
Scutellaria baicalensis – huangqin


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Scutellaria baicalensis – Chinese herbal medicine Scutellaria baicalensis is a heat-clearing and damp-drying medicine. It is the dried root of the Lamiaceae plant Huangling.
Scutellaria baicalensis is bitter and cold in nature. It enters the lung, gallbladder, spleen, large intestine and small intestine meridians.
Scutellaria baicalensis is bitter, cold, clearing and drying. It mainly enters the lung and large intestine meridians, and also enters the gallbladder, spleen and stomach meridians. It can clear heat and purge fire, cool blood and stop bleeding, stabilize pregnancy, and relieve heat and toxicity. It can also dry dampness, remove humidity and relieve dampness and heat and toxicity. It is an important medicine for treating dampness, heat and fire toxicity and is widely used in diseases of dampness, heat and fire toxicity. Compared with Coptis chinensis, its heat-clearing and damp-drying power is weaker, and its effect is biased towards the upper lung and large intestine. It is good at clearing dampness and heat in the upper burner and removing the fire of the lung and large intestine.
This product contains flavonoid components such as baicalin, baicalein (baicalin), wogonin, wogonin, and baicalin. In addition, it also contains volatile oil components such as acetophenone, palmitic acid, oleic acid, β-sitosterol, scutellaria enzyme and other ingredients, which have the functions of clearing away heat and dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, stopping bleeding, and calming the fetus.

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[Medicinal Use] This product is the root of Scutellaria baicalensis, a plant of the Labiatae family.
[Nature, flavor and meridians] Bitter, cold. Enters the heart, lungs, gallbladder, large intestine, and small intestine meridians.
[Efficacy] Clear away heat and dry dampness, purge fire and detoxify, and prevent miscarriage.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for damp-heat fever, chest tightness, thirst and inability to drink, as well as damp-heat diarrhea, jaundice and other symptoms.
Scutellaria baicalensis has a strong effect of clearing away heat and drying dampness. It can be used in conjunction with talc, white cardamom kernels, poria cocos, etc. for damp-heat fever. For damp-heat diarrhea and abdominal pain, it is often used with white peony root, kudzu root and licorice. For damp-heat accumulation caused by For jaundice, it can be used equally with Yinchen, gardenia and light bamboo leaves.
2. Used for febrile diseases such as high fever and polydipsia, or lung-heat cough, or vomiting blood, epistaxis, hematochezia, metrorrhagia, and heat-toxic sores caused by excessive heat forcing blood to overflow.
Scutellaria baicalensis can clear excess heat and relieve lung fire. To treat febrile disease and high fever, it is often used with coptis, gardenia, etc.; to treat lung-heat cough, it can be used equally with Anemarrhena and Morus alba; to treat blood-heat disorder, it can be used equally with Rehmannia glutinosa, paeonol bark, and Platycladus orientalis leaves; for For heat poisonous sores, it can be used together with Yinhua, Forsythia and other medicines.
In addition, this product has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving fetuses, and can be used to treat fetal dysphoria. It is often used in combination with Atractylodes, Bamboo Ru, etc.
[Prescription names] Scutellaria baicalensis, light skullcap, light baicalensis, ziqin (used raw, clearing away heat and purging fire), fried scutellaria baicalensis (used in stir-frying, weakening the coldness, and used to prevent miscarriage), stir-fried scutellaria baicalensis in wine, and stir-fried scutellaria baicalensis in wine (used in wine) , clear the upper Jiao and damp heat), Scutellaria baicalensis charcoal (fried to treat black color, used to stop bleeding)
[General dosage and usage] 1 to 3 qian, decoct and take.
[Note] Scutellaria baicalensis can relieve scorched lung fire and clear dampness and heat in the intestines. It is a commonly used clinical drug. When combined with Bupleurum, this product clears and relieves heat; when combined with Mulberry White Bark, it purges lung fire; when combined with Coptis, it clears away heat, purges fire and dries dampness; when combined with White Peony, it clears away heat, stops dysentery and relieves pain; when combined with Atractylodes, it It clears away heat, nourishes the spleen and prevents miscarriage.
[Examples of prescriptions] Scutellaria baicalensis and talc decoction “Tiaodian Bing of Febrile Diseases”: Scutellaria baicalensis, talc, kouren, Tongcao, Polyporus, Poria, Dabupi. Treat dampness and warm body heat.
Huangqin Xiefei Decoction “Zhang’s Medical Guide”: Scutellaria baicalensis, rhubarb, forsythia, gardenia, bitter almond, citrus aurantium, platycodon, mint, raw licorice. Treats lung heat, asthma and cough, and constipation due to excess in the lungs.
Scutellaria baicalensis decoction “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”: Scutellaria baicalensis, peony, licorice, jujube. It is beneficial for treating combined diseases of Taiyang and Shaoyang.
Where are the main medicinal parts of Scutellaria baicalensis?
The medicinal parts of Scutellaria baicalensis:
The dried root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, a plant of the Lamiaceae family. Excavate in spring and autumn, remove fibrous roots and sediment, remove rough skin after sun drying, and dry in the sun. Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Scutellaria baicalensis:
This product is conical, twisted, 8~25cm long and 1~3cm in diameter. The surface is brown or dark yellow, with sparse fine root marks. The upper part is rough, with twisted longitudinal wrinkles or irregular reticulations, and the lower part has smooth lines and fine wrinkles. Hard and brittle, easy to break, yellow in cross section, reddish brown in the center; the center of the old root is rotten or hollow, dark brown or brown-black. The smell is slight and the taste is bitter.
How is Scutellaria baicalensis recorded in ancient historical books?
“Herbal Classic”: “It treats various types of heat and jaundice, intestinal avoidance, dysentery, expelling water, blood obstruction, malignant sores, gangrene, and fire ulcers.” “Famous Doctors”: “Cure phlegm-heat, stomach heat, lower abdominal colic, and eliminate Gu, beneficial to the small intestine, causes anemia in women, stranguria, and abdominal pain in children. “Medicinal Properties of Materia Medica”: “It can cure heat poisoning, bone steaming, exchange of cold and heat, unfavorable gastrointestinal, break up obstruction, treat five types of stranguria, make people feel relaxed, relieve joint boredom, relieve heat and thirst, cure abdominal pain due to heat, and strengthen the heart and soul.” swell.
“Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”: “It purges lung fire upwards, purges bladder fire downwards, causes five stranguria in men and violent collapse in women. It regulates menstruation and clears away heat. If there is uneasiness due to fire and heat in the fetus, it can clear away fetal heat and eliminate excess fire and excess heat in the six meridians.”
“Compendium of Materia Medica·Volume 13”: “Cure wind-heat, damp-heat, headache, fever and pain, fire cough, lung weakness, fishy throat, and blood loss.
“Medicine Qiyuan·Volume 2”: “Scutellaria baicalensis is a must-use medicine for treating damp-heat in the lungs, swelling and redness in the eyes due to upper heat, and blood stasis.”
Function and efficacy
Scutellaria baicalensis has the functions of clearing away heat and drying dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, stopping bleeding, and preventing miscarriage.
What are the main functions and clinical applications of Huangling?
Scutellaria baicalensis is used for damp-heat, summer-dampness, chest tightness and vomiting, damp-heat and fullness, diarrhea, jaundice, lung-heat cough, high fever and polydipsia, blood-heat vomiting and epistaxis, carbuncle and sores, and fetal movements.
Damp-heat syndrome
It is used to treat damp-heat, heat-heat, chest tightness, vomiting, and damp-heat fullness. It is often used with talc, cardamom, and Tongcao;
To treat damp-heat diarrhea, it is often used with Pueraria lobata and Coptidis rhizome;
To treat jaundice caused by damp-heat, it is often used together with Artemisia chinensis and Gardenia jasminoides.
Lung heat cough
It can be used alone to treat cough caused by pathogenic heat blocking the lungs;
To treat coughs with phlegm-heat blocking the lungs with yellow, thick and sticky phlegm, it is often used with Anemarrhena, Fritillaria and Platycodon.
Sores, carbuncles, swollen poison
Can be used equally with coptis, forsythia, and licorice.
Blood heat and bleeding
To treat vomiting blood, epistaxis and other bleeding caused by excessive fire poison and excessive blood pressure, Scutellaria baicalensis charcoal can be used alone or combined with rhubarb and Huangtai.
Fetal dysphoria
For the treatment of heat and uneasiness in pregnancy, it can be used equally with Anemarrhena, White Peony, and Atractylodes.
What other benefits does skullcap have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely eaten as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e., edible medicinal substances). According to documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Huangtai can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for Scutellaria baicalensis are as follows:
Dampness, warmth, heat-dampness, chest tightness and vomiting, dampness-heat, fullness, diarrhea, and jaundice
This product is bitter and cold, and can clear away dampness and heat in the lungs, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and large intestine. It is especially good at clearing away dampness and heat in the middle and upper burners.
·To treat symptoms such as dampness or the onset of summer-dampness, low body heat, chest and epigastric tightness, and yellow and greasy tongue coating, talc, white cardamom, and Tongcao are often used to treat dampness-reducing products, such as Scutellaria baicalensis and Talc decoction;
To treat obstruction due to dampness and heat, constipation and vomiting, it is often used with coptis, pinellia, and dried ginger, such as Banxia Xiexin Decoction;
To treat damp-heat diarrhea, it is often combined with coptis, white peony and other medicines, such as peony decoction;
To treat jaundice caused by damp-heat, it must be combined with herbs such as Yinchen and Gardenia that can clear away damp-heat, promote choleretics and reduce jaundice.
Cough due to lung heat, high fever and polydipsia
·This product mainly enters the lung meridian and is good at clearing lung heat. It is an important medicine for treating cough caused by lung heat. It is effective when used alone, that is, Qingjin Pills: or it can be used with mulberry white bark, anemarrhena, Ophiopogon japonicus and other products to clear the lungs and relieve cough.
If it is used in the same way as trichosanthes, mulberry bark, bitter almond and other medicines for clearing the lungs, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, it can be used to treat cough due to phlegm heat, such as Qingqi and Huatan Pills. This product can clear Qi and separate excess heat, and has the effect of reducing fever. When combined with forsythia, gardenia, rhubarb and other medicines, it can be used to treat exogenous fever and high fever, polydipsia, red urine and constipation due to internal pathogens, such as Lianggesan.
If combined with Bupleurum, it can relieve and reduce fever. It can be used for evil in Shaoyang and alternation of cold and heat, such as Xiao Bupleurum Decoction.
carbuncle sore
This product has the effect of clearing away heat, purging fire and detoxifying. It is used to treat carbuncles, sores and sores. It is often combined with Coptis chinensis, Cortex Phellodendri, and Gardenia, such as Coptidis Coptidis Jiedu Decoction.
Blood heat and bleeding
Stir-fried charcoal with this product can clear away heat, purge fire, cool blood and stop bleeding.
To treat vomiting blood and epistaxis caused by excessive heat forcing blood, this product can be used alone or together with rhubarb;
To treat blood-heat and bloody stool, it is often used together with Sanguisorba and Sophora japonica.
Fetal heat and fetal movements
This product has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving fetus.
·To treat fetal dysphoria due to fetal heat, it can be used with Atractylodes and Angelicae, such as Danggui Powder. ·If used together with angelica, white peony root, Atractylodes and other blood-nourishing and fetal-nourishing medicines, it can be used to treat fetal dysphoria due to blood deficiency and heat, such as anti-fetus. pill.
What are the compound preparations containing Astragalus?
Qin Lian Pian
Clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is used for heat accumulation in the internal organs, headache, redness in the eyes, sores in the mouth and nose, heat dysentery and abdominal pain, sores, boils, swelling and pain under damp heat.
Xinqin tablets
Replenishing qi and strengthening the surface, dispelling wind and clearing the orifices. It is used for nasal itching, sneezing, runny nose, and susceptibility to colds caused by insufficient lung qi and external attack of wind evil; for those with allergic rhinitis who have the above syndromes.
Gardenia heat-clearing mixture
Dispel wind and heat, clear away heat and detoxify. Used for excessive triple burner heat and poison, fever, headache, red mouth and urine, etc.
Pueraria lobata Qinlian pills
It can relieve muscles and penetrate the surface, clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and stop diarrhea. It is used for diarrhea, abdominal pain, yellow and sticky stools, and anal burning caused by accumulation of damp and heat; and for fever, wind, headache and body pain caused by wind-heat and cold.
Compound Qinlan Oral Liquid
It is pungent and cool to relieve symptoms, clear away heat and detoxify. It is used for fever, cough and sore throat caused by exogenous wind-heat.
Scutellaria baicalensis soup
Clear away heat and relieve pain, harmonize and relieve pain. It mainly treats heat diarrhea and dysentery. Body heat, bitter mouth, abdominal pain, red and yellow tongue, rapid pulse.
Scutellaria talc soup
Clear away heat and promote dampness. It mainly treats dampness and warmth evil in the middle burner, causing fever and body pain, sweating and heat relief, and then reheating, and thirsty but not drinking much, or no thirst at all.
Pueraria lobata, scutellaria and coptis decoction
Clear up the outside and clear up the inside. It is mainly used to treat heat and benefit. Body heat leads to diuresis, chest and epigastrium are irritated and hot, mouth feels thirsty, panting and sweating.
Pure heart lotus seed drink!
Clears the heart fire, replenishes qi and yin, and relieves stranguria and turbidity.
Xiaochaihu Tang
Reconciliation with Shaoyang. It is mainly used to treat Shaoyang syndrome caused by typhoid fever, heat entering the blood chamber, jaundice, malaria, and internal injuries and miscellaneous diseases with Shaoyang syndrome.
Modern research progress on Scutellaria baicalensis
This product has various pharmacological effects such as anti-pathogenic microorganisms, anti-endotoxin, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, choleretic, anti-allergic, anti-tumor, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic.
How to use
Scutellaria baicalensis has the functions of clearing away heat and drying dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, stopping bleeding, and preventing miscarriage. Take it as a decoction or soak it in wine. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use Astragalus correctly?
·When scutellaria baicalensis decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 3g~10g.
Scutellaria baicalensis has a strong effect of clearing away heat, drying dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, and is suitable for all syndromes of dampness-heat and heat-toxicity.
The bitter and cold nature of fried Scutellaria baicalensis is slightly reduced, and it is suitable for use when the fetus is hot and has fetal movements.
Liquor Scutellaria baicalensis can ascend and should be used to clear away the heat caused by scorching heat.
Astragalus stir-fried charcoal cools blood and has strong hemostatic effect, so it is suitable for bleeding due to heat in the blood.
Through different processing methods, Chinese herbal medicine pieces such as skullcap, wine skullcap, and skullcap carbonate can be produced. It is suitable to be used raw to clear away heat, purge fire and detoxify. It is suitable to be stir-fried to clear away the burnt and burnt with hot wine for preventing miscarriage. It is suitable to be stir-fried with charcoal to stop bleeding. Different processing methods have different effects and effects. Please follow your doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Traditionally, Scutellaria baicalensis is divided into Kuqin and Ziqin. Kuqin (Pianqin) is a perennial root that has grown for many years. It is hollow and dry, with a light and floating body. It is good at clearing the upper burnt lung fire and mainly treats lung-heat cough and yellow phlegm; Ziqin (Tiaoqin) Qin (Qin Qin) is a young seed root with a solid and firm body and a heavy weight. It is good at clearing the fire of the large intestine and purging the lower scorched damp-heat. It is mainly used for treating damp-heat diarrhea, jaundice and red urine.
Scutellaria baicalensis is usually taken in decoction or decoction. It can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
In addition, Scutellaria baicalensis can also be mixed with traditional Chinese medicines such as rhubarb and turmeric to make wine and apply externally to the affected area. It has the effects of relieving pain, dissipating blood stasis, reducing fever, and reducing swelling.
How to prepare Scutellaria baicalensis?
Take the raw medicinal materials, remove the residual stems and impurities, wash them with water, simmer them in boiling water for about 10 minutes, or steam them in a cage for about half an hour, take them out and stuff them thoroughly, cut them into thin slices, and dry them in time.
wine skullcap
Take scutellaria baicalensis slices and mix them with rice wine, moisten them until they are translucent, put them in a frying pan, heat them over a slow fire, stir-fry them until they turn deep yellow, take them out and let them cool. For every 100kg of Scutellaria baicalensis slices, use 10kg of rice wine.
Scutellaria baicalensis charcoal
Take the Scutellaria baicalensis slices and place them in a frying pan, heat them over high heat, and stir-fry them until they are dark brown. Spray a little water on them to eliminate the sparks and take them out to dry thoroughly.
Which drugs require special attention when used together with Astragalus?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment. If you are taking other medicines, please consult your doctor before taking them and inform your doctor of all diagnosed diseases and treatments you are receiving.
Medication instructions
Scutellaria baicalensis is bitter, cold and dry, and can cut down the qi of hair growth, so it should not be taken by those with spleen and stomach deficiency, lack of food and loose stools.
What precautions should be taken when using Scutellaria baicalensis?
It is taboo for those with spleen and lung deficiency and heat.
Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether you can treat it with traditional Chinese medicine.
·Children: Medication for children must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
·Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give the medicinal materials you use to others.
How to identify and use Astragalus?
Scutellaria baicalensis has a bitter nature and a cold taste. Returns to the lung, gall bladder, large intestine and small intestine meridians. It has the functions of clearing away heat and drying dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, stopping bleeding and anti-fetus.
Scutellaria baicalensis is powdered by alcohol, and the medicine is introduced into the blood, and can rise upwards and cure external symptoms such as red eyes, swelling and pain, blood stasis, blood loss in the upper part, and upper burner lung-heat cough; at the same time, due to alcohol-induced fever , can relieve the bitter and cold nature of skullcap, so as not to damage the yang and cause abdominal pain.
·Scutellaria baicalensis charcoal has the function of clearing away heat and stopping bleeding. It is mostly used for vomiting blood and epistaxis.
Scutellaria baicalensis is divided into Kuqinqin and Ziqin:
· Kuqin is a perennial root that has grown for a long time. It is hollow and withered. Its body is light and mainly floating. It is good at clearing the upper burnt lung fire. It mainly treats lung heat and yellow phlegm.
Ziqin is a young seed root with a solid and firm body and a heavy weight. It is good at purging damp-heat in the large intestine. It is mainly used for treating damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery and abdominal pain.
Most frequently asked questions by patients
What is the difference between Scutellaria baicalensis, Coptis chinensis, and Phellodendron cypress?
Scutellaria baicalensis, Coptis chinensis and Phellodendron cypress are all bitter and cold in nature and flavor. They can clear away heat and dampness, purge fire and detoxify. They are commonly used to treat syndromes of excessive dampness and heat or excessive heat and toxins. Each phase must be used accordingly.
However, Scutellaria baicalensis tends to purge upper burner lung fire, and is mostly used for those with lung-heat and cough; Coptis chinensis tends to purge middle burner stomach fire, and is better than purging heart fire. Middle burner damp-heat purges dysentery, fullness, vomiting, and excessive heart fire.
It is mostly used for those with high fever and upset; Cortex Phellodendron is mostly used for those with diarrhea, Jiao Xianghuo, bone steaming, damp-heat syndrome, and bone steaming and labor fever.
What are the effects and functions of Compound Scutellaria baicalensis tablets?
Compound Scutellaria baicalensis tablets is a kind of Chinese patent medicine. It consists of skullcap, knotweed, andrographis paniculata, and ten great merits.
It has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling blood and reducing swelling. It is used for swelling and pain in the throat, sores on the mouth and tongue, colds and fever, and carbuncles and sores.
Usage and dosage: Take 4 tablets orally, 3 to 4 times a day.


1 kg, 10 kg, 100 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg


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