
Curcuma - Yujin

$58.88 - $32,666.00

+ नि: शुल्क ढुवानी

Chinese name: Yu jin

English name: Curcumae Radix

Other names: Ma Jin, Wu Di Zu, Huang Yu, Wu Tou

Medicinal part: Root

Nature and flavor: Spicy, bitter, cold; enters the liver, gallbladder, and heart meridians
Functions: Promote blood circulation and relieve pain, promote qi and relieve depression, clear the heart and cool the blood, promote bile and relieve jaundice.

SKU: N/A श्रेणी:

[Medicinal] The root of the herbaceous plants Curcuma aromatica Salisb., C. Kwangsiensis S. Leeet C. F. Liang, C. Longa L. or C. zedcaria Rosc. of the ginger family.

[Nature and flavor and meridians] Pungent, bitter, cold. It enters the heart, lung, and liver meridians.

[Effects] It can promote blood circulation and relieve pain, relieve liver depression, cool blood and clear the heart, and promote bile and relieve jaundice.

[Clinical application] 1. It is used for abdominal pain during menstruation, irregular menstruation, and lumps.

Curcuma can promote blood circulation and qi circulation, and has a weak analgesic effect. It can be used to treat abdominal pain during menstruation. It can be used in combination with Bupleurum, Cyperus rotundus, Angelica sinensis, White Peony Root, etc.; for lumps under the ribs, it can be used together with Salvia miltiorrhiza, Biejia, Zedoariae, and Citrus aurantium.

2. It is used for pain in the ribs.

This product is good at soothing the liver and relieving depression. It can be used to treat liver qi stagnation. It can be used with bupleurum, white peony root, Chuanlianzi, Cyperus rotundus and other drugs.

3. It is used for unconsciousness caused by damp-heat disease, as well as epilepsy and other diseases.

Curcuma is bitter and cold in nature and can enter the heart meridian. It has the effect of clearing the heart and relieving depression. It is often combined with calamus, which is aromatic and can open the orifices, and is used for damp-heat diseases and symptoms of turbid evil obscuring the clear orifices; if it is combined with alum, which can eliminate phlegm and saliva, it can be used to treat phlegm-induced epilepsy.

4. It is used for hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria and other symptoms.

Curcuma is a drug that cools the blood and can enter the blood, and has a cooling effect. If it is combined with cooling blood drugs such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Cortex Moutan, Gardenia jasminoides, it can be used for those with blood heat and blood stasis, and can remove blood stasis, generate new blood, and stop bleeding without leaving blood stasis.

5. It is used for jaundice.

Curcuma has the effect of promoting bile secretion and relieving jaundice. It can be used to treat jaundice and is often used together with Artemisia capillaris, Gardenia jasminoides, Citrus aurantium, Citrus aurantium, and Glauber’s salt.

[Prescription name] Sichuan Curcuma, Guang Curcuma (the tuber of turmeric, Guangxi Curcuma or Curcuma atractylodes, which is good at promoting qi and relieving depression)

[सामान्य खुराक र प्रयोग] एक देखि तीन किआन, डिकोक्टेड र लिइएको।

[Comments] 1. Curcuma is named after its efficacy, so its main function is to relieve depression. It enters the qi to relieve liver depression, enters the blood to activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation, and can transform phlegm and dampness to open the heart, cool blood heat to stop vomiting and bleeding. As for the symptoms of jaundice, it can promote bile secretion and relieve jaundice, and it also has certain effects when used in combination.

2. Both Cyperus and Curcuma can relieve liver depression, activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation. They are often used together in clinical practice. Cyperus is warm in nature and has better analgesic effect; Curcuma is cold in nature and has slower analgesic effect. It can also resolve phlegm and dampness, cool blood and heat, and promote bile and relieve jaundice.

[Example of prescription] Baijin Pill (Yi Fang Kao) Curcuma, Alum. Treats insanity.
Curcuma, a Chinese medicine, has the main effects of promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, promoting qi and relieving depression, clearing the heart and cooling blood, and promoting bile and relieving jaundice.
Plant species
Plants of the genus Curcuma in the Zingiberaceae family include Wenyujin, Turmeric, Guangxi Curcuma, and Pengyu.

Morphological characteristics
1. Wenyujin: perennial herb, 80-160cm high. The main rhizome is dharani-shaped, the lateral rhizome is finger-shaped, and the inner surface is lemon-colored. The fibrous roots are slender, and the ends are often enlarged into hammer-shaped tubers, which are white inside. There are 4-7 leaves in 2 rows, with short petioles less than half the length of the leaves; the leaves are broadly elliptic, 35-75cm long, 14-22cm wide, acuminate at the apex or short-caudal acuminate, cuneate at the base, extending down to the petiole, and glabrous beneath. Spike inflorescence cylindrical, the first leaf emerges from the rhizome, 20-30cm long, 4-6cm in diameter, the upper flowerless bracts are oblong, 5-7cm long, 1.5-2.5cm wide, rose red, the middle and lower flowered bracts are oblong, 3-5cm long, 2-4cm wide, green-white; the calyx tube is white, with 3 unequal teeth at the tip; the corolla tube is funnel-shaped, white, with 3 lobes, membranous, oblong, the rear one is larger, the tip is slightly hooded, and there are rough hairs near the tip; the lateral degenerate stamens are rebellious, yellow, the lip is obovate, folded outward, yellow, and slightly concave at the tip; there is 1 fertile stamen, and the anther base has spurs; the ovary is covered with long soft hairs, and the style is slender. Flowering period is April-June.

2. Turmeric: perennial herb, 1-1.5m high. The rhizome is well developed and clustered, with oval or cylindrical branches, orange-yellow, and very fragrant; the roots are thick and swollen at the end into tubers. The leaves are basal, 5-7 pieces, in 2 rows; the petiole is 20-45cm long; the leaf blade is oblong or narrowly oval, 20-50cm long, 5-15cm wide, gradually pointed at the apex, cuneate at the base, extending down to the petiole, yellow-green above, light green below, and glabrous. The scape emerges from the leaf sheath, the peduncle is 12-20cm long, the spike inflorescence is cylindrical, 12-18cm long; the upper flowerless bracts are pink or light reddish purple, oblong, 4-6cm long, 1-1.5cm wide, and the middle and lower flowered bracts are light green or green-white, ovate to nearly round, 3-4cm long; the calyx is simple green-white with 3 teeth; the corolla tube is funnel-shaped, about 1.5cm long, light yellow, with dense soft hairs at the throat, and 3 lobes; there is 1 fertile stamen, the filaments are short and flat, the anthers are oblong, and there are spurs at the base; the ovary is inferior, covered with soft hairs, the style is slender, there are 2 rod-shaped glands at the base, and the stigma is slightly enlarged and slightly lip-shaped. The flowering period is August.

3. Guangxi Curcuma: perennial herb, 50-110cm high. The main rhizome is ovate, the lateral rhizome is finger-shaped, and the cross section is white or slightly yellowish. The ends of the fibrous roots often swell into groups of hammer-shaped tubers, with white cross-section. The leaves are basal, with petioles that are 1/4 of the length of the leaves and covered with short soft hairs; the leaf sheaths are 10-33cm long and covered with short soft hairs; there are 2-5 leaves, erect, and the leaves are oblong, 14-39cm long, 4.5-7 (-9.5) cm wide, with short pointed to acuminate tips, gradually narrowed at the base, decurrent, and densely covered with coarse soft hairs on both sides. Some types have purple halos along both sides of the midrib. The inflorescence emerges from the rhizome, cylindrical, before or with the leaves, about 15cm long and 7cm in diameter. The bracts below the inflorescence are broadly ovate, light green, and the bracts above are oblong and light red; the calyx is white, about 1cm long, one side is split to the middle, and there are 3 blunt teeth at the tip; the corolla is nearly funnel-shaped, 2-2.5cm long, with 3 petals, pink, oblong, the rear one is wider, and the tip is slightly hooded; the lateral degenerate stamens are petal-shaped, light yellow, the lip is nearly round, light yellow, with 3 shallow round cracks at the tip, and the anther base has spurs; the ovary is covered with long soft hairs, the style is filamentous, and the stigma is capitate and hairy. Flowering period is May-July.

Distribution area
1. Wenyujin: mainly produced in Rui’an, Zhejiang.

2. Turmeric: distributed in Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Taiwan and other places.

3. Guangxi Curcuma: distributed in Guangxi.

4. Curcuma acuminata: distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. There is a small amount of cultivation in Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and other places.

Authentic production area
Mainly produced in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan and other places.

Growth environment
Grows in sunny slopes or fields with fertile and moist soil, mostly cultivated.

Growth practice
Like warm and humid climate, sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall environment, afraid of severe cold and frost, afraid of drought and waterlogging. It is suitable for cultivation in sandy loam with deep soil, loose upper layer and tight lower layer. Avoid continuous cropping, and cultivate it with tall crops.

Reproduction method
Use rhizome to propagate.

Cultivation technology
Rhizome propagation: When harvesting, select rhizomes without diseases and insect pests and damage as seeds. The seed rhizomes are stacked and stored in a dry and ventilated place indoors for winter, and taken out when planting in spring. Before planting, cut the large rhizome into two halves or small pieces, each with more than 2 buds. To prevent the rhizome from rotting, wait until the cut surface is slightly dried before planting. You can also apply lime or wood ash while cutting and plant immediately. For ridge planting, the row spacing is 33-40cm and the hole spacing is 27-33cm. Plant 3-5 rhizomes in each hole, with the buds facing up, cover with soil, and slightly suppress. The seed rate is 2250-3000kg per 1h㎡.

Disease and pest control
1. The disease includes black spot disease, which harms the leaves. Remove the diseased leaves in time at the early stage of the disease and spray with 500 times of 50% thiophanate or 400-800 times of 65% mancozeb wettable powder.

2. Pests include cutworms and grubs. They bite the fibrous roots in the seedling stage, making the tubers unable to form. They can be caught manually or killed by poison bait. There are also ginger butterflies and corn borers.

Chinese name: Curcuma

Latin name: Curcumae Radix

Other names: Ma Jin, Wu Di Zu, Huang Yu, Wu Tou

Medicinal part: Root

Nature and flavor: Spicy, bitter, cold; enters the liver, gallbladder, and heart meridians
Functions: Promote blood circulation and relieve pain, promote qi and relieve depression, clear the heart and cool the blood, promote bile and relieve jaundice.

1. Pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis: This herb is spicy and can promote and disperse, so it can promote blood circulation and promote qi, so it can treat pain caused by qi and blood stasis.

2. Coma caused by fever, epilepsy and phlegm retention: Spicy, dispersing, bitter and purgative, can relieve depression and open the orifices, and its cold nature enters the heart meridian and can clear the heart heat, so it can be used for coma caused by phlegm obscuring the heart orifices and heat trapped in the pericardium.

3. Hematemesis, epistaxis, retrograde menstruation, hematuria, hematuria: This product is cold in nature and clears heat, bitter in taste and can reduce diarrhea, enters the blood of the liver meridian and can cool blood, reduce qi and stop bleeding. It is used for hematemesis, epistaxis, retrograde menstruation caused by qi and fire, and can be combined with raw rehmannia, moutan bark, gardenia, etc. to clear heat and cool blood.

4. Jaundice and cholelithiasis caused by damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder: This product is cold in nature and enters the liver and gallbladder meridian, which can clear damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder and treat damp-heat jaundice.

Usage and Dosage
Oral: decoction, 5-12g; powder, 2-5g.

Adverse Reactions
1. If the dosage of turmeric is too large, taken continuously, or the administration time is too long, some patients may experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

2. Stop the drug immediately after toxic and side effects occur.

3. Pay attention to the dosage, dosage form and compatibility to prevent turmeric poisoning reactions.

Chinese medicine compatibility contraindications: It has pharmacological antagonism with cloves and should not be used together.

Those with yin deficiency and blood loss and without qi stagnation and blood stasis should not take it, and pregnant women should take it with caution.

Suitable groups
Turmeric is suitable for chest and flank pain, chest pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, breast pain, fever, coma, epilepsy, vomiting and bleeding due to blood heat, jaundice and red urine.

Unsuitable groups
It is not clear yet.

Those with yin deficiency and blood loss and without qi stagnation and blood stasis should not take it, and pregnant women should take it with caution.

Chemical composition
Contains volatile oils (camphene, camphor, sesquiterpenes, etc.), curcumin, turmeric ketones, etc. It also contains starch, polysaccharides, fatty oils, rubber, phellandrene, etc.

Pharmacological effects
Turmeric has the effects of protecting liver cells, promoting liver cell regeneration, delipidating and inhibiting liver cell fibrosis, and can fight against liver toxicity. Curcumin and volatile oil can promote bile secretion and excretion, reduce urobilinogen in urine; decoction can stimulate gastric acid and duodenal fluid secretion. Water decoction can reduce whole blood viscosity, inhibit platelet aggregation, and alcohol extract can reduce plasma fibrin content. Water decoction and volatile oil have inhibitory effects on a variety of skin fungi, and turmeric has inhibitory effects on a variety of bacteria, especially on gram-negative bacteria, which is stronger than gram-positive bacteria. Curcuma also has a certain anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, turmeric also has an anti-early pregnancy effect.

Related discussion
1. “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Treats heart and abdominal pain caused by blood and qi, postpartum blood stagnation, and insanity.”

2. “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Promotes qi, relieves depression, purges blood, and breaks blood stasis. It cools the heart and heat, disperses liver depression, and treats retrograde meridians in women.”
Suitable combination
Alum, Bupleurum, Dalbergia, Aucklandia, Artemisia capillaris

Unsuitable combination
Clinical application
1. Treat chest and flank pain caused by liver depression and qi stagnation, and use it with Bupleurum, White Peony, Cyperus rotundus and other medicines.

2. Treat chest pain caused by heart blood stasis, and use it with Trichosanthes, Allium macrostemon, Salvia miltiorrhiza and other medicines.

3. Treat dysmenorrhea and breast swelling caused by liver depression and heat, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and often use Bupleurum, Gardenia, Angelica, Chuanxiong and other medicines, such as Xuanyu Tongjing Decoction (“Fu Qingzhu’s Gynecology”).

4. For treating lumps and masses, it can be combined with turtle shell, zedoaria, salvia miltiorrhiza, green peel, etc.

Related combinations
1. Curcuma with Bupleurum: Curcuma mainly enters the blood of the liver meridian, which can not only activate blood circulation and relieve pain, but also soothe the liver and promote qi circulation to relieve depression; Bupleurum mainly enters the qi of the liver meridian, and is good at soothing the liver, promoting qi circulation and relieving depression. The combination of the two medicines can enhance the effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression, activating blood circulation and relieving pain. It is suitable for chest and flank pain caused by liver depression and qi stagnation, blood stasis blocking the liver and gallbladder, irregular menstruation, abdominal pain during menstruation, etc.

2. Curcuma with Citrus aurantium: Curcuma enters both the qi and blood, and is mainly used to promote qi circulation and relieve depression, cool blood and disperse blood stasis; Citrus aurantium is good at entering the qi, and is mainly used to regulate qi and relieve swelling. The combination of the two medicines can treat both qi and blood, and enhance the effects of promoting qi circulation and promoting blood circulation, relieving depression and relieving pain. It is suitable for chest and flank pain or tingling caused by liver depression and qi stagnation, and blood stasis blocking the liver and gallbladder.

3. Curcuma with costus root: Curcuma is good at promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis; costus root is good at promoting qi and relieving pain. The two medicines can be used together to promote blood circulation and promote qi. It is suitable for chest, flank and abdominal pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis.

4. Curcuma with artemisia capillaris: Curcuma cools blood and promotes blood circulation, promotes bile and relieves jaundice; artemisia capillaris clears dampness and heat, promotes bile and relieves jaundice. The two medicines are used together to enhance the effects of clearing heat, cooling blood, promoting dampness and relieving jaundice. It is suitable for damp-heat jaundice, flank pain, chest tightness and fullness, etc.

5. Curcuma with alum: Curcuma is bitter and cold in nature, good at cooling blood and clearing the heart, relieving depression and opening the orifices; alum is sour and astringent in nature, drying dampness and removing phlegm, and is good at resolving stubborn phlegm. The two medicines are used together to open the orifices and remove phlegm, and have significant effects of cooling blood and removing blood stasis. It is suitable for epilepsy and convulsion caused by phlegm-heat stagnation.

6. Curcuma with dandruff: Curcuma is good at lowering qi and cooling blood and stopping bleeding; dandruff is good at regulating qi and removing blood stasis, stopping bleeding and relieving pain. The two medicines can be used together to reduce qi and eliminate blood stasis, as well as stop bleeding and harmonize blood. It is suitable for vomiting blood, epistaxis, and retrograde menstruation caused by blood stasis and qi reversal.

Differentiation of medication
1. Guangyu Jin and Chuanyu Jin: Guangyu Jin is the root of turmeric, and Chuanyu Jin is the root of turmeric. Both medicines have the functions of promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, promoting qi and relieving depression, cooling blood and clearing the heart, and promoting bile and jaundice. They can be used to treat chest and flank pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, chest pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain after childbirth, coma due to fever, epilepsy, damp-heat jaundice, vomiting blood, epistaxis, retrograde menstruation and other bleeding symptoms caused by qi and fire reversal. However, Guangyu Jin is good at promoting qi and relieving depression, and is mostly used for symptoms of liver qi stagnation or qi stagnation and blood stasis, with qi stagnation as the main symptom. Chuanyu Jin is good at promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and is mostly used for symptoms of qi stagnation and blood stasis, with blood stasis as the main symptom.

2. Curcuma and Cyperus: Both herbs have the functions of soothing the liver and relieving depression, promoting qi and relieving pain, and can be used to treat liver depression and qi stagnation syndrome. However, Curcuma is bitter and cold in nature, and enters both the blood and qi. It is good at promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, promoting qi and relieving depression, and is good at treating pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. It is a blood qi medicine. Cyperus is pungent and fragrant, and is dispersing. It specifically enters the qi, is good at soothing the liver and regulating qi, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, and is good at treating pain caused by liver qi stagnation. It is an important medicine for regulating qi in internal medicine and regulating menstruation in gynecology.

Related drugs
Pingxiao capsules (tablets), Hewei tablets, Sunanshan stomach pain pills, Liganlong granules (tablets), Yangxianfeng pills.

Related prescriptions
Diandao Mujin powder (“Yi Zong Jin Jian”), Xuanyu Tongjing soup (“Fu Qingzhu’s Gynecology”), Baijin pills (“Benshi Fang”).

Medicinal Diet Therapy
Boiling duck with plantain and turmeric:

1. Efficacy: clearing away heat and dampness, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, and nourishing the spleen and stomach. For patients with acute viral hepatitis, damp-heat obstruction, and red and yellow urine.

2. Raw materials: 20 grams of plantain, 9 grams of turmeric, 100 grams of duck, 5 grams of ginger and salt each, 2 grams of green onion, and 10 grams of Shaoxing wine.

3. Method: Wash the plantain and cut it into 5 cm segments, wash the turmeric, and put it in a gauze bag and tie it tightly. After slaughtering the duck, remove the hair, internal organs and claws. Pound the ginger and cut the green onion into sections. Put the duck in a stew pot, add Shaoxing wine, salt, ginger, and green onion. Put the medicine bag into the duck’s belly and inject 1500 ml of water. Put the stew pot on high heat and boil, then simmer for 1 hour.

4. Usage: Once a day, eat 50 grams of duck meat each time and drink the soup.
Harvesting and processing
Dig up after the stems and leaves wither in winter, pick the tubers, remove the fine roots, steam or boil until the heart is thoroughly cooked, and dry.

Processing method
1. Curcuma: Take the original medicinal material, remove impurities, separate the size, wash, moisten, cut oblique or horizontal thin slices, and dry.

2. Stir-fried turmeric: Take clean turmeric slices, put them in a pot and heat them over low heat, and stir-fry until dark yellow.

3. Vinegar turmeric: (Vinegar stir-fry) Take clean turmeric slices and add rice vinegar to mix well, simmer until the rice vinegar is absorbed, put them in a pot and heat them over low heat to stir-fry until they are fiery, then take them out and cool them. For every 100kg of turmeric slices, use 10kg of rice vinegar. (Vinegar cooking) Take clean turmeric, wash it with clean water, soak it thoroughly, remove it, move it into the pot, and add vinegar

, water and boil until the water is gone, take it out, dry it until it is half dry, cut it into oblique slices, and dry it in the sun. For every 0.5kg of turmeric, use 0.12kg of vinegar. (Vinegar pickled) Take clean turmeric, add 10% vinegar and appropriate amount of water, soak for about 2d and stir frequently. After absorbing thoroughly, put it into the steamer and steam it with high heat for 2-3h, take it out and cut it into 2mm thick slices, and dry it.

4. Wine-made turmeric: Take clean turmeric slices and mix them with rice wine, put them in a pot and stir-fry them with slow fire until they are slightly dry, take them out and dry them. For every 0.5kg of turmeric, use 0.06kg of rice wine.
Storage method
Store in a dry container in a ventilated and dry place. Stir-fried turmeric, vinegar turmeric, and wine turmeric are sealed. Place in a cool and dry place to prevent moisture and moth.
1. Cross-section of this product: The epidermal cells of warm turmeric sometimes remain, and the outer wall is slightly thick. The root is narrow, with 4-8 rows of cells, thin walls, slightly wavy, and neatly arranged; the cortex is about 1/2 of the root diameter, the oil cells are difficult to see, and the endodermis is obvious. There are 40-55 phloem bundles and xylem bundles in the middle column, arranged at intervals, and 2-4 vessels in the xylem bundle, with slightly lignified wood fibers, polygonal vessels, thin walls, and a diameter of 20-90μm. The starch granules in the thin-walled cells are all gelatinized.

2. Yellow Silk Curcuma: The innermost cell wall of the root is thickened, and sometimes the xylem vessels are connected to the fibers to form a ring. There are many oil cells. Pigment cells are scattered everywhere in the parenchyma.

3. Guiyujin: The root cells are occasionally thickened, and there are 1-2 rows of thick-walled cells in the inner side of the root, forming a ring with obvious stratification. The vessels are round and can reach a diameter of 160μm.

4. Green Silk Curcuma: There is no thickening of the root cells. There are often pigment cells in the cortex outside the pith, the phloem is wrinkled, there are more xylem bundles, 64-72, and the ducts are flat.

Medicinal material properties
1. Warm turmeric: The tuber is oblong or oval, slightly flat, some are slightly curved, and the two ends are gradually pointed. 3.5-7cm long, 1.2-2.5cm in diameter. The surface is gray-brown or gray-brown, with irregular longitudinal wrinkles, and the longitudinal wrinkles are shallower. The texture is solid, the cross section is gray-brown or gray-green, with a waxy luster; the inner cortex ring is obvious. The smell is slightly fragrant and the taste is slightly bitter.

2. Turmeric (yellow silk turmeric): The tuber is spindle-shaped, some have one end slender and the other end is hypertrophic. 2.5-4.5cm long, 1-1.5cm in diameter. The surface is brown-gray or gray-yellow, with fine wrinkles. The texture is hard, the cross section is horny, the center is orange-yellow, and the periphery is brown-yellow to brown-red. The smell is fragrant and the taste is spicy.

3. Guangxi Curcuma (Gui Yu Jin): The tuber is oblong or round, 2-6.5cm long and 1-1.8cm in diameter. The surface is dark brown or earthy yellow, with sparse shallow longitudinal lines and rough reticular texture. The texture is hard. The cross section is horny, gray-brown to brown, and the inner cortex is more obvious. The smell is slight and the taste is slightly bitter.

4. Green Silk Curcuma: The tuber is oblong, relatively strong, 1.5-3.5cm long, and 1-1.2cm in diameter. The smell is slight and the taste is light.

Properties of decoction pieces
1. Curcuma: See the “Medicinal Materials” item.

2. Fried Curcuma: The shape is like Curcuma, the surface is dark yellow, with burnt spots.

3. Vinegar Curcuma: The shape is like Curcuma, the surface is yellow-brown, and there is a slight vinegar smell. Wine Curcuma is the same as Curcuma, the color is darker, and there is a slight smell of wine.


1 किलो, 10 केजी, 100 केजी, 500 केजी, 1000 केजी


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