
Burdock seeds – niu bang zi


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Burdock seeds – niu bang zi,seeds of burdock,Arctii Fructus,burdock root seeds,crushed burdock root seeds,burdock seeds for sale,burdock root seeds for sale,Burdock seeds, [niu bang zi], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Dalizi, Shunizi, Eshi, Niuzi, English name: Arctii Fructus, main effects: dispersing wind-heat, clearing lungs and clearing rashes, detoxifying and relieving sore throat
The Chinese herbal medicine burdock seeds are a kind of antipyretic medicine, which is the dried mature fruit of the Asteraceae plant Niufang.
The medicinal properties of burdock seeds are pungent, bitter and cold. It enters the lung and stomach meridians.
This product is pungent, dispersing, bitter and purging, cold and smooth, and enters the lung and stomach meridians. It can clear wind-heat and clear the surface, clear rashes, clear the lungs and remove phlegm, relieve sore throat and cough, and smooth the bowels and defecate, guide the heat (rash) toxins to be discharged, and clear the sores and rashes. It is not as good as mint in sweating, but is good at clearing heat and toxins and smoothing the bowels and defecation. It is suitable for all diseases caused by wind-heat, heat toxins, lung heat, and phlegm heat, and is especially good for those with poor bowel movements.
This product contains arctiin, fatty oil, Lappaol, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and alkaloids. It has the effects of dispersing wind-heat, clearing the lungs and relieving rashes, and detoxifying and relieving sore throat. It is used for wind-heat cold, cough with sputum, measles, rubella, sore throat, mumps, erysipelas, carbuncle, swelling and sore.

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Burdock seeds
[Medicinal use] This product is the mature fruit of the burdock plant of the Asteraceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Pungent, bitter, cold. Enters the lung and stomach meridians.
[Effects] Disperse wind-heat, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, clear away heat and detoxify.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for exogenous wind-heat, sore throat.
This product disperses wind-heat and can relieve sore throat. Clinical application is suitable for patients with wind-heat symptoms and sore throat. It is often used in combination with platycodon, honeysuckle, forsythia, etc.
2. Used for measles that are not smooth.
Burdock seeds disperse wind-heat and rash. For those who have measles at the beginning and rash that is not smooth, they are often used in combination with cimicifuga, kudzu root, cicada shell, mint, etc.
3. Used for cough and sputum that are not smooth.
Burdock seeds disperse wind and heat, promote lung qi, remove phlegm and stop coughing. Therefore, they are often used as the main medicine for those with wind-heat, cough and phlegm. They can be used together with schizonepeta, platycodon, licorice, etc.
4. Used for sores, carbuncle, swelling and pain.
Burdock seeds can be used with coptis root, isatis root, etc. to clear away heat and toxicity, and have a certain effect on heat and toxic sores and carbuncle.
[Prescription name] Burdock seeds, dalis seeds, rat glue seeds, cooked burdock, fried burdock (fried slightly charred)
[Note] 1. Burdock seeds are bitter and cold, and they mainly have two effects of dispersing and clearing. They can both dispel wind and heat and clear away heat and toxicity. However, the power of this product is weak and it has no sweating effect. Therefore, when it is used for wind-heat or measles, it must be used with mint to achieve the effect of dispersing. As for its function of clearing away heat and toxicity, it is more significant. It can be used for symptoms such as red and swollen throat, swollen and painful mumps, sores, carbuncle, swollen and toxic, and phlegm-heat cough. It is often used in combination with honeysuckle and forsythia.
2. The function of burdock seeds in dispersing wind and heat is similar to that of mint, and they are often used together. However, burdock is better in clearing away heat and toxicity, while mint is stronger in relieving the symptoms and inducing sweating.
3. Because it is cold and slippery, it can lubricate the intestines and relieve constipation, so it is not suitable for people with spleen deficiency and diarrhea; it is also not suitable for people with ulcerated carbuncle and thin pus.
[Dos dan penggunaan am] Satu hingga tiga syiling, direbus dan diambil.
[Example of prescription] Burdock Soup “Zhengzhi Zhunsheng”: Burdock seeds, rhubarb, saposhnikovia divaricata, mint leaves, schizonepeta spicate, licorice. Treats sore throat and erysipelas.
This product is the dried mature fruit of Arctium lappaL, a plant of the Asteraceae family. In autumn, when the fruits are ripe, the inflorescence is harvested, the fruits are beaten, impurities are removed, and then dried. Sun-dried,
This product is oblong, slightly flat, slightly curved, 5~7mm long, 2~3mm wide. The surface is gray-brown with purple-black spots and several longitudinal ridges, usually 1~2 in the middle are more obvious. The apex is blunt and rounded, slightly wide with a ring on the top surface, and with dot-like style remnants in the middle; the base is slightly narrow and the surface color is lighter. The pericarp is hard, with 2 cotyledons, light yellow-white, and rich in oil. The smell is slight, and the taste is bitter and slightly pungent and slightly numbing.
(1) This product is pink and gray-brown. The stone cells of the endocarp are flat, and the surface view is pointed fusiform, oblong or pointed oval, 70~224um long, 13~70um wide, with a wall thickness of about 20um, lignified, and the pits are horizontally long; the side view is rectangular or long strip, and sideways. The cross-section of the mesocarp reticular cells is polygonal, with fine dot-like thickening of the pericarp wall; the longitudinal section of the cells is elongated, with fine and dense cross-reticular texture on the wall. The diameter of the calcium oxalate crystals is 3-9um, and they exist in the yellow mesocarp thin-walled cells in sheets. The boundaries of the crystal-containing cells are not clear. The cotyledon cells are full of aleurone grains, some of which contain small clusters of crystals and fat oil droplets.
(2) Take 0.5g of the powder of this product, add 20ml of ethanol, ultrasonically treat for 30 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate, and dissolve the residue in 2ml of ethanol to prepare the test solution. Take another 0.5g of the control medicinal material of burdock seeds and prepare the control medicinal material solution in the same way. Take the safflower glycoside reference substance and add ethanol to prepare a solution containing 5mg per 1ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), 3u of the test solution and the reference medicinal material solution, and 54l of the reference material solution are respectively spotted on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and chloroform-methanol-water (40:8;1) is used as the developing agent, developed, taken out, dried, sprayed with 10% sulfuric acid Z alcohol solution, and heated at 105°C until the spots are clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference material.
Water content shall not exceed 9.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2)
Total ash shall not exceed 7.0% (General Rule 2302)a
[Penentuan kandungan]
Determined according to the high performance liquid chromatography method (General Rule 0512)
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: Octadecyl brick alkane bonded tridacnaline as filler: methanol-water (1:1.1) as mobile phase: detection wavelength is 280nm. The number of theoretical plates calculated based on the peak of oxalisin should not be less than 1500.
Preparation of reference solution Take an appropriate amount of oxalisin reference, weigh accurately, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.5 mg per 1 ml, and obtain.
Preparation of test solution Take about 0.5g of the powder of this product (passed through a No. 3 sieve), weigh accurately, put it in a 50ml volumetric flask, add about 45ml of methanol, ultrasonically treat (power 150W, frequency 20kHz) for 20 minutes, cool, add methanol to the scale, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate.
Determination method Accurately aspirate 10ml of the reference solution and the test solution respectively, inject into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
This product contains no less than 5.0% arctiin (C27H34011).
Kepingan rebusan
[Processing] Remove impurities from burdock seeds, wash and dry. Crush when used.
[Properties] [Identification] [Inspection] [Content determination]
Sama seperti bahan perubatan.
Stir-fried burdock seeds Take clean burdock seeds and stir-fry them according to the stir-fry method (General Rule 0213) until they are slightly swollen and slightly fragrant. Crush them when used.
This product is shaped like burdock seeds, with a darker color and slightly swollen. Slightly fragrant.
Water content is the same as the medicinal material, not more than 7.0%.
[Identification] [Inspection]
(Abu keseluruhan)
[Penentuan kandungan]
Sama seperti bahan perubatan.
[Properties and meridians)
Spicy, bitter, cold. Enter the lung and stomach meridians.
[Fungsi dan petunjuk]
Disperse wind-heat, clear the lungs and clear the rash, detoxify and relieve sore throat. Used for wind-heat colds, coughs with sputum, measles, rubella, sore throat, mumps, erysipelas, carbuncles and sores
[Penggunaan dan dos]
Letakkan di tempat yang berventilasi dan kering.
Where are the main production areas of burdock seeds?
It is mainly produced in Hebei, Jilin, Liaoning, and Zhejiang. Where is the main medicinal part of Arctium lappa?
Medicinal part of Arctium lappa:
This product is the dried mature fruit of Arctium lappaL, a plant of the Asteraceae family. Harvest the inflorescence when the fruit is ripe in autumn, dry it in the sun, beat the fruit, remove impurities, and then dry it in the sun.
Characteristics of the medicinal part of Arctium lappa:
This product is long obovate, slightly flat, slightly curved, 5~7mm long, 2~3mm wide. The surface is gray-brown with purple-black spots, with several longitudinal ridges, usually 1~2 in the middle are more obvious. The top is blunt and slightly wide, with a ring on the top surface, and a dot-shaped style remnant in the middle: the base is slightly narrow, and the color of the raw surface is lighter. The pericarp is hard, with 2 cotyledons, light yellow-white, and rich in oil. The smell is slight, and the taste is bitter and slightly spicy and slightly numbing.
How are burdock seeds recorded in ancient books?
“Famous Doctors’ Records”: “It is good for improving eyesight, tonifying the middle, and removing wind damage.
“Supplement to Materia Medica”: “It is good for treating wind swelling and toxicity, and all kinds of paralysis.
“Compendium of Materia Medica Volume 15”: “It eliminates rashes and rashes.
“Classic of Materia Medica”: “Erythrorhizon is a poisonous drug that can dissipate wind, remove heat, and detoxify. Pungent can dissipate knots, and bitter can dissipate heat. When heat knots are dissipated, the internal organs are clear, so it can improve eyesight and tonify the middle.
Where there is wind damage, the defensive qi must be blocked, and blockage will cause fever. Pungent and cool dissipation will make the surface qi harmonious, and the wind will have nowhere to stay. … Therefore, it is used for eczema and smallpox, and it is particularly effective.
“Pharmaceutical Chemistry”: “Burdock seeds can rise and fall, effectively resolve heat and toxicity, bitter taste can clear fire, spicy taste can dispel wind, mainly treat wind phlegm in the upper part, facial edema, throat discomfort, various toxic heat congestion, saber scrofula, phlegm nodules in the neck, blood heat pox, seasonal rashes, skin urticaria, all lung meridian stagnation of fire, lung meridian wind and heat, all suitable for this.
The Chinese medicinal material burdock seeds have the effects of dispersing wind and heat, clearing the lungs and rash, and detoxifying and relieving throat pain.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of burdock seeds?
Burdock seeds are used for wind-heat colds, coughs with sputum, measles, rubella, sore throat, cheeks, erysipelas, carbuncle, sore and poison.
Wind-heat exterior syndrome, initial stage of febrile disease
·Treat wind-heat exterior syndrome or initial stage of febrile disease, fever, sore throat or cough, uncomfortable sputum, etc.
The former is often used with honeysuckle, mint, platycodon, etc.; the latter can be used with mulberry leaves, peucedanum, platycodon, etc. .
Measles does not break out, rubella itching
Treat the early stage of measles or rash that does not break out, often used with kudzu root, cicada shell, schizonepeta, etc.
Treat rubella eczema, skin pain and itching, can be used with fangfeng, shengdihuang, cicada shell, etc.
Sore throat, carbuncle, sore and poison, treatment of cheeks, erysipelas
·Treat sore throat caused by wind-heat attack or excessive heat and toxicity, the former can be used with mint, cicada shell, etc.; the latter can be used with isatis root, radix sophorae flavescentis Used together.
Treat wind-heat epidemic toxins that are blocked in the upper part of the body and occur on the head and face. Symptoms include redness, swelling, heat and pain on the head and face, and sore throat. It is often used together with Scutellaria baicalensis, Isatis root, Scrophularia ningpoensis, etc.
Treat heat-toxic carbuncle, mumps, etc., and can be used together with honeysuckle, forsythia, etc.
What other effects does burdock have?
The following are the commonly used medicinal recipes for Niu Fangzi!
Mint burdock porridge
6 grams of mint, 10 grams of burdock, and an appropriate amount of polished rice. First, simmer the burdock. Boil the burdock seeds for 15 minutes, remove the burdock seeds, and keep the juice for later use. After cooking the stalk rice into porridge for 10 minutes, add the mint. When the porridge is almost done, add the burdock juice and cook for 5 minutes.
Burdock fat-free tea
12 grams of burdock seeds, 12 grams of cassia seeds, and 5 grams of osmanthus. Pour 350 ml of water into the pot, add the burdock seeds, and boil the cassia seeds for 3 minutes. Pour the boiled medicinal tea into the cup with osmanthus and drink it.
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment. It should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it is even more forbidden to listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing burdock seeds?
Burdock Jieji Soup
Relieves muscles and clears heat, resolves phlegm and reduces swelling. It is mainly used to treat wind-heat in the head and face, or phlegm poison in the cheek and neck, wind-heat toothache, etc. Yinqiao Powder
It is spicy and cool to penetrate the surface, clears heat and detoxifies. Used for Exogenous wind-cold, fever, headache, dry mouth, cough, sore throat, short and red urine. Xiaofengsan
Dispels wind and dampness, clears heat and nourishes blood. Indications: rubella and eczema. Itchy skin, red rash, or cloud-like spots all over the body, oozing fluid after scratching, white or yellow fur, and floating and rapid pulse.
Puji Xiaoduyin
Clears heat and detoxifies, dispels wind and dispels evil. Indications: big head plague. Chills and fever, red and swollen head and face, inability to open eyes, sore throat, dry tongue and thirst, red tongue with white and yellow fur, and floating and rapid pulse.
Qingyan Lige Pills
Clears heat and relieves sore throat, reduces swelling and relieves pain. Used for red and swollen throat, sore throat, red and swollen cheeks, phlegm, chest and diaphragm discomfort caused by exogenous wind evil and internal heat accumulation, bitter mouth and dry tongue, constipation, and yellow and red urine.
Yinqiao Jiedu Tablets
Dispel wind and relieve the exterior, clear heat and detoxify. Used for wind-heat cold, symptoms include fever, headache, cough, dry mouth, and sore throat.
Qingwen Jiedu Pills
Clearing and detoxifying. Used for exogenous epidemics, chills and fever, headache without sweating, thirst and dry throat, cheeks, and big head plague. Jinsang Kaiyin Pills
Clearing heat and detoxifying, dispersing wind and relieving throat. Used for sore throat and hoarseness caused by wind-heat evil toxins; acute pharyngitis, subacute pharyngitis, and laryngitis with the above symptoms.
Modern research progress on burdock
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as antipyretic, sedative, analgesic, anti-pathogenic microorganisms, immune regulation, hypoglycemic, and anti-tumor.
Kaedah penggunaan
Burdock is generally used as burdock slices and decocted. Specific medication should be followed according to the doctor’s advice.
How to use burdock correctly?
When taking burdock decoction orally, the usual dosage is 6~12g. It is better to crush it into decoction.
When used externally, take an appropriate amount of burdock decoction to gargle.
Burdock seeds are usually used in decoctions, decoctions, or powders or pills. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, and should not be used at will, let alone listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
Through different processing methods, Chinese herbal medicine slices such as burdock seeds and fried burdock seeds can be produced. Stir-frying can slightly reduce its bitter, cold and laxative properties. Different processing methods have different effects, but the medication methods are the same. Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific medication.
In addition, burdock seeds can also be used for daily health care. Common methods of consumption are as follows:
Cook porridge (mint burdock porridge): 6 grams of mint, 10 grams of burdock seeds, and an appropriate amount of polished rice to cook porridge for consumption. It is suitable for the early stage of febrile colds, with specific manifestations of.
Cannot cough up phlegm, sore throat, love to drink water, sticky nasal discharge, red tongue, yellow tongue coating, etc.
Make tea (burdock degreasing tea): 12g burdock, 12g cassia, 5g osmanthus boiled in water. It has the effect of degreasing.
How to prepare burdock?
Burdock: Take the original medicinal materials, sieve out the ash and impurities. Crush it when using.
Stir-fried burdock: Take the clean burdock, put it in the stir-frying container, heat it with a slow fire, stir-fry until it is slightly bulging, there is a popping sound, and a slight aroma escapes, then take it out and let it cool. Crush it when using.
Which drugs should be used with burdock at the same time?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and the combined use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, clinical individualized treatment,
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and treatment plans you are receiving
Arahan penggunaan
Burdock can lubricate the intestines, so people with spleen deficiency and loose stools should not take it.
What precautions should be taken when using burdock seeds?
·This product is cold in nature, can lubricate the intestines and promote bowel movements, and should not be taken by people with spleen deficiency and loose stools. Carbuncle has ulcerated, and it is not suitable for non-constipation.
During medication, it is necessary to avoid eating cold, raw and cold food, spicy and greasy food, and avoid smoking and drinking. .
This product has a slight smell, bitter taste, slightly spicy and slightly numbing tongue. Large, full, gray-brown grains are preferred. Use raw or stir-fried, and crush when used.
Wanita hamil dan menyusu: Jika anda hamil, merancang untuk hamil, atau sedang menyusu, sila maklumkan doktor anda tepat pada masanya dan dapatkan nasihat sama ada ubat Cina boleh digunakan untuk rawatan.
·Children: Children’s medication must be taken under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
Please properly store the medicinal materials and do not give your own medicinal materials to others. .
·Avoid using copper or iron utensils to decoct medicine.
How to identify and use burdock seeds?
·Burdock seeds are spicy, bitter, and cold in nature. They belong to the lung and stomach meridians. It has the effects of dispersing wind-heat, clearing lungs and clearing rashes, and detoxifying and relieving sore throat. · Burdock seeds are good at dispersing wind-heat, detoxifying and dispersing stagnation when used raw. It can be used for the initial onset of wind-heat, swelling and pain in the cheeks, and carbuncle ulcers. Stir-fried burdock seeds alleviate the cold and slippery nature, avoid hurting the spleen and stomach, and the fragrance makes the dispersing effect stronger, and it is conducive to crushing and decocting the effective ingredients. It is good at detoxifying, clearing rashes, clearing throats and dispersing stagnation, and resolving phlegm and relieving cough. It is used for measles that is not clear, sore throat, and wind-heat cough.
Petua ubat
Soalan yang paling kerap ditanya oleh pesakit
How to soak burdock seeds in water?
12 grams of raw burdock seeds, 12 grams of cassia seeds, and 5 grams of osmanthus. Pour 350 ml of water into the pot, add burdock seeds and cassia seeds and boil for 3 minutes. Pour the boiled medicinal tea juice into the cup with osmanthus and drink it.
The effects and functions of stir-fried burdock seeds
Burdock seeds are pungent, bitter, and cold in nature. They belong to the lung and stomach meridians. It has the effects of dispersing wind-heat, clearing the lungs and clearing rashes, and detoxifying and relieving sore throat. The raw burdock seeds are good at dispersing wind-heat, detoxifying and dispersing knots. It can be used for the initial onset of wind-heat, swelling and pain in the cheeks, and carbuncle and ulcers. Stir-fried burdock seeds alleviate the cold and slippery nature, avoid hurting the spleen and stomach, and the fragrance makes the dispersing effect stronger, and it is conducive to crushing and decocting the effective ingredients. It is good at detoxifying and clearing rashes, relieving sore throats, dispersing knots, resolving phlegm and relieving coughs. It is used for measles that is not clear, sore throat, and wind-heat cough.
How to make mint burdock porridge
6 grams of mint, 10 grams of burdock seeds, and an appropriate amount of polished rice.
First, boil the burdock seeds for 15 minutes, remove the burdock seeds, and leave the juice for later use.
Cook the stalk rice into porridge, add mint after 10 minutes, and when the porridge is almost ready, add the burdock juice and cook for 5 minutes.

Berat badan

1 kg, 10 kg, 100 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg


Burdock seeds, Fried Burdock Seeds


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