
Gardenia – zhi zi

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Gardenia, [zhi zi], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: fried gardenia, scorched gardenia, gardenia charcoal, ginger gardenia, English name: Gardeniae Fructus Main effects: purging fire and relieving restlessness, clearing heat and removing dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying; external use to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
Chinese herbal medicine Gardenia, alias yellow gardenia, mountain gardenia, white toad, first recorded in “Shennong’s Herbal Classic”, is the dried mature fruit of the plant Gardenia.
Gardenia is bitter and cold in nature. It enters the heart, lung, and triple burner meridians.
Gardenia has the effects of purging fire and relieving restlessness, clearing heat and removing dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying, and external use to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
It is used for symptoms such as fever and restlessness, damp-heat jaundice, stranguria and pain, blood heat vomiting and bleeding, red and swollen eyes, heat sores, sprains and pain.

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[Medicinal Use] This product is the mature fruit of the Gardenia tree of the Rubiaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Bitter, cold. Enters the heart, liver, lung, and stomach meridians.
[Effects] Clears heat and purges fire, cools blood and detoxifies.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for fever, restlessness and other symptoms of febrile diseases.
Gardenia is good at purging fire and heat and eliminating restlessness. In the early stage of Qi-related symptoms of exogenous febrile diseases, there are symptoms such as fever, chest tightness, and restlessness. Gardenia can be used in combination with fermented black beans to penetrate the evil and purge heat, eliminate restlessness and relieve depression. If it is all real heat and fire symptoms with high fever, restlessness, coma, and delirium, this product can be used with Coptis chinensis to purge fire and clear evil heat.
2. Used for vomiting blood, epistaxis, hematuria, red and swollen eyes, and sores and swelling caused by heat toxins and real fire.
Gardenia can cool blood and stop bleeding, clear away heat and detoxify. It is often used with Radix Rehmanniae, Platycladus orientalis, Cortex Moutan, etc. to treat blood heat and swollen eyes; it can be used with chrysanthemum and Semen Cassiae to treat sores and swelling; it can be used with Coptis chinensis, Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae, etc. to treat sores and swelling.
In addition, this product can relieve heat and dampness, and can be used for jaundice, yellowing of the face and skin, fatigue, and decreased appetite caused by damp-heat stagnation. It is often used with Phellodendron chinense and Artemisia capillaris. Grind raw gardenia into powder and mix it with flour and rice wine. It has the effect of reducing swelling and activating collaterals. It can be used for falls, sprains, bruises, and painful skin. It is a commonly used “tendon-hanging medicine” among the people, especially for muscle and tendon injuries near the joints of the limbs.
[Prescription name] Stir-fried Gardenia, Burnt Gardenia, Black Gardenia (fried until the skin is black, used to clear heat and purge fire, cool blood and stop bleeding), Raw Gardenia (used raw, with stronger heat and purge fire)
[General dosage and usage] One to three qian, decocted and taken. Appropriate amount for external use.
[Comment] 1. Gardenia, also known as Gardenia, is light and clear and ascending, can purge lung fire, remove skin heat, and can play a dual role in exogenous febrile diseases and heat inside and outside; this product is bitter and cold, can purge and descend, and can purge triple burner fire, cool blood and clear heart heat, and can be used for fever and restlessness; blood heat and hematuria caused by heat. Therefore, Gardenia can clear heat from both the qi and blood. As for purging heat and removing dampness, it can be used to treat jaundice, which is also its specialty.
2. This product can be used with Scutellaria baicalensis to relieve lung fire; adding light fermented black beans can relieve both exterior and interior heat. When used with Scutellaria baicalensis, it can relieve triple-burner fire and clear heart heat; when used with Radix Rehmanniae and Cortex Moutan, it can cool blood and stop bleeding, treat blood-heat delirium, vomiting, epistaxis and hematuria; when used with Cortex Phellodendri and Artemisia Capillaris, it can clear heat and remove dampness, treat damp-heat jaundice.
3. In the past, in clinical application, the use of Gardenia peel to remove skin heat and Gardenia kernel to clear heart heat has been simplified in Shanghai, and the whole Gardenia is used, and the Gardenia peel and Gardenia kernel are no longer divided.
[Example of prescription] Gardenia and Rhubarb Decoction “Golden Chamber Synopsis”: Gardenia, Rhubarb, Citrus aurantium, Fructus Douchi. Treats alcoholic jaundice, heart annoyance or heat pain.
This product is the dried mature fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, a plant of the Rubiaceae family. The fruit is harvested from September to November when it is ripe and reddish yellow. Remove the fruit stalks and impurities, steam until steaming or scald in boiling water, take out and dry.
This product is oblong or oval, 1.5~3.5cm long and 1~1.5cm in diameter. The surface is reddish yellow or brownish red, with 6 wing-like longitudinal ridges, often with a distinct longitudinal vein between the ridges, and with branches. The top has sepals, which are slightly pointed at the base and have residual fruit stalks. The pericarp is thin and brittle, slightly shiny; the inner surface is lighter in color, shiny, and has 2~3 raised false septa. There are many seeds, flat oval, gathered into a mass, dark red or reddish yellow, with densely covered small wart-like protrusions on the surface. The smell is faint, and the taste is slightly sour and bitter.
(1) This product is pink and reddish brown. The stone cells of the endocarp are rectangular, circular or triangular, often arranged in an alternating pattern or connected with fibers, with a diameter of 14-34um, a length of about 75um, and a wall thickness of 4-13um; the cell cavity often contains prismatic calcium oxalate crystals. The fibers of the endocarp are slender, fusiform, about 10um in diameter, and about 110um in length, and are often arranged in an alternating, oblique mosaic pattern. The stone cells of the seed coat are yellow or light brown, long polygonal, rectangular or irregular in shape, with a diameter of 60-112um and a length of 230um, thick walls, very large pores, and a brown-red cell cavity. The diameter of the calcium oxalate cluster crystals is 19-34um.
(2) Take 1g of the powder of this product, add 10ml of 50% methanol, ultrasonically treat for 40 minutes, filter, and take the filtrate as the test solution. Take 1g of the control medicinal material of Gardenia jasminoides and prepare the control medicinal material solution in the same way. Take the Gardenia jasminoides reference substance and add ethanol to prepare a solution containing 4mg per 1ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), 24 of each of the above three solutions were taken and spotted on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and ethyl acetate-acetone-formic acid-water (5:5:11) was used as the developing agent. The plate was developed, taken out, and dried. In the chromatogram of the test sample, a yellow spot of the same color appeared at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material; then sprayed with 10% sulfuric acid ethanol solution, heated at 110°C until the spot was clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, a spot of the same color appeared at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference substance.
The water content shall not exceed 8.5% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
The total ash content shall not exceed 6.0% (General Rule 2302).
Heavy metals and harmful elements are determined according to the lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury and copper determination method (General Rule 2321 atomic absorption spectrophotometry or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry). Lead shall not exceed 5 mg/kg; cadmium shall not exceed 1 mg/kg; arsenic shall not exceed 2 mg/kg; mercury shall not exceed 0.2 mg/kg; copper shall not exceed 20 mg/kg.
[Определение содержания]
Determine according to high performance liquid chromatography (General Rule 0512).
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test Octadecyl brick ane bonded tridacnaline as filler: acetonitrile-water (15:85) as mobile phase: detection wavelength is 238nm. The theoretical plate number calculated according to the gardenia glycoside peak should not be less than 1500.
Preparation of reference solution Take an appropriate amount of gardenia glycoside reference substance, accurately weigh it, and add methanol to make a solution containing 30ug per 1ml.
Preparation of test solution Take about 0.1g of the powder of this product (passed through a No. 4 sieve), weigh it accurately, put it in a stoppered conical bottle, accurately add 25ml of methanol, weigh it, ultrasonically treat it for 20 minutes, let it cool, weigh it again, make up the lost weight with methanol, shake it well, and filter it. Accurately measure 10ml of the filtrate, put it in a 25ml volumetric bottle, add methanol to the scale, shake it well, and get it. Determination method, accurately aspirate 10u of the reference solution and the test solution respectively, inject it into the liquid chromatograph, and determine it. This product contains no less than 1.8% of gardenia glycoside (C17H24010) calculated on the basis of dry product.
Decoction piece
Gardenia removes impurities and crushes it.
This product is in irregular pieces. The surface of the peel is red-yellow or brown-red, and some can be seen in wing-like vertical and horizontal directions. There are many seeds, which are flat oval, dark red or reddish yellow. The smell is slight and the taste is slightly sour and bitter.
【Identification】【Inspection】【Content Assay】
Same as the medicinal material.
Stir-fried Gardenia Take clean Gardenia and stir-fry it according to the stir-fry method (General Rule 0213) until it turns yellow-brown.
This product is shaped like gardenia fragments, yellow-brown,
【Content Assay】
Same as the medicinal material, the medicinal material contains Gardenia glycoside (C17H24010) shall not be less than 1.5%.
(Total moisture ash) Same as the medicinal material.
【Nature and flavor and meridians】
Bitter, cold. Entrance to the heart, lung, and triple burner meridians.
【Functions and indications】
Purge fire and relieve restlessness, clear heat and promote dampness, cool blood and detoxify; external use to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Used for restlessness due to fever, damp-heat jaundice, astringent pain due to stranguria, vomiting and bleeding due to blood heat, red and swollen eyes, fire poison sores; external treatment of sprains and pains
【Usage and dosage】
6~10g. For external use, grind the raw product in appropriate amount, mix and apply.
Place in a ventilated and dry place. Where is the main production area of ​​Gardenia?
It is mainly produced in Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Zhejiang and other provinces.
Where is the main medicinal part of Gardenia?
Medicinal Parts of Gardenia:
The medicinal part of Gardenia is the dried mature fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, a plant of the Rubiaceae family.
Characteristics of the medicinal part of Gardenia:
This product is in irregular pieces. The surface of the peel is red-yellow or brown-red, and some can see wing-like longitudinal ridges. There are many seeds, flat and oval, dark red or red-yellow. The smell is slight, and the taste is slightly sour and bitter.
How are Gardenia recorded in historical books?
“Ben Jing”: “It controls the five internal evil qi, heat in the stomach, red face, wine sores and nose, and white calms red leprosy. “Medicinal Properties of Materia Medica”: “It benefits the five stranguria, controls the evil in the middle, relieves urination, solves five kinds of yellow diseases, improves eyesight, treats seasonal diseases, eliminates heat and thirst, dry mouth, and red and swollen eyes. “Danxi Xinfa·Volume 1”: “Gardenia seeds can reduce fire and discharge it through urination. Its ability to bend and descend is unknown to people. It can also treat lumps and fire evil. “Compendium of Materia Medica Chongyuan”: “It is said that gardenia can cause vomiting when used raw, but not when fried until black. Moreover, gardenia and fermented soy sauce soup is used for vomiting and diarrhea. I always use raw gardenia and gardenia and fermented soy sauce soup, but I have never vomited. “Compendium of Materia Medica Sibianlu”: “Gardenia treats the heart, liver, and stomach more, but rarely the lungs. It is bitter and cold to remove heat, and the heat that it removes is not floating heat, nor is it hard heat. It can relieve depression but cannot attack the strong and cannot calm the adverse. Therefore, Yangming abdominal distension with dry stool and lung disease with superficial heat and cough are not its responsibility.
This product has the effects of purging fire and relieving restlessness, clearing heat and removing dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying; external use to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
The main effects and clinical application of gardenia What is the application?
This product is used for fever, irritability, damp-heat jaundice, astringent pain in stranguria, vomiting and bleeding from blood heat, red and swollen eyes, heat sores, sprains and pains, etc.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Gardenia?
This product is used for fever, irritability, damp-heat jaundice, astringent pain in stranguria, vomiting and bleeding from blood heat, red and swollen eyes, heat sores, sprains and pains, etc. Fever and irritability:
This product is bitter and cold in nature, and can clear and purge the triple-burner fire evil, purge the heart fire and eliminate irritability, It is an essential medicine for treating restlessness and agitation caused by fever. It is often used with light fermented black beans. It is often used with scutellaria, coptis, and phellodendron to treat patients with fever caused by raging fire toxicity, heat in the three burners, high fever, restlessness, coma, and delirium.
Damp-heat jaundice: This product is bitter and can dry dampness, cold and can clear heat. It is good at clearing damp heat in the lower burner and liver and gallbladder. It can treat jaundice caused by damp heat in the liver and gallbladder. It is often used with artemisia capillaris and rhubarb. Painful stranguria: This product can clear damp heat in the lower burner, clear heat and cool blood, promote diuresis and relieve stranguria. It can treat hematuria, astringent stranguria caused by heat. It is often used with talcum powder, plantain seed, and akebia. Vomiting and bleeding caused by blood heat: This product is cold in nature and enters the blood. It can clear heat and cool blood. It can stop bleeding, so it can be used to treat various bleeding caused by blood heat. For vomiting blood and blood caused by blood heat, it is often used with Imperata root, Rhubarb, Platycladus orientalis leaves, etc.; for vomiting blood and bleeding caused by excessive fire in the triple burner, it is often used with Scutellaria baicalensis, Coptis chinensis, Phellodendron chinense, etc.
Red and swollen eyes: This product can purge fire and detoxify, clear liver and gallbladder fire to improve eyesight, treat red and swollen eyes caused by liver and gallbladder fire, and is often used with Coptis chinensis, Gentiana scabra, Prunella vulgaris, etc.
Hot and toxic sores: This product can clear heat and purge fire, cool blood and detoxify, treat hot and toxic sores, redness, swelling, heat and pain, and is often used with Honeysuckle, Forsythia suspensa, Taraxacum officinale, etc.
Sprains and pains:
This product can be used externally to reduce swelling and relieve pain. It can be used to treat sprains and contusions. You can mix raw gardenia powder with rice wine into a paste and apply it to the affected area.
What other effects does gardenia have?
Gardenia can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Common medicinal recipes for gardenia are as follows:
· Lung heat cough or hemoptysis: 15 grams of fresh gardenia, a little honey. Add water to boil and drink.
. Jaundice, stranguria, restlessness and insomnia, red and swollen eyes: 3-5 grams of gardenia kernels, 30-60 grams of polished rice, grind the gardenia kernels into fine powder for later use, cook polished rice into porridge, and when the porridge is almost done, add the gardenia and cook it for a while. Take it twice a day. You can also decoct the Gardenia kernel first, remove the residue and take the juice, and then cook porridge with the juice.
Note: The use of Chinese herbal medicines must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use them at will, and do not listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
What are the compound preparations containing Gardenia?
Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder:
Nourishes blood and spleen, soothes liver and clears heat. It is used for hot flashes, irritability, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, headaches, dry eyes, or red cheeks and dry mouth, or irregular menstruation, lower abdominal distension and pain, or painful urination, red tongue with thin yellow fur, weak pulse,
Huanglian Jiedu Decoction:
Purges fire and detoxifies. It is mainly used to treat triple-burner fire toxicity and heat syndrome. It is used for high heat and irritability, dry mouth and throat, insomnia and insomnia: or vomiting blood and epistaxis due to fever; or severe heat spots or fever and diarrhea, or damp-heat jaundice; or surgical carbuncle, furuncle, yellow urine, red tongue, and strong pulse. Lianggesan:
Purges fire and relieves constipation, clears the upper and lower parts. Indications: Upper and middle burner heat syndrome. Used for irritability and thirst, red face and scorched lips, chest heat, mouth and tongue sores, restless sleep, delirium, or sore throat, vomiting and bleeding, constipation and red urine, or constipation, red and yellow tongue, slippery and rapid pulse.
Clears heat and detoxifies, cools blood and purges fire. Indications: fever and heat toxicity, qi and blood burning syndrome. Used for severe thirst, headache, dry retching and mania, delirium and coma; or macules, or vomiting blood, bleeding; limbs or convulsions, or syncope: red tongue and scorched lips, deep and thin pulse, or deep and rapid pulse, or floating and large pulse.
·Clears and purges liver and gallbladder fire, clears and clears damp heat in the liver meridian. Indications: Liver and gallbladder fire inflammation syndrome. Used for headache, red eyes, flank pain, bitter mouth, deafness, ear swelling, red tongue with yellow fur, and stringy and strong pulse.
Mainly used for liver meridian damp-heat syndrome. Used for vaginal swelling, vaginal itching, tendon weakness, vaginal sweating, turbid urine, or yellow and smelly vaginal discharge in women, red tongue with yellow and greasy fur, and stringy and strong pulse.
Yueju Pills:
Promotes qi and relieves depression. Mainly used for six depression syndromes. Used for chest tightness, abdominal distension and pain, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting, and indigestion.
Modern research progress on gardenia
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as hypoglycemic effect, anti-atherosclerosis effect, anti-depressant effect, liver protection and choleretic effect, anti-tumor effect, antibacterial effect, and protective effect on nerves.
Gardenia is generally used raw or decocted. After different processing methods, Chinese medicinal materials such as gardenia, fried gardenia, scorched gardenia, gardenia charcoal, and ginger gardenia can be produced. Different processing methods have different effects, but the medication method is the same. Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific medication.
How to use Gardenia correctly?
Decoction, 6~10 grams. For external use, grind into powder and apply. External use to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Raw use is more for purging fire, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Scorched Gardenia and Gardenia Charcoal are more often used.
How to prepare Gardenia?
· Gardenia: Take the original medicinal material, remove impurities, and crush it.
Stir-fried Gardenia: Take clean Gardenia, crush it, put it in a hot pot, stir-fry it at 90~120 ℃ until the surface is yellow-brown, spray it with an appropriate amount of fresh ginger, stir-fry until dry, take it out, and let it cool (10 kg of fresh ginger is used for every 100 kg of clean Gardenia).
Scorched Gardenia: Take clean Gardenia, crush it, put it in a hot pot, stir-fry it at medium heat until the surface is scorched brown or scorched black, and the inner surface of the peel and the surface of the seeds are yellow-brown.
Or brown-brown, take it out and let it cool.
· Gardenia Charcoal: Take the broken pieces of Gardenia, put them in a stir-frying container, heat it over high heat, stir-fry until dark brown, spray a small amount of water to extinguish the sparks, take it out and dry.
Ginger Gardenia: Take clean gardenia, add ginger juice and mix well, simmer until the ginger juice is absorbed, put it in a pot and stir-fry it over low heat until it is slightly dry, then take it out and cool it down (for every 100 kg of clean gardenia, use 3 kg of dried ginger). What drugs should be used with gardenia at the same time with special attention? This product is bitter and cold and hurts the stomach. It is not suitable for people with spleen deficiency and loose stools. The evil is on the surface and the virtual fire rises. Gardenia is forbidden for both. The combined use of Chinese medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment. If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and treatment plans you are receiving. Instructions for use of the medicine This product is bitter and cold and hurts the stomach. It is not suitable for people with yin and blood deficiency and spleen deficiency and loose stools. What are the precautions when using gardenia? Pregnant women are prohibited. Pregnant women should avoid using gardenia because it has certain medicinal properties and may affect the fetus. If you need to use it, you should follow the doctor’s advice. Children: Children should take the medicine under the guidance of a doctor and under the supervision of an adult.
· The dosage should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions. When using Gardenia, the medication should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions and the dosage should be strictly controlled. Excessive use of Gardenia may cause poisoning reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Avoid eating raw Gardenia. Raw Gardenia is toxic and cannot be eaten directly.For consumption, the processed seeds should be selected for decoction or medicinal diet. Avoid using with certain medicines. Gardenia contains some active ingredients that may affect the efficacy of other medicines, such as honeysuckle, forsythia, purslane and other Chinese medicines for clearing heat and detoxification.
How to identify and use gardenia?
· Gardenia: bitter, cold in nature. It enters the heart, lung, and triple burner meridians, and has the functions of purging fire and eliminating restlessness, clearing heat and promoting urination, cooling blood and detoxifying. Gardenia is good at purging fire and removing dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying. It is often used for high fever in febrile diseases, damp-heat jaundice, damp-heat stranguria, sores, swelling and poison; external treatment of injuries and falls. Fried gardenia: Gardenia has a very strong bitter and cold nature, which can easily hurt the middle qi and irritate the stomach. People with weak spleen and stomach are prone to vomiting after taking it, and frying can eliminate this disadvantage. Generally, those with more severe heat can use fried gardenia to clear heat and eliminate restlessness. It is often used for heat depression and restlessness, and liver heat and red eyes. For example, for treating fever and restlessness, gardenia: The bitter and cold nature is reduced, and it can be used for those with weak spleen and stomach. Clears away heat and relieves restlessness, often used for heat depression and restlessness, liver heat and red eyes. Such as treating restlessness due to fever.
· Gardenia charcoal: cools blood and stops bleeding, mostly used for vomiting blood, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, hematuria, metrorrhagia, etc.
The most frequently asked questions by patients
How to make Gardenia kernel porridge and what are its effects?
· Composition: 100 grams of Gardenia kernel, 100 grams of polished rice, a little rock sugar. Preparation and usage: Wash and dry the Gardenia kernel, grind it into fine powder for later use. Put polished rice in a clay pot, add water and cook the porridge until it is 80% cooked, take 10 grams of Gardenia kernel powder and add it to the porridge and continue to cook. When the porridge is cooked, add rock sugar and cook until it melts. Take it warm twice a day, 3 days as a course of treatment. Efficacy: clear heat and purge fire, cool blood and detoxify.
· Application: Liver and gallbladder damp-heat syndrome. It is suitable for Yang jaundice caused by liver and gallbladder damp-heat accumulation. Symptoms include yellow body and eyes, bright yellow, fever and thirst, dry and bitter mouth, short and red urine, constipation, etc.
How to use Buddha’s hand wine for weight loss?
· Composition: 100 grams of Buddha’s hand, 10 grams of gardenia, 20 grams of Acanthopanax bark, 10 grams of Alpinia officinalis, 10 grams of papaya, 15 grams of Angelica sinensis, 5 grams of cinnamon, 10 grams of osmanthus, 10 grams of dried tangerine peel, 5 grams of lilac, 5 grams of Amomum villosum, 500 grams of rock sugar, and 2 liters of white wine.
Preparation and usage: After washing all the plant materials, cut them into small pieces with a knife and put them in a clean glass bottle. Then sprinkle the rock sugar evenly into the bottle to cover the plant materials, then pour in the white wine, cover the lid and shake the bottle. Finally, place the glass bottle in a cool place. After one month, filter it to get Buddha’s hand wine. Efficacy: Soothe the liver and relieve depression, regulate qi and regulate the middle.
Application: Suitable for symptoms of liver depression and qi stagnation, such as flank pain and distension, chest tightness and belching, and cold pain in the abdomen.


1 кг, 10 кг, 100 кг, 500 кг, 1000 кг


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