
Chuan lian zi – MeLia toosendan


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Chuan lian zi – MeLia toosendan,Toosendan,Toosendan fruit,Fructus Meliae Toosendan,chuan lian zi tcm,fructus toosendan,chuan lian zi tcm,toosendan fructus,Toosendan fruit, [chuan lian zi], Chinese herbal medicine, alias: neem fruit, lianshi, neem fruit, stone dogwood, main effects: soothing liver and relieving heat, promoting qi and relieving pain, killing insects
Touanlianzi is a Qi-regulating medicine, which is the dried mature fruit of the Meliaceae plant Toosendan fruit
Touanlianzi tastes bitter, cold; slightly toxic; enters the liver, stomach, small intestine, and bladder meridians.
This product is bitter, cold-relieving, slightly toxic, and has a strong effect. It enters the liver, stomach, small intestine, and bladder meridians. It can soothe liver and relieve heat, promote qi and relieve pain, and treat liver depression and qi stagnation or liver and stomach disharmony. It is most suitable for those with heat. It fights poison with poison, can kill insects when taken internally, and can treat ringworm when used externally.
Modern research shows that the Chinese herbal medicine Toosendan fruit mainly contains toosendanin, alkaloids, kaempferol, resin, tannin, etc.; it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-tumor, and anti-fertility effects.
It has the effects of soothing the liver and relieving heat, promoting qi and relieving pain, and killing insects. It is used for liver depression and fire, chest and flank pain, abdominal distension and pain, gas pain, and abdominal pain caused by worm accumulation.

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Chuan lian zi – MeLia toosendan,Toosendan,Toosendan fruit,Fructus Meliae Toosendan,chuan lian zi tcm,fructus toosendan,chuan lian zi tcm,toosendan fructus,Toosendan fruit
[Medicinal use] The ripe fruit of the tree plant Toosendan Sieb.etZucc. of the Meliaceae family.
[Nature and flavor and meridians] Bitter, cold. Enter the liver, stomach, small intestine, and bladder meridians.
[Effects] Soothe the liver and regulate qi, kill insects and treat ringworms.
[Clinical application] 1. Used for rib pain, abdominal distension and pain, hernia pain, dysmenorrhea, etc.
Toshiba has the function of promoting qi, and enters the liver meridian. It is good at treating liver qi invading stomach pain, rib pain, and abdominal pain during menstruation; it also enters the stomach meridian, and is also quite commonly used for spleen and stomach qi stagnation, abdominal distension and pain, and is often used in combination with Corydalis. And the nature and flavor are bitter and cold, and it promotes qi without the disadvantages of pungent and dryness, so it can also be used for liver yin deficiency, liver qi discomfort, and other symptoms such as pain, and can be used with Adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, etc. For treating hernia pain, it is often used in combination with fennel, green peel, etc.
2. Used for abdominal pain caused by worm accumulation and tinea capitis
Sichuan melia has the effect of killing insects and relieving pain. It is often used in combination with betel nut and quisqualis chinensis to treat abdominal pain caused by worm accumulation; but its effect is weaker than that of Melia azedarach root bark. It can also treat tinea capitis when used externally; roast it until yellow and grind it into powder, mix it with lard or sesame oil to make an ointment, and apply it to the affected area (the affected area must be washed before applying the medicine).
[Prescription name] Sichuan melia and golden bell fruit moxibustion Sichuan melia (fry until slightly charred)
[General dosage and usage] One to three coins, decocted and taken. Appropriate amount for external use.
[Comment] Sichuan melia can enter the liver and stomach, has good qi-promoting and analgesic effects, is good at treating abdominal distension and pain, and has good effects on liver qi stagnation, menstrual pain, and hernia pain. It is bitter and cold but not pungent and dry, and has no disadvantages of damaging yin, which is particularly suitable for yin deficiency and qi stagnation. At the same time, it can kill insects. It can be taken internally to treat abdominal pain caused by insect accumulation, and can be used externally to treat tinea capitis.
[Example of prescription] Yi Guan Jian (Liuzhou Medical Talk): Northern Adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, Angelica sinensis, Rehmannia glutinosa, Lycium barbarum, Chuanlianzi. It can treat liver and kidney yin deficiency, liver qi discomfort, chest and abdominal distension, acid swallowing, bitter vomiting, dry throat and dry mouth, red tongue with little fluid, and hernia and mass accumulation, etc.
【Literature Excerpt】《Medicine Use Methods》: “Stops abdominal pain in the upper and lower parts.”
《Ben Jing Feng Yuan》: “The main treatment of Chuanlian is cystic and stiff stems, wood pain and damp heat hernia, not pain in the abdomen, cold hernia with vomiting and saliva. …. Hernia is caused by cold binding heat evil, often pulling and causing pain, so the bitter and cold Chuanli and the spicy and hot fennel are necessary to resolve the complicated evil.”
“Bitter and cold nature descends, can guide damp heat downward to penetrate the tract, people only know that it has the effect of treating hernia, but do not know that it can clear heat and relieve pain.”
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “Guide the heat of the small intestine and bladder, and guide the heart and cell fire downward, so it is an important medicine for heart and abdominal pain and hernia.”
This product is the dried mature fruit of the plant Chuanlian Melia toosendan Sieb.et Zucc. of the Meliaceae family. Harvested when the fruit is ripe in winter, remove impurities and dry.
This product is spherical, with a diameter of 2~3.2cm. The surface is golden yellow to brownish yellow, slightly shiny, with a few sunken or wrinkled spots and dark brown spots. There are traces of style at the top, sunken at the base, and traces of pedicels. The exocarp is leathery, often with a gap between it and the flesh. The flesh is soft, light yellow, and sticky when wet. The core is spherical or oval, hard, flat at both ends, with 6 to 8 longitudinal ridges, and divided into 6 to 8 chambers, each containing a black-brown oblong seed. The smell is peculiar, and the taste is sour and bitter.
(1) This product is yellow-brown in color. The pericarp fibers are bundled, blunt at the end, 9 to 36um in diameter, with extremely thick walls, and the surrounding thin-walled cells contain calcium oxalate to form crystal fibers. The pericarp stone cells are quasi-circular. Irregularly long strips or long polygons, some with tumor-like protrusions or blunt short branches, 14 to 54um in diameter, about 150um long. The seed coat cells are bright yellow or orange-yellow. Under the epidermis is a row of square cells with a diameter of about 44um. The wall is very thick and has longitudinal wavy textures. The pigment layer is connected below. The surface of the epidermal cells is polygonal and has dense granular textures. The cell cavity of the seed coat pigment layer is filled with reddish brown substances. The seed coat crystal-containing cells have a diameter of 13~27um, with varying wall thickness. Thick ones form stone cells. The cell cavity is filled with light yellow, yellow-brown or reddish brown substances and contains small calcium oxalate crystals with a diameter of about 5um. The diameter of the calcium oxalate crystals is 5~27um.
(2) Take 2g of the powder of this product, add 80ml of water, ultrasonically treat for 1 hour, cool, centrifuge, take the supernatant, shake and extract with dichloromethane 3 times, 25ml each time, combine the dichloromethane solution, evaporate to dryness, add 2ml of methanol to the residue to dissolve it, and use it as the test solution. Take another 2g of Chuandongzi control medicinal material and prepare the control medicinal material solution in the same way. Take the Chuandongsuo reference substance and add methanol to make a solution containing 1 mg per 1 ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin layer chromatography method (General Rule 0502), take 10M of each of the above three solutions and spot them on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, use dichloromethane-methanol (16:1) as the developing agent, develop and take out, dry, spray with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde test solution, and heat at 105℃ until the spots are clearly colored. In the chromatogram of the test sample, spots of the same color appear at the corresponding positions of the chromatogram of the reference medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference substance.
The moisture content shall not exceed 12.0% (General Rule 0832 Method 2).
The total ash content shall not exceed 5.0% (General Rule 2302).
According to the hot leaching method under the water-soluble extract determination method (General Rule 2201), it shall not be less than 32.0%.
Determined according to HPLC-MS (General Rules 0512 and 0431)
Chromatographic, mass spectrometric conditions and system suitability test Octadecyltridecane bonded silica gel was used as filler; acetonitrile-0.01% formic acid solution (31:69) was used as mobile phase; single-stage quadrupole mass spectrometer was used in electrospray ionization (ESI) negative ion mode to select mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) 573 ions for detection. The number of theoretical plates calculated based on the Toosendanin peak should not be less than 8000. Preparation of reference solution Take an appropriate amount of Toosendanin reference, weigh accurately, add methanol to make a solution containing 2ug per 1ml, and obtain
Preparation of test solution Take about 0.25g of the powder of this product, weigh accurately, put it in a stoppered conical flask, accurately add 50ml of methanol, weigh the weight, heat and reflux for 1 hour, cool, weigh again, make up the lost weight with methanol, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate to obtain.
Determination method Accurately aspirate 2μ| of the reference solution and 1~2μ of the test solution, inject them into the phase chromatography-mass spectrometry instrument, and determine them. Calculate the sum of the two Toosendanin peak areas to obtain.
This product should contain 0.060%~0.20% Toosendanin (C30H38011) based on the dry product.
Toujianzi Remove impurities. Mash it when using,
[Properties][Identification][Inspection][Extract][Content Determination]
Same as medicinal material.
Stir-fried Chuanlianzi Take clean Chuanlianzi, cut into thick slices or crush, and stir-fry according to the stir-fry method (General Rule 0213) until the surface is brown.
This product is hemispherical, thick slices or irregular pieces, with a brown surface and occasional burnt spots. It has a burnt aroma and tastes sour and bitter.
The water content is the same as the medicinal material, but not more than 10.0%.
The total ash content is the same as the medicinal material, but not more than 4.0%.
[Content Determination]
Same as the medicinal material, the content of Chuandongsu (C30H38011) should be 0.040%~0.20%
Samme som det medicinske materiale.
[Properties and Meridians]
Bitter, cold; slightly toxic. It enters the liver, small intestine, and bladder meridians.
[Functions and Indications]
Soothes the liver and relieves heat, promotes qi and relieves pain, and kills insects. Used for liver depression and fire, chest and flank, abdominal distension and pain, hernia pain, and abdominal pain caused by worms.
[Usage and Dosage]
5~10g. For external use, grind into powder and apply.
Place in a ventilated and dry place to prevent moth.
Where is the main origin of Chuanlianzi?
Chuanlianzi grows in mixed woods and sparse forests at an altitude of 500~2100m or in moist places in flat plains and hilly areas. It is often cultivated near villages or roadsides. It is distributed in Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Gansu and other places, with the largest production in Sichuan.
Where is the main medicinal part of Chuanlianzi?
Medicinal part of Chuanlianzi:
The medicinal part of this product is the dry and mature fruit of the plant Chuanlianzi Melia toosendan Sieb.etZucc. of the family of the Euphorbia. Harvest when the fruit is ripe in winter, remove impurities and dry. Through different processing methods, raw Chuanlianzi, fried Chuanlianzi, salt Chuanlianzi, and burnt Chuanlianzi can be produced.
Characteristics of the medicinal parts of Chuanlianzi:
This product is spherical, with a diameter of 2~3.2cm, golden yellow to brownish yellow on the surface, slightly shiny, a few sunken or wrinkled, with dark brown spots. There are traces of style at the top, sunken at the base, and pedicel marks. The outer skin of the fruit is leathery, often with a gap between it and the flesh. The flesh is soft, light yellow, and sticky when wetted with water. The core is spherical or oval, hard, flat at both ends, with 6~8 longitudinal ridges, and divided into 6~8 chambers, each chamber containing 1 black-brown oblong seed. The smell is specific, sour and bitter.
How is Chuanlianzi recorded in ancient books?
Chuanlianzi was first recorded in Shennong’s Herbal Classic, “Chuanlianzi, bitter, cold. It is used to treat febrile diseases, colds, severe fever, restlessness, kill three insects, scabies, and promote urination. It grows in valleys.
Leigong Paozhi Lun: “(Chuanlianzi) is picked and dried, soaked in wine to make it wet, steamed, and the skin is softened. Peel off the skin, take the meat and remove the core. Do not use the core alone. Pound it and boil it in starch water for one volt before use. If the meat is used without the core, the core is used without the meat.
Compendium of Materia Medica: “Chuanlianzi guides the heat of the small intestine and bladder, because it guides the heart and cell fire downward, so it is an important medicine for heart and abdominal pain and hernia pain.
Compendium of Materia Medica: “Chuanlianzi is used to treat febrile diseases, colds, severe fever, restlessness, and the evil is in Yangming. The bitter and cold can disperse the evil heat of Yangming, and then all symptoms will be eliminated.
“Medical Introduction”: “It can treat kidney qi injury, bladder and small intestine qi pain. It can also treat visceral toxins and bleeding.
“Compendium of Materia Medica”: “It can treat gonorrhea, penis pain leading to flank pain, spermatorrhea, accumulation, various reverse rushes, urine blood, headache, bleeding from the teeth, and killing insects.
The main effects of Chuanlianzi (chuān liàn zǐ) are to relieve liver qi and heat, promote qi and relieve pain, and kill insects.
What are the main effects and clinical applications of Chuanlianzi?
Chuanlianzi is used for liver depression and fire, chest and flank, abdominal distension and pain, hernia pain, and abdominal pain caused by worms.
· Raw Chuanlianzi is slightly toxic, good at killing insects and treating tinea, and can also relieve fire and relieve pain. It is often used to treat abdominal pain caused by worms and tinea capitis.
· After frying, Chuanlianzi can alleviate the bitter and cold nature, reduce toxicity, and reduce the disadvantages of slippery intestines.
Stir-frying with vinegar enhances the effects of Chuanlianzi in soothing the liver, promoting qi and relieving pain, and expelling parasites. It has a strong effect in soothing the liver and regulating qi, and is often used for flank distension and pain and stomach pain.
Salt-processed Chuanlianzi can lead the medicine downward, and its effect is specific to the lower abdomen. It is good at treating hernia and relieving pain, and is often used for hernia pain.
· Scorched Chuanlianzi is good at eliminating accumulation and dissolving lumps, and is often used for food accumulation and stomach fullness.
Pain syndrome caused by liver depression and fire
This product is bitter and cold, and it can descend and drain, and conduct heat downward. It mainly enters the liver meridian to clear liver fire, relieve stagnant heat, and play the effect of clearing the liver and relieving pain. Therefore, it can treat pain syndrome caused by liver depression and fire. Abdominal pain caused by worm accumulation
This product is bitter, cold and toxic, and can expel and kill intestinal parasites. It tastes bitter and can relieve qi and relieve pain. Therefore, it can treat abdominal pain caused by worm accumulation caused by roundworms, etc. It is often used with Quisqualis chinensis and Areca nut. Scabies Itch
This herb is bitter and cold in nature. Cold can clear away heat, and bitter can dry dampness. It has the function of killing insects, treating tinea and relieving itching when applied externally. This herb can be roasted and ground into powder, mixed with oil to make an ointment, and applied externally to treat tinea capitis and baldness.
Scabies: A disease caused by the perforating scabies burrowing into the skin (especially on the head and face of animals) and parasitizing.
What are the compound preparations containing Toosendan fruit?
The following are the compound preparations containing Toosendan fruit:
Shugan Pills
Soothes the liver and stomach, regulates qi and relieves pain. Used for liver depression and qi stagnation, chest and flank distension, stomach pain, noisy vomiting, and acid reflux.
Sunanshan Dutong Pills
Promotes qi and relieves pain. Used for stomachache, abdominal distension and pain, dysmenorrhea, small intestinal hernia pain, and flank pain caused by qi stagnation.
Fuyankang Pills
Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, soften and disperse nodules, clear away heat and detoxify, and relieve inflammation and pain. Used for chronic adnexitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, cystitis, chronic appendicitis, urinary tract infection.
Jinhong Tablets
Relieve liver depression, regulate qi and activate blood circulation, and relieve pain in the stomach. Used for chronic superficial gastritis with liver-stomach disharmony, with symptoms of epigastric distension and pain, attacking the ribs, acid swallowing and belching, white tongue coating, stringy pulse, etc.
Yin deficiency stomach pain granules
Nourishes yin and benefits the stomach, relieves pain. Used for dull burning pain in the stomach, dry mouth and tongue, poor appetite and dry retching caused by insufficient stomach yin; chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer with the above symptoms.
Sichuanlianzi is generally used in the form of Sichuanlianzi slices, which can be taken orally or applied externally.
How to use Sichuanlianzi correctly?
When taking Sichuanlianzi decoction orally, the usual dosage is 5~10g.
When applied externally, take an appropriate amount of Sichuanlianzi, grind it into powder and apply.
Through different processing methods, raw Chuanlianzi, fried Chuanlianzi, salt Chuanlianzi, and burnt Chuanlianzi can be produced. Different processing methods have different effects, but the method of use is the same. Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific medication.
Chuanlianzi is generally used in decoctions, decocted and taken, and can also be made into powder or pills. However, the use of Chinese medicinal materials must be treated according to syndrome differentiation and should be used under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners. It should not be used at will, and it is even more forbidden to listen to Chinese medicine prescriptions and advertisements at will. Common Chinese medicine compatibility is as follows:
· Chuanlianzi with Yanhusuo: Chuanlianzi is cold in nature and can regulate qi and relieve pain; Yanhusuo is warm in nature and can promote blood circulation and relieve pain. The two medicines are matched, and the ability to promote qi, promote blood circulation and relieve pain is strong, and they are good at treating blood stasis and qi stagnation.
How to prepare Chuanlianzi?
The processing methods of Chuanlianzi include raw Chuanlianzi, fried Chuanlianzi, salt Chuanlianzi, and scorched Chuanlianzi. The details are as follows:
· Raw Chuanlianzi: Take the original medicinal material, remove impurities, wash, moisten, cut into thick slices, dry, or crush when used.
. Fried Chuanlianzi: Take Chuanlianzi slices or pieces, put them in a pot, heat them with slow fire, and fry until the surface is dark yellow, then take them out and cool
Salt Chuanlianzi: Take Chuanlianzi slices or pieces, mix them with salt water, simmer them, put them in a pot with slow fire, and fry until dark yellow. Take them out and dry them. Each Chuanlianzi slice or piece 100kg, use 2kg salt.
Scorched Chuanlianzi: Take clean Chuanlianzi, smash it into small pieces, put it in a preheated stir-frying container, heat it over medium heat, stir-fry until the surface is burnt yellow or burnt brown, take it out, let it cool, and sift out the ash.
What drugs should be used with Chuanlianzi at the same time?
The combined use of Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicine requires syndrome differentiation and treatment, clinical individualized treatment. If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor before taking the medicine, and inform the doctor of all your diagnosed diseases and treatment plans you are receiving.
Medication Instructions
Chuanlianzi is bitter and cold, and has a small toxicity, so it should not be taken in excess. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should take it with caution.
What precautions should be taken when using Chuanlianzi?
· This product is bitter and cold and can damage the stomach. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should use it with caution.
Pregnant women should use it with caution. .
· Large, full, golden skin, and yellow-white flesh are preferred.
· It is not advisable to take too much or take it for a long time for oral administration, so as to avoid nausea, vomiting, and even death and other toxic side effects.
·The use of Chinese medicine requires syndrome differentiation and individualized clinical treatment. Therefore, please consult a professional doctor before taking the medicine and use it in a standardized manner under the guidance of the doctor.
How to identify and use Chuanlianzi?
There are often the following confusions when using Chuanlianzi
Raw Chuanlianzi, fried Chuanlianzi, salt Chuanlianzi and charred Chuanlianzi
· Different processing methods have different efficacy and use ranges.
· Raw Chuanlianzi is slightly toxic, good at killing insects and treating ringworms, and can also purge fire and relieve pain. It is often used to treat abdominal pain caused by insect accumulation and tinea capitis; Chuanlianzi can alleviate its bitter and cold nature, reduce toxicity, and reduce the disadvantages of slippery intestines after being fried; salt-processed Chuanlianzi can lead the medicine downward, and its effect is specific to the lower Jiao, and it is good at treating hernia and relieving pain, and is often used for hernia pain; charred Chuanlianzi is good at eliminating accumulation and dissolving lumps, and is often used for food accumulation and stomach fullness.
Toosendan and Melia azedarach
Tosendan and Melia azedarach are two different Chinese medicinal materials. Toosendan is the dried mature fruit of the plant Melia toosendan Sieb.et Zucc. of the family Meliaceae; Melia azedarach is the dried mature fruit of the plant Melia azedarachL. of the family Meliaceae. The two have similar properties, flavors, meridians, effects, usage and dosage.
·Tosendan and Melia azedarach are bitter and cold in nature; slightly toxic; and enter the liver meridian. Both have It has the effects of promoting qi flow, relieving pain, and killing insects; it can be taken orally orally. · The two have different properties: Chuanlianzi is spherical, with a golden to brownish yellow surface, slightly shiny, a few sunken or wrinkled, with dark brown spots. There are traces of style at the top, sunken at the base, and traces of fruit stalks. The fruit core is spherical or oval, hard, truncated at both ends, with 6 to 8 longitudinal ridges, divided into 6 to 8 chambers, each containing 1 seed. Melia azedarach is round to nearly spherical, with a brownish yellow to grayish brown outer surface, slightly shiny and wrinkled. The remnants of the style are occasionally seen at the tip and the fruit stalk at the base. The fruit core is oval, hard, with 4 to 5 longitudinal ridges, divided into 4 to 5 chambers, each containing 1 seed.


1 kg, 10 kg, 100 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg


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