
Норичник узловатый (Scrophularia nodosa) – Xuan shen

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Figwort scrophularia nodosa – Xuan shen [xuan shen], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Yuan Shen, Hei Shen, Wu Yuan Shen, Zhejiang Xuan Shen English name: Scrophulariae Radix Main effects: clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and reducing fire, detoxifying and dispersing knots
The Chinese herbal medicine Xuan Shen is a heat-clearing medicine, which is the dried root of the plant Xuan Shen of the Scrophulariaceae family.
The medicinal properties of Xuan Shen are sweet, bitter, salty, and slightly cold. It enters the lung, stomach, and kidney meridians.
Xuan Shen is bitter, sweet, moist, cold, and clear, and salty and soft. It enters the kidney and blood, and enters the lung, stomach, and kidney meridians. It not only clears heat and reduces fire, cools blood, and removes heat and toxins, but also nourishes yin and produces body fluids, moistens the intestines and promotes bowel movements, and also disperses swelling and knots. The function is similar to that of Shengdi, but the yin-nourishing power is weaker than that of Shengdi, and the fire-reducing power is stronger than that of Shengdi, and it is good at detoxifying and dispersing knots. It can be used for all blood heat, deficiency heat, fire poison, and sores, and is most suitable for those with yin deficiency and excessive fire.
This product contains iridoid compounds such as harpagol, harpagol, harpagol, aucubin, methoxyscrophulariaceae, and phenylpropanoid glycosides such as scutellariae A and angloside.
In addition, it also contains alkaloids, phytosterols, volatile oils, etc. It has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and reducing fire, and detoxifying and dispersing knots.

Артикул: Н/Д Категория:

[Medicinal Use] This product is the root of Scrophularia of the Scrophulariaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Bitter, salty, cold. Enters the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians.
[Effects] Clears heat and nourishes yin, purges fire and detoxifies.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for symptoms such as heat entering the blood and blood, thirst, red tongue, irritability, restless sleep, unclear consciousness, or body rashes.
Warm evil enters the blood and blood, injures the yin and robs the fluid, causing thirst and red tongue, and sinks into the pericardium, causing irritability and coma. Scrophularia can clear heat and cool blood, and has the effect of nourishing yin and promoting fluid production. It is often used in combination with fresh rehmannia, ophiopogon, coptis, forsythia, honeysuckle, bamboo leaf heart, etc. for the above symptoms.
2. Used for sore throat, red eyes, scrofula and tuberculosis.
Sore throat can be caused by exogenous wind-heat, and by yin deficiency and virtual fire. Both types of sore throat can be treated with Scrophularia. If you are affected by wind-heat, you need to use pungent and cool antipyretic drugs such as mint and burdock seeds; if you have inflammation due to deficiency fire, you need to use yin-nourishing drugs such as fresh rehmannia and ophiopogon japonicus. Therefore, Scrophularia ningpoensis is a commonly used product in laryngology, especially for treating inflammation due to deficiency fire. As for red eyes with symptoms of yin deficiency and excessive fire, this product can be used together with rehmannia, stone cassia, Prunella vulgaris, green box, Buddleja bud, etc. For the treatment of scrofula and tuberculosis, it can be used together with Fritillaria thunbergii and oyster.
[Prescription name] Yuanshen, Scrophularia ningpoensis, Wuyuanshen, Hei Scrophularia ningpoensis (wash, dry, slice)
[General dosage and usage] Three to five coins, decocted and taken.
[Comments] 1. Scrophularia ningpoensis is a salty and cold product with moist and liquid texture. It has the functions of nourishing yin, reducing fire, detoxifying, and benefiting rouge. With fresh Rehmannia root, Cortex Moutan, and Radix Paeoniae Rubra, it can clear away heat and cool blood; with large Rehmannia root and Radix Ophiopogonis, it can nourish yin and increase fluid; with Burdock seed and Radix Isatidis, it can detoxify and relieve sore throat; with large Rehmannia root, Semen Cassiae, Buddleja Buddleja, Periostracum Cicadae, it can improve eyesight and remove cataracts; with Oyster, Fritillaria, Herba Prunellae, it can disperse nodules and eliminate scrofula; with Honeysuckle, Angelica, and Licorice, it can detoxify and reduce swelling.
2. The effect of Scrophularia ningpoensis in nourishing kidney yin is similar to that of Rehmannia root, so the two medicines are often used together. However, Scrophularia ningpoensis is bitter and laxative, and it can purge fire, detoxify, and relieve sore throat. It has a wide range of clinical applications and is generally not used as a tonic for long-term use; Rehmannia root is specialized in nourishing the kidney and nourishing yin, and can be used as a long-term nourishing yin medicine
[Example of prescription] Scrophularia ningpoensis detoxification soup “Surgery Authentic”: Scrophularia ningpoensis, Gardenia, Scutellaria, Nepeta, Platycodon, Rehmannia root, Pueraria root, Licorice. Treats sore throat.
Simiao Yong’an Decoction “Hebei Shuyuan Experience Prescription”: Scrophularia, Angelica, Honeysuckle, Licorice. Treats obliterative vasculitis.
This product is the dried root of Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl., a plant of the Scrophulariaceae family. It is dug up in winter when the stems and leaves wither, and the rhizomes, young shoots, fibrous roots and mud and sand are removed. It is piled up for 3 to 6 days in the sun or baked until half–, and repeated several times until dry.
[Properties] This product is cylindrical, slightly thick in the middle or thick on the top and thin on the bottom, and some are slightly curved, 6 to 20 cm long and 1 to 3 cm in diameter. The surface is grayish yellow or grayish brown, with irregular longitudinal grooves, horizontal long lenticel-like protrusions and sparse horizontal cracks and fibrous root marks. It is solid and not easy to break. The cross section is black and slightly shiny. The smell is peculiar and resembles caramel, and the taste is sweet and slightly bitter.
(1) Cross section of this product: the cortex is relatively wide, the stone cells are scattered singly or in groups of 2 to 5, polygonal, sub-round or sub-square, with thick walls, obvious stratification, and many fissures in the phloem rays. The cambium is ring-shaped. The xylem rays are broad and also have many fissures; the vessels are few, sub-polygonal, with a diameter of about 113um, accompanied by wood fibers. The thin-walled cells contain nuclei.
(2) Take 2g of this product powder, add 25ml of methanol, soak for 1 hour, ultrasonically treat for 30 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, add 25ml of water to dissolve the residue, shake and extract twice with water-saturated n-butanol, 30ml each time, combine the n-butanol solution, evaporate to dryness, and add 5ml of methanol to dissolve the residue as the test solution. Take 2g of Scrophularia ningpoensis reference medicinal material and prepare reference medicinal material solution in the same way. Take harpagoside reference substance and add methanol to prepare a solution containing 1mg per 1ml as reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), take 4 of the above three solutions and spot them on the same silica gel G thin layer plate. Use the lower layer solution of chloroform-methanol-water (12:4:1) as the developing agent. Place it in a developing cylinder pre-saturated with the developing agent for 15 minutes, develop, take out, dry, spray with 5% vanillin sulfuric acid solution, and blow with hot air until the spots are clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference substance.
Water content shall not exceed 16.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
Total ash content shall not exceed 5.0% (General Rule 2302).
Acid insoluble ash should not exceed 2.0% (General Rule 2302)
Determined by hot leaching method under water-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), not less than 60.0%.
[Определение содержания]
Determined by high performance liquid chromatography (General Rule 0512),
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: Octadecyl tridane bonded tridacyl gum is used as filler: acetonitrile is used as mobile phase A, 0.03% phosphoric acid solution is used as mobile phase B, and gradient elution is performed according to the provisions in the table below, and the detection wavelength is 210nm. The theoretical plate number calculated based on the harpagoside and harpagoside peaks should not be less than 5000.
Preparation of reference solution Take appropriate amount of harpagol reference and harpagol reference, weigh accurately, add 30% methanol to make a mixed solution containing harpagol 60u9 and harpagol 20ug per 1ml, and obtain the test solution. Take about 0.5g of the powder of this product (passed through No. 3 sieve), weigh accurately, put it in a stoppered conical bottle, add 50ml of 50% methanol accurately, stopper it, weigh it, soak it for 1 hour, ultrasonically treat it (power 500W, frequency 40KHz) for 45 minutes, let it cool, weigh it again, make up the lost weight with 50% methanol, shake it well, filter it, and take the filtrate to obtain it. Determination method Accurately aspirate 10ml of reference solution and test solution respectively, inject it into liquid chromatograph, and determine it to obtain it. Calculated on the basis of dry product, the total amount of harpagine (C15H24010) and harpagine (C24H30011) in this product shall not be less than 0.45%
Кусочки отвара
Remove the remaining rhizomes and impurities, wash, soak thoroughly, slice thinly, and dry; or slightly bubbling, steam thoroughly, slightly, slice thinly, and dry.
This product is in the form of round or oval thin slices. The outer skin is grayish yellow or grayish brown. The cut surface is black, slightly shiny, and some have cracks. The smell is peculiar and similar to caramel, and the taste is sweet and slightly bitter.
(Except the cross section)
[Inspection] [Extract] [Content determination]
Same as the medicinal material.
[Природа, вкус и меридианы]
Sweet, bitter, salty, slightly cold. It enters the lung, stomach, and kidney meridians.
[Функции и показания]
Clears heat and cools blood, nourishes yin and reduces fire, and detoxifies and disperses knots. Used for heat entering the blood, fever and toxicity causing spots, fever and yin damage, red tongue and thirst, body fluid damage and constipation, bone steaming and fatigue cough, red eyes, sore throat, diphtheria, scrofula, carbuncle and sore.
[Usage and Dosage]
It should not be used with Veratrum.
Put in a dry place to prevent mold and moth.
Where is the main production area of ​​Scrophularia?
It is mainly produced in Zhejiang.
Where is the main medicinal part of Scrophularia?
Medicinal part of Scrophularia:
This product is the dried root of Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl., a plant of Scrophulariaceae. It is dug when the stems and leaves wither in winter, remove the rhizomes, young shoots, fibrous roots and mud and sand, and dry or bake until half dry, pile up for 3~6 days, and repeat several times until dry. Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Scrophularia:
This product is cylindrical, slightly thick in the middle or thick at the top and thin at the bottom, some are slightly curved, 6~20cm long, 1~3cm in diameter. The surface is grayish yellow or grayish brown, with irregular longitudinal grooves, horizontal long pore-like protrusions and sparse horizontal cracks and root marks. It is solid and not easy to break, the cross section is black and slightly shiny. The smell is unique and similar to caramel, and the taste is sweet and slightly bitter.
How are Scrophularia recorded in historical books?
“Ben Jing”: “It is used to treat cold and heat accumulation in the abdomen, postpartum milk problems in women, replenish kidney qi, and make people’s eyes bright.
“Ben Cao Pin Hui Jing Yao·Volume 10”: “It can eliminate swelling in the throat and drain rootless fire.
“Compendium of Materia Medica·Volume 12”: “It nourishes yin and reduces fire, relieves spots and toxins, benefits the throat, and relieves urinary blood stasis.
“Ben Cao Zheng”: “It can retreat rootless floating fire and disperse phlegm and heat carbuncle all over the body.
Effects and efficacy
Scrophularia has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and reducing fire, detoxifying and dispersing nodules.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Scrophularia?
Scrophularia is used for heat entering the blood and nutrient, fever and rashes, fever and yin damage, red tongue and thirst, body fluid damage and constipation, bone steaming and fatigue cough, red eyes, sore throat, diphtheria, scrofula, carbuncle and ulcer.
Blood and nutrient syndrome
For patients with febrile diseases with heat entering the nutrient, severe night fever, restlessness and insomnia, faint rashes, red tongue and rapid pulse, it can be used together with Rehmannia glutinosa, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Forsythia suspensa, etc.
For febrile diseases with evil heat entering the pericardium, coma and delirium, it is often used together with Forsythia suspensa heart and bamboo leaf roll heart.
If it is used to treat febrile diseases with both qi and blood burning, rashes and rashes, it can be used together with Gypsum and Anemarrhena asphodeloides.
Bone steaming, fatigue cough, constipation due to fluid loss
For those with yin deficiency and lung dryness, dry and sore throat, dry cough with little sputum or blood in sputum, it is often used with Ophiopogon japonicus, Rehmannia glutinosa, Fritillaria cirrhosa, etc.
For lung and kidney yin deficiency, fatigue cough and bone steaming, it can be used with Lilium sibiricum, Rehmannia glutinosa, Fritillaria thunbergii, etc.
For constipation due to intestinal dryness and fluid loss, it is often used with Rehmannia glutinosa and Ophiopogon japonicus.
Swelling and sore throat, treatment of painful phlegm nodules, sores, carbuncles and swelling
For sore throat due to excessive heat and toxins, it can be used with Scutellaria baicalensis, Gardenia jasminoides, Platycodon grandiflorum, etc.
For sore throat due to virtual fire inflammation, it is often used with Ophiopogon japonicus, Platycodon grandiflorum, and Licorice.
For phlegm and fire stagnation, treatment of scabs and phlegm nodules, it is often used with Fritillaria thunbergii and Oyster.
For carbuncles and sores due to accumulation of heat and toxins, it can be used with Honeysuckle, Forsythia suspensa, Taraxacum officinale, etc.
What other effects does Scrophularia have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely consumed as food ingredients by the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible medicinal substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Scrophularia can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
The commonly used medicinal diet recipes for Scrophularia are as follows:
Scrophularia stewed with pork liver
Function nourishes yin and blood, nourishes the liver and improves eyesight, and is suitable for dry eyes, night blindness, etc. caused by insufficient liver blood. It is composed of 15g Scrophularia, 500g pork liver, edible oil, ginger, onion, soy sauce, rice wine, and soy flour in appropriate amounts. Wash the pork liver, put it in the pot with Scrophularia, add appropriate amount of water and cook for 1 hour, take out the pork liver and cut it into thin slices for later use.
Add scallions and ginger to cooking oil and stir-fry, add to the pork liver slices, then add a small amount of soy sauce, sugar, and cooking wine, add a little of the original soup of cooking Scrophularia and pork liver, collect the juice, add soy powder to make the juice transparent, pour it into the pork liver slices, mix well and serve. Serve with meals.
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing Scrophularia?
Qingying Decoction
Clears the camp and detoxifies, penetrates heat and nourishes yin. Indications: Heat enters the camp. Body heat is worse at night, less restless, sometimes delirium, eyes often like to open or close, thirsty or not thirsty, macules are faint.
Zengye Decoction
Increase fluid and moisturize dryness. Yangming febrile disease, fluid deficiency and constipation syndrome. Constipation and thirst.
Scrophularia Detoxification Decoction
Nourishes yin and produces fluid, clears heat and relieves sore throat. Indications: sore throat, vomiting, poor diet, and residual swelling.
Dao Chi Wan
Clears heat and purges fire, promotes urination and relieves constipation. Used for mouth and tongue sores, sore throat, chest heat, short and red urine, and constipation caused by internal heat
Baihe Gujin Wan
Nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, resolves phlegm and relieves cough. Used for lung and kidney yin deficiency, dry cough with little sputum, blood in sputum, dry throat and sore throat. Yangyin Qingfei Gao
Nourishes yin and moistens dryness, clears lungs and relieves throat. Used for yin deficiency and dry lungs, dry throat and sore throat, dry cough with little sputum or blood in sputum.
Xuanmai Ganju Lozenges
Clears heat and nourishes yin, removes phlegm and relieves throat. Used for yin deficiency and fire, virtual fire floating, dry mouth and nose, and sore throat.
Modern research progress on Scrophularia ningpoensis
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-ventricular remodeling, analgesia, and liver protection.
Use method
Scrophularia ningpoensis has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and reducing fire, and detoxifying and dispersing knots. Generally, the decoction pieces of Scrophularia are used. Please follow the doctor’s instructions for specific medication.
How to use Scrophularia correctly?
When taking decoction of Scrophularia internally, the common dosage is 10-159.
When using Scrophularia externally, take an appropriate amount of Scrophularia, grind it into powder and apply it to the affected area to treat swelling and pain caused by bruises and sprains. Scrophularia is generally used in decoctions, decoctions and can also be made into powders or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it should not be used at will, let alone listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements. In addition, Scrophularia can also be used for daily health care. The common methods of consumption are as follows:
· Soaking in wine: You can use Scrophularia to soak in wine, which has the effect of nourishing yin and purging fire. It can also be used with other Chinese medicines to soak in wine.
How to prepare Scrophularia?
Take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities and reed heads, separate the large and small ones, wash, moisten thoroughly, or put them in a steaming container, steam thoroughly, cut into thin slices, and dry. Sieve out the debris.
What drugs should be used with Xuanshen at the same time?
Do not use it with Veratrum.
The combined use of Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and individualized clinical treatment.
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plan you are receiving.
Medication Instructions
Xuansheng is cold, slippery and stagnate, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency, chest tightness, poor appetite and loose stools should not take it.
What precautions should be taken when using Xuanshen?
Xuansheng is anti-Veratrum, and should not be used with Veratrum,
·People with spleen and stomach deficiency, poor appetite and loose stools should not take it,
·This product has a special smell similar to caramel, and tastes sweet and slightly bitter. The black cut surface is better.
·During the medication, you should pay attention to avoid eating cold, raw and cold foods, spicy and greasy foods, and avoid smoking and drinking.
, Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
· Children: Children should take medicine under the guidance of doctors and under the supervision of adults.
· Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give them to others.
How to identify and use Scrophularia?
Scrophularia and Rehmannia
Scrophularia and Rehmannia can clear away heat and cool blood, nourish yin and produce body fluid, and are used to treat heat entering the blood, heat disease damaging yin, yin deficiency and internal heat, etc., and are often used together. However, Scrophularia has a strong ability to purge fire and detoxify, so it is often used for sore throat, phlegm and scrofula; Rehmannia has a greater ability to cool blood and nourish yin, so it is often used for blood heat bleeding, yin deficiency and internal heat and thirst.
Medication tips
The most frequently asked questions by patients
What is the effect of Scrophularia Ganjue Decoction?
Composition: 4.5 grams of Scrophularia, 4.5 grams of Ophiopogon, 3 grams of Platycodon, and 1.5 grams of Licorice. Preparation method: The above four flavors are crushed into coarse powder, mixed and sieved, and packed in paper bags, each bag weighing 13.5 grams. Efficacy and indications: moisturizing the lungs, promoting fluid production and quenching thirst, treating itchy throat, coughing without phlegm, thirst and dry throat caused by insufficient lung yin. Usage and dosage: 1 bag each time, brew with boiling water instead of tea.
Is Scrophularia hot or cold?
Scrophularia is cold. Scrophularia is a heat-clearing medicine with sweet, bitter, salty and slightly cold properties. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians.
Are Yuanshen the same as Scrophularia?
Yuanshen and Scrophularia are the same. Scrophularia is also called Yuanshen, Zhejiang Scrophularia, Black Ginseng, Chongtai, Guizang, Zhengma, and Luchang.
Scrophularia is a heat-clearing medicine, which is the dried root of the Scrophulariaceae plant Scrophularia ningpoensis Hems|. Scrophularia is sweet, bitter, salty and slightly cold.
It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians.
It has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and reducing fire, and detoxifying and dispersing knots. It is used for heat entering the blood, warm toxicity causing rashes, febrile disease damaging the yin, red tongue and thirst, constipation caused by loss of body fluid, bone steaming and fatigue cough, red eyes, sore throat, diphtheria, scrofula, carbuncles, swellings and sores.


1 кг, 10 кг, 100 кг, 500 кг, 1000 кг


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