
Tian ma – Gastrodia elata

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Tian ma – Gastrodia elata,gastrodiae rhizoma,tian ma herb,tian ma tcm,gastrodia elata root,gastrodia root,rhizoma gastrodiae elata,chinese herb tian ma,Gastrodia elata, [tian ma], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Ming Tianma, Dingfeng grass root, Bailongpi, Shuiyangtiao, Guiduyou, Limu, English name: Gastrodiae Rhizoma, main effects: calming wind and relieving spasm, calming liver yang, dispelling wind and unblocking collaterals.
Chinese herbal medicine Gastrodia elata is a liver-calming and wind-calming medicine, which is the dried tuber of the orchid plant Gastrodia elata
Gastrodia elata is sweet and flat in nature, and belongs to the liver meridian.
Gastrodia elata is sweet, slow and heavy in nature, soft and moist without dryness, flat and unbiased in nature, and is specifically attributed to the liver. It is good at calming wind and relieving spasm, calming liver yang, and treating liver yang and liver wind symptoms, regardless of cold, heat, deficiency or excess. It can dispel wind and unblock collaterals, and treat arthralgia, limb numbness and limb paralysis.
This product contains phenolic components, fatty acid components, polysaccharides, and also contains carotene, multiple amino acids, and multiple trace elements. It has the functions of calming wind and relieving spasm, calming liver yang, and dispelling wind and unblocking collaterals.

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Tian ma – Gastrodia elata,gastrodiae rhizoma,tian ma herb,tian ma tcm,gastrodia elata root,gastrodia root,rhizoma gastrodiae elata,chinese herb tian ma,Gastrodia elata
[Medicinal use] This product is the tuber of Gastrodia elata, an orchidaceae plant.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Sweet, slightly warm. Enters the liver meridian.
[Effects] Calm the liver and calm the wind, dredge the meridians and relieve pain.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for dizziness and vertigo.
Gastrodia elata is an important medicine for treating vertigo, and its main function is to calm the liver and calm the wind. It can be used in combination with Uncaria rhynchophylla, Semen Cassiae, etc. to treat vertigo caused by hyperactivity of liver yang; if it is caused by wind and phlegm, it can be used in combination with Pinellia ternata, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, etc.
2. Used for fever, wind, epilepsy and convulsions.
Although Gastrodia elata has no function of clearing heat, it has a good effect of calming liver wind and calming convulsions, and is an important medicine for treating liver wind. For high fever, wind, epilepsy, convulsions, opisthotonos, etc., it is often used in combination with Uncaria rhynchophylla, Scorpion, etc.
3. Used for headache, pain, numbness of limbs, etc.
In ancient prescriptions, Gastrodia elata is recorded as treating liver deficiency, headache, rheumatism, and pain. For example, it is used with Chuanxiong to treat headache, and with scorpion and frankincense to treat pain. In addition, for numbness of limbs and paralysis of hands and feet, it is often used with angelica and Achyranthes bidentata, which are commonly used in clinical practice.
[Prescription name] Gastrodia elata, Ming Tianma (wash, dry, slice for use), stewed Gastrodia elata (fry with bran and use)
[General dosage and usage] One to three qian, decoct and take. Grind into powder and swallow three to five fen each time.
[Comments] 1. Gastrodia elata is mainly used to treat wind. It can calm liver wind and expel rheumatism. However, it is now mostly used in clinical practice to calm the liver and calm spasms, and is a commonly used medicine for treating dizziness.
2. The “Inner Canon” says: “All wind dizziness belongs to the liver.” However, dizziness can be divided into deficiency and excess, and should be used according to specific symptoms and dialectical application. Although this product has good effects, it is slightly warm and dry, so it is suitable for dizziness caused by hyperactivity of liver yang. It is also suitable for those with phlegm and dampness. If the dizziness is caused by blood deficiency and liver hyperactivity, it must be used with blood-nourishing and liver-softening drugs such as angelica, wolfberry, and white peony. As for those with yin deficiency and less fluid, red tongue and peeling, it is advisable to nourish the kidney and nourish yin as the main method, and generally do not use Tianma.
[Example of prescription] Tianma Pill “Puji Fang”: Tianma, Chuanxiong. Treat hemiplegic headache, dizziness and blurred vision.
This product is the dry tuber of Gastrodia elata Bl., a plant of the orchid family. It is dug after the beginning of winter and before Qingming of the following year, washed immediately, steamed thoroughly, and dried at low temperature.
This product is oval or long, slightly flat, wrinkled and slightly curved, 3~15cm long, 1.5~6cm wide, and 0.5~2cm thick. The surface is yellowish white to yellowish brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and multiple rounds of transverse rings formed by latent buds, and sometimes brownish-brown cords can be seen. There is a reddish brown to dark brown parrot-beak-shaped bud or residual stem base at the top, and a round umbilical scar at the other end. It is hard and not easy to break. The cross section is relatively flat, yellowish white to light brown, and keratinous. It has a slight odor and tastes sweet.
(1) Cross-section of this product: The epidermis is remnant, and the hypodermis is composed of 2 to 3 rows of tangentially elongated suberized cells. The cortex is composed of 10 rows of polygonal cells, some of which contain bundles of calcium oxalate needles. The junction between the cortex and the hypodermis of older tubers has 2 to 3 rows of elliptical thick-walled cells, which are lignified and have obvious pits. The pith occupies the vast majority, with small circumflex vascular bundles scattered; the thin-walled cells also contain bundles of calcium oxalate needles.
The powder is yellowish white to yellowish brown. The thick-walled cells are oval or polygonal, with a diameter of 70-180um, a wall thickness of 3-8um, lignified, and obvious pits. Calcium oxalate needles are bundled or scattered, 25-75(93)um long. When observed with glycerol acetic acid test solution, the thin-walled cells containing gelatinized polysaccharides are colorless, and some cells can be seen as long oval, long oval or round particles, which appear brown or light brown purple when exposed to iodine solution. The diameters of spiral vessels, reticular vessels and annular vessels are 8-30um.
(2) Take 1g of the powder of this product, add 10ml of methanol, ultrasonically treat for 30 minutes, filter, concentrate the filtrate to dryness, and add 1ml of methanol to dissolve the residue as the test solution. Take 1g of Gastrodia elata control medicinal material and prepare the control medicinal material solution in the same way. Take the gastrodin reference substance and add methanol to prepare a solution containing 1mg per 1ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (general rule 0502), 104 of the test solution and the reference medicinal material solution, and 541 of the reference solution are respectively spotted on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and dichloromethane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (2:4:2.5:1) is used as the developing agent. Develop, take out, dry, spray with p-hydroxybenzaldehyde solution (take 0.2g of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, dissolve in 10ml of ethanol, add 1m of 50% sulfuric acid solution, mix well), heat at 120℃ until the spots are clearly colored, and inspect under sunlight. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference substance.
[Characteristic spectrum]
Determine according to the high performance liquid chromatography method (general rule 0512).
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test Octadecyl tridane bonded tridacnamidol was used as filler: acetonitrile was used as mobile phase A, 0.1% phosphoric acid solution was used as mobile phase B, and gradient elution was performed according to the following table: flow rate was 0.8 m/min, column temperature was 30°C, and detection wavelength was 220 nm. The number of theoretical plates calculated based on the gastrodin peak should not be less than 5000.
Preparation of reference solution Take about 0.5 g of Gastrodia elata reference medicinal material, place it in a stoppered conical flask, add 25 ml of 50% methanol, ultrasonically treat (power 500 W, frequency 40 kHz) for 30 minutes, cool, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate as the reference solution of the reference medicinal material. Take the reference solution under [Content determination] as the reference solution of the reference material.
Preparation of test solution Take about 0.5 g of this product powder (passed through a No. 4 sieve), and prepare the test solution in the same way as the preparation method of the reference solution of the reference medicinal material. Determination method: Accurately aspirate 3μ of the reference solution and the test solution respectively, inject into the liquid chromatograph, determine, and record the chromatogram. The test sample chromatogram should show 6 characteristic peaks, which should correspond to the 6 characteristic peaks in the reference chromatogram of the reference medicinal material. Peak 1 and peak 2 should be consistent with the retention time of the reference peaks of the reference substance of gastrodin and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol.
Water content shall not exceed 15.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
Total ash content shall not exceed 4.5% (General Rule 2302).
Sulfur dioxide residue: Determine according to the sulfur dioxide residue determination method (General Rule 2331), and shall not exceed 400mg/kg.
Determine by hot leaching method under the alcohol-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), using dilute ethanol as solvent, not less than 15.0%.
【सामग्री निर्धारण】
Determine by high performance liquid chromatography (General Rule 0512)
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as filler; acetonitrile-0.05% phosphoric acid solution (3:97) as mobile phase; detection wavelength is 220nm, and the number of theoretical plates calculated based on the gastrodin peak should not be less than 5000.
Preparation of reference solution Take appropriate amount of gastrodin reference substance and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol reference substance, weigh accurately, add acetonitrile-water (3:97) mixed solution to make a mixed solution containing 50ug of gastrodin and 25ug of p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol per 1m|, and obtain.
Preparation of test solution Take about 2g of the powder (passed through No. 3 sieve), weigh accurately, place in a stoppered conical bottle, accurately add 50ml of dilute ethanol, weigh, ultrasonically treat (power 120W, frequency 40KHz) for 30 minutes, cool, weigh again, make up the lost weight with dilute ethanol, filter, accurately measure 10ml of the filtrate, concentrate to nearly dry without alcohol taste, add acetonitrile-water (3:97) mixed solution to dissolve the residue, transfer to a 25ml volumetric flask, dilute to scale with acetonitrile-water (3:97) mixed solution, shake well, filter, take the filtrate, and get it.
Determination method, accurately aspirate 5u of the reference solution and the test solution respectively, inject into the liquid chromatograph, and determine, and get it.
This product, calculated on the basis of dry product, contains not less than 0.25% of the total amount of gastrodin (C13H1807) and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol (C7HgO,).
Medicinal slices
[प्रशोधन गर्दै]
Wash, soak or steam until soft, slice thinly, and dry.
This product is in irregular thin slices. The outer skin is light yellow to yellow-brown, sometimes with dot-like horizontal ring patterns, and the cut surface is yellow-white to light brown. Keratin-like, translucent. Slight smell, sweet taste,
Water content is the same as the medicinal material, not more than 12.0%
(Except the cross section)
(Total ash content, sulfur dioxide residue)
सामग्री निर्धारण]
औषधीय सामग्री जस्तै।
[Nature and flavor and meridians]
Sweet, flat. Enter the liver meridian.
[कार्य र संकेतहरू]
Chilling wind and stopping spasms, calming liver yang, dispelling wind and unblocking collaterals. Used for infantile convulsions, epilepsy, convulsions, tetanus, headache and dizziness, limb paralysis, limb numbness, rheumatic pain.
[Usage and dosage]
Place in a ventilated and dry place to prevent moth.
Where is the main production area of ​​Gastrodia elata?
It is mainly produced in Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Shaanxi.
Where is the main medicinal part of Gastrodia elata?
Medicinal part of Gastrodia elata:
Dried tubers of Gastrodia elata B1., an orchid plant.
Characteristics of medicinal parts of Gastrodia elata:
This product is oval or long, slightly flat, wrinkled and slightly curved, 3~15cm long, 1.5~6cm wide, and 0.5~2cm thick. The surface is yellowish white to yellowish brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and multiple rounds of transverse rings formed by latent buds, and sometimes brown fungi can be seen.
There are reddish brown to dark brown parrot-shaped buds or residual stem bases at the top; there is a round umbilical scar at the other end. It is hard and not easy to break. The cross section is relatively flat, yellowish white to light brown, and horny. It has a slight smell and tastes sweet.
How are Tianma recorded in ancient books?

《本经》: “Long-term use can improve qi and strength, increase yin, make the body fat and healthy, make the body light, and increase longevity.

《药性本草》: “It can treat excessive worry and confusion, and fright and loss of will.

《凯宝本草》: “It can treat all kinds of rheumatism, cramps in the limbs, fright in children with wind diseases, and benefit the waist and knees, and strengthen the muscles.

《珍宝囊》: “It can treat dizziness and headache caused by wind deficiency.


Tianma has the functions of calming wind and stopping spasms, calming liver yang, and removing wind and unblocking collaterals.

What are the main effects and clinical applications of Tianma?

Tianma is used for infantile convulsions, epilepsy, tetanus, headache and dizziness, paralysis of hands and feet, numbness of limbs, and rheumatism.

Liver wind internal movement syndrome
· Treat acute and chronic convulsions in children, saliva congestion, hemiplegia, and difficulty speaking in adults after stroke. It can be used together with Pinellia, Poria, and Atractylodes;· If it is used to treat tetanus, spasms, convulsions, opisthotonos, etc., it can be used in combination with Arisaema, Rhizoma Aconiti Lateralis, and Saposhnikovia.
Dizziness and headache
· Treat headache and dizziness caused by hyperactivity of liver yang. It can be stewed alone or ground into powder and swallowed; or used together with Uncaria rhynchophylla. If it is used to treat dizziness and headache caused by wind and phlegm, it can be used together with Pinellia, Poria, and Atractylodes.
Limb numbness, paralysis of hands and feet, rheumatic pain
It is often used together with Duhuo, Eucommia, and Achyranthes.
What other effects does Gastrodia have?
Hypertension, dizziness, headache (hyperactivity of liver yang type)
Gastrodia elata 2g, 1 egg, slice Gastrodia elata, put it in a pot, add water and boil for 30 minutes, beat the egg and eat it after it is cooked. Once a day or every other day.
Dizziness caused by phlegm and turbidity
10g of Gastrodia elata and an appropriate amount of tofu. Add water to the pot and boil.
What are the compound preparations containing Gastrodia elata?
Gastrodia elata pills
Removes wind and dampness, dredges the meridians and relieves pain, and nourishes the liver and kidneys. It is used for rheumatism and blood stasis, liver and kidney deficiency caused by arthritis, symptoms include limb cramps, numbness of hands and feet, and soreness of waist and legs.
Gastrodia elata headache tablets
Nourishes blood and dispels wind, dispels cold and relieves pain. It is used for hemiplegic headache, aversion to cold, and nasal congestion caused by exogenous wind and cold, blood stasis or blood deficiency.
Gastrodia elata granules
Calms the liver and extinguishes wind, clears heat and calms the mind. It is used for headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, tremor, and insomnia caused by hyperactivity of liver yang; hypertension with the above symptoms.
Gastrodia elata shouwu tablets
Nourishes yin and kidneys, nourishes blood and calms wind. It is used for dizziness, headache, tinnitus, bitter mouth, dry throat, sore waist and knees, hair loss, and gray hair caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency; cerebral arteriosclerosis, early hypertension, vascular neurosis headache, and seborrheic alopecia with the above symptoms. Qiangli Tianma Duzhong Pill
Disperses wind and activates blood circulation, relaxes muscles and relieves pain. It is used for tendon and vein pain, limb numbness, difficulty walking, sore waist and legs, headache and dizziness caused by stroke. Yuzhen Powder
Dispels wind and resolves phlegm, calms convulsions and stops spasms. It is mainly used to treat tetanus. The jaw is tight, the lips are tightly pursed every day, the body is rigid, the horns are arched, and even the teeth are clenched and the tongue is retracted, and the pulse is tight.
Tianma Gou Teng Yin
Calms the liver and extinguishes wind, clears heat and activates blood circulation, and nourishes the liver and kidney. It is mainly used to treat liver yang hyperactivity and liver wind disturbance. Headache, dizziness, insomnia and dreaminess, or bitter mouth and red face, red tongue and yellow fur.
Banxia Baizhu Tianma Tang
Resolves phlegm and extinguishes wind, strengthens the spleen and removes dampness. It is mainly used to treat wind and phlegm disturbance. Dizziness, headache, chest tightness, nausea and vomiting.
Modern research progress on Gastrodia elata
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as sedation, anticonvulsant, blood pressure reduction, anti-myocardial ischemia, anti-arrhythmia, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-radiation, vasodilation, anti-coagulation, and anti-thrombosis.
Usage method
Gastrodia elata has the functions of calming wind and stopping spasms, calming liver yang, and removing wind and unblocking collaterals. It can be taken with more decoction, or it can be used for soaking in wine, cooking porridge or making soup. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use Gastrodia elata correctly?
When Gastrodia elata decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 3~10g; if it is ground into powder and taken with water, the dosage is 1~1.5g each time.
Gastrodia elata has strong wind-removing and analgesic effects when used raw, and is mostly used for headache and arthralgia: stir-fried sedative and anticonvulsant effects are better, and are mostly used for dizziness and convulsions.
Gastrodia elata is generally used in decoctions, decoctions are taken, and can also be made into powders or pills for consumption. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, and should not be used at will, let alone listening to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
सामान्य चिनियाँ औषधि संयोजन निम्नानुसार छन्:
Tianma with Uncaria rhynchophylla: Tianma is good at calming liver wind and calming liver yang; Uncaria rhynchophylla is good at clearing liver heat and calming liver wind. The two medicines are matched, and the power of calming liver yang and calming liver wind is significantly increased, and the symptoms of hyperactivity of liver yang or liver wind are treated.
In addition, Tianma can also be used for daily health care, and the common methods of consumption are as follows:
· Boiled eggs with Tianma: Use 60 grams of fresh Tianma and 3 eggs. First, slice the fresh Tianma and put it in a pot with water and boil for 30 minutes, then beat the eggs and cook them. Eat once every other day to treat headaches and dizziness.
Soup (Tianma Pork Soup): Tianma and pork are appropriate. Slice Tianma for later use; slice the meat for soup, add 60 grams of fresh Tianma slices and cook together. It has the effect of nourishing latent yang, calming the liver and calming wind. Suitable for dizziness, headache and other symptoms.
Cook porridge (Gastrodia elata and bamboo juice porridge): 10g Gastrodia elata, 100g polished rice, 30g bamboo juice, and appropriate amount of sugar to cook porridge. It has the effect of calming the liver and calming wind, clearing heat and resolving phlegm.
How to prepare Gastrodia elata?
Gastrodia elata
Take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities and black oily ones, separate the big and small ones, soak until 30% to 40% thoroughly, take out, soften, or steam, cut into thin slices, and dry.
Stir-fried Gastrodia elata
First, sprinkle wheat bran into a hot pot. When smoke is seen, put in the Gastrodia elata slices, stir-fry with slow fire until yellow, take out when slightly scorched, and spread to cool. Or stir-fry until yellow, take out when slightly scorched, and spread to cool. 100kg of Gastrodia elata and 10kg of wheat bran are used every day.
What drugs should be used with Gastrodia elata with special attention?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and clinical individualized treatment. If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plan you are receiving.
प्रयोगको लागि निर्देशनहरू
Patients with reduced body fluids, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, etc. should use Gastrodia elata with caution.
What are the precautions when using Gastrodia elata?
Common adverse reactions to taking Gastrodia elata include: dizziness, nausea, chest tightness, skin papules with itching, etc. Some people may have facial or whole body edema, and even hair loss.
·It has a significant inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. The elderly and infants should not take it for a long time.
·It can slow down the heart rate and lower blood pressure. Patients with bradycardia and hypotension should not take it for a long time in large quantities to avoid aggravating the condition.
. Pregnant women should not take a single medicine for a long time in large quantities.
How to identify and use Gastrodia elata?
Gastrodia elata is often used in clinical practice

Raw product, sweet in taste, moist in quality, good at treating all wind syndromes. Its function is to calm the liver, extinguish wind and stop spasms. It is used for headache, dizziness, limb numbness, hemiplegia, epilepsy, acute and chronic convulsions in children, tetanus and other symptoms.
After steaming, Gastrodia elata is easy to soften and slice. At the same time, heating can destroy enzymes and preserve effective ingredients. After frying, it can reduce stickiness and be easy to take. Using wine
can help Gastrodia elata to reach the blood vessels and increase its effect of dispelling wind, dredge meridians and relieve pain. Gastrodia elata has a mild nature and nourishes yin and wind.
Medication tips
बिरामीहरू द्वारा प्रायः सोधिने प्रश्नहरू
How to make Gastrodia elata fish head soup
Ingredients: 25g Gastrodia elata, 10g Chuanxiong, 10g Poria cocos, 2 fresh carps (each weighing more than 600g), 25ml soy sauce, 45ml rice wine, 15g salt, 5g sugar, 19 monosodium glutamate, 3g pepper, 25g sesame oil, 10g green onion, 15g ginger, 50g wet starch. Preparation and Usage:
1. Remove the scales of the fresh carp, cut open the belly, remove the internal organs, and wash; then cut the fish from the back, cut each half into 3~4 sections, cut each section 3~5 times (do not cut through), divide it into 8 equal parts, and serve it in 8 steaming bowls.
2. Cut Chuanxiong and Poria into large pieces, put them into the slop, and then add Gastrodia elata to soak, soak for 4~6 hours, take out Gastrodia elata and steam it on rice until soft, cut it into thin slices while hot, and divide it into 8 equal parts with Chuanxiong and Poria elata, and put them into each portion of fish. 3. Then add Shaoxing wine, ginger, scallion, and appropriate amount of clear soup. Steam in a steamer for about 30 minutes, then take out, pick out ginger and scallion, turn it over in a bowl, pour the original soup into the fire spoon, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, pepper, sesame oil, wet starch, clear soup, etc., boil, remove the floating residue, and pour it on the surface of each portion of fish. 4. Eat 2 to 3 times a week as a side dish.

The effects and functions of Tianma tablets

Tianma tablets are composed of Tianma, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Eucommia (fried with salt), Achyranthes, Powder, Aconite (processed), Angelica, Rehmannia, and Scrophularia. It has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, relaxing muscles and tendons, activating blood circulation and relieving pain. It is used to treat limb contracture, inability to do normal stretching and bending movements, as well as numbness of hands and feet, and sore waist and legs.
Tianma Tablets are Chinese patent medicines. Tianma in the prescription can extinguish wind and stop spasms, dispel wind and dampness, relieve numbness and pain, and is the key medicine for treating wind; Qianghuo, Duhuo, and Fenpi can dispel rheumatism and relieve numbness and pain; Eucommia and Achyranthes can nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the waist and knees, and strengthen the tendons and bones, to help dispel rheumatism and strengthen the tendons and bones; Fuzi warms the meridians and dispels cold, removes dampness and relieves pain; Rehmannia and Scrophularia nourish kidney yin; Angelica can replenish blood and activate blood circulation, relieve stagnation and relieve pain. The combination of all the medicines takes into account both the symptoms and the root causes, which can not only dispel wind and dampness, relieve pain, but also have the effects of nourishing the liver and kidney and strengthening the tendons and bones.
Who is Tianma Tablets not suitable for?
Tianma Tablets are composed of Tianma, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Eucommia (fried with salt), Achyranthes, powder, Fuzi (processed), Angelica, Rehmannia, and Scrophularia. It has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, relaxing muscles and tendons, activating blood circulation and relieving pain. It is used to treat limb contraction, inability to do normal stretching and bending, numbness of hands and feet, and soreness of waist and legs.
Before taking this product according to their own symptoms, patients should read the instructions carefully to eliminate contraindications and reduce the risk of medication. Children and pregnant women are prohibited from using this product: patients with hot arthritis, that is, patients with red, swollen, hot and painful joints, pain wandering without a fixed place, and dry mouth and lips should not take this product; lactating women, the elderly and weak, and those with severe chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease, please take it under the guidance of a doctor.


1 किलो, 10 केजी, 100 केजी, 500 केजी, 1000 केजी


अहिलेसम्म कुनै समीक्षाहरू छैनन्।

"Tian ma – Gastrodia elata" को समीक्षा गर्ने पहिलो हुनुहोस्

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