
Cinnamon – Rou Gui


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Cinnamon, [rou gui], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: cinnamon bark, official cinnamon, cassia, English name: Cassia cinnamon, main effects: warming the middle and dispersing cold, regulating qi and relieving pain
The Chinese herbal medicine cinnamon, also known as cinnamon bark, is a warming medicine. It is the dried bark of the cinnamon plant of the genus Cinnamomum in the Lauraceae family.
Cinnamon is pungent, sweet and hot in nature. It warms and disperses. It has thick and pure yang qi. It enters the kidney meridian, slowly replenishes kidney yang and replenishes fire to assist yang or guides fire back to the origin. It enters the liver, heart and spleen meridians, relieves cold and chronic cold and dispels cold and relieves pain, warms and unblocks the meridians and activates blood circulation and dissipates blood stasis. It is not as good at assisting yang as aconite, and is generally not used to restore yang and rescue adverse conditions. It is good at benefiting yang and eliminating yin, slowly replenishing kidney yang and guiding fire back to the origin. It is an important medicine for replenishing fire and assisting yang: it also enters the blood, is good at unblocking meridians, and improves microcirculation. It is suitable for people with cold blood.
Cinnamon contains volatile oil (cinnamon oil), the main component of which is cinnamaldehyde; it also contains cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamyl acetate, cinnamic acid, phenylpropyl acetate, coumarin and other ingredients. This product has the effects of warming the middle and dispelling cold, regulating qi and relieving pain.

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[Medicinal Use] This product is the bark of the Lauraceae plant, Osmanthus osmanthus.
[Nature, flavor and meridians] Pungent, sweet, and very hot. Enters the liver, kidney, and spleen meridians.
[Efficacy] Warming and nourishing yang, dispelling cold and relieving pain.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for symptoms such as insufficient kidney yang, fear of cold and cold limbs, weak spleen yang, cold and painful epigastrium and abdominal pain, lack of food and loose stools.
Cinnamon is a hot product, beneficial to fire and yin, and warming and tonifying kidney yang. Therefore, it is suitable for diseases such as Mingmen fire deficiency, fear of cold limbs, impotence, and frequent urination. It is often combined with warming and tonifying liver and kidney medicines such as Rehmannia glutinosa, wolfberry, For diarrhea caused by spleen and kidney yang deficiency, it can be used with yam, Atractylodes, psoralen, and Yizhiren.
2. It is used for the symptoms of long-term illness and frailty, lack of qi and blood, white-colored vaginal gangrene, diffuse swelling that does not ulcerate, or long-term ulceration that does not converge.
This product can invigorate the spleen yang and unblock the blood vessels. Therefore, it is often used for patients with chronic illness, weak Qi, and lack of blood. Mix a small amount of cinnamon into Qi-tonifying and blood-tonifying medicines such as Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Angelica sinensis, Rehmannia glutinosa, etc. It has the effect of encouraging the growth of Qi and blood. To treat self-inflicted gangrene, it can be used together with Paojiang, Rehmannia glutinosa, Deer Antler Gum, Ephedra, White Mustard Seed, and Raw Licorice.
3. It is used for symptoms such as cold pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, low back pain due to cold paralysis, and abdominal pain during menstruation.
Cinnamon can warm the middle and dispel cold and relieve pain. Therefore, if you encounter epigastric and abdominal pain due to deficiency and cold, it can be used alone to have considerable effect. If the deficiency and cold are severe, it can be combined with other medicines that warm the middle and dispel cold, such as aconite, dried ginger, and cloves. , Evodia, etc. can be used together. To treat cold paralysis and low back pain, Duhuo, Sangji, Eucommia ulmoides, Dipsacus, and Gouji can be used. It can be used with Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong rhizome, white peony root, mugwort leaves, etc. to treat Chong Ren deficiency and cold and abdominal pain during menstruation.
[Prescription name] Cinnamon, cinnamon heart, cinnamon heart (dried in the shade, sliced ​​or ground into powder)
[General dosage and usage] Decoction for 5 cents to 1 cent, grind into powder and swallow or dilute for 3 cents to 5 cents at a time. This product contains volatile oil and should not be fried for a long time. It should be taken after shaving or soaked in juice.
[Note] 1. Cinnamon is the bark of the tree, and cinnamon twig is the twig. They come from the same root, and both have the functions of warming the blood, assisting the transformation of qi, and dispersing cold and coagulation. However, the qi of Guizhi is weak, and its main function is to ascend and dissipate coldness on the surface, and to warm and unblock the meridians by moving along the limbs. Cinnamon has a thick qi, warms the middle and relieves pain, and can go down to nourish kidney yang, and can lead fire back to its source. It is often used together with aconite to treat shortness of breath, flushed complexion, and enema caused by excess yin and cold and insufficient kidney yang. Symptoms of “Dai Yang” such as loose stools, floating and weak pulse.
2. Both cinnamon and aconite can warm and replenish life fire to treat symptoms of lower Jiao deficiency and coldness and insufficient Yang Qi. However, the two medicines have their own characteristics. Cinnamon can warm the blood and help the transformation of qi. For those with cold qi and blood stagnation, cinnamon should be added to regulate qi and blood, such as gynecological cold depression, amenorrhea and abdominal pain, etc. Selection; In Junbu Qi and Blood, cinnamon is used as an auxiliary medicine, which can encourage Qi and blood and promote the growth of Yang and Yin, such as Shiquan Dabu Decoction. Aconite is famous for its ability to restore yang and relieve adverse effects. For example, Aconite is used in Sini Decoction and Shenfu Decoction.
3. Cinnamon can not only replenish fire and eliminate yin when used together with anti-cold medicines such as Fu and Ginger, but also can boost yang and replenish yin when used together with ginseng, rehmannia and other tonic medicines. It can also be used with cold and cooling medicines, such as Zishen Pills. A small amount of cinnamon is used to promote gasification. It should not be used in cases of fever that damages body fluids and false cold and true heat.
This product is the dried bark of Cinnamomum cassia Presl, a plant in the Lauraceae family. It is usually peeled off in autumn and dried in the shade.
This product is in the shape of a trough or roll, 30~40cm long, 3~10cm wide or in diameter, and 0.2~0.8cm thick. The outer surface is gray-brown, slightly rough, with irregular fine wrinkles and transversely protruding lenticels, and some can be seen with gray-white markings; the inner surface is red-brown, slightly flat, with fine vertical lines, and oil marks are visible when scratched. It is hard and brittle, easy to break, has an uneven cross-section, the outer layer is brown and rough, the inner layer is reddish-brown and oily, and there is a yellow-brown line between the two layers. The aroma is strong and the taste is sweet and spicy.
(1) Cross section of this product: Cork cells are in sequence, and the outer wall of the innermost cell is thickened and lignified. The cortex is scattered with stone cells and secretory cells. There are groups of stone cells in the middle part of the sheath, arranged intermittently in rings, with fiber bundles on the outside. The stone cells usually have thin outer walls. The phloem rays are 1 to 2 rows of cells wide and contain fine calcium oxalate needle crystals; fibers are often bundled in 2 to 3 bundles; oil cells can be seen everywhere. The parenchyma cells contain starch granules and are not reddish brown in color. Most of the fibers are scattered individually, long spindle-shaped, 195~920um long, about 50um in diameter, thick wall, lignified, and inconspicuous pits. The stone cells are square or round, with a diameter of 32~88um, and thick walls, some of which are thin on one side. Oil cells are round or oblong, with a diameter of 45~108um. Calcium oxalate needle crystals are small and scattered in the ray cells. Cork cells are polygonal and contain reddish brown matter.
(2) Take 0.5g of this product powder, add 10m of ethanol, cold soak for 20 minutes, shake frequently, filter, and take the filtrate as the test solution. Take another cinnamaldehyde reference substance and add ethanol to make a solution containing 1yl per 1ml as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography (General Chapter 0502) test, absorb 2~5μ1 of the test solution and 2 of the reference solution, respectively point on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and use petroleum ether (60~90℃)-ethyl acetate ( 17:3) as the developing agent, unfold, take out, dry, and spray with dinitrophenylhydrazine ethanol test solution. In the chromatogram of the test product, spots of the same color appear at the positions corresponding to the chromatogram of the reference substance.
Moisture content must not exceed 15.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 4).
The total ash content shall not exceed 5.0% (General Rule 2302).
【Content determination】
Volatile oil: Determine according to the volatile oil determination method (General Chapter 2204 Method B).
This product contains volatile oil not less than 1.2% (ml/g).
Cinnamaldehyde was determined according to high performance liquid chromatography (General Chapter 0512)
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: Octadecylsilane bonded silica gel is used as the filler; acetonitrile-water (35:75) is used as the mobile phase; the detection wavelength is 290nm. The number of theoretical plates should not be less than 3000 based on the cinnamic aldehyde peak.
Preparation of reference substance solution: Take an appropriate amount of cinnamic aldehyde reference substance, weigh it accurately, add methanol to make a solution containing 10ug per 1ml, and you have it. Preparation of test solution: Take about 0.5g of this product powder (passed through No. 3 sieve), weigh it accurately, place it in a stoppered Erlenmeyer flask, add 25ml of methanol accurately, weigh it, and conduct ultrasonic treatment (power 350W, frequency 35kHz) 10 minutes, left overnight, ultrasonic treated once in the same way, weighed again, used methanol to make up for the lost weight, shake well, and filter. Precisely measure 1 ml of the additional filtrate, place it in a 25 ml measuring bottle, add methanol to the mark, and shake well.
Determination method: Precisely absorb 10u each of the reference solution and the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and measure.
Calculated as a dry product, this product contains no less than 1.5% cinnamic aldehyde (CgHgO).
Drinking pieces
Remove impurities and rough skin. Mash when used.
Same medicinal materials.
【Nature, flavor and meridian tropism】
Pungent, sweet, and very hot. Returns to the kidney, spleen, heart and liver meridians.
[Functions and Indications]
It replenishes fire and supports yang, induces fire to return to the origin, dispels cold and relieves pain, and warms and unblocks meridians. It is used for impotence with cold uterus, cold pain in the waist and knees, shortness of breath due to kidney deficiency, floating yang, dizziness, red eyes, cold pain in the heart and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea due to cold deficiency, cold hernia and abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea.
【Usage and Dosage】
People with bleeding tendency and pregnant women should use it with caution; it should not be used together with red stone resin.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Where is the main origin of cinnamon?
Mainly produced in Guangxi and Guangdong.
Where are the main medicinal parts of cinnamon?
Medicinal parts of cinnamon:
Cinnamon is the dried bark of Cinnamomum cassia Presl, also known as cassia bark.
Characteristics of the medicinal parts of cinnamon:
This product is in the shape of a trough or roll, 30~40cm long, 3~10cm wide or in diameter, and 0.2~0.8cm thick. The outer surface is gray, slightly rough, with irregular fine wrinkles and transversely protruding lenticels, and some can be seen with gray-white markings; the inner surface is reddish brown, slightly flat, with fine vertical lines, and oil marks are visible when scratched. It is hard and brittle, easy to break, has an uneven cross-section, the outer layer is brown and rough, the inner layer is reddish-brown and oily, and there is a yellow-brown line between the two layers. The aroma is strong and the taste is sweet and spicy.
How is cinnamon recorded in ancient historical books?
“Herbal Classic”: “Maintains upper Qi, cough, reverse Qi, laryngeal obstruction, spitting and aspiration, sharpens the joints, tonifies the middle and replenishes Qi.
“Kaibao Materia Medica”: “Heartache, hypochondriac pain due to wind and hypochondriac, warms the tendons and unblocks the meridians, relieves irritability and sweating.
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Cinnamon has a strong flavor, so it can warm and nourish the gate of life, strengthen the muscles and bones, open the blood vessels, and treat coldness in the heart and abdomen… pain in the waist, feet, navel and abdomen, and all diseases caused by cold and cold.”
“Famous Doctors”: “It can benefit liver and lung qi, treat cold, heat and cold diseases in the heart and stomach, cholera and tendons, headache and low back pain, relieve sweating and irritability, stop spitting and coughing, can induce abortion, strengthen joints and open blood vessels.”
Function and efficacy
Cinnamon, a Chinese medicinal material, has the effects of warming the body, dispersing cold, regulating qi and relieving pain.
What are the main functions and clinical applications of cinnamon?
Cinnamon is used for cold pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, soreness and coldness in the waist and knees, cold hernia and abdominal pain, cold-damp arthralgia, blood stasis and dysmenorrhea, bloody diarrhea, intestinal wind, swelling and pain from bruises, and trauma.
Bleeding etc.
Kidney yang deficiency syndrome
It can be used to treat symptoms of insufficient kidney yang, cold pain in the waist and knees due to weak Mingmen fire, impotence, cold uterus, frequent nocturia, semen and enuresis, etc. It is often used with Aconite, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Cornus officinalis.
Symptoms of ascending deficiency yang
It can be used to treat dizziness, red face, shortness of breath, weak pulse, etc. caused by Yuanyang deficiency and rising Yang deficiency. It can be used equally with Cornus officinalis, Schisandra chinensis, and Ginseng.
Cold pains
It is often used with aconite, dried ginger, and Sichuan pepper to treat chest yang deficiency and chest pain caused by internal invasion of cold pathogens. .
·To treat cold stomach and abdominal pain, it can be used alone or in combination with dried ginger, galangal, and apple root.
·To treat cold hernia and abdominal pain, it is often used together with fennel, agarwood and black medicine. To treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea caused by cold coagulation and blood stasis, it is often used with Chuanxiong, Angelicae, and Red Peony Root.
To treat cold-damp arthralgia, it is often used in the same way as Duhuo and Sangjisheng.
In addition, for those who are physically weak due to long-term illness and have insufficient qi and blood, adding a small amount of this product to the qi and blood tonic prescription can also encourage the growth of qi and blood and enhance or improve the effect of the tonic medicine.
What other benefits does cinnamon have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely eaten as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e., edible medicinal substances). According to documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, cinnamon can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for cinnamon are as follows!
Aversion to cold and cold limbs, soreness of waist and knees, frequent and long urination, impotence in men, infertility due to cold uterus in women: 3g cinnamon, 50g japonica rice, appropriate amount of brown sugar. First fry the cinnamon to extract the thick juice and remove the residue, then cook the porridge with japonica rice. After the porridge is boiled, add the cinnamon juice and brown sugar and cook together to make porridge. Or use 1~2g of ground cinnamon, mix it into porridge and cook it together. Generally, a course of treatment lasts for 3 to 5 days, and is taken warmly in the morning and evening.
·Enuresis in children: appropriate amount of ground cinnamon, 1 rooster liver, mash into equal parts, make a pill as big as a mung bean, give it in warm soup, take 3 times a day.
· Postpartum abdominal pain: If the amount of cinnamon is not appropriate, take it with warm wine for about 19 minutes, 3 times a day.
·Coldness and pain in the confidants, chest numbness, and inability to eat or drink: 50g of ground cinnamon, 200g of japonica rice, wash out the rice, cook porridge until half-cooked, mix with ground cinnamon next time, take it empty stomach, once a day.
Cold and painful abdomen, prefers warmth and massage: 1 rooster, peeled and internal organs, washed and cut into pieces, put in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, add 6g of ginger, amomum cloves, galangal, cinnamon, orange peel, and pepper Stew 3g each of longan, Sichuan pepper, and fennel, green onion, soy sauce, and salt over a slow fire, then sprinkle in a little pepper. Eat chicken and drink soup as appropriate.
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used arbitrarily, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
What are the compound preparations containing cinnamon?
Yougui Pill
Warm and nourish kidney yang, replenish semen and stop lingering syndrome. It is used for insufficient kidney yang, weak Mingmen fire, soreness and coldness in waist and knees, lack of energy, fear of cold, impotence and spermatorrhea, loose stools, frequent and clear urination.
Jisheng Shenqi Pills
Warming the kidneys, transforming qi, diuresis and reducing swelling. It is used for kidney deficiency and edema caused by insufficient kidney yang and internal water-dampness, soreness and heaviness of the waist and knees, difficulty in urination, phlegm retention, cough and asthma.
Warm Gan Jian
Warming and nourishing the liver and kidneys, promoting qi and relieving pain. It mainly treats liver and kidney deficiency and cold stagnation of the liver pulse. Cold and painful testicles, or lower abdominal pain, hernia pain, fear of cold and preference for warmth
Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction
Promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, warms menstruation and relieves pain. Indications for cold coagulation and blood stasis syndrome
Shiquan Dabu Decoction
Warm and nourish Qi and blood. It mainly treats Qi and blood deficiency syndrome. Pale complexion, tiredness, eating less, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, spontaneous sweating and night sweats, lukewarm limbs, pale tongue, weak pulse; in women, metrorrhagia, irregular menstruation, sores and ulcers that cannot be cured, etc.
Ginseng Yangrong Pills
Warm and nourish Qi and blood. Used for insufficiency of heart and spleen, deficiency of qi and blood, thin body and mental fatigue, less food and loose stools, and weakness after illness.
Guifu Dihuang Pills
Warming and nourishing kidney yang. It is used for deficiency of kidney yang, soreness and coldness of waist and knees, edema of limbs, difficulty in urination or excessive urination, phlegm and fluid retention, wheezing and cough, and quenching thirst.
Modern research progress on cinnamon
Modern research results show that this product can dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, enhance coronary and cerebral blood flow, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-thrombin, sedative, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-convulsant, promote intestinal motility, and enhance digestion. Function, relieve gastrointestinal spasmodic pain, anti-ulcer, hypoglycemic, antibacterial and other pharmacological effects.
How to use
The Chinese herbal medicine cinnamon has the effects of warming the body, dispersing cold, regulating qi and relieving pain. It can be taken in decoction, boiled water or soup. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use cinnamon correctly?
When cinnamon decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 2~5g; it should be taken later and should not be fried for a long time.
When cinnamon powder is taken, the normal dosage is 1~2g. The effect of this product is weak, and the dosage can be increased appropriately under the guidance of a doctor.
For external use of cinnamon, grind it into powder and apply it or soak it in wine and rub it on the affected area.
Cinnamon is usually taken in decoction or decoction. It can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
Common Chinese medicine combinations are as follows:
Cinnamon and Aconite: Cinnamon can replenish fire and yang, dispel cold and unblock the meridians; aconite can replenish fire and yang, dispel cold and relieve pain. The two medicines are compatible with each other and have strong power to replenish fire and yang, dispel cold and relieve pain. They can be used to treat severe cases of kidney yang and spleen deficiency, spleen and kidney yang deficiency and internal cold.
In addition, cinnamon can also be used for daily health care. Commonly used methods of consumption are as follows:
Make tea (cinnamon brown sugar tea): 3 to 6 grams of cinnamon, 12 grams of brown sugar, boiled in water and drank, it can cure postpartum abdominal pain in women. Before menstruation, use 3 grams of cinnamon and 9 grams of cinnamon.
Decoction of hawthorn meat and 30 grams of brown sugar in water can cure abdominal distension and pain during menstruation. Pay attention to the appropriate amount of water and simmer for three to five minutes.
Soup (mutton cinnamon soup): Add cinnamon when stewing mutton, and then eat the meat and drink the soup. It can warm the middle and strengthen the stomach, warm the waist and knees, and treat abdominal coldness and bloating.
Note: Pregnant women and those with excessive internal heat or blood heat should not take it. Those with yin deficiency and excessive fire should not use cinnamon alone.
How to prepare cinnamon?
Remove impurities, scrape off the rough skin and pound into small pieces.
Which drugs require special attention when using cinnamon at the same time?
It should not be used together with red stone resin.
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment.
If you are taking other medications, please consult your doctor before taking these medications and inform your doctor of all diagnosed medical conditions and treatments you are receiving.
Medication instructions
The pungent heat of cinnamon helps fire and blood, so pregnant women and those with excessive internal heat and blood heat should not take it. People with yin deficiency and excessive fire should not use it alone.
What are the precautions when using cinnamon?
Cinnamomum erythrophylla.
Cinnamon has pungent, dry, and warm medicinal properties, and has the effect of warming the body and dispersing cold. Anyone with yin deficiency, excessive fire, or fever that damages body fluids should avoid eating cinnamon.
It should not be used together with red stone resin.
During the medication, you should pay attention to avoid eating cold, cold, spicy, greasy food, and avoid smoking and alcohol.
Children: Medication for children must be done under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
·Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give the medicinal materials you use to others.
How to identify cinnamon?
Cinnamon and cinnamon twigs come from the same thing. Both are pungent, sweet and hot in nature, and both can help yang dispersion.Cold, warming meridians, dredge meridians, and relieve pain can all treat cold pain in the abdomen, wind-cold-dampness arthralgia, yang deficiency edema, phlegm and fluid retention, chest pain, as well as dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea caused by cold blood stagnation.
The difference is: cinnamon is the bark of the tree trunk, which is strong and specializes in going inside; it is also good at replenishing fire and supporting yang, guiding fire back to the origin, and treating symptoms of yang deficiency and fire decline, symptoms of coldness in the lower abdomen and floating yang, abdominal pain caused by cold hernia, and yin carbuncle. Cassia twig is the tender branch of the tree, which is slow and goes inside; it is also good at sweating and relieving the exterior symptoms, and treating wind-cold exterior symptoms with or without sweat.


1 kg, 10 kg, 100 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg


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