
Poria cocos – фулинг

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Poria is a diuretic and dampness-infiltrating medicine, which is the dried sclerotium of the fungus Poria cocos of the Polyporaceae family.
Poria cocos is sweet, light and neutral in nature. It enters the heart, lung, spleen and kidney meridians.
Poria cocos is sweet and light in nature, and is both diuretic and tonifying. It is neutral in nature and enters the spleen and kidney meridians. It is good at diuretic and dampness-infiltrating, eliminating water and drink, strengthening the spleen and promoting the transportation of water and dampness. It also enters the heart meridian, is good at calming the heart and calming the mind, and is suitable for treating water qi in the heart. It is suitable for all water dampness, stagnant drink, whether it is cold or hot or with spleen deficiency, especially for those with spleen deficiency edema or excessive dampness.
This product mainly contains polysaccharides, triterpenoids, sterols, proteins, fats, lecithin, adenine and other ingredients.

Артикул: Н/Д Категория:

[Medicinal Use] The white part of the sclerotia of the Polyporaceae fungus Poriacocos (Schw.) Wolf
[Nature, flavor and meridians] Sweet, light, flat. Guixin, lung, spleen, kidney meridians.
[Efficacy] Diuretic and dampness, spleen-strengthening, phlegm-resolving, calming the mind and calming the mind
[Clinical Application] 1. Used for symptoms such as difficulty urinating and edema.
Poria cocos has the function of diluting water and dampness, and its medicinal properties are mild, diluting water without damaging righteousness, and is an important medicine for diluting water and dampness. It can be used together with any symptoms of difficulty in urination and stagnant water-dampness, whether it is cold-dampness, dampness-heat, or spleen deficiency and dampness accumulation. For those who are prone to cold and dampness, they can be combined with Guizhi, Atractylodes, etc.; for those who are prone to dampness and heat, they can be combined with Polyporus polyporus, Alisma, etc.; for those with spleen deficiency, they can be combined with Codonopsis pilosula, Scutellaria baicalensis, Atractylodes, etc.; for those who are deficient and cold. Alternatively, it can also be used with Aconite and Atractylodes.
2. Used for spleen deficiency and diarrhea, vaginal discharge
Poria cocos can both invigorate the spleen and exude dampness. For diarrhea and vaginal discharge caused by spleen deficiency and abnormal transportation and transformation, the application of Poria cocos has the effect of taking into account both the symptoms and the root causes. It is often combined with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, yam, etc. It can be used as an auxiliary medicine to nourish the lungs and spleen and treat Qi deficiency.
3. Used for cough caused by phlegm and dampness, phlegm and dampness entering the collaterals, and shoulder and back pain.
Poria cocos can not only diuretic and dampness, but also strengthen the spleen. It has a therapeutic effect on spleen deficiency that cannot transport water and dampness, and stops gathering and transforming to produce phlegm. It can be used with pinellia and tangerine peel, or with cinnamon twig and atractylodes. To treat phlegm and dampness in the collaterals, sore shoulders and back pain, it can be used with Pinellia ternata and Citrus aurantium.
4. Used for palpitations, insomnia and other symptoms
Poria cocos can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, so it can be used for symptoms such as restlessness, palpitations, and insomnia. It is often combined with ginseng, polygala root, jujube kernel, etc.
[Prescription name] 1. Poria, White Poria, Cloud Poria, Cloud Poria (peeled, steamed, sliced, dried in the sun. Used to strengthen the spleen and calm the heart)
2. Red Poria cocos and Red Poria cocos (peeled, take the light red part of the sclerotia, steam it into slices, or grind it into pieces. It tends to exude moisture and relieve heat)
3. Mix Poria cocos with Zhu Fuling, Chen Fuling and Cinnabar (take pure white Fuling tablets and mix well with 2% Cinnabar before use. It can enhance the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind.)
[General dosage and usage] Three to five qian, decoct and take
[Additional medicine] 1. Poria cocos skin: the outer skin of Poria cocos sclerotia. The nature and flavor are sweet, light and flat. Function: diuresis and swelling. The dosage and usage for edema are the same as Poria cocos.
2. Fu Shen: It is the part of Poria cocos sclerotia with pine roots in the middle. The nature and flavor are sweet and flat. The function is to calm the mind and calm the mind. It is suitable for palpitations, insomnia and forgetfulness. The dosage and usage are the same as Poria cocos.
[Note] Poria cocos is light and translucent, sweet and tonic, purgative and tonic. It is a medicine that has the best of both worlds. It diures water and dampness to treat edema and difficulty in urinating. The phlegm-resolving drink treats cough and phlegm-dampness in the collaterals. It strengthens the spleen and stomach and can stop diarrhea and bandages. It calms the mind and cures fright, palpitation and insomnia. The medicinal properties are mild and have no harmful effects on healthy qi. It can not only strengthen the righteousness, but also dispel evil spirits. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for patients with spleen deficiency and dampness, and righteousness deficiency and evil excess.
[Examples of prescriptions] Wuling Powder (Treatise on Febrile Diseases): Poria, Polyporus, Alisma, Atractylodes, Guizhi. It can be used to treat headaches, fever, dry mouth and throat, polydipsia, vomiting when drinking water, and difficulty in urination.
Lingguishugan Decoction (“Synopsis of the Golden Chamber”): Poria, cassia twig, Atractylodes, and Zhigancao. Cure phlegm accumulation, dizziness, palpitations, and cough.
Zhimi Fuling Pills (“Medical Prescription Examination”): Pinellia ternata, Poria cocos, Citrus aurantium, Fenghua nitrate, ginger. Treats phlegm-dampness that stops in the body and flows into the limbs, soreness in the shoulders and arms, and weakness in the hands.
[Excerpt from the literature] “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Poria cocos and Poria Shen have many effects on moving water, and they are indispensable for benefiting the heart and spleen.”
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “The smell of Poria cocos is light and penetrating. Its nature is ascending, producing body fluids, opening up the coxa, nourishing water sources and descending, and facilitating urination. Therefore, Zhang Jie said in ancient times that it belongs to Yang, floats and rises, and its nature is also called Dong; Yuan said that it is the yin in the yang, and it descends and talks about its merits.”
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It can stimulate the orifices and remove dampness. Removing the orifices will make you happy and improve the mind, guide turbidity and promote fluid production; remove dampness, drive water to dry the spleen, nourish the middle and strengthen the stomach; relieve epilepsy, thicken the intestines, cure phlegm, and help The medicine is slightly sweet, so it is said to nourish yang.”
Where are the main medicinal parts of Poria cocos?
Poria cocos medicinal parts:
This product is the dried sclerotia of the Polyporaceae fungus Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf.
Characteristics of the parts used as Poria cocos:
·Poria cocos is in the form of spherical, oval, oblate or irregular clumps of different sizes.
·The outer skin is thin and rough, tan to dark brown, with obvious wrinkled texture. They are heavy, solid in texture, granular in cross-section, some have fissures, the outer layer is light brown, the inner part is white, a few are light red, and some have pine roots in the middle. The smell is weak, the taste is light, and it sticks to the teeth.
How is Poria cocos recorded in ancient historical books?
“Herbal Classic”: “It governs the adverse qi in the chest and hypochondrium, causing anxiety, fear, evil, and palpitations, knots in the heart, cold and heat, irritability, cough, dry mouth, and dry tongue. It facilitates urination.”
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Poria cocos and Poria Shen have many functions of moving water, and they are indispensable for benefiting the heart and spleen.
“Compendium of Materia Medica·Volume 37”: “”Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” stops talking about Poria cocos, and “Famous Doctors” adds Poria cocos, and the main treatments are the same. It will be used by future generations to treat heart diseases.
Fu Shen, so Jie Gu Zhang’s heart disease due to wind dizziness cannot be cured except by Fu Shen. However, Poria cocos can also cure heart diseases. “Shi Buzhai Medical Book”: “Poria cocos is the main medicine for treating phlegm. The root of phlegm is water, and Poria cocos can move water. The movement of phlegm can cause dampness, and Poria cocos can act as a dampening agent.”
Function and efficacy
Poria cocos has the functions of diluting water and dampness, strengthening the spleen, calming the mind and calming the mind.
What are the main functions and clinical applications of Poria cocos?
Poria cocos is used for difficulty urinating, swelling and fullness, phlegm retention and coughing, vomiting, spleen deficiency, lack of food, diarrhea, palpitations, insomnia and forgetfulness, and white and turbid spermatorrhea. Edema:
·To treat edema and difficulty urinating due to internal water-dampness, it is often used with Pork Root, Alisma, and Atractylodes;
To treat edema caused by spleen and kidney yang deficiency, it is often used together with Aconite and Atractylodes:.
It is often used in conjunction with talc, donkey-hide gelatin, and Alisma to treat the combination of water and heat, yin deficiency, difficulty in urination, and edema. .
Spleen deficiency and diarrhea:
It is often used with Atractylodes, Chinese yam, and coix seed to treat spleen deficiency, fatigue, loose stools, and diarrhea due to excess dampness in the spleen. Phlegm syndrome:
·To treat coughs with excessive phlegm, white color and easy spitting caused by spleen malfunction and dampness accumulation, it is often used with Pinellia ternata and dried tangerine peel; ·If the Zhongyang deficiency is treated, the drink should stop the chest and hypochondrium, and the symptoms will be fullness in the chest and hypochondrium. , dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath and cough, it is often used together with Guizhi, Atractylodes and Licorice.
Heart palpitations and insomnia:
·To treat palpitations, forgetfulness and insomnia caused by deficiency of the heart and spleen, lack of qi and blood, it is often used with ginseng, angelica root, and jujube seeds. ·If the heart and kidneys are not connected, such as restlessness, palpitations, forgetfulness, and insomnia, etc., it can be used with dangshen and polygala. , Acorus calamus can be used together.
What other benefits does Poria cocos have?
In my country’s traditional food culture, some Chinese medicinal materials are often widely eaten as food ingredients among the people, that is, substances that are both food and Chinese medicinal materials according to tradition (i.e., edible medicinal substances). According to documents issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation, Poria cocos can be used as both medicine and food within limited use ranges and dosages.
Commonly used medicinal recipes for Poria cocos are as follows:
Simple obesity, difficulty digesting too much food, physical fatigue and inactivity
120g of white Poria cocos, 60g of refined white flour, appropriate amount of yellow wax. Crush the Poria cocos into very fine powder, mix it evenly with the white flour, add water to make a thin paste, replace the oil with yellow wax, and make pancakes as a staple food. Consume 1 to 2 times a week.
Insomnia, palpitations
30g Poria, 30g red dates, 10g donkey hide gelatin, 30g red beans, appropriate amount of rock sugar. Wash the red beans, poria, and red dates, put them into a stew pot, add 800mL of water, and simmer for 3 hours. Add donkey hide gelatin and rock sugar and simmer for 1 hour. Take once in the morning and once in the evening, even with the residue.
1 edematous crucian carp, 25g of Poria cocos, add water to decoct the Poria cocos and extract 100mL of juice. Then wash the fish and put it into the pot, add the medicinal soup, an appropriate amount of water, green onions, ginger, MSG and a small amount of salt, cook it and take it.
Diarrhea, difficulty urinating
15g Gorgon fruit, 10g Poria cocos, and appropriate amount of rice. Mash the gorgon seeds and poria cocos, add an appropriate amount of water, fry until soft, then add the washed rice, and continue to cook until it becomes porridge.
Lack of appetite and lack of food
1kg refined flour, 500g refined pork, 50g poria powder. Chop the meat into stuffing, add Poria powder, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine and sesame oil to mix. Let the dough rise well, wrap it with meat filling, wrap it into jacquard buns and steam it for 8 minutes.
What are the compound preparations containing Poria cocos?
·Guizhi Fuling Pills: activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, and eliminate pain. It is used for women with lumps in their vagina, blood stasis, amenorrhea, painful menstruation, and postpartum lochia. Wuling Powder: warms yang and transforms qi, promotes dampness and promotes water circulation. It is used for edema caused by Yang not transforming Qi and internal water-dampness. Symptoms include difficulty urinating, edema, abdominal distension, vomiting and diarrhea, and thirst without wanting to drink.
Shenling Atractylodes Powder: nourishes the spleen and stomach, and replenishes lung qi. It is used for weak spleen and stomach, less food and stool, shortness of breath and cough, and tiredness and fatigue in the limbs.
·Xiangsha Weiling Pills: dispels dampness, nourishes the spleen, promotes qi and harmonizes the stomach. It is used for vomiting, diarrhea, edema, dizziness, and difficulty in urination caused by internal water-dampness.
·Xiaoyao Pill: soothes the liver and strengthens the spleen, nourishes blood and regulates menstruation. Used for depression, chest and hypochondrium pain, dizziness, loss of appetite, and irregular menstruation caused by liver stagnation and spleen deficiency.
·Guipi Decoction: Replenishes qi and blood, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the heart. It is used for syndromes of heart and spleen deficiency and spleen failure to control blood. Shortness of breath, palpitations, insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness, tired limbs, loss of appetite, metrorrhagia and bloody stools.
Sijunzi Decoction: Replenishes qi and strengthens the spleen. It is used for spleen and stomach qi deficiency, poor appetite, less food and loose stools.
Lingguishugan decoction: warms yang and transforms into drink, strengthens the spleen and removes dampness. Mainly used to treat phlegm due to insufficient Zhongyang. Fullness of the chest and hypochondrium branches, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath and cough, white and slippery tongue coating, stringy, slippery or heavy pulse.
Poria Pills: removes dampness and promotes qi, softens hardness and resolves phlegm. The arms are sore or cramped and cannot be raised up, or are shifted from side to side, or the hands are numb, or the limbs are swollen, the tongue coating is white and greasy, and the pulse is heavy and thready or stringy and slippery.
Zhenwu Decoction: warms yang and diuresis. It mainly treats spleen and kidney yang deficiency, internal water qi stasis, and difficulty in urination.
Erchen Wan: dry dampness and resolve phlegm, regulate qi and harmonize the stomach. It is used for cough with excessive phlegm, chest and epigastric distension, nausea and vomiting caused by phlegm-dampness stagnation.
How to use
Poria cocos has the effects of diluting water and dampness, strengthening the spleen, calming the mind and calming the nerves. It can be taken in decoction, boiled water, porridge or soup. But no matter which method is used, it needs to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
How to use Poria cocos correctly?
When Poria cocos decoction is taken orally, the usual dosage is 10~15g.
When Poria cocos is used to calm the nerves, it is often mixed with cinnabar. The prescription is written as “Zhuyi Fuling” or “Zhu Yi Fuling”, which can treat panic and insomnia. Poria cocos is usually taken in decoction or decoction, but it can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. They should not be used at will, let alone listen to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements.
Common Chinese medicine combinations are as follows:
Poria and Atractylodes: Poria can diuretic and dampness, and strengthen the spleen; Atractylodes can replenish qi and strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, diuresis, antiperspirant and miscarriage. The combination of the two medicines not only has strong diuretic and dampness-removing power, but also strengthens the spleen and dries dampness. It is good at treating those with spleen deficiency and excessive water-dampness, and can also treat those with uneasy fetal movements or edema during pregnancy. In addition, Poria cocos can also be used for daily health care. Commonly used methods of consumption are as follows:
·Pasta (White Fuling Cake): Prepare 200g of White Fuling powder and 400g of flour. Put the white Poria powder, flour, glutinous rice flour, chopped green onion and salt into a basin and mix it with water to make a paste; put vegetable oil in the pot, heat it to 60% heat, pour in the Poria flour paste, spread it evenly, and bake both sides until golden brown. . Take once daily with food. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen, removing dampness and whitening.
Cook porridge (Poria, Ophiopogon japonicus porridge): Prepare 15g each of Poria and Ophiopogon japonicus, and 100g of corn. Add water to corn to cook porridge; decoct Poria cocos and Ophiopogon japonicus in water to get thick juice. When the rice is half cooked, add the concoction and cook together. It is used for symptoms such as insufficient heart yin, irritability and heat in the chest and chest, fright, insomnia, and dryness of the mouth and tongue.
Note: People with Qi deficiency, cold deficiency and slippery essence should take it with caution.
How to prepare Poria cocos?
· Poria cocos: Take the raw medicinal materials, separate into large and small pieces, soak, wash, moisten thoroughly, steam briefly and cut into thick slices or chunks while cutting, cut off the Poria skin (for medicinal purposes), and dry.
Zhu Fuling: Take the pieces of Poria cocos, spray them with water, moisten them slightly, add fine cinnabar powder and spread evenly, turn it over repeatedly until the surface is covered with cinnabar powder, and then dry it. (For each piece of Poria cocos, 100 kilograms, use 30 taels of cinnabar powder)
Which drugs require special attention when using Poria cocos at the same time?
The combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and clinical individualized treatment. If you are taking other medications, please consult your doctor before taking these medications and inform your doctor of all diagnosed medical conditions and treatments you are receiving.
Medication instructions
Poria cocos is sweet, light and exuding, so it should be taken with caution by those with yin deficiency without dampness and heat, deficiency of cold and slippery essence, or qi deficiency and subsidence.
What precautions should be taken when using Poria cocos?
People with cold, slippery essence or qi deficiency should take it with caution.
Hate white wormwood; fear Diyu, Gengzi, tortoise shell, realgar.
Avoid vinegar and acidic foods during medication; avoid onions.
Pregnant and lactating women: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or lactating, please inform your doctor in time and consult whether you can treat it with traditional Chinese medicine.
·Use with caution if you have yin deficiency without dampness and heat, cold deficiency, slippery essence, or qi deficiency and subsidence.
·Please keep the medicinal materials properly and do not give the medicinal materials you use to others.
·Children: Medication for children must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor and adult supervision.
How to identify and use Poria cocos?
Poria bark and Poria god
. Poria cocos skin: It is the outer skin of Poria cocos sclerotia. Sweet, light, flat; returns to the lung, kidney and kidney meridians. Function: diuresis and swelling. Used for edema and difficulty in urination. Decoct and take, 15~30g.
Fu Shen: It is the part with pine roots in the middle of the sclerotia of Poria cocos. The medicinal properties are the same as Poria cocos. The power is focused on calming the mind and calming the mind. Used for restlessness, palpitation, forgetfulness, etc. Decoct and take, 9~15g.
Poria and Zhu Fuling
Poria cocos raw product can diuretic and dampness, strengthen the spleen and nourish the heart, calm the mind and calm the mind. It is used for swelling and fullness, dizziness due to phlegm and fluid retention, hot stranguria, diarrhea, vomiting, palpitation and insomnia.
·Zhu Fuling mixed with cinnabar fine powder has a stronger calming effect on the mind and is often used for insomnia, palpitation, forgetfulness and other diseases caused by restless mind.


1 кг, 10 кг, 100 кг, 500 кг, 1000 кг


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