
Bai zhi – Angelica dahurica


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Angelica dahurica [bai ​​zhi], a Chinese herbal medicine, also known as: Qi Baizhi, Yu Baizhi, Zoumaqin, Hui Baizhi, Xiangdahuo, main effects: dispelling cold, dispelling wind and relieving pain, clearing the nasal passages, stopping leukorrhea, reducing swelling and draining pus
The Chinese herbal medicine Angelica dahurica is a herbal medicine for dispelling cold, dispelling wind and relieving pain, clearing the nasal passages, stopping dampness and leukorrhea, reducing swelling and draining pus
The Chinese herbal medicine Angelica dahurica is a herbal medicine for dispelling cold, which is the dried root of the Umbelliferae plant Angelica dahurica or Hang Baizhi.
Angelica dahurica is pungent and warm in nature. It enters the stomach, large intestine, and lung meridians.
Angelica dahurica is pungent, dispersing, warming, and dry, aromatic and invigorating, and mainly enters the Yangming (stomach) meridian and the Taiyin (lung) meridian. It is good at dispersing wind and cold, removing dampness, clearing the nasal passages and joints, and is also good at relieving pain, clearing the nasal passages, stopping leukorrhea, and dispersing lumps and promoting the discharge of pus.
The medicinal power is relatively strong, and it is suitable for all symptoms caused by wind-cold, wind-cold and dampness, and cold-dampness. It is especially good at treating brow pain, Yangming headache, wind-cold Huangsai or Huangyuan headache. Treat sores and swellings, and in the early stage, it can also relieve the symptoms of the symptoms, because it can activate blood circulation to dissipate sores and swellings, and relieve the symptoms of the symptoms; in the middle stage, it can relieve pus before it forms, and it can relieve pus before it ulcerates, and it can promote the discharge of pus after it ulcerates; in the late stage, the pus will be completely discharged and the skin will regenerate, and it is advisable to gradually reduce the amount.
This product contains volatile oils, and contains a variety of coumarin compounds such as imperatorin and white angelica, as well as ingredients such as angelica toxin, prickly ash toxin, sterols, and stearic acid. It has the effects of relieving the symptoms of the symptoms, dispelling cold, dispelling wind and relieving pain, clearing the nasal passages, drying dampness and stopping leukorrhea, and relieving swelling and discharge of pus.

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Bai zhi – Angelica dahurica
[Medicinal Use] This product is the root of Angelica dahurica or Angelica dahurica of the Umbelliferae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Spicy, warm. Enters the lung and stomach meridians.
[Effects] Dispel wind and relieve symptoms, relieve pain, reduce swelling and discharge pus, dry dampness and stop leukorrhea.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for colds, headaches, nasal congestion and other symptoms.
Angelica dahurica dispels wind and cold, and has the effects of relieving pain and clearing the nasal passages, so it is mainly used to treat symptoms of wind and cold symptoms with headaches and nasal congestion. For example, if the headache is severe, add Qianghuo and Asarum; if the nasal congestion is combined with Patchouli (mainly to regulate the qi of the spleen and lungs), mint, etc.
2. Used for headaches, brow pain, and toothache.
Angelica dahurica dispels wind and relieves pain, and is mainly suitable for those with diseases in the Yangming meridian. The forehead, brow bone, upper and lower gums are all parts of the Yangming meridian, so they can all be treated with Angelica dahurica. For headache, it can be used with Ligusticum chuanxiong, Vitex rotundum, etc.; for brow pain due to wind-cold, it can be used alone; for wind-heat, it can be used with Scutellaria baicalensis.
3. Used for sores and swelling.
Angelica dahurica can treat sores and ulcers. It can dissipate at the beginning and discharge pus after ulceration. It is a commonly used auxiliary medicine in surgery. For example, for mastitis at the beginning, it can be used with Taraxacum mongolicum and Trichosanthes kirilowii; for pus discharge, it can be used with Honeysuckle and Radix Trichosanthis. In terms of dissipating sores, it can also be ground into powder for external application.
4. Used for leucorrhea in women.
Angelica dahurica warms and dries cold and dampness. It is mainly used to treat cold and damp leucorrhea. It is often used with Cuttlebone. If it is damp and hot, it can also be used with heat-clearing and dampness-drying drugs such as Phellodendron chinense and Toona sinensis.
In addition, Angelica dahurica is also an important medicine for treating sinusitis. It has the function of removing dampness and clearing the nasal passages. It is often used with Magnolia officinalis and E’erbushicao. It can be taken orally and applied externally. It can also be used for snake bites and has the effect of detoxifying snake venom. In ancient times, there were records of using decoction alone for oral administration and slag for external application. Some modern snake medicine detoxification tablets contain this product.
[Prescription name] Angelica dahurica, Angelica dahurica (wash, dry, and slice)
[General dosage and usage] One to three coins, decocted and taken. Appropriate amount for external use.
[Comment] Angelica dahurica is pungent and dispersing, warms and removes dampness, is aromatic and can relieve pain, and can also reduce swelling and discharge pus. It has a good analgesic effect. According to clinical practice, it can be used not only to treat headaches, but also to treat rheumatic pain.
With Nepeta and Saposhnikovia, it can dispel wind and cold and stop headaches; with Xanthium sibiricum and Magnolia flower, it can open the nasal passages and treat sinusitis; with Phellodendron, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Toona root bark, it can clear heat and dry dampness and treat damp-heat in the lower part; with honeysuckle, Radix Trichosanthis, Angelica sinensis, and Licorice, it can reduce swelling and discharge pus to treat sores and swelling; with Morus alba, Gentiana macrophylla, and Angelica dahurica, it can dispel wind and stop pain to treat rheumatism and arthralgia.
[Example of prescription] Angelica dahurica and Chili Soup (formerly known as Baishen Powder) “Health Treasure Mirror Prescription”: Angelica dahurica, fermented black beans, scallion, licorice, ginger, and jujube. Treats cold and heat headaches, and pain in the brow bone.
Angelica dahurica Powder “Good Prescription for Women”: Angelica dahurica, cuttlebone, and fetal hair. Treats red and leucorrhea, and uncontrollable slippage.
This product is the dried root of Angelica dahurica (Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Benth.et Hook.f or Angelica dahurica (Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Benth.et Hook.f.var,formosana (Boiss.) Shan et Yuan, a plant of the Umbelliferae family. It is dug up when the leaves turn yellow in summer and autumn, and the fibrous roots and mud are removed, and then dried in the sun or at low temperature.
This product is oblong-conical, 10~25cm long, 1.5~2.5cm in diameter. The surface is gray-brown or yellow-brown, the root head is quadrangular or nearly circular, with longitudinal wrinkles, branch root marks and lenticel-like transverse protrusions, some of which are arranged in four longitudinal rows. There is a sunken stem mark at the top. The texture is solid, the cross section is white or grayish white, powdery, the cambium ring is brown, nearly square or nearly circular, and there are many brown oil spots scattered on the skin. It has a fragrant smell and a spicy taste. Slightly bitter.
(1) The powder of this product is yellowish white. There are many starch granules. The single granule is spherical, polygonal, elliptical or helmet-shaped, with a diameter of 3~25um. The umbilicus is dot-shaped, crack-shaped, cross-shaped, trident-shaped, star-shaped or herringbone-shaped; the compound granules are mostly composed of 2~12 subgranules. The diameter of the reticular duct and spiral duct is 10~85um. The cork cells are polygonal or rectangular, light yellow-brown. The oil tubes are mostly broken and contain light yellow-brown secretions.
(2) Take 0.5g of this product powder, add 10ml of ether, soak for 1 hour, shake from time to time, filter, evaporate the filtrate, and dissolve the residue in 1ml of ethyl acetate as the test solution. Take 0.5g of Angelica dahurica reference medicinal material and prepare the reference medicinal material solution in the same way. Then take the reference substance of imperatorin and the reference substance of isoimperatorin, add ethyl acetate to prepare a mixed solution containing 1mg of each per 1ml, as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), 4μ1 of each of the above three solutions were taken and spotted on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and petroleum ether (30~60℃)-ether (3:2) was used as the developing agent. It was developed below 25℃, taken out, dried, and inspected under ultraviolet light (365nm). In the chromatogram of the test sample, fluorescent spots of the same color appeared at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference substance.
The moisture content shall not exceed 14.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 4).
The total ash content shall not exceed 6.0% (General Rule 2302).
Heavy metals and harmful elements shall be determined according to the lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and copper determination method (General Rule 2321 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry or Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry). Lead shall not exceed 5mg/kg; cadmium shall not exceed 1mg/kg; arsenic shall not exceed 2mg/kg; mercury shall not exceed 0.2mg/kg; copper shall not exceed 20mg/kg.
According to the hot leaching method under the alcohol-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), dilute ethanol is used as the solvent, and the solvent shall not be less than 15.0%.
【Penentuan kandungan】
Determine according to the high performance liquid chromatography method (General Rule 0512).
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test Use octadecyl alkane bonded silica gel as filler; methanol-water (55:45) as mobile phase; detection wavelength is 300nm. The number of theoretical plates calculated based on the imperatorin peak should not be less than 3000.
Preparation of reference solution Take an appropriate amount of imperatorin reference substance, accurately weigh it, and add methanol to make a solution containing 10ug per 1ml.
Preparation of test solution Take about 0.4g of the powder (passed through No. 3 sieve), weigh accurately, put into a 50ml volumetric flask, add 45ml of methanol, ultrasonically treat (power 300W, frequency 50kHz) for 1 hour, take out, cool, add methanol to the scale, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate.
Determination method Accurately aspirate 20ml of reference solution and test solution respectively, inject into liquid chromatograph, and determine.
This product contains no less than 0.080% imperatorin (C16H1404) calculated on the basis of dry product.
Sekeping rebusan
[Processing] Remove impurities, separate by size, soak slightly, moisten thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry.
[Properties] This product is in the form of thick round slices. The outer skin is gray-brown or yellow-brown. The cut surface is white or gray-white, powdery, the cambium ring is brown, nearly square or nearly round, and there are many brown oil spots scattered on the skin. It has a fragrant smell and tastes spicy and slightly bitter.
Total ash content is the same as the medicinal material, not more than 5.0%.
(Water content)
【Extract】【Content determination】
Sama seperti bahan perubatan.
【Nature and flavor and meridians】
Spicy, warm. Enter the stomach, large intestine, and lung meridians.
【Functions and indications】
Relieves cold, dispels wind and relieves pain, clears the nasal passages, dries dampness and stops leukorrhea, reduces swelling and discharges pus. Used for colds and headaches, brow pain, nasal congestion and runny nose, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, toothache, leukorrhea, sores and swelling
【Usage and dosage】
Put in a cool and dry place to prevent moths.
Where is Angelica dahurica mainly produced?
It is mainly produced in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Henan, and Hebei. Where is the main medicinal part of Angelica dahurica?

Medicinal parts of Angelica dahurica:
Dried roots of Angelica dahurica (Fisch, ex Hoffm.) Benth.et Hook.f. or Angelica dahurica (Fischex Hoffm.) Benth.et Hook.f.var.formosana (Boiss.) Shan et Yuan of the Umbelliferae family.
Dig it when the leaves turn yellow in summer and autumn, remove the fibrous roots and mud, and dry it in the sun or at low temperature.

Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Angelica dahurica:
This product is oblong-conical, 10~25cm long and 1.5~2.5cm in diameter. The surface is gray-brown or yellow-brown, the root head is blunt quadrangular or nearly round, with longitudinal wrinkles, branch root marks and lenticel-like transverse protrusions, some of which are arranged in four longitudinal rows.

There is a sunken stem mark at the top. The texture is solid, the cross section is white or grayish white, powdery, the cambium ring is brown, nearly square or nearly round, and there are many brown oil spots on the skin. It has a fragrant smell and tastes spicy and slightly bitter.
How are Angelica dahurica recorded in ancient books?
“Ben Jing”: “It is used to treat red and white discharge in women, blood stasis and swelling of the genitals, cold and heat, and headaches and tears.
“Ben Cao Jing Bai Zhong Lu”: “All drugs that dispel wind will not dry up semen. Angelica dahurica is very fragrant and can dispel wind and dampness. It is also very smooth and can harmonize blood vessels without drying up. It is beneficial and harmless to use it.
“Ben Cao Qiu Zhen”: “Angelica dahurica has a strong warming effect, can clear the orifices and move the surface, and is the main medicine for dispelling wind and dampness in the foot yangming meridian.
Angelica dahurica has the effects of dispelling cold, dispelling wind and relieving pain, clearing the nasal orifices, drying dampness and stopping leukorrhea, and reducing swelling and pus.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Angelica dahurica?
Angelica dahurica is used for colds and headaches, brow pain, nasal congestion and runny nose, nasal sinusitis, toothache, leukorrhea, and sores and swelling.
Wind-cold exterior syndrome
For the treatment of exogenous wind-cold exterior syndrome, headache and body pain, nasal congestion and runny nose, it is often used with Qianghuo, Fangfeng, and Xixin.
Headache, toothache
For the treatment of Yangming headache, brow pain, head wind pain, etc., it can be used alone, or with Chuanxiong and green tea;
For toothache, it can be ground into fine powder with Xixin, Quanxie, and Chuanxiong, and a little rubbed on the toothache.
Nasal sinusitis, nasal congestion and runny nose
Often used with Xanthium sibiricum, Xinyi, etc. Use.
Treat cold and dampness, and if the leucorrhea is thin, it is often used with antler frost, white atractylodes, yam, etc.;
Treat damp heat, and if the leucorrhea is thick and yellow, it is suitable to be used with plantain seeds, phellodendron, etc. .
Sores, carbuncle, swelling and pain
Treat the initial stage of sores, swelling, heat and pain, often with honeysuckle, angelica, pangolin, etc., treat sores and pus that are difficult to ulcerate, often with ginseng, scutellaria, angelica, etc. What other effects does Angelica dahurica have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients by the people, that is, according to tradition, they are both food and Chinese medicinal materials (i.e. edible medicinal substances).
Commonly used medicinal diet recipes of Angelica dahurica are as follows:
Men and women with head wind, cramps and pain in the limbs
15g of Chuanxiong, 15g of Angelica dahurica, 1 bighead carp head (about 200g), ginger, onion, salt, cooking wine, etc. Wash and slice; wash and slice Angelica dahurica; remove the gills from the head of the silver carp and wash. Put the medicine and fish head into the pot, add ginger, onion, salt, cooking wine, and water. Put the pot on high heat to boil, then simmer over low heat and serve. Add a little MSG when eating. Drink the soup in portions.
Blood stasis and dryness, dark spots on the face due to meridian blockage, dull complexion, chloasma in middle-aged and elderly women
250g peach blossom, 30g Angelica dahurica, 1L white wine.
Peach blossoms are collected from buds that have just opened around Qingming Festival. Put them in a bottle of wine with Angelica dahurica, seal them with a lid, store them for 1 month, and then open them for use. Take 15~30mL of wine each time and drink it on an empty stomach, 1~2 times a day, and drink it regularly.
What are the compound preparations containing Angelica dahurica?
Qinzhi Huangyan Syrup
Clears heat and detoxifies, relieves swelling and clears the orifices. Used for acute rhinitis.
Tori Xiaodusan
Deswelling Pain relief, expelling toxins and pus.
Yi Nian Jin San
Can treat toothache caused by wind and cold.
Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin
Clears heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling and hardness, activates blood circulation and relieves pain. Yang syndrome carbuncle swelling and toxins at the beginning. Redness, swelling and pain, or fever and coldness, thin white or yellow fur, and strong pulse.
Jiuwei Qiang Huo Tang
Sweating and removing dampness, and clearing internal heat. Indications: exogenous wind, cold and dampness, and internal heat syndrome. Chills and fever, no sweat, headache and stiff neck, sore limbs and pain, bitter mouth and slight thirst, white or slightly yellow tongue fur, and floating pulse.
Modern research progress on Angelica dahurica
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-pathogenic microorganisms, inhibition of intestinal smooth muscle, anti-tumor, and inhibition of melanin production.
Angelica dahurica is often boiled and taken as juice, or it can be soaked in wine, cooked porridge or soup. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use Angelica dahurica correctly?
When taking Angelica dahurica decoction orally, the common dosage is 3~10g.
When using Angelica dahurica externally, take an appropriate amount of Angelica dahurica and grind it into fine powder, apply it to the affected area or apply it as a compress.
Angelica dahurica is generally used in decoctions, decoctions and can also be made into powders or pills. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it should not be used at will, let alone listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
In addition, Angelica dahurica can also be used for daily health care. Common methods of consumption are as follows:
· Soaking in wine: Angelica dahurica can be soaked in wine and drunk, which has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, relieving cold and relieving pain.
· Cooking porridge: Angelica dahurica can be ground into powder and cooked into porridge, which has the functions of clearing heat and resisting cold, and enhancing autoimmunity.
How to prepare Angelica dahurica?
Angelica dahurica: Take the original herbal medicine, remove impurities, separate the large and small ones, soak until 60% to 70% thoroughly, dry until thoroughly moistened, cut into thick slices, and dry.
What drugs should be used with Angelica dahurica at the same time?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and individualized clinical treatment
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plan you are receiving
Arahan penggunaan
Angelica dahurica is pungent, fragrant, warm and dry, so it is not suitable for people with yin deficiency and blood heat.
What are the precautions when using Angelica dahurica?
People with yin deficiency and blood heat should not take it.
·During the medication period, it is necessary to avoid eating cold, raw and cold foods, spicy and greasy foods.
Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
·Kanak-kanak: Ubat kanak-kanak mesti dijalankan di bawah bimbingan doktor dan pengawasan orang dewasa.
Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give the medicinal materials you use to others.

Berat badan

1 kg, 10 kg, 100 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg


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