid damage and constipation, sore throat, scrofula, phlegm, carbuncle, sore and sore, etc.


1kg, 10kg, 100kg, 500kg, 1000kg


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