
Acorus calamus – shi chang pu

$88.88 - $49,880.00

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Acorus calamus – shi chang pu,Acorus calamus root,Acorus tatarinowii,Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma,shi chang pu herb,shi chang pu tcm,calamus root,acorus calamus rhizome,calamus root herb,Acorus tatarinowii, [shi chang pu], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Acorus, Changyang, Water Sword Grass, English name: Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma, main effects: open the mind and eliminate phlegm, wake up the mind and improve intelligence, eliminate dampness and stimulate appetite
The Chinese herbal medicine Acorus tatarinowii is a herbal medicine for opening the mind and is the dried rhizome of Acorus tatarinowii, a plant of the Araceae family.
The medicinal properties of Acorus tatarinowii are pungent, bitter and warm. It enters the heart and stomach meridians.
Acorus tatarinowii is pungent, fragrant and penetrating, bitter, dry and warm, and enters the heart and stomach meridians. It is good at eliminating phlegm and dampness, opening the orifices and treating symptoms of phlegm and dampness blocking the heart and orifices; it can also calm the mind and harmonize the stomach qi, treating palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness and trance caused by deficiency of heart qi, as well as symptoms such as dampness blocking the middle and lockjaw dysentery. Modern research results show that this product contains volatile oils, amino acids, organic acids and sugars. It has the effects of opening the orifices and clearing phlegm, refreshing the mind and improving intelligence, removing dampness and stimulating the appetite.

SKU: N/A ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀ:

Acorus calamus
[Medicinal use] This product is the rhizome of Acorus calamus, a plant of the Araceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Pungent, warm. Enters the heart and liver meridians.
[Effects] Resolving phlegm and dampness, opening the orifices, harmonizing the middle and eliminating filth.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for phlegm and dampness obscuring the clear orifices, or coma caused by high fever, as well as epilepsy, dementia, tinnitus and deafness.
This product resolves phlegm and dampness and opens the orifices. It is mainly used to treat symptoms such as phlegm turbidity, coma, and thick and greasy tongue coating. It is often used with fresh bamboo juice, turmeric, processed pinellia, etc.; for epilepsy and dementia, it is often used with drugs such as Polygala, Poria, and Dragon Tooth.
2. Used for chest and abdominal distension and lockjaw dysentery.
This product resolves dampness and turbidity and harmonizes the middle, so it can also treat dampness blocking the spleen and stomach, chest and abdominal pain, and can be used with tangerine peel, Magnolia officinalis, etc.; for lockjaw dysentery, it can be used with Echeveria salviae, Coptis chinensis, etc.
[Prescription name] Acorus calamus (wash, dry, and slice for use), fresh calamus, fresh Acorus calamus (fresh ones can be used as needed, suitable for phlegm-heat coma.)
[General dosage and usage] One to three qian of dried ones, three to five qian of fresh ones, decocted and taken.
[Comments] 1. Acorus calamus, borneol, and musk are all aromatic and rejuvenating medicines. However, although the aromatic fragrance of borneol and musk is small, their rejuvenating and resuscitating effects are also strong; Acorus calamus, through its aromatic and damp-removing effect, has the effect of resolving phlegm and clearing the lungs, rejuvenating the orifices and unblocking, so it is suitable for symptoms such as phlegm and turbidity blocking the orifices, unclear consciousness, and difficulty in speech, but its rejuvenating and resuscitating effects are weak.
2. In addition, Acorus calamus can also refresh the mind and strengthen the stomach, which is its specialty. Therefore, adding Acorus calamus to the prescription for tranquilizing the mind can often enhance the efficacy, such as the patent medicine Anshen Buxin Pill (Dashengdi, Danshen, Schisandra, Shouwu Teng, Eclipta prostrata, Acorus calamus, Albizzia julibrissin, Ligustrum lucidum, Cuscuta australis, Mother of Pearl).
3. According to ancient literature, the root of this product is thin and dense, and nine nodes per inch is good, so the prescription often writes nine-node Acorus calamus, which is believed to have better efficacy. However, the raw material of nine-node Acorus calamus used in the market now is the stem of Altai Anemone (Chrysanthemum-shaped Double Bottle Plum) of the Gentianaceae family, which is two different plants from Acorus calamus and should not be mixed, so the name of nine-node Acorus calamus is not used in the above prescription.
[Example of prescription] Acorus tatarinowi Schott Decoction “Suixiju Cholera Theory”: Acorus tatarinowi Schott, Scutellaria baicalensis, Pinellia ternata, Coptis chinensis, Perilla frutescens, Magnolia officinalis, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Loquat leaf, Phragmites australis, treat phlegm congestion, coma, chest and diaphragm obstruction.
This product is the dried rhizome of Acorus tatarinowi Schott, a plant of the Araceae family. It is dug in autumn and winter, the fibrous roots and mud are removed, and it is dried in the sun.
This product is oblate cylindrical, mostly curved, often branched, 3~20cm long, 0.3~1cm in diameter. The surface is brown or gray-brown, rough, with unevenly dense links, the internodes are 0.2~0.8cm long, with fine longitudinal lines, and one side has residual fibrous roots or dot-shaped root marks; the leaf marks are triangular, arranged alternately on the left and right, and some have hairy scale-like leaf base residues on them. Hard texture, fibrous cross section, off-white or slightly red, obvious endodermal ring, many vascular bundle dots and brown oil cells can be seen. Fragrant, bitter, slightly pungent. [Identification]
(1) Cross section of this product: The outer wall of the epidermal cells is thickened, brown, and some contain reddish-brown substances. The cortex is broad, with scattered fiber bundles and leaf trace vascular bundles: the leaf trace vascular bundles are exo-tough, the vascular bundle sheath fibers are ringed, lignified; the endodermis is obvious, the pericycle vascular bundles are lignified and exo-tough, and the vascular bundle sheath fibers are less. The cells around the fiber bundles and vascular bundle sheath fibers contain calcium oxalate crystals, forming crystal fibers. There are quasi-round oil cells scattered in the parenchyma: and they contain powdery grains.
Powder is gray-brown, the starch granules are single powder spherical, elliptical or oblong, with a diameter of 2~9um: the compound granules are composed of 2~20 (or more) granules. The cells around the fiber bundles contain prismatic calcium oxalate crystals, forming crystal fibers. The prismatic calcium oxalate crystals are polyhedral, quasi-polygonal, and bipyramidal, with a diameter of 4 to 16 μm. The secretory cells are quasi-round or oblong, and the cell cavity is filled with yellow-green, orange-red or red secretions.
(2) Take 0.2 g of the powder of this product, add 20 ml of petroleum ether (60 to 90 ° C), heat and reflux for 1 hour, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, add 1 ml of petroleum ether (60 to 90 ° C) to the residue to dissolve it, and use it as the test solution. Take 0.2 g of the control medicinal material of Acorus calamus, and prepare the control medicinal material solution in the same way. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), take 24 of the above two solutions, respectively, and spot them on the same silica gel G thin layer plate with petroleum ether (60 to 90 ° C)-ethyl acetate (4:1) as the developing agent, develop, take out, dry, leave for about 1 hour, and inspect under ultraviolet light (365 nm). In the chromatogram of the test sample, a fluorescent spot of the same color appears at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the control medicinal material: then iodine vapor is used to fumigate until the spot is clearly colored, and in the chromatogram of the test sample, a spot of the same color appears at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the control medicinal material.
The water content shall not exceed 13.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 4).

The total ash content shall not exceed 10.0% (General Rule 2302).
Determined by the cold immersion method under the alcohol-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), using dilute ethanol as the solvent, shall not be less than 12.0%.
[ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਨ]
Determined by the volatile oil determination method (General Rule 2204)
This product shall contain no less than 1.0% (ml/g) of volatile oil.
Decoction pieces
Remove impurities, wash, moisten, cut into thick slices, and dry.
This product is in the form of oblate or long strips of thick slices. The outer skin is brown or gray-brown, and some can be seen with links and root marks. The cut surface is fibrous, off-white or slightly red, with obvious rings and oil spots. It has a fragrant smell and a bitter taste.
Slightly pungent.
Same as the medicinal material, not less than 10.0%.
[ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਨ]
Same as the medicinal material, containing volatile oil not less than 0.7% (ml/g)
(Except for the cross section)
ਚਿਕਿਤਸਕ ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਦੇ ਸਮਾਨ.
[Nature and flavor and meridians]
Pungent, bitter, warm. It enters the heart and stomach meridians.
[Functions and indications]
Opens the mind and eliminates phlegm, wakes up the mind and improves intelligence, removes dampness and stimulates appetite. It is used for coma, epilepsy, forgetfulness, insomnia, tinnitus, deafness, abdominal distension without hunger, and dysentery with a closed mouth.
[Usage and dosage]
Put in a dry place to prevent mold.
Where is the main production area of ​​​​Acorus calamus?
It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu.
Where is the main medicinal part of Acorus tatarinowi?
Medicinal part of Acorus tatarinowi:
This product is the dried rhizome of Acorus tatarinowi Schot, a plant of the Araceae family. It is dug in autumn and winter, the fibrous roots and mud are removed, and it is dried in the sun.
Characteristics of the medicinal part of Acorus tatarinowi:
This product is flat cylindrical, mostly curved, often branched, 3~20cm long, 0.3~1cm in diameter, brown or gray-brown on the surface, rough, with uneven links, internodes 0.2~0.8cm long, with fine longitudinal lines, and fibrous roots or dot-shaped root marks on one side; leaf marks are triangular, arranged alternately on the left and right, and some have hair-scaled leaf base residues on them.
Hard texture, fibrous cross section, off-white or slightly reddish, obvious endodermal ring, and many vascular bundle dots and brown oil cells can be seen. Aromatic, bitter and slightly spicy.
How are Acorus calamus recorded in ancient books?

《本经》: “It cures wind-cold-dampness arthralgia, cough and reverse breathing, opens the heart orifice, nourishes the five internal organs, clears the nine orifices, brightens the eyes and ears, and makes sounds. Long-term use can make the body lighter, prevent forgetfulness, and prolong life.

《名医别录》: “It cures deafness, carbuncle, warms the stomach and intestines, stops urination, dampness arthralgia of the limbs, inability to bend and stretch, children’s warm malaria, body heat accumulation, can be used as a bath. It can improve hearing and eyesight, benefit the mind, and keep one’s ambitions high and not old.

《药性本草》: “It cures rheumatism and stubborn arthralgia, tinnitus, headache, tears, kills all insects, and cures malignant sores and scabies.

《日华子本草》: “It can remove wind and gas, remove depression, stop heart and stomach pain, and cholera cramps. It can cure foreign wind sores and scabies, astringent urination, and kill abdominal worms and fleas.
“Compendium of Materia Medica·Volume 19”: “It can treat sudden death caused by evil in the middle, epilepsy caused by guest disobedience, metrorrhagia, miscarriage, and swelling.
“Compendium of Materia Medica from New”: “It can remove dampness and wind, remove blood stasis and eliminate accumulation, open the stomach and relieve fullness, and treat muteness and dysentery.
Effects and efficacy
Acorus calamus has the effects of opening the orifices and removing phlegm, refreshing the mind and improving intelligence, and removing dampness and opening the stomach.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Acorus calamus?
Acorus calamus is used for coma, epilepsy, amnesia, insomnia, tinnitus, deafness, lack of hunger, and diarrhea.
Coma caused by closed syndrome
· It can treat stroke, phlegm obstructing the mind, confusion, stiff tongue and speechlessness, etc. It is often used with Pinellia, Arisaema, and Tangerine peel.
· It can treat epilepsy, wind and phlegm obstruction, phlegm and fire disturbing the heart, coma, convulsions, and saliva from the mouth, and it is often used with Bombyx Batryticatus, Arisaema, and Scorpion.
Restlessness, tinnitus and deafness
· Treat palpitations, insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus caused by insufficient heart blood and internal disturbance of virtual fire, often used with salvia miltiorrhiza, Schisandra chinensis, etc.
· Treat tinnitus and deafness caused by deficiency of both heart and kidney, can be used with magnetite, bone dryness, etc.
Dampness blocking the middle jiao syndrome
· Often used with patchouli, Magnolia officinalis, Atractylodes macrocephala, etc.
· If it is used to treat damp-heat toxicity, diarrhea, vomiting, and dysentery caused by inability to eat, it can be used with coptis chinensis, tangerine peel, and calamus seeds.
What other effects does Acorus calamus have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. food and medicine substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Acorus calamus can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for Acorus calamus are as follows:
Removing phlegm and opening the orifices, nourishing the heart and calming the mind
Half a pig heart, 10g Acorus calamus, 2g tangerine peel, appropriate amount of rice wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger slices, etc.
Wash the pig heart, remove the inner fascia, squeeze out the blood, and cut into small pieces. Wash Acorus calamus and tangerine peel, put them into a stew pot with the pig heart, add appropriate amount of boiling water, mix cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger slices, etc., cover the stew pot, put it in a large pot, stew it over low heat for 4 hours, and it can be eaten.
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing Acorus calamus?
Epilepsy capsules
Calm down the nerves and extinguish the wind, remove phlegm and open the orifices. Used for epilepsy with wind-phlegm obstruction, phlegm-fire disturbing the heart, coma, convulsions, and saliva.
Anshen Buxin Pills
Nourish the heart and calm the mind. Used for palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, and tinnitus caused by insufficient heart blood and internal disturbance of virtual fire.
Di Tan Tang
Clears phlegm and opens the orifices. Mainly used for stroke phlegm obstructing the orifices. Tongue is stiff and unable to speak, phlegm in the throat, and there is a sound of rolling.
Kaijin San
Relieves heat and harmonizes the stomach, eliminates dampness and opens the orifices. Treats diarrhea and inability to eat, or vomiting and inability to eat, fire is strong and qi is weak, diarrhea and vomiting, and food cannot be taken in.
Caltropium and Curcuma Soup
Clears the camp and penetrates the heat. Mainly used for latent evil wind and heat. After the pungent and cool sweating, although the surface evil is resolved, the heat temporarily subsides and the body cools, but the heat in the chest and abdomen is not removed, followed by burning and spontaneous sweating, irritability and insomnia, sometimes confused and sometimes clear consciousness, frequent delirium at night, rapid pulse and red tongue, cold limbs and sunken pulse, and mild symptoms.
Modern research progress on Acorus calamus
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as sedation, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, improvement of learning and memory, resistance to ischemic damage to the heart and brain, regulation of gastrointestinal motility, antiasthmatic, expectorant, and antitussive.
Acorus calamus has the effects of opening the mind and removing phlegm, refreshing the mind and improving intelligence, and removing dampness and appetizing. It can be taken orally or externally. Please follow the doctor’s instructions for specific medication.
How to use Acorus calamus correctly?
When Acorus calamus is taken orally, the usual dosage is 5~10g; if fresh products are used, double it.
When Acorus calamus is used externally, take an appropriate amount of Acorus calamus, grind it into powder and apply it to the affected area, or boil it in water for washing
Acorus calamus is generally used in decoctions, boiled in juice and taken, and can also be made into powder or pills for consumption. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be treated according to the syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it is even more forbidden to listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
In addition, Acorus calamus can also be used for daily health care. The common methods of consumption are as follows:
· Soaking in wine: Acorus calamus can be used to soak in wine. It can be used with Rehmannia glutinosa and other medicines to soak in wine. It has the effect of replenishing qi and blood and nourishing the heart and kidney.
How to prepare Acorus calamus?
Take the original medicinal materials, remove the residual leaves and impurities, wash, moisten, cut into thick slices, and dry them.
Which medicines should be used with Acorus calamus at the same time?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicines requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment.
If you are using other medicines, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plans you are receiving.
Instructions for use of medicine
Acorus calamus is pungent, warm, fragrant and can easily damage yin and consume qi, so those with yin deficiency, blood deficiency, and spermatorrhea should take it with caution.
What precautions should be taken when using Acorus calamus?

Avoid taking it alone if you have external cold or warm symptoms, internal heat, yin deficiency and fire, blood deficiency and blood heat, etc.

·During medication, you should avoid eating cold, raw and cold foods, spicy and greasy foods, and avoid smoking and drinking.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: If you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or are breastfeeding, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.

·Children: Children should take medicine under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.

Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give your own medicinal materials to others.

Avoid using copper or iron utensils to decoct medicine.


1 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 10 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 100 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 500 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 1000 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ


ਅਜੇ ਤੱਕ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੀਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ।

"Acorus calamus – shi chang pu" ਦੀ ਸਮੀਖਿਆ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਪਹਿਲੇ ਬਣੋ

ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਈ-ਮੇਲ ਪਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਲੋੜੀਂਦੇ ਖੇਤਰਾਂ 'ਤੇ * ਦਾ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਲੱਗਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ।

ਖਰੀਦਾਰੀ ਠੇਲ੍ਹਾ