
Bugleweed – Ze Lan


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Bugleweed – Ze Lan,Chinese Bugleweed,Bugleweed,Lycopi Herba,ze lan herb,Bugleweed herb,buy bugleweed,bugleweed for sale,buy bugleweed online,ze lan herb,Ze Lan, [ ze lan ], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: tiger orchid, snake king chrysanthemum, small ze Lan, sweet potato seedling, milk boy, wind medicine, grass ze Lan, English name: Lycopi Herba, main effects: promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis and eliminating carbuncle, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling
The Chinese herbal medicine ze Lan is a blood circulation and blood stasis medicine, which is the dried aerial part of the hairy leaf sweet potato seedling of the Lamiaceae plant
Ze Lan has bitter, pungent and slightly warm properties. It enters the liver and spleen meridians,
This product mainly contains volatile oil, glucoside, tannin, resin, flavonoid glycoside, phenols, amino acids, organic acids, saponins, ze Lan sugar, stachyose, galactose, fructose, etc.

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Bugleweed – Ze Lan,Chinese Bugleweed,Bugleweed,Lycopi Herba,ze lan herb,Bugleweed herb,buy bugleweed,bugleweed for sale,buy bugleweed online,ze lan herb,Ze Lan
[Medicinal] The above-ground part of LycopuslucidusTurcz.var.hirtusRegel., a herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Bitter, pungent, slightly warm. Enters the liver and spleen meridians.
[Effects] Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote diuresis and reduce swelling.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for symptoms such as lumps and masses, swelling and pain of sores and ulcers, pain caused by falls and injuries, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, and abdominal pain caused by blood stasis after childbirth.
Ze Lan (Bugleweed) is pungent, dispersing, warming and unblocking, and has the function of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It is not harsh and is an important medicine for regulating menstruation in gynecology. It is often used with Angelica sinensis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, and Paeonia lactiflora. It can also dissipate blood stasis and treat pain. It can also dissipate carbuncle and reduce swelling. It is used with Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, peach kernel, safflower, etc. to treat falls and injuries; it is used with Angelica sinensis, honeysuckle, and raw licorice to treat sores and carbuncle lumps that have not disappeared.
2. Used for postpartum urination difficulties and body and face edema.
Ze Lan (Bugleweed) can not only promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but also has diuretic and detumescent effects, so it can be used for symptoms such as postpartum urination and body and face edema; because its diuretic effect is slow and weak when used alone, it is often used in combination with diuretic and detumescent drugs such as Fang Ji.
[Prescription name] Ze Lan (Bugleweed) (wash, dry, and chop)
[General dosage and usage] One to three coins, decocted and taken. Excessive menstruation, pregnant women should not use it.
[Example of prescription] Ze Lan Tang (Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng) Ze Lan leaves, angelica, peony, licorice. Treat blood deficiency and fire, menstrual loss, gradual obstruction and virgin amenorrhea.
This product is the dried above-ground part of Lycopus /ucidus Turcz.var. hirtus Regel, a plant of the Labiatae family. It is harvested in summer and autumn when the stems and leaves are lush and dried.
The stem of this product is square columnar, with few branches, shallow longitudinal grooves on all four sides, 50~100cm long, 0.2~0.6cm in diameter; the surface is yellow-green or purple, with obvious purple at the nodes and white hairs; it is brittle, yellow-white in cross section, and hollow in the pith. The leaves are opposite, with short petioles or nearly sessile; the leaves are mostly wrinkled, lanceolate or oblong when flattened, 5~10cm long; the upper surface is black-green or dark green, the lower surface is gray-green, densely glandular, and both sides are covered with short hairs; the tip is pointed, the base is gradually narrowed, and the edges are serrated. The cymes are axillary, the corolla is mostly shed, the bracts and calyx are persistent, the bracts are lanceolate, with cilia, the calyx is bell-shaped, the odor is faint, and the taste is light.
(1) Leaf surface observation: The anticlimax of the upper epidermal cells is nearly straight, with more non-glandular hairs, consisting of 1 to 5 cells, and with wart-like protrusions on the surface. The anticlimax of the lower epidermal cells is wavy, with obvious keratin lines, straight stomata, more non-glandular hairs on the main veins and lateral veins, consisting of 3 to 6 cells, and with wart-like protrusions on the surface. The scale head is round, with 8 cells and a diameter of 66 to 83 μm.
(2) Take 1 g of the powder of this product, add 30 ml of acetone, heat and reflux for 30 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, add 10 ml of petroleum ether (30 to 60 ° C) to the residue, soak for about 2 hours. 2 minutes, pour off the petroleum ether liquid, evaporate to dryness, add 2ml of anhydrous ethanol to the residue to dissolve it as the test solution. Take another ursolic acid reference substance, add anhydrous ethanol to make a solution containing 0.5mg per 1ml, as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography (general rules) 502) test, take 2~4ul of the test solution and 2ul of the reference solution, respectively, and spot them on the same brick glue G thin layer plate, develop with cyclohexane-trichloromethane-ethyl acetate-formic acid (20:5:8:0.1) as the developing agent, take it out, dry it, spray it with 10% sulfuric acid ethanol solution, and heat it at 105℃ until the spots are clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference substance.
Water content Not more than 13.0% (General Rule 0832, Method 2)
Total ash, not more than 10.0% (General Rule 2302).
Determined by the hot soaking method under the alcohol-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), using ethanol as the solvent, not less than 7.0%.
Pedaços de decocção
Remove impurities, wash briefly, soak thoroughly, cut into sections, and dry.
This product is in irregular sections. The stem is square columnar, with shallow longitudinal grooves on all four sides, the surface is yellow-green or purple, the nodes are obviously purple, and there are white hairs. The cut surface is yellow-white and hollow. The leaves are mostly broken, and when flattened, they are lanceolate or oblong, with serrated edges . Sometimes cymes can be seen. Slight smell, light taste.
[Identification] [Inspection] [Extract]
Same as medicinal material.
[Natureza e sabor e meridianos]
Bitter, pungent, slightly warm. Enter the liver and spleen meridians.
[Funções e indicações]
Activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation, remove blood stasis and eliminate carbuncle, promote diuresis and reduce swelling. Used for irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood and abdominal pain, sores, carbuncle, swelling and poison, edema and ascites. [Usage and dosage]
Coloque em local ventilado e seco.
Where is the main production area of ​​​​Ze Lan?
It is produced in most parts of the country.
Where is the main medicinal part of Ze Lan?
Medicinal part of Ze Lan (Bugleweed):
This product is Lycopus odoratus, a plant of the Lamiaceae family. The dried aerial parts of Lucidus Turcz.var. hirtus Regel. It is harvested in summer and autumn when the stems and leaves are in full bloom, and then dried in the sun.
Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Ze Lan:
The stem of this product is square columnar, with few branches, shallow longitudinal grooves on all four sides, 50~100cm long, 0.2~0.6cm in diameter; the surface is yellow-green or purple, the nodes are obviously purple, and there are white hairs; the texture is brittle, the cross section is yellow-white, and the pith is hollow.
The leaves are opposite, with short petioles or nearly sessile; the leaves are mostly wrinkled, and when flattened, they are lanceolate or oblong, 5~10cm long; the upper surface is black-green or dark green, the lower surface is gray-green, densely glandular, and there are short hairs on both sides; the tip is pointed, the base gradually narrows, and the edges are serrated. The cyme inflorescence is axillary, the corolla is mostly shed, the bracts and calyx are persistent, the bracts are lanceolate, with cilia, and the calyx is bell-shaped with 5 teeth. The smell is slight and the taste is light.
How are Ze Lan recorded in ancient books?

“Ben Jing”: “It is used to treat bleeding in nursing women, residual diseases of stroke, abdominal edema, swelling of the body and face, water in the joints, wounds, carbuncle, pus and sores.

“Yao Xing Ben Cao”: “It is used to treat abdominal pain after childbirth, frequent childbirth, blood deficiency and coldness leading to fatigue, emaciation, and swelling of the whole body and face, and blood leakage and back pain in women.

“Rihuazi Ben Cao”: “It can open the nine orifices, benefit joints, nourish blood and qi, break up old blood, relieve fatigue, treat all kinds of diseases before and after childbirth, open the small intestine, grow meat and muscles, eliminate blood stasis, treat nosebleeds and vomiting blood, headaches and eye pain, women’s fatigue and emaciation, and men’s yellow face.

“Ben Cao Tong Xuan”: “Ze Lan (Bugleweed), with its aromatic fragrance, can relieve qi, relieve liver, promote blood circulation, circulate Ying and Wei, and reach the skin orifices, so it is a top agent for women’s medicine.
Effects and efficacy
The Chinese medicinal material Zelan has the effects of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis and eliminating carbuncle, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Zelan?
Zelan is used for irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain caused by blood stasis after childbirth, swelling and poison caused by carbuncle, edema and ascites.
Síndrome de estase sanguínea
·Treat amenorrhea caused by blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain caused by blood stasis after childbirth, etc., and use it together with Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, Cyperus rotundus, etc.
Treat traumatic injury, swelling and pain caused by blood stasis, or use it alone, or use it together with Angelica sinensis, safflower, peach kernel, etc.
·Treat carbuncle, swelling and poison caused by carbuncle, and use it alone, or use it together with honeysuckle, coptis chinensis, red peony root, etc.
Edema and oliguria
·Can be used together with Stephania tetrandra
Sores, carbuncle, swelling and poison
·Can be used alone or with honeysuckle, coptis, red peony, etc.,
What other effects does Ze Lan have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients by the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible medicinal substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Ze Lan can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
The commonly used medicinal diet recipes for Ze Lan are as follows:
Dysmenorrhea caused by deficiency of qi and blood
·15g white peony root, 10g Ze Lan, 20g each of angelica and astragalus, 100g polished rice, and appropriate amount of brown sugar.
·Boil white peony root, Ze Lan (Bugleweed), angelica, and astragalus for 15 minutes, remove the residue and take the juice, add polished rice to cook porridge. Add appropriate amount of brown sugar when cooked,
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, and should not be used at will, let alone listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
What are the compound preparations containing Ze Lan?
Qian Liexin Capsules promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis, clear away heat and remove dampness. It is used for stranguria caused by blood stasis and damp-heat, with symptoms of urgency, pain, difficulty in urination, and incomplete urination; chronic prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia with the above symptoms.
Sizhi Xiangfu Pills
Regulates qi and blood, replenishes blood and regulates menstruation. It is used for blood deficiency and qi stagnation, irregular menstruation, chest and abdominal distension and pain.
Tiaomeng Zhitong Tablets
Replenishes qi and promotes blood circulation, regulates menstruation and relieves pain. It is used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and postpartum lochia caused by qi deficiency and blood stasis, with symptoms of delayed menstruation, less menstrual flow, blood clots, lower abdominal pain during menstruation, and incomplete postpartum lochia.
Niasaitong Tablets
Regulates qi and promotes blood circulation, clears stranguria and disperses knots. It is used for mild and moderate stranguria caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, damp-heat in the lower jiao, with symptoms of difficulty in urination, thinning urine flow, frequent urination, and urgency; prostatic hyperplasia with the above symptoms. Modern research progress on Zelan
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as anticoagulation, improving microcirculation, improving blood rheology, analgesia, and anti-liver damage.
Zelan has the effects of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis and eliminating carbuncle, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling. Please follow the doctor’s instructions for specific usage and dosage.
How to use Zelan correctly?
When Zelan decoction is taken orally, the common dosage is 6~12g.
Zelan is generally used in decoctions, decoctions are taken, and powders or pills can also be taken. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it should not be arbitrarily believed in Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
How to prepare Zelan?
Pick out impurities, remove residual roots, spray water to moisten slightly, cut into sections and dry.
What drugs should be used with Zelan at the same time with special attention?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicines require syndrome differentiation and treatment, and clinical individualized treatment.
Se você estiver tomando outros medicamentos, consulte um médico antes de tomá-los e informe-o sobre todas as doenças confirmadas e os planos de tratamento que você está recebendo.
Instruções de medicação
Those with blood deficiency and no stasis should take it with caution; pregnant women should not take it.
What precautions should be taken when using Ze Lan?
·Those without stasis should use it with caution.
During the medication period, you should be careful not to eat cold, raw, spicy, greasy food, and avoid smoking and drinking.
This product has the effect of promoting blood circulation. People with heavy menstruation and pregnant women should not take this product. If you need to take it, please follow the doctor’s instructions. Pregnant and breastfeeding women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding, please inform your doctor in time and ask whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
·Children: Children’s medication must be taken under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give your own medicinal materials to others. .
Avoid using copper or iron utensils to decoct medicine. .
How to identify and use Ze Lan?
Motherwort and Ze Lan
Both motherwort and Ze Lan are blood-activating and menstruation-regulating drugs, which can activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation, remove blood stasis and eliminate carbuncle, promote diuresis and reduce swelling. They are often used for women’s menstrual and childbirth blood stasis symptoms, traumatic injuries, swelling and pain, sores, carbuncle, swelling and toxicity, edema caused by water stasis and other symptoms.
However, motherwort has a stronger pungent, dispersing and bitter effect, and is cold in nature and can clear away heat and detoxify. Its blood-activating, detoxifying and diuretic effects are stronger than Ze Lan, and its clinical application is also wider.


1kg, 10kg, 100kg, 500kg, 1000kg


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