
Achyranthes bidentata – niu xi

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Achyranthes bidentata – niu xi,Achyranthes, [NIU XI], Chinese medicinal materials, alias: Achyranthes, 100 times, chicken gum, the main effects: stasis, liver and kidney, strong bone, diuretic, diuretic, blood dysfunction, downward blood downstream, divergence dysfunction downward, divergence downward movement downward, droolizing blood downstream, downward blood downstream
Chinese herbal medicine Achyranthes is a bleeding of blood circulation and removing blood stasis, which is the dry roots of the furry plant Achyranthes knee.
Breakthlest medicine is bitter, sweet, sour, flat. Gui liver and kidney meridians.
Achyranthes bull knee is leaked, sour into the liver, sweet and penetrating, good deeds, enters the liver and kidney meridian, use the taste of the raw taste, flat and cold, and the leakage of the meridian. Pain is stubborn; diuretic and diuretic, damp heat betting is commonly used; blood causing blood fire and downward, blood thermal inverse and liver yang hypertrophy. Making is sweet, flat and warm, longer than tonic, good for nourishing liver, kidney, strong muscles and bones. In addition, the drug has also been cited, and the use of drugs is often used as a cited drug.
This product mainly contains ingredient ingredients, ingredients, flavonoid ingredients, butteron ingredients, polysaccharides and amino acids. It has the function of promoting blood circulation, diuretic through diuretic dysentery, nourishing liver and kidney, and strengthening muscles and bones.

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Achyranthes bidentata
[Medicinal Use] The root of the Amaranthaceae herbaceous plant Cyathula officinalis Kuan or Achyranthes bidentata BL.
[Nature, flavor and meridians] Bitter, sour, flat. Returns to the liver and kidney meridians.
[Efficacy] Remove blood stasis, stimulate menstruation, heal injuries, nourish liver and kidneys, strengthen muscles and bones, draw blood downward, diuretic and relieve stranguria.
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for stagnant amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis and pain, and pain caused by falls.
Achyranthes bidentata is good at activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It is often used with safflower, peach kernel, angelica, Corydalis and other medicines for various gynecological and traumatology diseases with blood stasis and stagnation. It can not only activate blood circulation and regulate menstruation, but also remove blood stasis and heal injuries.
2. Used for soreness of waist and knees, weakness of feet and knees.
Achyranthes bidentata has good descending properties and enters the liver and kidney meridians. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, strengthen muscles and bones, open blood vessels, and sharpen joints. It is a commonly used medicine for treating waist, knee and lower limb diseases. For waist and knee pain caused by liver and kidney deficiency, it is often used with Atractylodes rhizome, dog spine, and papaya; for waist and knee joint pain caused by damp and hot bets, it is often used with Atractylodes rhizome and Phellodendron; for rheumatic arthralgia and lower limb joint pain. What’s more, it can be used equally with papaya, fangji and duhuo.
3. Used for vomiting blood, epistaxis, gum swelling and pain, headache and dizziness.
The bitterness of Achyranthes bidentata decreases, it can induce blood to flow downwards, conduct heat to the lower parts, and can cure the symptoms of excessive blood heat in the upper part. It is often combined with Platycladus orientalis leaves, Imperata cognac root, thistle and other medicines to treat vomiting blood and epistaxis; it can also be used to nourish yin. Heat-clearing medicines such as rehmannia glutinosa, gypsum, etc. are used to treat swollen and painful gums, which are symptoms of yin deficiency and excessive fire; to treat excessive liver yang, qi and blood traveling together, headache and dizziness, they are often used with liver-calming medicines such as ocher, dragon bone, and oyster. Equivalent.
4. Used for symptoms such as difficulty in urination, painful discharge and hematuria.
This product also has the effect of diluting water and relieving stranguria. It can induce the leakage of dampness and heat in the bladder, and can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Therefore, it can be used for the symptoms of difficulty in urination, painful discharge and hematuria. It is often used together with Qumai, Talc, and Tongcao.
[Prescription name] Achyranthes bidentata Huai, Achyranthes Huaihe (good for nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones), Achyranthes bidentata (good for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis)
[General dosage and usage] 1 to 3 qian, decoct and take.
[Additional medicine] Achyranthes bidentata: also known as Achyranthes bidentata. That is, the dried roots of the wild species of Amaranthaceae. The nature and flavor are bitter, sour and flat. Functions: Promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, purging fire and detoxifying, and diuresis. It is suitable for women with amenorrhea, rheumatic arthralgia, bruises, sore throat, diphtheria and other diseases. The general dosage is three to five qian, decoction and taken.
[Note] Achyranthes bidentata enters the two meridians of the liver and kidneys, has a good descending nature, can cure inflammation caused by deficiency fire, remove blood stasis and stimulate menstruation, and is good at treating blood stasis syndrome in women; it can diuretic and relieve stranguria, relieve painful urination; nourish the liver and kidneys, and treat soreness and weakness of the waist and knees. However, there are two types of Achyranthes bidentata and Achyranthes bidentata. Their properties and uses are slightly different, and the use should be differentiated. For blood circulation, use Sichuan Achyranthes root, and for tonifying the liver and kidneys, use Achyranthes bidentata. Pregnant women and those with heavy menstruation should not use it.
[Examples of prescriptions] Achyranthes bidentata powder (“Principles of Syndrome and Treatment”) Achyranthes bidentata, angelica root, osmanthus root, red peony root, peach kernel, Corydalis Corydalis, paeonol bark, and woody incense. Treats unfavorable menstruation and pain in the navel and abdomen.
This product is the dried root of Achyranthes bidentata Bl. Excavate the stems and leaves in winter when they are withered, remove the fibrous roots and sediment, bundle them into small handfuls, and dry them in the sun until they become wrinkled, then cut the tops and dry them in the sun.
This product is slender cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, 15~70cm long, 0.4~1cm in diameter. The surface is grayish-yellow or light brown, with slightly twisted fine longitudinal wrinkles, sparsely arranged lateral root scars and long transverse lenticel-like protrusions. It is hard and brittle, easy to break, and becomes soft after getting wet. The cross section is flat, light brown, slightly horny and oily. The xylem of the central vascular bundle is larger, yellowish white, and there are many yellowish white point-like vascular bundles scattered around the periphery, which are intermittent. Arrange into 2~4 rounds. The smell is slight, the taste is slightly sweet and slightly bitter.
(1) Cross section of this product: The cork layer is composed of several rows of flat cells, extending tangentially. The inner layer of the plug is narrow. Special-shaped vascular bundles are tough on the outside and arranged intermittently in 2 to 4 rounds. The vascular bundles in the outermost round are smaller, and some have only 1 to several vessels. The cambium layers between the bundles are connected into rings, and the vascular bundles are larger inwards; xylem It is mainly composed of vessels and small wood fibers, with 2 to 3 groups of xylem in the center of the root. The parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate sand crystals.
(2) Take 4g of this product powder, add 50ml of 80% methanol, heat and reflux for 3 hours, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, add 15ml of water to the residue, dissolve it with slight heat, and add it to the D101 macroporous adsorption resin column (internal diameter is 1.5cm , column height is 15cm), elute with 100ml of water, discard the water, then elute with 100ml of 20% ethanol, discard the eluent, and then elute with 100ml of 80% ethanol, collect the eluent, and evaporate to dryness. Add 1m of 80% methanol to the residue to dissolve it and use it as the test solution. Take another 4g of the Achyranthes bidentata control medicinal material and prepare the reference medicinal material solution in the same way. Then take the 8-ecdysterone reference substance and the ginsenoside Ro reference substance, add methanol to make a solution containing 1mq per 1ml respectively, as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography (General Chapter 0502) test, absorb 4u1 each of the test solution 4~81, the control medicinal solution and the reference solution, respectively point on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and use chloroform-methanol-water- Use formic acid (7:3:0.5:0.05) as the developing agent, unfold, take out, dry, spray with 5% vanillin sulfuric acid solution, and heat at 105 until the spots become clear. In the chromatogram of the test product, spots of the same color appear at positions corresponding to the chromatogram of the control medicinal material and the reference substance. 【examine】
The moisture content must not exceed 15.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
The total ash content shall not exceed 9.0% (General Rule 2302)
The residual amount of sulfur dioxide shall be measured according to the determination method of residual sulfur dioxide (General Chapter 2331), and shall not exceed 400mg/kg.
Determine according to the hot soak method under the determination of alcohol-soluble leachables (General Chapter 2201), using water-saturated n-butanol as the solvent, not less than 6.5%.
【Определение содержания】
Determine according to high performance liquid chromatography (General Chapter 0512).
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: Use octadecylcupane bonded gum as the filler; use acetonitrile-water-formic acid (16:84:0.1) as the mobile phase; the detection wavelength is 250nm. The number of theoretical plates should not be less than 4000 based on the B-ecdysterone peak.
Preparation of reference substance solution: Take an appropriate amount of β-ecdysterone reference substance, weigh it accurately, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.1mg per 1ml, and you have it. Preparation of test solution: Take about 1g of this product powder (passed No. 3), weigh it accurately, put it in a stoppered Erlenmeyer flask, add 30ml of water-saturated normal alcohol, close the stopper, soak overnight, and treat with ultrasonic (power 300W frequency) 40KHz) for 30 minutes, filter, wash the container and the residue with 10ml of methanol several times, combine the filtrate and washing liquid, evaporate to dryness, add methanol to the residue to dissolve, transfer to a 5m| measuring flask, add methanol to the mark and shake well, you get .
Determination method: Precisely absorb 10u each of the reference solution and the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and measure.
Calculated as a dry product, this product contains no less than 0.030% β-ecdysterone (C27H4407).
Drinking pieces
Remove impurities from Achyranthes bidentata, wash, moisten thoroughly, remove residual reed heads, cut into sections, and dry.
This product is in the form of a cylindrical segment. The outer skin is grayish-yellow or light brown, with fine longitudinal wrinkles and long transverse lenticels. It is hard and brittle, easy to break, and becomes soft when exposed to moisture. The cut surface is flat, light brown or brown, slightly horny and oily. The central vascular bundle xylem is larger and yellowish white, and there are many yellowish white point-like vascular bundles scattered on the periphery, arranged intermittently in 2 to 4 rounds. The smell is slight, the taste is slightly sweet and slightly bitter.
For the same medicinal materials, it shall not be less than 5.0%.
【Identification】【Inspection】【Content Determination】
Same medicinal materials.
Wine-cooked Achyranthes bidentata: Take the clean Achyranthes bidentata segments and fry them dry according to the wine-broiled method (General Rule 0213).
This product is shaped like an achyranthes segment, with slightly darker surface color and occasional burnt spots. Slightly aromatic of wine.
For the same medicinal materials, it shall not be less than 4.0%.
【Identification】【Inspection】【Content Determination】
Same medicinal materials.
【Nature, flavor and meridian tropism】
Bitter, sweet, sour, flat. Returns to the liver and kidney meridians.
[Functions and Indications]
It removes blood stasis and stimulates menstruation, nourishes liver and kidney, strengthens muscles and bones, diuresis and relieves stranguria, and induces blood to flow downward. Used for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, soreness of waist and knees, weakness of muscles and bones, stranguria syndrome, edema, headache, dizziness, toothache, aphtha, vomiting blood, and return of blood [Usage and Dosage]
Pregnant women should use with caution.
Store in a cool, dry place away from moisture.
Where are the main origins of Achyranthes bidentata?
ecological environment
Born in grass beside houses, forest edges, and hillside.
Resource distribution
Distributed throughout the country except Northeast China. In some areas, it is cultivated in large quantities. Achyranthes bidentata produced in Henan is an authentic medicinal material.
Where are the main medicinal parts of Achyranthes bidentata?
The medicinal parts of Achyranthes bidentata:
This product is the dried root of Achyranthes bidentata Bl.
In winter, when the stems and leaves are withered, they are excavated, the fibrous roots and sediment are removed, bundled into small handfuls, dried in the sun until wrinkled, then the tops are cut and dried in the sun.
Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Achyranthes bidentata:
This product is slender cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, 15~70cm long, 0.4~1cm in diameter. The surface is grayish-yellow or light brown, with slightly twisted fine longitudinal wrinkles, sparsely arranged lateral root scars and long transverse lenticel-like protrusions.
It is hard and brittle, easy to break, and becomes soft after getting wet. The cross section is flat, light brown, slightly horny and oily. The xylem of the central vascular bundle is larger, yellowish white, and there are many yellowish white dotted vascular bundles scattered around the periphery, arranged intermittently. into 2~4 rounds. Smells slightly, tastes slightly sweet and slightly bitter
How are Achyranthes bidentata recorded in ancient historical books?
“Herbal Classic”: “It is mainly used for cold-damp paralysis, spasticity of limbs, unyielding knee pain, blood and Qi expulsion, injury, heat and fire, and abortion.”
“Famous Doctors”: “In the treatment of injuries such as lack of qi, loss of kidney yin in men, drowning in the elderly, replenishing the internal organs, replenishing bone marrow, removing pain in the brain and back pain, menstrual fluid obstruction in women, blood knots, and replenishing essence, It invigorates yin energy and stops whitening.
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It can induce the downward movement of various medicines.
“Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”: “Relieves muscle and bone pain, strengthens muscles and relaxes muscles, relieves soreness and numbness of waist and knees, breaks blood stasis and miscarriage, dispels tuberculosis, treats scrofula, relieves carbuncle, scabies, hemorrhagic wind, psoriasis, and pustules.
Function and efficacy
Achyranthes bidentata has the effects of removing blood stasis and promoting menstruation, nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, diuresis and treating stranguria, and drawing blood downward.
What are the main functions and clinical applications of Achyranthes bidentata?
Achyranthes bidentata is used for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, waist and knee pain, muscle and bone weakness, stranguria syndrome, edema, headache, dizziness, toothache, aphtha, vomiting blood, and epistaxis.
blood stasis syndrome
·To treat blood stasis, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, it is often used with angelica root, peach kernel and safflower.
·To treat bruises and bruises, waist and knee pain, it can be used equally with angelica, frankincense, and myrrh.
Liver and kidney deficiency syndrome
·To treat liver and kidney deficiency, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, it can be used equally with Eucommia ulmoides, Dipsacus Dipsacus, and Psoralen chinensis.
·To treat long-term rheumatism, damage to the liver and kidneys, and waist and knee pain, it is often used with Duhuo, Locust, and Eucommia ulmoides.
Lymph syndrome, edema
·To treat stranguria syndrome, it is often used in the same way as talc, Qumai, and Mallow seeds.
·To treat edema and dysuria, it is often used with Alisma, Plantain Seed, and Poria.
Symptoms of hyperactivity of liver yang, inflammation due to heat, and inversion of qi and fire, forcing blood to cause abnormal behavior
·To treat headaches and dizziness caused by yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, it can be used in the same way as ocher, oyster, and turtle shell.
To treat gum swelling and pain caused by gastric fire, it can be combined with Rehmannia glutinosa, gypsum, Anemarrhena, etc.
·To treat vomiting of blood and epistaxis due to the inversion of Qi and fire, excessive bleeding, it can be used equally with Gardenia, Imperata Imperata, and Ochre.
In addition, this product can induce the drug to go down, so for those who want it to go down during clinical use, this product is often used as a menstrual drug.
What other benefits does achyranthes have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely eaten as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e., edible medicinal substances). According to documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Achyranthes bidentata can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for Achyranthes bidentata are as follows:
Promotes blood circulation, unblocks collaterals, nourishes kidneys and strengthens bones
·120g Achyranthes bidentata, 60g each of Salvia miltiorrhiza, Rehmannia glutinosa, Eucommia ulmoides, and Dendrobium, 1.5L white wine.
·Crush the five medicinal ingredients together and put them into a gauze bag. Put the medicine bag into the jar, add white wine to soak, seal the mouth, and serve in 7 days. Remove the bag and keep the wine for later use.
Take 30mL each time, 1 to 2 times a day.
Warm kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, dispel rheumatism
·100g of Morinda officinalis, 100g of Achyranthes bidentata, and 1500mL of liquor.
·Wash the above two herbs, chop them into pieces, put them in a container, add white wine, seal, soak for 20 to 30 days, filter and remove the residue, and serve. ·Take 15 to 30 mL each morning and evening every day.
The use of Chinese herbal medicines must be based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used arbitrarily, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
What are the compound preparations containing Achyranthes bidentata?
Duhuo Jisheng Soup
Dispel rheumatism, relieve paralysis and pain, 3. Benefit liver and kidney, replenish qi and blood. It mainly treats symptoms of prolonged paralysis, liver and kidney deficiency, and deficiency of qi and blood. Pain in the waist and knees, flaccidity, limb flexion and extension without fear of cold and preference for warmth, palpitations and shortness of breath, pale tongue with white coating, and weak pulse. Beneficial, or insensitive,
Zhengan Xifeng Decoction
It calms the liver and calms wind, nourishes yin and subdues yang. Indications of stroke. Dizziness, swelling in the eyes, ringing in the ears, hot and painful brain, a drunken look on the face, irritability and heat in the heart, or frequent suffocation or difficulty in limbs, mouth and eyes gradually becoming crooked, or even dizziness, falling over, unconsciousness, and waking up later. Or the patient may not be able to recover after waking up, and the pulse may be long and weak.
Clears stomach heat and nourishes kidney yin. It mainly treats stomach heat and yin deficiency syndrome. Headache, toothache, loose teeth and gums, irritability, heat and thirst, red tongue with yellow and dry coating. It also cures thirst, eliminates grain and relieves hunger, etc.
Clear away heat and promote dampness. It is used for paralysis caused by damp heat, with symptoms such as redness and swelling of the feet and knees, and muscle and bone pain.
Danknee granules
Nourishes yin and calms the liver, extinguishes wind and dredges collaterals, clears away heat and relieves troubles. It is used for the syndrome of blood stasis blocking the meridians and kidney deficiency in the recovery period of stroke, with symptoms such as hemiplegia and crooked mouth and tongue.
Those with a strong tongue, numbness in one side of the body, dizziness, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, and those who have the above syndromes during the recovery period of cerebral infarction.
Modern research progress on Achyranthes bidentata
This product has various pharmacological effects such as anticoagulation, improving blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, anti-aging, regulating the body’s immune function, lowering blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor, analgesic, uterine excitement, etc.
How to use
Achyranthes bidentata has the effects of removing blood stasis and promoting menstruation, nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, diuresis and treating stranguria, and drawing blood downward. Generally, Achyranthes bidentata slices are used and taken orally. Please follow your doctor’s instructions for specific medication.
How to use Achyranthes Correctly?
When Achyranthes bidentata decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 5 to 129.
For external use of Achyranthes bidentata, you can take an appropriate amount of Achyranthes bidentata and mash it and apply it to the affected area.
Raw Achyranthes bidentata can be processed through different processing methods to produce Chinese herbal medicine pieces such as Achyranthes bidentata, Achyranthes bidentata, Achyranthes bidentata, and Achyranthes bidentata. It is suitable to be used raw to stimulate menstruation, diuresis, relieve stranguria, and draw blood downward. It is suitable to be used raw with wine to nourish the liver and kidneys and strengthen muscles and bones. Different preparation methods have different effects, but the medication method is the same. Please follow your doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Achyranthes bidentata is usually taken in decoction or decoction, or it can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements. Common compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine are as follows:
Achyranthes bidentata combined with Atractylodes and Phellodendron: Achyranthes bidentata can promote blood circulation and stimulate menstruation, diuretic and stranguria, and draw the medicine downward; Atractylodes can clear away dampness, strengthen the spleen, and dispel rheumatism; Cortex Phellodendri can clear away heat, purge fire, and dry dampness, and is especially good at removing dampness and heat in the lower burner. The combination of the three medicines not only has strong power in clearing away heat and drying dampness, but also is good at removing the lower burner. Therefore, it is good at treating swelling and pain in the feet and knees, flaccidity, eczema, and eczema caused by damp-heat in the lower burner.
In addition, Achyranthes bidentata can also be used for daily health care. Commonly used methods of consumption are as follows!
· Achyranthes bidentata mixed with jellyfish: 300g jellyfish, 20g achyranthes bidentata. Cook the jellyfish and cut into 4 cm long sections; wash and moisten the achyranthes, cut into 3 cm long sections; shred the ginger and green onions. Put the jellyfish into a bowl, add onion, ginger, sugar, chicken essence, vinegar, cooking wine, achyranthes root and salt, mix well and serve. It has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys and lowering blood pressure.
Soak in wine: Soak Achyranthes root and papaya in wine, which has the effects of relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, dispelling wind and removing dampness.
How to prepare Achyranthes bidentata?
Achyranthes bidentata
Take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities, wash and

Soak thoroughly, remove the reed head, cut into sections, dry in the sun or at low temperature. Sieve away the debris.
Wine Achyranthes
Slightly moisten, wait until the wine is absorbed, put it in a stir-frying container, heat it with a slow fire, stir-fry it dry, take it out, and let it cool. Take the Achyranthes section, add a certain amount of rice wine and mix it well. For every 100kg of Achyranthes section, use 10kg of rice wine.
Salt Achyranthes
Take the Achyranthes section, add a certain amount of salt water and mix it well, slightly moisten, wait until the salt water is absorbed, put it in a stir-frying container, heat it with a slow fire, stir-fry it dry, take it out, and let it cool. For every 100kg of Achyranthes section, use 2kg of salt.
What drugs should be used with Achyranthes at the same time with special attention?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and the combined use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and clinical individualized treatment. If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and treatment plans you are receiving.
Medication Instructions
Achyranthes is good at moving downward and removing blood stasis, so pregnant women, those with excessive menstruation and nocturnal emission should take it with caution.
What precautions should be taken when using Achyranthes bidentata?

This product has the effect of regulating menstruation. People with heavy menstruation and pregnant women should not take this product. If you need to take it, please follow the doctor’s advice.

During the medication period, you should avoid eating cold, raw and cold food, spicy and greasy food, and avoid smoking and drinking.

·Children: Children should take medicine under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.

Please properly store the medicinal materials and do not give your own medicinal materials to others.

Avoid using copper or iron utensils to decoct medicine.

How to identify and use Achyranthes bidentata?


·This product is the dried root of the Amaranthaceae plant Cyathula officinalis Kuan. It is mainly produced in Sichuan and Guizhou.

·Sweet, slightly bitter, flat; it belongs to the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effects of clearing menstruation, clearing joints, and diuresis.

·Suitable for amenorrhea, retained placenta, injuries from falls, rheumatism, foot paralysis, hematuria, and hematuria.

Achyranthes bidentata
·This product is the dried roots and rhizomes of wild species of Achyranthes bidentata, Achyranthes longifolia Mak., Achyranthes asperaL., etc. of Achyranthes bidentata of the Amaranthaceae family. It is mainly produced in Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Jiangxi. ·It is bitter, sour, and flat in nature; it enters the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, clearing away heat and detoxifying, and diuresis and relieving stranguria. It is suitable for blood stasis, amenorrhea, traumatic injury, rheumatic joint pain, sore throat, diphtheria, beriberi edema, and bloody stranguria.

Achyranthes bidentata
·This product is the root of Achyranthes bidentata (Achyranthes bidentata), a perennial herb of the Amaranthaceae family. It is mainly produced in Henan.
·This product has a slight smell, a slightly sweet and slightly bitter taste. The one with a light brown cut surface and a slightly horny appearance is preferred. Cut into sections and use raw or roast with wine.
·It is good at nourishing the liver and kidney, strengthening tendons and bones. It is mostly used for liver and kidney deficiency, soreness of waist and knees, or long-term rheumatism and pain due to liver and kidney deficiency.
Medication Tips
The most frequently asked questions by patients
The difference between wine and salt Achyranthes
Achyranthes is bitter and sour, and has a neutral nature. It enters the liver and kidney meridians. Raw Achyranthes has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidney, strengthening tendons and bones, removing blood stasis and dredge menstruation, diuresis and relieving stranguria, and guiding blood downward. It is used for retained placenta, dizziness due to liver yang, and upward heat. Wine Achyranthes: The effect of nourishing the liver and kidney, strengthening tendons and bones, removing blood stasis and relieving pain is enhanced. It is used for soreness of waist and knees, weak tendons and bones, and amenorrhea. Salt Achyranthes: It can guide the medicine down to the kidney meridian and enhance the effect of relieving stranguria. It is used for dribbling and astringent urination, hematuria, and difficulty urinating.
The main role of Achyranthes in Duhuo Jisheng Decoction
Duhuo Jisheng Decoction is an anti-dampness agent. It has the effects of removing rheumatism, stopping arthralgia, benefiting the liver and kidney, and replenishing qi and blood. It is mainly used to treat long-term arthralgia, liver and kidney deficiency, and qi and blood deficiency. Symptoms include pain in the waist and knees, weakness, difficulty in flexion and extension of limbs, or numbness, fear of cold and preference for warmth, palpitations, shortness of breath, pale tongue, white fur, and weak pulse. It is commonly used in the clinic to treat chronic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic sciatica, lumbar muscle strain, bone hyperplasia, polio, etc., which are caused by long-term wind, cold and dampness arthralgia and insufficient positive energy.
Achyranthes bidentata is an adjuvant in the prescription to nourish the liver and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones, and Achyranthes bidentata can also activate blood circulation to clear the tendons and veins of the limbs.
How many grams is the general dosage of Sichuan Achyranthes bidentata
Sichuan Achyranthes bidentata is a blood-activating and stasis-removing medicine, which is the dried root of the Amaranthaceae plant Sichuan Achyranthes bidentata. It has the effects of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and removing wind and dampness.
It is mainly used to treat blood stasis amenorrhea, dystocia, retained placenta, abdominal pain due to blood stasis after childbirth, hot stranguria, stranguria with stones, dysmenorrhea, rheumatic pain in waist and knees, and traumatic injuries.
This product is taken orally, decocted in water, 6~10g: or made into pills, powder: or soaked in wine.


1 кг, 10 кг, 100 кг, 500 кг, 1000 кг


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