
ਅਮੋਮਮ ਵਿਲੋਸਮ-ਸ਼ੇਅਰਨ

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Amomum villosum [sha ren] Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Amomum villosum, Yangchun sand, spring Amomum villosum English name: Amomi Fructus Main effects: dehumidification and appetite, warming the spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi and calming the fetus.
Chinese herbal medicine Amomum villosum is a dehumidification medicine, which is the dried mature fruit of Yangchun sand, green shell sand or Hainan sand of the ginger family
Amomum villosum is pungent and warm. It enters the spleen, stomach and kidney meridians.
Amomum villosum is pungent and can disperse, aromatic and warm, and enters the spleen and stomach meridians. It can not only dehumidify and wake up the spleen, but also promote qi, warm the middle, stop diarrhea, and calm the fetus. It can treat dampness blocking the middle jiao, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, cold and damp diarrhea, and fetal movement disorders. It is especially suitable for those with cold and dampness blocking and poor qi.
This product mainly contains volatile oils: borneol acetate, camphor, camphorene, limonene, etc. It also contains flavonoids and other ingredients. This product has the effects of dehumidification and appetite, warming the spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi and calming the fetus.

SKU: N/A ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀ:

Amomum villosum (attached: Amomum villosum shell, Amomum villosum flower)
[Medicinal use] The mature fruit of the ginger family herb Amonum villqsum Louv. or A. longiligulare T.L. Wu or A. xanthioides Wall.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Spicy, warm. Enter the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians.
[Effects] Dehumidification and qi circulation, warming the middle and stopping diarrhea, and calming the fetus.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for dampness blocking the stomach, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea.
Amomum villosum has a fragrant smell, is pungent and warm, and is good at dehumidifying and qi circulation. It is a good medicine for invigorating the spleen and stomach. For symptoms such as loss of appetite and vomiting and diarrhea caused by dampness blocking the spleen and stomach, it is often used in combination with Atractylodes macrocephala, dried tangerine peel, etc.; for spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension, it is often used in combination with dried tangerine peel, Magnolia bark, costus root, etc.; for spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, it can be used in combination with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, etc.
2. Used for spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Amomum villosum is pungent and warm, enters the spleen, can warm the middle and stop diarrhea, and is often used for abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, and is often used together with dried ginger, cooked aconite, and tangerine peel, which warm the middle and dispel cold.
3. Used for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
Amomum villosum can also calm the fetus, so it is suitable for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. In clinical treatment of nausea and vomiting, it is often used together with Atractylodes macrocephala and Sophora japonica; for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, it can be used together with Pinellia ternata and Bamboo Shavings.
[Prescription name] Amomum villosum, Amomum villosum (produced abroad, of poor quality, shelled, crushed), Spring Amomum villosum, Yangchunsha (produced in Yangchun County, Guangdong, of good quality. Spring Amomum villosum, shelled; Yangchunsha, shelled. Crushed), Shaquankesha (Amomum villosum with shell, crushed)
[General dosage and usage] One to two qian, decocted and taken, and added to the decoction later.
【Attached medicine】1. Amomum shell: the fruit shell of Amomum villosum or Amomum ovatum. The nature, flavor and efficacy are the same as Amomum villosum, but the warmness is slightly reduced and the power is weaker. It is suitable for spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension, nausea and other symptoms. The general dosage is one to two coins, decocted and taken.
2. Amomum flower: the dried flower of Amomum villosum. The function and dosage are the same as Amomum villosum shell.
【Comments】1. Amomum villosum has a pungent and warm smell, a fragrant smell, can remove dampness and promote qi, so it can treat dampness blocking the middle jiao, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, warm the middle and stop diarrhea, so it can treat cold and dampness, diarrhea. It also has the function of promoting qi and stagnating the fetus, and can treat fetal movement and nausea. Because it enters the spleen, stomach and kidney meridians, it is an important medicine for cold and dampness qi stagnation in the middle and lower jiao.
2. The predecessors used Rehmannia glutinosa in clinical prescriptions, but they were afraid that it would be greasy and hinder the stomach, so they often mixed it with Amomum villosum. It is indeed beneficial to both nourish and promote qi. Wei can also be used as an adjuvant, and there is no need to be restricted to mixing it.
[Example of prescription] Xiangsha Liujun Decoction (Yifang Jijie): costus root, Amomum villosum, ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, licorice, tangerine peel, Pinellia tuber. Treats qi deficiency, phlegm and fluid, vomiting, stuffy stomach, spleen and stomach disharmony.
[Literature excerpt] “Zhenzhu Nang”: “Treats spleen and stomach qi stagnation and inability to disperse.”
“Rihuazi Bencao”: “Treats all qi, cholera, cramps, heart and stomach pain.”
“Bencao Jingshu”: “The smell is pungent, warm and fragrant. The fragrance enters the spleen, and the pungent can moisten the kidney. Therefore, it is an important medicine for opening the spleen and stomach, and a genuine product for harmonizing the middle qi. If there is also kidney deficiency, the qi does not return to the source, and this is not the guide.”
“If cough is mostly caused by lung heat, this medicine should not be used.”
“Bencao Huiyan”: “It is a medicine for warming the middle and harmonizing qi. If the qi in the upper part of the body is blocked and does not go down, the qi in the lower part of the body is suppressed and does not go up, and the qi in the middle part of the body is condensed and not comfortable, use Amomum villosum to treat it, and it is the most effective. However, ancient prescriptions are often used to calm What is the fetus? The pain is caused by qi stagnation, and the fetus is restless due to qi reversal. This medicine is pungent and fragrant, warm but not strong, beneficial but not astringent, harmonious but not competitive, unblocking the three burners, warming the six internal organs, warming the lungs and awakening the spleen, nourishing the stomach and kidneys, and soothing the liver and gallbladder. It is good for keeping the fetus. ”
“Yujiu Yaojie”: “It harmonizes the middle and regulates qi, relieves depression and stagnation, descends the stomach yin and promotes food, reaches the spleen yin and transforms food, and is good for vomiting and diarrhea, cough and phlegm. It is good for treating choking, can keep the fetus, regulate the sourness and rottenness of the upper burner, and promote the filth and turbidity of the lower qi. The rise of clearness and the fall of turbidity all depend on the middle qi. If the middle qi is not strong, the pivot will not turn, and the spleen will be reversed.”

This product is the dried mature fruit of Amomum villosum Lour, Amomum vilosum Lourvar.xanthioides T.L.Wuet Senien or Amomumlongiligulare T.L.Wu, a plant of the ginger family. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe in summer and autumn, and dried in the sun or at low temperature.
Yangchunsha and Lukesha are oval or ovate, with inconspicuous three edges, 1.5~2cm long and 1~1.5cm in diameter. The surface is brown, densely covered with thorn-like protrusions, with perianth residues at the top and fruit stalks at the base. The pericarp is thin and soft. The seeds are clustered into a mass, with three blunt edges, and a white septum in the middle, dividing the seed mass into 3 petals, each with 5~26 seeds. The seeds are irregular polyhedrons, 2~3mm in diameter; the surface is brown-red or dark brown, with fine wrinkles, and covered with light brown membranous aril; the texture is hard, and the endosperm is grayish white. The smell is fragrant and strong, and the taste is spicy, cool and slightly bitter.
Hainansha is oblong or ovate, with obvious three edges, 1.5~2cm long and 0.8~1.2cm in diameter. The surface is covered with flaky, branched soft thorns, and there are fruit stalk marks at the base. The pericarp is thick and hard. The seed cluster is small, with 3 to 24 seeds per valve: the seed diameter is 1.5 to 2 mm. The smell is slightly light.
(1) Cross section of Yangchunsha seeds: the aril sometimes remains. The epidermal cells of the seed coat are in one row, radially elongated, with slightly thick walls; the hypodermal cells are in one row, containing brown or reddish brown substances. The oil cell layer is a row of oil cells, 76 to 106 um long, 16 to 25 um wide, containing yellow oil droplets. The pigment layer is a few rows of brown cells, which are polygonal and arranged irregularly. The endocarp is a row of palisade thick-walled cells, yellow-brown, with extremely thick inner and side walls, small cells, and containing siliceous blocks. The endosperm cells contain starch granules and a few small calcium oxalate products. The endosperm cells contain small starch grains and fat oil droplets
Powder is gray-brown. The thick-walled cells of the inner testa are reddish brown or yellowish brown, polygonal in surface view, thick-walled, non-lignified, and contain siliceous blocks in the cell cavity; the cross-section view shows a row of palisade cells, with extremely thick inner and side walls, and the cell cavity is biased to the outside, containing siliceous blocks. The epidermal cells of the testa are light yellow, long strips in surface view, and are often arranged vertically with the upper and lower layers of the hypodermal cells: the hypodermal cells contain brown or reddish brown substances. The pigment layer cells are wrinkled, with unclear boundaries, and contain reddish brown or dark brown substances. The endosperm cells are rectangular or irregular in shape, filled with starch clumps formed by small starch granules, and some are embedded with small calcium oxalate products. The endosperm cells contain small starch grains and fat oil droplets. The oil cells are colorless, thin-walled, and occasionally scattered with oil droplets.
(2) Take the volatile oil under [Content Determination], add ethanol to make a solution containing 20ul per 1ml, as the test solution. Take the borneol acetate reference substance, add ethanol to make a solution containing 10ul per 1ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (general rule 0502), 14 of each of the above two solutions were taken and spotted on the same tridacna G thin layer plate, cyclohexane-ethyl acetate (22:1) was used as the developing agent, developed, taken out, dried, sprayed with 5% vanilla group sulfuric acid solution, and heated until the spots were clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, the same purple-red spots appeared at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference sample.
The water content shall not exceed 15.0% (method 4 of general rule 0832).
[ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਨ]
Volatile oil shall be determined according to the volatile oil determination method (general rule 2204).
The volatile oil content of Yangchunsha and Lukesha seed mass shall not be less than 3.0% (ml/g); the volatile oil content of Hainansha seed mass shall not be less than 1.0% (ml/g) Bornyl acetate shall be determined according to gas chromatography (general rule 0521).
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test DB-1 capillary column (100% dimethyl polyhydrazine as stationary phase) (column length 30m, inner diameter 0.25mm, film thickness 0.25um); column temperature 100%℃, injection port temperature 230℃, detector (FID) temperature 250℃; split ratio 10:1. The theoretical plate number calculated according to the borneol acetate peak should not be less than 10000. Preparation of reference solution Take an appropriate amount of borneol acetate reference, accurately weigh it, add anhydrous ethanol to make a solution containing 0.3mg per 1ml, and obtain it.
Preparation of test solution Take about 1g of this product powder (passed through No. 3 sieve), accurately weigh it, put it in a stoppered conical bottle, accurately add 25ml of anhydrous ethanol, stopper it, weigh it, and ultrasonically treat it (power 300W, frequency 40kHz) for 30 minutes, let it cool, make up the lost weight with anhydrous ethanol, shake it, pass it, and take the filtrate to obtain it.
Determination method: Accurately pipette 1μ of reference solution and test solution respectively, inject into gas chromatograph, and determine.
This product, calculated as dry product, contains not less than 0.90% of borneol acetate (C12H200,).
Decoction pieces
Remove impurities. Crush when used.
[Nature and flavor and meridians]
Spicy, warm. Enter the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians.
[Functions and indications]
Dehumidify and stimulate appetite, warm the spleen and stop diarrhea, regulate qi and stabilize pregnancy. Used for dampness and turbidity blocking the middle, no hunger in the abdomen, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, vomiting and diarrhea, nausea during pregnancy, and restless fetus.
[Usage and dosage]
3~6g, add later.
Put in a cool and dry place.
Where is Amomum villosum mainly produced?
It is mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Hainan.
Where is the main medicinal part of Amomum villosum?
Medicinal part of Amomum villosum:
This product is the dried mature fruit of Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour.var.xanthioides T.L.Wu etSenjen or Amomum longiligulare T.L.Wu, which are plants of the ginger family.
Harvested when the fruits are ripe in summer and autumn, and dried in the sun or at low temperature.
Characteristics of the medicinal part of Amomum villosum:
Amomum villosum and Amomum villosum Lour.var.xanthioides T.L.Wu etSenjen, which are plants of the ginger family.
The shape of Amomum villosum and Amomum villosum is oval or ovate, with inconspicuous three edges, 1.5~2cm long and 1~1.5cm in diameter.
The surface is brown, with dense thorn-like protrusions, with perianth residues at the top and fruit stalks at the base. The fruit skin is soft.
The seeds are gathered into a mass, with three blunt edges, and a white septum in the middle, which divides the seed mass into 3 petals, each with 5~26 seeds. The seeds are irregular polyhedrons, 2~3mm in diameter; the surface is brown-red or dark brown with fine wrinkles, and the outer layer is covered with light brown membranous aril; the texture is hard, and the endosperm is grayish white.
The smell is fragrant and strong, and the taste is spicy, cool and slightly bitter. Hainan sand is oblong or oval, with obvious three edges, 1.5~2cm long and 0.8~1.2cm in diameter. The surface is covered with flaky, branched soft thorns, and the base has fruit stalk scars. The pericarp is thick and hard. The seed cluster is small, with 3~24 seeds per petal; the seed diameter is 1.5~2mm. The smell is slightly light.
How is Amomum villosum recorded in historical books?
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It treats cold abdominal pain, rest, dysentery, and strain. Digest water and grain, and warm the spleen and stomach.
“Rihuazi Materia Medica”: “It treats all qi, cholera, cramps, and heart and stomach pain.
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Amomum villosum is a medicine that warms the middle and harmonizes qi. If the qi of the upper jiao is obstructed and does not go down, the qi of the lower jiao is suppressed and does not go up, and the qi of the middle jiao is condensed and not comfortable, Amomum villosum is used to treat it, and the effect is the fastest.
“Pharmaceutical Meaning”: “Amomum villosum is pungent, dispersing, bitter and descending, and has a thick smell. It is mainly used to disperse stagnation and guide stagnation, promote qi and lower qi, and its fragrance can harmonize the five internal organs, and pass through the meridians with the medicine it leads. If vomiting and nausea, cold dampness and cold diarrhea, and abdominal pain, use this to warm the middle and regulate qi; if the spleen is deficient and full, the old food cannot be digested, and alcohol poisoning hurts the stomach, use this to disperse stagnation and transform qi; if the fetal qi has abdominal pain, nausea and less food, and the fetus is swollen and restless, use this to circulate and harmonize qi.
Effects and functions
Amomum villosum has the effects of removing dampness and appetizing, warming the spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi and calming the fetus.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Amomum villosum?
Amomum villosum has the effects of removing dampness and appetizing, warming the spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi and calming the fetus. Used for dampness and turbidity blocking the middle part of the body, bloating without hunger, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, vomiting and diarrhea, nausea during pregnancy, and restless fetal movement.
Dampness blocking qi stagnation syndrome
Treats dampness blocking the middle part of the body, abdominal distension, and loss of appetite. It is often used with Magnolia officinalis and white cardamom. .
· Treats spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, and loose stools: can be used with costus root, schizonepeta tenuifolia, and white atractylodes.
Vomiting and diarrhea
Treats vomiting and diarrhea caused by spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. It is often used with aconite and dried ginger. .
· Treats food injury and stomach cold, vomiting and diarrhea. It is suitable to be used with tangerine peel, cloves, and costus root.
Nausea during pregnancy and restless fetal movement
Treats qi stagnation during pregnancy, vomiting and inability to eat, or restless fetal movement. It can be used alone as a powder or used with perilla stems and white atractylodes.
· Treats qi and blood deficiency and restless fetal movement. It can be used with ginseng, white atractylodes, and Rehmannia glutinosa.
What other effects does Amomum villosum have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients by the people, that is, materials that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible drug substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Amomum villosum can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Common medicinal diet recipes for Amomum villosum are as follows
Food accumulation and gas reversal, heart and stomach pain
Fry and grind Amomum villosum in appropriate amount, put it in a bag and soak it in wine, boil and drink.
Children’s food accumulation and diarrhea, loss of appetite
Amomum villosum 2~3g, rice 50~75g. First crush Amomum villosum into fine powder, then wash the rice, put it in the pot to cook porridge, and when the porridge is about to be cooked, add Amomum villosum powder and cook it for a while. Take it warm for breakfast and dinner.
Children’s slippery diarrhea, prolapse of the anus
Amomum villosum 30g. Peel and grind into powder, use 3g each time, split a piece of pig kidney, put the medicine powder in, tie it with cotton thread, and cook it in water. Fetal restlessness
Grind any amount of Amomum villosum into fine powder, take 6g each time, add a little ginger juice, and drink with boiling water at any time. Note: The use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing Amomum villosum?
Xiangsha Zhishu Pills
Strengthen the spleen and appetite, promote qi and eliminate lumps. Used for spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, and loose stools. Xiangsha Liujun Pills
Replenish qi and strengthen the spleen, and harmonize the stomach. Used for spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, indigestion, less qi and food, abdominal distension, and loose stools.
Xiangsha Yangwei Pills
Warm the middle and harmonize the stomach. Used for stomach pain and fullness caused by insufficient stomach yang and dampness blocking qi stagnation. Symptoms include dull stomach pain, abdominal distension, vomiting acid water, noisy discomfort.
No appetite, fatigue in the limbs.
Xiangshaweiling Pills
Removes dampness and regulates the spleen, regulates qi and harmonizes the stomach. Used for vomiting, diarrhea, edema, dizziness, and dysuria caused by water retention
Modern research progress on Amomum villosum
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as regulating gastrointestinal function, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and hypoglycemic.
Amomum villosum has the effects of removing dampness and appetizing, warming the spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi and calming the fetus. Generally, Amomum villosum slices are used, and they should be taken after decoction.
How to use Amomum villosum correctly?
When Amomum villosum is decoctioned for oral administration, the usual dosage is 3~6g. It should be crushed before being added to the decoction, and long-term decoction will reduce the efficacy. When Amomum villosum is used externally, take an appropriate amount of Amomum villosum and burn it into powder, apply it to the affected area, and it can treat oral ulcers. After different processing methods, Chinese medicinal materials such as Amomum villosum and salt Amomum villosum can be produced. Different processing methods have different effects, so please follow the doctor’s advice for specific medication. Amomum villosum is generally used in decoctions, decoctions are taken, and it can also be made into powder or pills for consumption. However, the use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
Amomum villosum and costus root: Amomum villosum can eliminate dampness, promote qi and warm the middle; costus root can regulate qi, regulate the middle and relieve pain. The two medicines are matched, and the effect of eliminating dampness, regulating qi, regulating the middle and relieving pain is stronger. All abdominal distension and pain caused by dampness stagnation, food accumulation, or cold can be used. For those with spleen deficiency, it should be matched with spleen-strengthening products.
When decocting Amomum villosum, it should be added later, and put into the container for decoction 5 to 10 minutes before other medicines are decocted.
How to prepare Amomum villosum?
Amomum villosum
Take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities and fruit stalks. Crush them when using.
Salt Amomum villosum
Take clean Amomum villosum, add salt water, mix well, simmer for a while, and put it in a frying container after the salt water is absorbed.Heat over low heat, stir-fry until dry, remove and let cool. Crush when using. For every 100kg of Amomum villosum, use 2kg of salt.
What drugs should be used with Amomum villosum with special attention?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and individualized clinical treatment.
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plan you are receiving.
ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਨਿਰਦੇਸ਼
Amomum villosum is pungent, fragrant, warm and dry, so people with yin deficiency and excessive fire should take it with caution.
What are the precautions when using Amomum villosum?
People with yin deficiency and blood dryness should use it with caution.
· During the medication period, you should be careful not to eat cold, raw and cold foods, spicy and greasy foods.
Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
· Children: Children’s medication must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
· Please properly store the medicinal materials and do not give your own medicinal materials to others.
Medication Tips
ਮਰੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਅਕਸਰ ਪੁੱਛੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਸਵਾਲ
The effects and functions of Xiangsha Liujun Pills
Xiangsha Liujunzi is composed of 1 qian of ginseng, 2 qian of white atractylodes, 2 qian of poria, 7 fen of licorice, 8 fen of dried orange peel, 1 qian of pinellia, 8 fen of amomum, and 7 fen of costusroot.
It has the effects of invigorating qi and strengthening spleen, harmonizing stomach and resolving phlegm.
It is used for gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, gastroptosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, bronchiectasis, chronic atrophic gastritis, diabetes, autonomic dysfunction enteropathy, renal anemia (wood prescription plus flavor), etc., which are caused by deficiency of stomach qi and stagnation of qi due to phlegm.
The effects and functions of Amomum shell
Amomum shell is the fruit shell of the ginger family plants Amomum yillosym Loyr, Amomum yillosum Lourvar, xanthioides T.L.Wu etSenjen, or Amomum longiligulare T.L.Wu. The properties, flavor and efficacy are similar to those of Amomum villosum, but the warming property is slightly reduced and the medicinal effect is weak. It is suitable for treating spleen and stomach dampness, qi stagnation, abdominal distension and pain, nausea and loss of appetite, etc. Decoction, 3-6g.


1 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 10 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 100 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 500 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ, 1000 ਕਿਲੋਗ੍ਰਾਮ


ਅਜੇ ਤੱਕ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੀਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ।

"Amomum villosum -Sharen" ਦੀ ਸਮੀਖਿਆ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਪਹਿਲੇ ਬਣੋ

ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਈ-ਮੇਲ ਪਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਲੋੜੀਂਦੇ ਖੇਤਰਾਂ 'ਤੇ * ਦਾ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਲੱਗਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ।

ਖਰੀਦਾਰੀ ਠੇਲ੍ਹਾ