
Dictamni Cortex – bai xian pi

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Dictamni Cortex, [ bai xian pi ], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: Beixianpi, English name: Dictamni Cortex, main effects: clearing heat and drying dampness, dispelling wind and detoxifying
The Chinese herbal medicine Dictamni Cortex is a heat-clearing medicine, which is the dried root bark of the Rutaceae plant Dictamni Cortex.
Dictamni Cortex is bitter and cold in nature. It enters the spleen, stomach and bladder meridians.
This product is bitter and dry, cold and clearing, and enters the spleen, stomach meridians, bladder and small intestine meridians. It is good at clearing heat and detoxifying, drying dampness, promoting dampness, dispelling wind and relieving jaundice, relieving itching and curing numbness, and is “the key medicine for all jaundice and wind arthritis”. It can be used for all syndromes caused by the combination of heat, dampness and wind, and is commonly used to treat damp-heat sores, scabies, damp-heat jaundice and rheumatic heat arthritis.
This product mainly contains alkaloids such as dacrantine and iso-dacrantine and limonoid compounds such as ketone, flavonoids and flavonoid acid.

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Dictamni Cortex – bai xian pi
[Medicinal use] This product is the root or root bark of the white moss plant of the family Rutaceae.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Bitter, cold. Enters the spleen, stomach, bladder, and small intestine meridians.
[Effects] Clears heat and dries dampness, dispels wind, and detoxifies.
[Clinical application] Used for damp-heat sores, pus nests all over the body, yellow water dripping, as well as skin itching, sores, scabies, genital swelling and pain, etc.
Dictamni Cortex – bai xian pi is a medicine for dispelling wind and dampness and heat, and can penetrate dampness and heat into the lower orifices. It is suitable for sores, scabies, dampness and itching, etc. It is often used with drugs such as Sophora flavescens and Kochia scoparia. It can be taken internally or decocted for external washing.
[Prescription name] Dictamni Cortex – bai xian pi, white fresh peel (wash, dry, slice for use)
[General dosage and usage] One to three coins, decocted. Appropriate amount for external use.
[Example of prescription] Siwu Xiaofengyin (proven prescription): Radix Rehmanniae, Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix Paeoniae Rubrae, Peony Root, Schizonepeta, Saposhnikovia, Radix Bupleuri, Duhuo, Mentha, Chanyi, Red Dates. Treats wandering erysipelas.
This product is the dried root bark of Dictamnus dasycarpus;Turcz., a plant of the Rutaceae family. The roots are dug up in autumn, the sand and rough bark are removed, the root bark is peeled off, and it is dried. Spring,
This product is in the shape of a roll, 5~15cm long, 1~2cm in diameter, 0.2~0.5cm thick, the outer surface is off-white or light grayish yellow, with fine longitudinal wrinkles and fine root marks, and often with protruding granular dots: the inner surface is off-white with fine longitudinal lines. It is brittle, with dust flying when broken, the cross section is uneven, slightly flaky, peel off the outer layer, and small flashing bright spots can be seen against the light. It has a sheep-like smell and tastes slightly bitter. 【Identification】
(1) Cross section of this product: The cork layer consists of more than 10 rows of cells. The inner cork layer is narrow, and the fibers are mostly scattered and single, yellow, 25-100 μm in diameter, thick wall, and obvious laminae. The phloem is broad, and the rays are 1-3 rows of cells wide; the fibers are scattered and single. There are many calcium oxalate crystals in the parenchyma, with a diameter of 5-30 μm.
(2) Take 1 g of this product powder, add 20 ml of methanol, ultrasonically treat for 30 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate, and add 1 ml of methanol to the residue to dissolve it as the test solution. Take another reference substance of berberine and beechone, add methanol to make a mixed solution containing 1 mg of each per 1 ml, as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), 5μ of each of the above two solutions were taken and spotted on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, and toluene-cyclohexane-ethyl acetate (3:3:3) was used as the developing solvent. After development, the plate was taken out, dried, sprayed with 5% vanillin sulfuric acid solution, and heated at 105 until the spots were clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appeared at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference sample.
The water content shall not exceed 14.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
Determined by the cold leaching method under the water-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), it shall not be less than 20.0%.
[Определение содержания]
Determined by high performance liquid chromatography (General Rule 0512)
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: octadecylsilane bonded silica gel is used as the filler; methanol-water (60:40) is used as the mobile phase; the detection wavelength is 236nm. The number of theoretical plates calculated based on the beechone peak should not be less than 3000.
Preparation of reference solution Take appropriate amount of beechone reference and beechone reference, weigh accurately, add methanol to make solutions containing 604g beechone and 0.1mg beechone per 1ml, respectively. Preparation of test solution Take about 1g of coarse powder of this product (passed through No. 4 sieve), weigh accurately, put it in a stoppered conical bottle, accurately add 25ml of methanol, weigh the weight, heat and reflux for 1 hour, cool, weigh again, make up the lost weight with methanol, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate to obtain.
Determination method Accurately aspirate 10ml of reference solution and test solution respectively, inject into liquid chromatograph, and determine to obtain.
Calculated on the basis of dry product, this product contains no less than 0.050% ketone (C14H1603) and no less than 0.15% phellodendron (C26H3407).
Кусочки отвара
Remove impurities, wash, moisten slightly, cut into thick slices, and dry.
This product is in irregular thick slices. The outer skin is grayish white or light grayish yellow, with fine longitudinal wrinkles and fine root marks, often with protruding granular dots; the inner surface is off-white with fine longitudinal lines. The cut surface is off-white and slightly flaky. It has a sheep-like smell and tastes slightly bitter.
(Except the cross section)
[Inspection] [Extract] [Content determination]
Same as medicinal materials.
[Природа, вкус и меридианы]
Bitter, cold. It enters the spleen, stomach, and bladder meridians.
[Функции и показания]
Clears heat and dampness, dispels wind and detoxifies. Used for damp-heat sores, yellow water dripping, eczema, rubella, scabies, rheumatism, heat arthralgia, jaundice and red urine.
[Usage and dosage] 5~10g. Appropriate amount for external use, decoction for washing or powder for application.
[Storage] Place in a ventilated and dry place.
Where is the main origin of Dictamnus dasycarpus?
It is mainly produced in Liaoning, Hebei, Sichuan and Jiangsu.
Where is the main medicinal part of Dictamnus dasycarpus?
The medicinal part of Dictamnus dasycarpus:
This product is the dried root bark of Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz. of Rutaceae. Dig the roots in spring and autumn, remove the mud and rough bark
Peel the root bark and dry.
The characteristics of the medicinal part of Dictamnus dasycarpus:
This product is in the shape of a roll, 5~15cm long, 1~2cm in diameter, and 0.2~0.5cm thick. The outer surface is off-white or light yellowish gray, with fine longitudinal wrinkles and fine root marks, often with protruding granular dots; the inner surface is off-white with fine longitudinal lines. It is brittle, with dust flying when broken, uneven cross section, slightly flaky, peel off the outer layer, and small flashing bright spots can be seen against the light. It has a sheep smell and tastes slightly bitter.
How are Dictamni recorded in ancient books?
“Ben Jing”: “It tastes bitter and cold. It treats headaches, jaundice, cough, stranguria, swelling and pain in the female genitals, dampness and numbness, and dead muscles that cannot be bent or stretched.
“Yao Xing Ben Cao”: “It treats all hot and toxic wind, aversion to wind, wind sores, scabies, red and rotten eyebrows and hair, skin and muscle urgency, high fever and aversion to cold. It treats fever-relieving jaundice, wine-induced jaundice, acute jaundice, grain jaundice, and fatigue jaundice.
“Compendium of Materia Medica·Volume 13”: “It is an important medicine for all kinds of jaundice and rheumatism. Doctors in the world only apply it to sores, which is shallow.
The Chinese medicinal material Dictamni has the effects of clearing heat and dampness, dispelling wind and detoxifying.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Dictamni?
Dictamni is used for damp-heat sores, yellow water dripping, eczema, rubella, scabies, rheumatism and heat arthralgia, jaundice and red urine.
Eczema and sore, rubella and scabies
·It can be applied or washed with Sophora flavescens, Stemona, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, etc.; or used together with Sophora flavescens, Smilax glabra, Rehmannia glutinosa, etc. Damp-heat jaundice, rheumatism and heat arthralgia
For the treatment of jaundice and red urine, it can be used together with Artemisia capillaris, Centella asiatica, etc.
For the treatment of rheumatic heat arthralgia, red, swollen and hot pain in joints, it can be used together with Phellodendron chinense, Gentiana macrophylla, Lonicera japonica, etc.
What other effects does Dictamni have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely used as food ingredients among the people. Pan-edible, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e. edible and medicinal substances). According to the documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Dictamni can be used as both medicine and food within a limited range of use and dosage.
Common prescriptions for Dictamni are as follows
Dictamni tea
·15-30 grams of Dictamni, 15 grams each of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Paeonia lactiflora, 9 grams each of Saposhnikovia divaricata, Scutellaria baicalensis, Periostracum cicadae, Nepeta tenuifolia, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Angelica sinensis, 6 grams of Licorice, and 3 grams of tea.
·Boil the above ingredients in water to obtain 200 ml of medicinal juice. 1 dose per day, divided into 2 doses.
Dictamni stewed chicken with bamboo forest
·30 grams each of Dictamni, Bamboo Forest Snow (Baicai bamboo shoots), and Deer Stalk Grass, 1 chicken.
·Remove the hair and internal organs of the chicken, wash it, and stew it with the first 3 herbs and water. Stew it on low heat until the chicken is cooked and rotten, and remove the residue. Eat the chicken and drink the soup, appropriate amount each time, A little seasoning can be added.
Shuangbai Qufeng Tea
· 9 grams of Dictamni, 12 grams each of Tribulus terrestris and Rehmannia glutinosa, 9 grams each of black snake, Saposhnikovia divaricata, and Angelica sinensis, and 6 grams of licorice.
· Add 700 ml of water to the above ingredients and boil until 200 ml, then take the juice. Drink frequently instead of tea.
Note: The use of Chinese medicinal materials must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, and should not be used at will, let alone listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
What are the compound preparations containing Dictamni?
Xuanning Liniment
Clears heat and removes dampness, kills insects and relieves itching, and has a strong antifungal effect. It is used for tinea pedis, tinea manuum, tinea corporis, and tinea cruris.
Shiduqing Tablets
Nourishes blood and moisturizes the skin, dispels wind and relieves itching. It is used for wind pruritus caused by blood deficiency and wind dryness, with symptoms of dry skin, desquamation, itching, accompanied by scratches, blood scabs, and pigmentation; itchy skin Those with the above symptoms.
Jinchan Zhiyang Capsule
Clears heat and detoxifies, dries dampness and stops itching. Used for papular urticaria caused by internal dampness and heat, and itchy skin symptoms of dermatitis in summer.
Fufang Qingdai Pill
Clears heat and cools blood, detoxifies and eliminates spots. Used for white pimples and blood-wind sores caused by blood heat, with symptoms of bright red rash, obvious sieve-like bleeding, many scales, obvious itching, or round or oval erythema with bran-like scales and mother spots: psoriasis in the progressive stage and pityriasis rosea with the above symptoms.
Vitiligo Capsule
Activates blood circulation and removes stagnation, dispels wind and detoxifies. Used for vitiligo caused by meridian obstruction and poor blood circulation, with scattered white spots, pale color and obvious borders.
Modern research progress on Dictamni
This product has multiple pharmacological effects such as anti-pathogenic microorganisms, anti-endotoxins, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-tumor, and liver protection.
Dictamni can be taken orally or externally, please follow the doctor’s instructions for specific usage and dosage.
How to use Dictamni correctly?
When taking Dictamni decoction orally, the usual dosage is 5~10g.
When used externally, take an appropriate amount of Dictamni, decoct it and wash or grind it into powder and apply it to the affected area.
Dictamni is generally used in decoctions, decocted and taken, and can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it is even more forbidden to listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will.
Which drugs should be used with Dictamni together with special attention?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and the combined use of Chinese and Western medicines require syndrome differentiation and treatment, and clinical individualized treatment.
If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and the treatment plan you are receiving.
Instructions for use
Dictamni is bitter and cold, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not take it.
What precautions should be taken when using Dictamni?
·People with spleen and stomach deficiency should not take it.
·During the medication period, you should pay attention to avoid eating cold, raw, spicy, and greasy foods, and avoid smoking and drinking.
· Pregnant and breastfeeding women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether Chinese medicine can be used for treatment.
· Children: Children should take medicine under the guidance of a doctor and under the supervision of an adult
· Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give them to others.
Avoid using copper or iron utensils to decoct medicine.


1 кг, 10 кг, 100 кг, 500 кг, 1000 кг


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